bool WinHttpStream::enumHeaders( IEnumHeaders &enumHdr ) { setState(stReadResponse); AutoArray<char> buffer; buffer.resize(1000); DWORD size = (DWORD)buffer.length(); while (!HttpQueryInfoA(hHTTPConn,HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS,,&size,0)) { DWORD res = GetLastError(); if (res == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { buffer.resize(size); } else { throw ErrNoWithDescException(THISLOCATION,GetLastError(), "Cannot retrieve headers from the request"); } } buffer.resize(size); AutoArray<char>::SplitIterator iter=buffer.split((char)0); TextParser<char> parser; while (iter.hasItems()) { ConstStrA line = iter.getNext(); if (parser("%1 : %2",line)) { ConstStrA field = parser[1].str(); ConstStrA value = parser[2].str(); if(enumHdr(field, value)) return true; } } return false; }
static void couchLoadData(PrintTextA &print) { CouchDB db(getTestCouch()); db.use(DATABASENAME); AutoArray<Document, SmallAlloc<50> > savedDocs; Changeset chset(db.createChangeset()); natural id=10000; JSON::Value data = db.json.factory->fromString(strdata); for (JSON::Iterator iter = data->getFwIter(); iter.hasItems();) { const JSON::KeyValue &kv= iter.getNext(); Document doc; doc.edit(db.json) ("name",kv[0]) ("age",kv[1]) ("height",kv[2]) ("_id",ToString<natural>(id,16)); id+=14823; savedDocs.add(doc); chset.update(doc); } chset.commit(false); Set<StringA> uuidmap; for (natural i = 0; i < savedDocs.length(); i++) { StringA uuid = savedDocs[i]["_id"]->getStringUtf8(); // print("%1\n") << uuid; uuidmap.insert(uuid); } print("%1") << uuidmap.size(); }
integer ServiceApp::postMessage(ConstStrA command, const Args & args, SeqFileOutput output) { if (instance->imOwner()) return onMessage(command,args,output); AutoArrayStream<char, StaticAlloc<65536> > buffer; if (args.length() > 127) return onCommandLineError(args); buffer.write((char)(args.length())); buffer.copy(command.getFwIter()); buffer.write(0); for(natural i = 0, cnt = args.length();i < cnt;i++){ buffer.copy(WideToUtf8Reader<ConstStrW::Iterator>(args[i].getFwIter())); buffer.write(0); } AutoArray<byte,SmallAlloc<4096> > replybuff; replybuff.resize(instance->getReplyMaxSize()); natural sz = instance->request(, buffer.length(),, replybuff.length(), timeout); if (sz < sizeof(integer)) throw ErrorMessageException(THISLOCATION,String("Invalid reply")); else { integer res = *reinterpret_cast<integer *>(; ConstStrA msg(reinterpret_cast<char *>(,sz - sizeof(integer)); output.copy(msg.getFwIter()); return res; } }
void LinuxNetworkEventListener::workerProc() { while (!Thread::canFinish()) { try { PollBase::Result res; PollBase::WaitStatus wt = fdSelect.wait(nil, res); if (wt == PollBase::waitWakeUp) { while (pumpMessage()); } else { AutoArray<std::pair<ISleepingObject *, natural>,SmallAlloc<32> > tocall; SysTime tm = SysTime::now(); FdData *listeners = reinterpret_cast<FdData *>(res.userData); for (ListenerMap::Iterator iter = listeners->listeners.getFwIter(); iter.hasItems();) { const FdListener &l = iter.peek(); if (res.flags & l.waitMask) { tocall.add(std::make_pair(l.notify,res.flags & l.waitMask)); listeners->listeners.erase(iter); // l.notify->wakeUp(con.waitMask & l.waitMask); } else if (l.waitTimeout.expired(tm)) { tocall.add(std::make_pair(l.notify,0)); listeners->listeners.erase(iter); // l.notify->wakeUp(0); } else { iter.skip(); } } updateFdData(listeners,res.fd); for (natural i = 0; i < tocall.length(); i++) { tocall[i].first->wakeUp(tocall[i].second); } } } catch (const Exception &e) { AppBase::current().onThreadException(e); } catch (const std::exception &e) { AppBase::current().onThreadException(StdException(THISLOCATION,e)); } catch (...) { AppBase::current().onThreadException(UnknownException(THISLOCATION)); } } fdSelect.cancelAll(CleanUpProc(this)); /* fdSelect.dropAll(); while (fdSelect.hasItems()) { const LinuxFdSelect::FdInfo &con = fdSelect.getNext(); FdData *listeners = reinterpret_cast<FdData *>(; if (listeners) delete listeners; fdSelect.unset(con.fd); } */ }
