コード例 #1
void WaveOutPulseAudio::getAudioDevices(AudioDevices &pAList)
    // This is where we'll store the input device list
    PulseAudioDeviceDescriptor tInputDevicesList[MAX_PULSEAUDIO_DEVICES_IN_LIST];

    // This is where we'll store the output device list
    PulseAudioDeviceDescriptor tOutputDevicesList[MAX_PULSEAUDIO_DEVICES_IN_LIST];

    if (MediaSourcePulseAudio::GetPulseAudioDevices(tInputDevicesList, tOutputDevicesList) < 0)
        LOG(LOG_ERROR, "Couldn't determine the available PulseAudio devices");

    static bool tFirstCall = true;
    AudioDeviceDescriptor tDevice;

        tFirstCall = true;

    if (tFirstCall)
        LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "Enumerating hardware..");
        LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "PulseAudio version \"%s\"(%d.%d.%d)", pa_get_library_version(), PA_MAJOR, PA_MINOR, PA_MICRO);

    tDevice.Name = "auto";
    tDevice.Card = "";
    tDevice.Desc = "automatic device selection";
    tDevice.IoType = "Output";


    for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PULSEAUDIO_DEVICES_IN_LIST; i++)
        if (!tOutputDevicesList[i].Initialized)

        tDevice.Name = string(tOutputDevicesList[i].Description);
        tDevice.Card = string(tOutputDevicesList[i].Name);
        tDevice.Desc = "PulseAudio based audio device";
        tDevice.IoType = "Output";

        if (tFirstCall)
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "Output device %d..", i);
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..name: \"%s\"", tDevice.Name.c_str());
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..card: \"%s\"", tDevice.Card.c_str());
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..description: \"%s\"", tDevice.Desc.c_str());

    tFirstCall = false;
コード例 #2
void MediaSourceFile::getAudioDevices(AudioDevices &pAList)
    AudioDeviceDescriptor tDevice;

    tDevice.Name = mDesiredDevice;
    tDevice.Card = mDesiredDevice;
    tDevice.Desc = "file source: \"" + mDesiredDevice + "\"";
    tDevice.IoType = "Input/Output";

コード例 #3
void MediaSourceOss::getAudioDevices(AudioDevices &pAList)
    static bool tFirstCall = true;
    AudioDeviceDescriptor tDevice;
    string tDeviceFile;
    FILE *tFile;

        tFirstCall = true;

    if (tFirstCall)
        LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "Enumerating hardware..");

    for (int tDeviceId = -1; tDeviceId < 10; tDeviceId++)
        tDeviceFile = "/dev/dsp";
        if (tDeviceId != -1)
            tDeviceFile += char(tDeviceId + 48);

        if (((tFile = fopen(tDeviceFile.c_str(), "r")) != NULL) && (fclose(tFile) != EOF))
            tDevice.Name = "OSS device ";
            if (tDeviceId != -1)
                tDevice.Name += char(tDeviceId + 48);
            tDevice.Card = tDeviceFile;
            tDevice.Desc = "oss based audio device";
            tDevice.IoType = "Input/Output";

            if (tFirstCall)
                LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "Found OSS audio device: %s", tDevice.Name.c_str());

            // add this device to the result list
    tFirstCall = false;
コード例 #4
void MediaSourcePortAudio::getAudioDevices(AudioDevices &pAList)
    static bool tFirstCall = true;
    AudioDeviceDescriptor tDevice;
    PaStreamParameters  inputParameters, outputParameters;

        tFirstCall = true;

    int tDevCount = Pa_GetDeviceCount();
    if (tFirstCall)
        LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "Enumerating hardware..");
        LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "PortAudio version \"%s\"(%d)", Pa_GetVersionText(), Pa_GetVersion());
        LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "Detected %d audio devices", tDevCount);

    for (int i = 0; i < tDevCount; i++)
        const PaDeviceInfo *tDeviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(i);
        tDevice.Name = string(tDeviceInfo->name);
        tDevice.Card = char(i + 48);
            tDevice.IoType = "Input";
            tDevice.IoType = "Output";
        if((tDeviceInfo->maxInputChannels) && (tDeviceInfo->maxOutputChannels))
            tDevice.IoType = "Input/Outputs";
        tDevice.Desc = string(Pa_GetHostApiInfo( tDeviceInfo->hostApi)->name) + " based audio device";

