コード例 #1
ファイル: Exec_CrdAction.cpp プロジェクト: SAMAN-64/cpptraj
Exec::RetType Exec_CrdAction::DoCrdAction(CpptrajState& State, ArgList& actionargs,
                                          DataSet_Coords* CRD, Action* act,
                                          TrajFrameCounter const& frameCount) const
  Timer total_time;
# ifdef MPI
  ActionInit state(State.DSL(), State.DFL(), trajComm_);
# else
  ActionInit state(State.DSL(), State.DFL());
# endif
  if ( act->Init( actionargs, state, State.Debug() ) != Action::OK )
    return CpptrajState::ERR;
  // Set up frame and parm for COORDS.
  ActionSetup originalSetup( CRD->TopPtr(), CRD->CoordsInfo(), CRD->Size() );
  Frame originalFrame = CRD->AllocateFrame();
  ActionFrame frm( &originalFrame, 0 );
  // Set up for this topology 
  Action::RetType setup_ret = act->Setup( originalSetup );
  if ( setup_ret == Action::ERR || setup_ret == Action::SKIP )
    return CpptrajState::ERR;
  // Loop over all frames in COORDS.
  ProgressBar progress( frameCount.TotalReadFrames() );
  int set = 0;
  for (int frame = frameCount.Start(); frame < frameCount.Stop();
           frame += frameCount.Offset(), ++set)
    progress.Update( set );
    CRD->GetFrame( frame, originalFrame );
    frm.SetTrajoutNum( set );
    Action::RetType ret = act->DoAction( set, frm );
    if (ret == Action::ERR) {
      mprinterr("Error: crdaction: Frame %i, set %i\n", frame + 1, set + 1);
    // Check if frame was modified. If so, update COORDS.
    if ( ret == Action::MODIFY_COORDS )
      CRD->SetCRD( frame, frm.Frm() );
# ifdef MPI
# endif
  // Check if parm was modified. If so, update COORDS.
  if ( setup_ret == Action::MODIFY_TOPOLOGY ) {
    mprintf("Info: crdaction: Parm for %s was modified by action %s\n",
            CRD->legend(), actionargs.Command());
    CRD->CoordsSetup( originalSetup.Top(), originalSetup.CoordInfo() );
  mprintf("TIME: Total action execution time: %.4f seconds.\n", total_time.Total());
  return CpptrajState::OK;
コード例 #2
ファイル: AnalysisList.cpp プロジェクト: jcr13/cpptraj
/** Add specified analysis to the analysis list with given args and 
  * DataSetList.
int AnalysisList::AddAnalysis(DispatchObject::DispatchAllocatorType Alloc, ArgList& argIn,
                              DataSetList* DSLin, DataFileList* DFLin)
  Analysis* ana = (Analysis*)Alloc();
  // Attempt to set up analysis
  if (ana->Setup( argIn, DSLin, DFLin, debug_) != Analysis::OK) {
    mprinterr("Error: Could not setup analysis [%s]\n", argIn.Command());
    delete ana;
    return 1;
  analysisList_.push_back( ana );
  analysisCmd_.push_back( argIn.ArgLine() );
  analysisStatus_.push_back( SETUP );
  if (argIn.CheckForMoreArgs()) return 1;
  return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: AnalysisList.cpp プロジェクト: rmcgibbo/cpptraj
/** Add specified analysis to the analysis list with given args and 
  * DataSetList.
int AnalysisList::AddAnalysis(Analysis* anaIn, ArgList& argIn, AnalysisSetup& setup)
  if (anaIn == 0) {
    mprinterr("Internal Error: AddAnalysis() called with null Analysis.\n");
    return 1;
  AnaHolder ana;
  ana.ptr_ = anaIn; 
  ana.args_ = argIn;
  // Attempt to set up analysis
  if (ana.ptr_->Setup( argIn, setup, debug_) != Analysis::OK) {
    mprinterr("Error: Could not setup analysis [%s]\n", argIn.Command());
    delete ana.ptr_;
    return 1;
  ana.status_ = SETUP;
  analysisList_.push_back( ana );
  if (argIn.CheckForMoreArgs()) return 1;
  return 0;
コード例 #4
ファイル: ActionList.cpp プロジェクト: jonathandgough/cpptraj
// ActionList::AddAction()
int ActionList::AddAction(DispatchObject::DispatchAllocatorType Alloc, ArgList& argIn,
                          TopologyList* PFL, DataSetList* DSL, DataFileList* DFL)
  int err = 0;
  if (actionsAreSilent_) SetWorldSilent( true );
  Action* act = (Action*)Alloc();
  // Attempt to initialize action
  if ( act->Init( argIn, PFL, DSL, DFL, debug_ ) != Action::OK ) {
    mprinterr("Error: Could not initialize action [%s]\n", argIn.Command());
    delete act;
    err = 1;
  } else {
    actionlist_.push_back( act );
    actioncmd_.push_back( argIn.ArgLine() );
    actionAlloc_.push_back( Alloc );
    actionstatus_.push_back( INIT );
    if (argIn.CheckForMoreArgs()) err = 1;
  if (actionsAreSilent_) SetWorldSilent( false );
  return err;
コード例 #5
ファイル: DataFileList.cpp プロジェクト: SAMAN-64/cpptraj
/** Process command relating to data files. */
int DataFileList::ProcessDataFileArgs(ArgList& dataArg) {
  // Next string is DataFile name that command will be passed to.