StringA WinHttpStream::getReplyHeaders() { setState(stReadResponse); AutoArray<char> buffer; buffer.resize(1000); DWORD size = (DWORD)buffer.length(); while (!HttpQueryInfoA(hHTTPConn,HTTP_QUERY_RAW_HEADERS_CRLF,,&size,0)) { DWORD res = GetLastError(); if (res == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { buffer.resize(size); } else { throw ErrNoWithDescException(THISLOCATION,GetLastError(), "Cannot retrieve headers from the request"); } } buffer.resize(size); return buffer; }
bool ServiceApp::processRequest(const void *request) { const char *p = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(request); natural count = *p++; ConstStrA command(p); p += command.length() + 1; AutoArray<String,StaticAlloc<256> > params; AutoArray<ConstStrW,StaticAlloc<256> > wparams; for(natural i = 0;i < count;i++){ ConstStrA param(p); p += param.length() + 1; params.add(String(param)); wparams.add(ConstStrW(params[i])); } AutoArray<byte> output; output.resize(instance->getReplyMaxSize()); SeqOutputBuffer fakeout( + sizeof (integer), output.length() - sizeof (integer)); fakeout.setStaticObj(); integer res = -1; bool stop = false; SeqFileOutput out(&fakeout); try { res = onMessage(command, wparams, out); stop = command == ConstStrA(stopCmd); } catch(std::exception & e){ TextOut<SeqFileOutput> msg(out); msg("%1") << e.what(); res = -1; } try { *reinterpret_cast<integer*>( = res; instance->sendReply(, fakeout.length() + sizeof (integer)); } catch(...){ } return !stop; }
HttpResponse& HttpClient::sendRequestInternal(ConstStrA url, Method method, SeqFileInput data, const HdrItem* headers, bool wo100) { //for HTTP/1.0 we need to buffer request (sad) if (useHTTP10) { //create buffer AutoArray<byte> buffer; if (data.hasItems()) { do { natural pos = buffer.length(); //reserve buffer buffer.resize(pos+4096); //read buffer natural sz = data.blockRead(,4096,true); //adjust buffer size buffer.resize(pos+sz); //continue until end } while (data.hasItems()); } //send request return sendRequest(url,method,buffer,headers); } else { //while reading from the stream, we need to ensure, that server is ready to accept our data //so in this case, we will use Expect: 100-continue precondition try { //create request for url HttpRequest &rq = createRequest(url,method); //we don't need to use 100-continue if connection was recently opened if (!connectionReused) wo100 = true; //set content length to infinity - this should switch to chunked rq.setContentLength(naturalNull); //load headers feedHeaders(rq, headers); //set Expect: 100-continue if (!wo100) rq.setHeader(fldExpect,"100-continue"); //close headers and start body, but we must wait for response now rq.beginBody(); //so create response (do not read headers) HttpResponse& resp = createResponse(false); //now wait some time to server's response. //because it could ignore our header, we must not wait for infinity time if (wo100 || nstream->wait(INetworkResource::waitForInput,10000) != INetworkResource::waitTimeout) { //data arrived in time - read headers resp.readHeaders(); //there can other response, so if we cannot continue, return response to the caller if (!resp.canContinue()) { //check status if (resp.getStatus() == 417) //we got precondition failed - no worries, we can repeat the request //at least we know, that connection is alive return sendRequestInternal(url,method,data,headers,true); else { //other status is send to the caller return resp; } } } //until now, request could be repeated anytime for network errors //- because keep-alive can be closed by the server anytime during request //now we should prevent repeating request when network error happened //because we starting reading the stream connectionReused = false; //create a buffer for data CArray<byte, 1024> buffer; //open request as stream SeqFileOutput dout(&rq); //use blockcopy to copy data to the request dout.blockCopy(data,buffer,naturalNull); //close the output rq.closeOutput(); //now wait for response. resp.waitAfterContinue(HttpResponse::readHeadersNow); //because we could skip waiting on 100-continue above, we need to receive it now //and any other such responses while (resp.canContinue()) { resp.waitAfterContinue(HttpResponse::readHeadersNow); } //return other response to the caller return resp; } catch (const NetworkException &e) { if (connectionReused) { closeConnection(); return sendRequest(url, method, data, headers); } else { throw; } } } }