        // if device is able to capture samples with 44.1 kHz add this device to the result list
        if ((tDevice.IoType.find("Input") != string::npos)  && (tDeviceInfo->defaultSampleRate == 44100.0))
            tDevice.Type = Microphone;

        if (tFirstCall)
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "Device %d.. %s", i, (tDeviceInfo->defaultSampleRate == 44100.0) ? " " : "[unsupported, sample rate must be 44.1 kHz]");

            // mark global and API specific default devices
            if (i == Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice())
                LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..is DEFAULT INPUT device");
            } else
                if (i == Pa_GetHostApiInfo(tDeviceInfo->hostApi)->defaultInputDevice)
                    const PaHostApiInfo *tHostApiInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(tDeviceInfo->hostApi);
                    LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..default %s input", tHostApiInfo->name );

            if (i == Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice())
                LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..is DEFAULT OUTPUT device");
            } else
                if (i == Pa_GetHostApiInfo(tDeviceInfo->hostApi)->defaultOutputDevice)
                    const PaHostApiInfo *tHostApiInfo = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(tDeviceInfo->hostApi);
                    LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..default %s output", tHostApiInfo->name );

            // print device info fields
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..name: \"%s\"", tDeviceInfo->name);
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..host API: \"%s\"", Pa_GetHostApiInfo( tDeviceInfo->hostApi)->name);
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..max. inputs channels: %d", tDeviceInfo->maxInputChannels);
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..max. outputs channels: %d", tDeviceInfo->maxOutputChannels);
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..default low input latency  : %8.4f seconds", tDeviceInfo->defaultLowInputLatency);
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..default low output latency : %8.4f seconds", tDeviceInfo->defaultLowOutputLatency);
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..default high input latency : %8.4f seconds", tDeviceInfo->defaultHighInputLatency);
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..default high output latency: %8.4f seconds", tDeviceInfo->defaultHighOutputLatency);
            LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "..default sample rate: %8.0f Hz", tDeviceInfo->defaultSampleRate);

    tFirstCall = false;
コード例 #5
void MediaSourceMMSys::getAudioDevices(AudioDevices &pAList)
    static bool tFirstCall = true;
    AudioDeviceDescriptor tDevice;
    UINT tCapsSize = sizeof(tCaps);

        tFirstCall = true;

    if (tFirstCall)
        LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "Enumerating hardware..");

    MMRESULT tRes;
    for (UINT i = 0; i < 20; i++)
    	if (waveInGetDevCaps(i, (LPWAVEINCAPS)&tCaps, tCapsSize) == MMSYSERR_NOERROR)
            tDevice.Name = string(tCaps.szPname);
            tDevice.Card = (char)i + 48;
            tDevice.Desc = "Windows multimedia system (MMSYS) audio device " + tDevice.Card + " \"" + string(tCaps.szPname) + "\"";

            if (tFirstCall)
                LOG(LOG_INFO, "Found active MMSystem device %d", i);
                LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..manufacturer identifier: %d", (int)tCaps.wMid);
                LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..product identifier: %d", (int)tCaps.wPid);
                LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..driver version: 0x%04X", (int)tCaps.vDriverVersion);
                LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..product name: %s", (int)tCaps.szPname);
                LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..channels: %d", (int)tCaps.wChannels);

                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_1M08)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 11.025 kHz, mono, 8-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_1M16)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 11.025 kHz, mono, 16-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_1S08)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 11.025 kHz, stereo, 8-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_1S16)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 11.025 kHz, stereo, 16-bit");

                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_2M08)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 22.05 kHz, mono, 8-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_2M16)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 22.05 kHz, mono, 16-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_2S08)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 22.05 kHz, stereo, 8-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_2S16)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 22.05 kHz, stereo, 16-bit");

                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_4M08)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 44.1 kHz, mono, 8-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_4M16)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 44.1 kHz, mono, 16-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_4S08)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 44.1 kHz, stereo, 8-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_4S16)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 44.1 kHz, stereo, 16-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_48M08)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 48 kHz, mono, 8-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_48M16)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 48 kHz, mono, 16-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_48S08)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 48 kHz, stereo, 8-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_48S16)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 48 kHz, stereo, 16-bit");

                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_96M08)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 96 kHz, mono, 8-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_96M16)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 96 kHz, mono, 16-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_96S08)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 96 kHz, stereo, 8-bit");
                if (tCaps.dwFormats & WAVE_FORMAT_96S16)
                    LOG(LOG_INFO, "  ..supporting 96 kHz, stereo, 16-bit");

                LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "Found audio capture device: %s (card: %s)", tDevice.Name.c_str(), tDevice.Card.c_str());

    tFirstCall = false;