boost::optional<IdfObject> ForwardTranslator::translateAvailabilityManagerNightCycle( 
    AvailabilityManagerNightCycle & modelObject)
  IdfObject idfObject(IddObjectType::AvailabilityManager_NightCycle);

  boost::optional<AirLoopHVAC> airLoopHVAC;
  if( auto loop = modelObject.loop() ) {
    airLoopHVAC = loop->optionalCast<model::AirLoopHVAC>();

    auto schedule = modelObject.model().alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule();

  if( airLoopHVAC ) {
    // Fan schedules are set to match the availabilitySchedule in the translator

  if( auto s = ) {

    auto value = modelObject.controlType();

    auto value = modelObject.thermostatTolerance();

    auto value = modelObject.cyclingRunTime();

  if( auto tz = modelObject.controlThermalZone() ) {
  return idfObject;
boost::optional<IdfObject> ForwardTranslator::translateAvailabilityManagerNightCycle(
    AvailabilityManagerNightCycle & modelObject)
  IdfObject idfObject(IddObjectType::AvailabilityManager_NightCycle);

  boost::optional<AirLoopHVAC> airLoopHVAC;
  if( auto loop = modelObject.loop() ) {
    airLoopHVAC = loop->optionalCast<model::AirLoopHVAC>();

    auto schedule = modelObject.model().alwaysOnDiscreteSchedule();

  if( airLoopHVAC ) {
    // Fan schedules are set to match the availabilitySchedule in the translator

  // TODO: @kbenne, we don't even translate the AVM:NightCycle if it's not on an airloop anyways
  // Translation is triggered from the AirLoopHVAC itself

  if( auto s = ) {

    auto value = modelObject.thermostatTolerance();

  // Cycling Run Time and Cycling Run Time Control Type
    double runtime = modelObject.cyclingRunTime();
    idfObject.setDouble(AvailabilityManager_NightCycleFields::CyclingRunTime, runtime);
    std::string cycRTCType = modelObject.cyclingRunTimeControlType();

    if (istringEqual(cycRTCType, "Thermostat")) {
      LOG(Info, "With a Cycling Run Time Control Type set to '" << cycRTCType
          << "', the entered Cycling Run Time of '" << runtime << "' seconds will be ignored for "
          << modelObject.briefDescription());
    idfObject.setString(AvailabilityManager_NightCycleFields::CyclingRunTimeControlType, cycRTCType);

  // We'll use that later to default the control zone lists
  std::string controlType = modelObject.controlType();
  idfObject.setString(AvailabilityManager_NightCycleFields::ControlType, controlType);

  // Zone Lists
  std::vector<ThermalZone> controlThermalZones = modelObject.controlThermalZones();
  std::vector<ThermalZone> coolingControlThermalZones = modelObject.coolingControlThermalZones();
  std::vector<ThermalZone> heatingControlThermalZones = modelObject.heatingControlThermalZones();
  std::vector<ThermalZone> heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones = modelObject.heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones();

  // Size of Zone Lists for convenience
  auto n_controlThermalZones = controlThermalZones.size();
  auto n_coolingControlThermalZones = coolingControlThermalZones.size();
  auto n_heatingControlThermalZones = heatingControlThermalZones.size();
  auto n_heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones = heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones.size();

  // Boolean to decide whether defaulting a given ZoneList to all zones served by system is needed or not
  bool default_controlThermalZones = false;
  bool default_coolingControlThermalZones = false;
  bool default_heatingControlThermalZones = false;
  bool default_heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones = false;

  // Main logic to warn user and decide if defaulting is needed based on the Control Type entered
  if ( istringEqual(controlType, "StayOff") ||
       istringEqual(controlType, "CycleOnAny") ||
       istringEqual(controlType, "CycleOnAnyZoneFansOnly") ) {

    // All Control Zone Lists are ignored
    if ((  n_controlThermalZones
         + n_coolingControlThermalZones
         + n_heatingControlThermalZones
         + n_heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones) > 0 ) {
      LOG(Info, "All Control Zone Lists will be ignored for " << modelObject.briefDescription()
            << " due to the Control Type of '" << controlType << "'.");

  } else if ( istringEqual(controlType, "CycleOnControlZone") ) {

    // Only the controlThermalZones isn't ignored
    if ((  n_coolingControlThermalZones
         + n_heatingControlThermalZones
         + n_heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones) > 0 ) {
      LOG(Info, "All Control Zone Lists other than 'Control Zone List' will be ignored for " << modelObject.briefDescription()
            << " due to the Control Type of '" << controlType << "'.");

    // Check if need to default the controlThermalZones
    // Another option might have been to switch the control Type to CycleOnAny
    if (n_controlThermalZones == 0) {
      default_controlThermalZones = true;

