コード例 #1
TEST_F(ContextCreatorTest, ClearAndTeardown) {
  // Create a context and verify it gets evicted from the context creator:

  std::weak_ptr<CoreContext> ctxtWeak;

    AutoCreateContext mainContext;
    CurrentContextPusher pusher(mainContext);

    AutoRequired<Creator> creator;
    std::shared_ptr<CoreContext> ctxt;

    // Make a sub-context
    ctxt = creator->CreateContext(0).first;

    // Obtain a weak pointer, in order to ensure proper teardown:
    ctxtWeak = ctxt;

    //Call clear on the creator.

    //Make another one!
    ctxt = creator->CreateContext(1).first;
    //Let the creator go out of scope

  // Context must be destroyed as a precondition of the subsequent assertion
  ASSERT_TRUE(ctxtWeak.expired()) << "Expected the context to be destroyed";

  // Verify that our creator is now empty:
 // ASSERT_EQ(0UL, creator->GetSize()) << "Context creator is non-empty after all created contexts were destroyed";
コード例 #2
TEST_F(ContextCreatorTest, VoidKeyType) {
  AutoRequired<VoidCreator> vc;

    std::shared_ptr<CoreContext> ctxt = vc->CreateContext();
    ASSERT_EQ(1UL, vc->GetSize()) << "Requested that a context be created, but the void creator did not have any members";

    ASSERT_EQ(1UL, vc->GetSize()) << "A created context was apparently destroyed after firing bolts";
    ASSERT_EQ(0UL, vc->m_totalDestroyed) << "The void creator received a NotifyContextDestroyed call unexpectedly early";


    //Make another one to check about collisions
    std::shared_ptr<CoreContext> ctxt2 = vc->CreateContext();
    ASSERT_EQ(1UL, vc->GetSize()) << "Second void context creation failed!";

  ASSERT_EQ(0UL, vc->GetSize()) << "A void context creator was not correctly updated when its dependent context went out of scope";
  ASSERT_EQ(2UL, vc->m_totalDestroyed) << "The void creator did not receive the expected number of NotifyContextDestroyed calls";
コード例 #3
TEST_F(ContextCreatorTest, TeardownListenerTest) {
  // Create a context and verify teardown happens as expected
  AutoCreateContext mainContext;
  CurrentContextPusher pusher(mainContext);

  AutoRequired<ContextCreator<mySigil, int>> creator;
    auto subctxt = creator->CreateContext(0).first;
    auto brc = subctxt->Inject<Runnable>();
  ASSERT_TRUE(true) << "Really all this test has to do is not crash by this point.";
コード例 #4
TEST_F(ContextCreatorTest, ValidateSimpleEviction) {
  // Create a context and verify it gets evicted from the context creator:
  AutoRequired<Creator> creator;
  std::weak_ptr<CoreContext> ctxtWeak;

    std::shared_ptr<CoreContext> ctxt;

    // Make a context:
    ctxt = creator->CreateContext(1).first;

    // Obtain a weak pointer, in order to ensure proper teardown:
    ctxtWeak = ctxt;

  // Context must be destroyed as a precondition of the subsequent assertion
  ASSERT_TRUE(ctxtWeak.expired()) << "Expected the context to be destroyed";

  // Verify that our creator is now empty:
  ASSERT_EQ(0UL, creator->GetSize()) << "Context creator is non-empty after all created contexts were destroyed";