void WinHttpStream::initRequest() { TextParser<wchar_t> parser; if (!parser(L"%1://%[*-_.a-zA-Z0-9:@]2%%[/](*)*3",url)) throw FileOpenError(THISLOCATION,ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND,url); String protocol = parser[1].str(); String hostident = parser[2].str(); String::SplitIterator hostidentsplit = hostident.split('@'); String ident; String domain; domain = hostidentsplit.getNext(); while (hostidentsplit.hasItems()) { ident = ident + domain + ConstStrW('@'); domain = hostidentsplit.getNext(); } String path = parser[3].str(); natural port; String username; String password; bool secure; if (parser( L"%1:%u2",domain)) { domain = parser[1].str(); port = parser[2]; secure = false; } else if (protocol == ConstStrW(L"http")) { port = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT; secure = false; } else if (protocol == ConstStrW(L"https")) { port = INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT; secure = true; } else throw FileOpenError(THISLOCATION,ERROR_NOT_FOUND,url); if (!ident.empty()) { if (parser(L"%1:%2@",ident)) { username = parser[1].str(); password = parser[2].str(); } else { throw FileMsgException(THISLOCATION,0,url,"Invalid identification field in the url"); } } DWORD accessType; switch (settings.proxyMode) { case pmManual: accessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY; case pmDirect: accessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT; case pmAuto: accessType = INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PRECONFIG; } TextFormatBuff<wchar_t> fmt; String proxyName; if (accessType == INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY) { fmt(L"%1:%2") << settings.proxyAddr << settings.proxyPort; proxyName = fmt.write(); } if (hInternet) InternetCloseHandle(hInternet); hInternet = InternetOpenW(settings.userAgent.cStr(),accessType,proxyName.cStr(),0,0); if (hInternet == 0) throw FileMsgException(THISLOCATION,GetLastError(),url,"Cannot initialize WinInet"); if (hConnect) InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); hConnect = InternetConnectW(hInternet,domain.cStr(),(INTERNET_PORT)port, username.empty()?0:username.cStr(), password.empty()?0:password.cStr(), INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP ,0,0); if (hConnect == 0) throw FileMsgException(THISLOCATION,GetLastError(),url,"Cannot connect remote site"); DWORD reqFlags = INTERNET_FLAG_NO_UI |INTERNET_FLAG_HYPERLINK ; if (redirDisabled) reqFlags|=INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTO_REDIRECT ; if (!settings.cookiesEnabled) reqFlags|=INTERNET_FLAG_NO_COOKIES; if (secure) reqFlags|=INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE; hHTTPConn = HttpOpenRequestW(hConnect,String(method).cStr(),path.cStr(), 0,0,0,reqFlags,0); if (hHTTPConn == 0) throw FileMsgException(THISLOCATION,GetLastError(),url,"Cannot connect remote site"); AutoArray<wchar_t> hdrall; for (HeaderMap::Iterator iter = hdrmap.getFwIter(); iter.hasItems();) { const HeaderMap::Entity &e = iter.getNext(); fmt(L"%1: %2\n") << e.key << e.value; hdrall.append(fmt.write()); } if (!hdrall.empty() && !HttpAddRequestHeadersW(hHTTPConn,,(DWORD)hdrall.length(),HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_REPLACE|HTTP_ADDREQ_FLAG_ADD)) throw FileMsgException(THISLOCATION,GetLastError(),url,"AddRequest failed"); if (!HttpSendRequestW(hHTTPConn,0,0,,(DWORD)postBuffer.length())) { bool stillError = true; DWORD dwError = GetLastError(); if (dwError == ERROR_INTERNET_INVALID_CA && settings.allowUntrustedCert) { DWORD dwFlags; DWORD dwBuffLen = sizeof(dwFlags); InternetQueryOption (hHTTPConn, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, (LPVOID)&dwFlags, &dwBuffLen); dwFlags |= SECURITY_FLAG_IGNORE_UNKNOWN_CA; InternetSetOption (hHTTPConn, INTERNET_OPTION_SECURITY_FLAGS, &dwFlags, sizeof (dwFlags) ); if (HttpSendRequestW(hHTTPConn,0,0,,(DWORD)postBuffer.length())) stillError = false; } if (stillError) throw FileMsgException(THISLOCATION,GetLastError(),url,"Failed to SendRequest"); } postBuffer.clear(); }