  } else if ( istringEqual(controlType, "CycleOnAnyCoolingZone") ) {

    // Only the coolingControlThermalZones isn't ignored
    if ((  n_controlThermalZones
         + n_heatingControlThermalZones
         + n_heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones) > 0 ) {
      LOG(Info, "All Control Zone Lists  other than 'Cooling Control Zone List' will be ignored for " << modelObject.briefDescription()
            << " due to the Control Type of '" << controlType << "'.");

    // Check if need to default
    if (n_coolingControlThermalZones == 0) {
      default_coolingControlThermalZones = true;

  } else if ( istringEqual(controlType, "CycleOnAnyHeatingZone") ) {

    // Only the heatingControlThermalZones, and heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones aren't ignored
    if (( n_controlThermalZones
          + n_coolingControlThermalZones) > 0 ) {
      LOG(Info, "All Control Zone Lists  other than 'Heating Control Zone List' and optionally "
                "'Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List' will be ignored for " << modelObject.briefDescription()
                << " due to the Control Type of '" << controlType << "'.");

    // Check if need to default
    if (n_heatingControlThermalZones == 0) {
      default_heatingControlThermalZones = true;
    // TODO: @kbenne
    // here we should't default the heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones
    // I view that as an option to enable cycling on zone fans only or not,
    // while you only get central heating operation (not possible with CycleOnAny)

  } else if ( istringEqual(controlType, "CycleOnAnyHeatingZoneFansOnly") ) {

    // Only the heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones isn't ignored
    if ((  n_controlThermalZones
          + n_coolingControlThermalZones
          + n_heatingControlThermalZones) > 0 ) {
      LOG(Info, "All Control Zone Lists  other than 'Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List' will be ignored for "
                << modelObject.briefDescription()
                << " due to the Control Type of '" << controlType << "'.");

    // Check if need to default
    if (n_heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones == 0) {
      default_heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones = true;

  } else if ( istringEqual(controlType, "CycleOnAnyCoolingOrHeatingZone") ) {

    // Only the coolingControlThermalZones, coolingControlThermalZones, and optionally heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones aren't ignored
      if ( n_controlThermalZones > 0 ) {
      LOG(Info, "All Control Zone Lists  other than 'Heating Control Zone List', 'Cooling Control Zone List' and optionally "
                "'Heating Zone Fans Only Zone List' will be ignored for " << modelObject.briefDescription()
                << " due to the Control Type of '" << controlType << "'.");

    // Check if need to default
    if (n_heatingControlThermalZones == 0) {
      default_heatingControlThermalZones = true;
    if (n_coolingControlThermalZones == 0) {
      default_coolingControlThermalZones = true;
    // TODO: @kbenne
    // Here we should default the heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones
    // Because otherwise the user could have just chosen "CycleOnAny"
    if (n_heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones == 0) {
      default_heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones = true;

  } else {
    // should never get there, unless a new ControlType is added later...
    LOG_AND_THROW("Unknown Control Type of '" << controlType << "' for " << modelObject.briefDescription());
  } // End of Main logic to warn user and decide if defaulting is needed based on the Control Type entered

  // Whether a Zone List will actually be unused or not, we still translate it (perhaps the user is going to use the IDF later)

  // Control Thermal Zones
    // Create a ZoneList, and populate it
    IdfObject zoneList(IddObjectType::ZoneList);
    std::string zoneListName = + " Control Zones List";
    bool write_zonelist;

    if (default_controlThermalZones) {
      // Get all zones served by the AirLoop attached to it
      if( airLoopHVAC ) {
        for( const ThermalZone & tz : airLoopHVAC->thermalZones() ) {
          auto eg = zoneList.pushExtensibleGroup();
        LOG(Warn, "Defaulting the Control Zone List to all zones served by the AirLoopHVAC attached to "
               << modelObject.briefDescription());
        write_zonelist = true;
      } else {
        // Note: we never get here because the translation of the AVM:NightCyle isn't done if no AirLoopHVAC attached
        LOG(Error, "Control Zone List is expected for " << modelObject.briefDescription()
               << " but it cannot be defaulted because it isn't on an AirLoopHVAC");
        write_zonelist = false;
    } else {
      if (n_controlThermalZones > 0) {
        if (n_controlThermalZones == 1) {
          // If only one, just write the thermalZone name directly
          write_zonelist = false;
        } else {
          // More than one, we indeed create a zone list
          for (const ThermalZone& tz: controlThermalZones) {
            auto eg = zoneList.pushExtensibleGroup();
          write_zonelist = true;
      } else {
        // No zones = no zonelist
        write_zonelist = false;
    // Write ZoneList to the IDF and set the AVM ZoneList field to it only if something meaningful happened
    if (write_zonelist) {
      idfObject.setString(AvailabilityManager_NightCycleFields::ControlZoneorZoneListName, zoneListName);

