コード例 #1
ファイル: Action_Pairwise.cpp プロジェクト: rmcgibbo/cpptraj
/** Print atoms for which the cumulative energy satisfies the given
  * cutoffs. Also create MOL2 files containing those atoms.
int Action_Pairwise::PrintCutAtoms(Frame const& frame, int frameNum, EoutType ctype,
                                   Darray const& Earray, double cutIn)
  AtomMask CutMask;  // Hold atoms that satisfy the cutoff
  Darray CutCharges; // Hold evdw/eelec corresponding to CutMask atoms.

  if (Eout_ != 0) {
    if (nb_calcType_==COMPARE_REF)
      Eout_->Printf("\tPAIRWISE: Cumulative d%s:", CalcString[ctype]);
      Eout_->Printf("\tPAIRWISE: Cumulative %s:", CalcString[ctype]);
    Eout_->Printf(" %s < %.4f, %s > %.4f\n", CalcString[ctype], -cutIn,
                 CalcString[ctype], cutIn);
  for (AtomMask::const_iterator atom = Mask0_.begin(); atom != Mask0_.end(); ++atom)
    if (fabs(Earray[*atom]) > cutIn)
      if (Eout_ != 0) 
        Eout_->Printf("\t\t%6i@%s: %12.4f\n", *atom+1,
                    (*CurrentParm_)[*atom].c_str(), Earray[*atom]);
  // Write mol2 with atoms satisfying cutoff
  if (!mol2Prefix_.empty() && !CutMask.None()) {
    if (WriteCutFrame(frameNum, *CurrentParm_, CutMask, CutCharges, 
                      frame, mol2Prefix_ + CutName[ctype])) 
      return 1;

  return 0;
コード例 #2
Action::RetType Action_AtomicCorr::Setup(ActionSetup& setup) {
  if (setup.Top().SetupIntegerMask( mask_ )) return Action::ERR;
  if (mask_.None()) return Action::SKIP;
  if (acorr_mode_ == ATOM) {
    // Setup output array; labels and index
    for (AtomMask::const_iterator atom = mask_.begin(); atom != mask_.end(); ++atom)
      atom_vectors_.push_back( AtomVector(integerToString( *atom + 1 ), *atom) );
  } else {
    std::map<int,AtomMask> rmaskmap;
    // Find which residues selected atoms belong to.
    for (AtomMask::const_iterator atom = mask_.begin(); atom != mask_.end(); ++atom) 
      int current_res = setup.Top()[*atom].ResNum();
      std::map<int,AtomMask>::iterator rmask = rmaskmap.find( current_res );
      if ( rmask == rmaskmap.end() ) {
        // Residue not yet in map.
        AtomMask newmask;
        newmask.AddAtom( *atom );
        rmaskmap.insert( std::pair<int,AtomMask>( current_res, newmask ) );
      } else {
        // Residue is already in map. Add this atom.
        rmask->second.AddAtom( *atom );
    // Place selected residues in mask vector and setup output array; labels and index.
    for (std::map<int,AtomMask>::const_iterator rmask = rmaskmap.begin();
                                                rmask != rmaskmap.end(); ++rmask)
      if (debug_ > 0)
        mprintf("DBG:\tRes mask for %i has %i atoms\n", rmask->first, rmask->second.Nselected());
      resmasks_.push_back( rmask->second );
      atom_vectors_.push_back( AtomVector( setup.Top().TruncResNameNum( rmask->first ),
                                           rmask->first ) );
    mprintf("\tSelected %zu residues.\n", resmasks_.size());
  return Action::OK;