  std::string df_cmd = dataArg.GetStringNext();
  if (df_cmd.empty()) {
    mprintf("Warning: datafile: No filename given.\n");
    return 0;
  // Check for deprecated commands
  if (df_cmd == "create" || df_cmd == "precision") 
    mprintf("Warning: 'datafile %s' is deprecated; use %s instead.\n", 
            df_cmd.c_str(), df_cmd.c_str());
  //mprintf("  [%s]\n",(*dataArg).ArgLine());
  DataFile* df = GetDataFile( df_cmd.c_str() );
  if (df == 0) {
    mprinterr("Error: datafile: File %s not found.\n", df_cmd.c_str());
    return 1;
  // Process command
  int err = df->ProcessArgs( dataArg );
  if (err != 0 || dataArg.CheckForMoreArgs()) return 1;
  return 0;
コード例 #6
ファイル: Exec_CrdAction.cpp プロジェクト: drroe/cpptraj
Exec::RetType Exec_CrdAction::DoCrdAction(CpptrajState& State, ArgList& actionargs,
                                          DataSet_Coords* CRD, Action* act,
                                          TrajFrameCounter const& frameCount) const
  Timer total_time;
# ifdef MPI
  ActionInit state(State.DSL(), State.DFL(), trajComm_);
# else
  ActionInit state(State.DSL(), State.DFL());
# endif
  if ( act->Init( actionargs, state, State.Debug() ) != Action::OK )
    return CpptrajState::ERR;
  // Set up frame and parm for COORDS.
  ActionSetup originalSetup( CRD->TopPtr(), CRD->CoordsInfo(), CRD->Size() );
  Frame originalFrame = CRD->AllocateFrame();
  // Set up for this topology 
  Action::RetType setup_ret = act->Setup( originalSetup );
  if ( setup_ret == Action::ERR || setup_ret == Action::SKIP )
    return CpptrajState::ERR;
  // If the topology was modified, we will need a new COORDS set.
  DataSet_Coords* crdOut = 0;
  if ( setup_ret == Action::MODIFY_TOPOLOGY ) {
    // This will not work for a TRJ set.
    switch ( CRD->Type() ) {
      case DataSet::TRAJ      : mprinterr("Error: Cannot modify TRAJ data sets.\n"); break;
      case DataSet::COORDS    : crdOut = (DataSet_Coords*)new DataSet_Coords_CRD(); break;
      case DataSet::REF_FRAME : crdOut = (DataSet_Coords*)new DataSet_Coords_REF(); break;
      default: crdOut = 0; // SANITY
    if (crdOut == 0) return CpptrajState::ERR;
    mprintf("Info: crdaction: COORDS set '%s' will be modified by action '%s'\n",
            CRD->legend(), actionargs.Command());
    if (frameCount.TotalReadFrames() != (int)CRD->Size())
      mprintf("Info: crdaction: Previous size= %zu, new size is %i\n",
              CRD->Size(), frameCount.TotalReadFrames());
    // Set up set, copy original metadata
    crdOut->SetMeta( CRD->Meta() );
    if (crdOut->CoordsSetup( originalSetup.Top(), originalSetup.CoordInfo() ))
      return CpptrajState::ERR;
    DataSet::SizeArray mfArray(1, frameCount.TotalReadFrames());
    if (crdOut->Allocate( mfArray )) return CpptrajState::ERR;
  // Loop over all frames in COORDS.
  ProgressBar* progress = 0;
  if (State.ShowProgress())
    progress = new ProgressBar( frameCount.TotalReadFrames() );
  int set = 0;
  for (int frame = frameCount.Start(); frame < frameCount.Stop();
           frame += frameCount.Offset(), ++set)
    // Since Frame can be modified by actions, save original and use currentFrame
    ActionFrame frm( &originalFrame, set );
    if (progress != 0) progress->Update( set );
    CRD->GetFrame( frame, originalFrame );
    Action::RetType ret = act->DoAction( set, frm );
    if (ret == Action::ERR) {
      mprinterr("Error: crdaction: Frame %i, set %i\n", frame + 1, set + 1);
    // Check if frame was modified. If so, update COORDS.
    if ( ret == Action::MODIFY_COORDS ) {
      if (crdOut != 0)
        crdOut->AddFrame( frm.Frm() );
        CRD->SetCRD( frame, frm.Frm() );
  if (progress != 0) delete progress;
# ifdef MPI
# endif
  // If topology was modified, replace old set with new.
  if ( setup_ret == Action::MODIFY_TOPOLOGY ) {
    mprintf("Info: crdaction: Topology for '%s' was modified by action '%s'\n",
            CRD->legend(), actionargs.Command());
    State.DSL().RemoveSet( CRD );
    State.DSL().AddSet( crdOut );
  mprintf("TIME: Total action execution time: %.4f seconds.\n", total_time.Total());
  return CpptrajState::OK;