  // Cooling Control Thermal Zones
    // Create a ZoneList, and populate it
    IdfObject zoneList(IddObjectType::ZoneList);
    std::string zoneListName = + " Cooling Control Zones List";
    bool write_zonelist;

    if (default_coolingControlThermalZones) {
      // Get all zones served by the AirLoop attached to it
      if( airLoopHVAC ) {
        for( const ThermalZone & tz : airLoopHVAC->thermalZones() ) {
          auto eg = zoneList.pushExtensibleGroup();
        LOG(Warn, "Defaulting the Cooling Control Zone List to all zones served by the AirLoopHVAC attached to "
               << modelObject.briefDescription());
        write_zonelist = true;
      } else {
        LOG(Error, "Cooling Control Zone List is expected for " << modelObject.briefDescription()
               << " but it cannot be defaulted because it isn't on an AirLoopHVAC");
        write_zonelist = false;
    } else {
      if (n_coolingControlThermalZones > 0) {
        if (n_coolingControlThermalZones == 1) {
          // If only one, just write the thermalZone name directly
          write_zonelist = false;
        } else {
          // More than one, we indeed create a zone list
          for (const ThermalZone& tz: coolingControlThermalZones) {
            auto eg = zoneList.pushExtensibleGroup();
          write_zonelist = true;
      } else {
        // No zones = no zonelist
        write_zonelist = false;
    // Write ZoneList to the IDF and set the AVM ZoneList field to it only if something meaningful happened
    if (write_zonelist) {
      idfObject.setString(AvailabilityManager_NightCycleFields::CoolingControlZoneorZoneListName, zoneListName);

  // Heating Control Thermal Zones
    // Create a ZoneList, and populate it
    IdfObject zoneList(IddObjectType::ZoneList);
    std::string zoneListName = + " Heating Control Zones List";
    bool write_zonelist;

    if (default_heatingControlThermalZones) {
      // Get all zones served by the AirLoop attached to it
      if( airLoopHVAC ) {
        for( const ThermalZone & tz : airLoopHVAC->thermalZones() ) {
          auto eg = zoneList.pushExtensibleGroup();
        LOG(Warn, "Defaulting the Heating Control Zone List to all zones served by the AirLoopHVAC attached to "
               << modelObject.briefDescription());
        write_zonelist = true;
      } else {
        LOG(Error, "Cooling Heating Zone List is expected for " << modelObject.briefDescription()
               << " but it cannot be defaulted because it isn't on an AirLoopHVAC");
        write_zonelist = false;
    } else {
      if (n_heatingControlThermalZones > 0) {
        if (n_heatingControlThermalZones == 1) {
          // If only one, just write the thermalZone name directly
          write_zonelist = false;
        } else {
          // More than one, we indeed create a zone list

          for (const ThermalZone& tz: heatingControlThermalZones) {
            auto eg = zoneList.pushExtensibleGroup();
          write_zonelist = true;
      } else {
        // No zones = no zonelist
        write_zonelist = false;
    // Write ZoneList to the IDF and set the AVM ZoneList field to it only if something meaningful happened
    if (write_zonelist) {
      idfObject.setString(AvailabilityManager_NightCycleFields::HeatingControlZoneorZoneListName, zoneListName);

  // Heating Zone Fans Only Thermal Zones
    // Create a ZoneList, and populate it
    IdfObject zoneList(IddObjectType::ZoneList);
    std::string zoneListName = + " Heating Zone Fans Only Zones List";
    bool write_zonelist;

    if (default_heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones) {
      // Get all zones served by the AirLoop attached to it
      if( airLoopHVAC ) {
        for( const ThermalZone & tz : airLoopHVAC->thermalZones() ) {
          auto eg = zoneList.pushExtensibleGroup();
        LOG(Warn, "Defaulting the Heating Zone Fans Only Zones List to all zones served by the AirLoopHVAC attached to "
               << modelObject.briefDescription());
        write_zonelist = true;
      } else {
        LOG(Error, "Heating Zone Fans Only Zones List is expected for " << modelObject.briefDescription()
               << " but it cannot be defaulted because it isn't on an AirLoopHVAC");
        write_zonelist = false;
    } else {
      if (n_heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones > 0) {
        if (n_heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones == 1) {
          // If only one, just write the thermalZone name directly
          write_zonelist = false;
        } else {
          // More than one, we indeed create a zone list
          for (const ThermalZone& tz: heatingZoneFansOnlyThermalZones) {
            auto eg = zoneList.pushExtensibleGroup();
          write_zonelist = true;
      } else {
        // No zones = no zonelist
        write_zonelist = false;
    // Write ZoneList to the IDF and set the AVM ZoneList field to it only if something meaningful happened
    if (write_zonelist) {
      idfObject.setString(AvailabilityManager_NightCycleFields::HeatingZoneFansOnlyZoneorZoneListName, zoneListName);

  return idfObject;