void bbwincmd(int argc, char *argv[]) { string bbdisparg; BBWinNet bbobj; if (strcmp(argv[1], "$") == 0) { cout << "will use environment variable BBDISPLAY" << endl; bbdisparg = getBBDisplaySetting(); } else { bbdisparg = argv[1]; } bbobj.SetBBDisplay(bbdisparg); cout << "bbdisplay defined to : " << bbobj.GetBBDisplay() << "\n"; cout << "port defined to : " << bbobj.GetPort() << "\n"; bbobj.SetDebug(true); string message = argv[2]; bool unkownMessage = false; for (int inc = 0; messTable[inc].callBack != NULL; ++inc) { int res = message.find(messTable[inc].argument); if (res >= 0 && (unsigned int)res <= message.size()) { unkownMessage = true; if (argc >= messTable[inc].minArg) { messTable[inc].callBack(argc, argv, bbobj); } else { cout << "\n"; cout << "Error : not enough arguments for : \"" << message << "\"" << "\n\n"; } break ; } } if (unkownMessage == false) { cout << "\n"; cout << "Error : unknown Xymon message type : \"" << message << "\"" << "\n\n"; } }
void BBWinAgentManager::Status(LPCTSTR testName, LPCTSTR color, LPCTSTR text, LPCTSTR lifeTime) { bbdisplay_t::iterator itr; BBWinNet hobNet; assert(testName != NULL); assert(color != NULL); assert(text != NULL); assert(lifeTime != NULL); Pager(testName, color, text, lifeTime); PrepareBBWinNetObj(hobNet); for ( itr = m_bbdisplay.begin(); itr != m_bbdisplay.end(); ++itr) { hobNet.SetBBDisplay((*itr)); try { hobNet.Status(testName, color, text, lifeTime); } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { if (m_logReportFailure) { string mes; mes = "Sending report to " + (*itr) + " failed."; LPCTSTR arg[] = {m_agentName.c_str(), mes.c_str(), NULL}; m_log->reportWarnEvent(BBWIN_AGENT, EVENT_MESSAGE_AGENT, 2, arg); } continue ; } } }
void BBWinAgentManager::Query(LPCTSTR testName, LPTSTR dest, DWORD size) { bbdisplay_t::iterator itr; BBWinNet hobNet; string result; assert(testName != NULL); assert(dest != NULL); itr = m_bbdisplay.begin(); hobNet.SetBBDisplay((*itr)); PrepareBBWinNetObj(hobNet); try { hobNet.Query(testName, result); } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { if (m_logReportFailure) { string mes; mes = "Sending config message to " + (*itr) + " failed."; LPCTSTR arg[] = {m_agentName.c_str(), mes.c_str(), NULL}; m_log->reportWarnEvent(BBWIN_AGENT, EVENT_MESSAGE_AGENT, 2, arg); } } try { if (dest != NULL && size != 0) strncpy(dest, result.c_str(), size); } catch (...) { // Failed to write } }
void Data(int argc, char *argv[], BBWinNet & bbobj) { cout << "Sending data ...\n"; bbobj.SetHostName(argv[3]); cout << "hostname defined to: " << argv[3] << "\n"; try { bbobj.Data(argv[4], argv[5]); } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { cout << "Error : " << ex.getMessage() << "\n"; } }
void Drop(int argc, char *argv[], BBWinNet & bbobj) { bbobj.SetHostName(argv[3]); cout << "hostname defined to: " << argv[3] << "\n"; cout << "Sending drop ...\n"; try { if (argc > 4) bbobj.Drop(argv[4]); else bbobj.Drop(); } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { cout << "Error : " << ex.getMessage() << "\n"; } }
void Query(int argc, char *argv[], BBWinNet & bbobj) { cout << "Sending query ...\n"; bbobj.SetHostName(argv[3]); cout << "hostname defined to: " << argv[3] << "\n"; try { string res; bbobj.Query(argv[4], res); cout << "\n" << res << "\n\n"; } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { cout << "Error : " << ex.getMessage() << "\n"; } }
void Status(int argc, char *argv[], BBWinNet & bbobj) { bbobj.SetHostName(argv[3]); cout << "hostname defined to: " << argv[3] << "\n"; cout << "Sending status ...\n"; try { if (argc > 7) bbobj.Status(argv[4], argv[5], argv[6], argv[7]); else bbobj.Status(argv[4], argv[5], argv[6]); } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { cout << "Error : " << ex.getMessage() << "\n"; } }
void Rename(int argc, char *argv[], BBWinNet & bbobj) { bbobj.SetHostName(argv[3]); cout << "hostname defined to: " << argv[3] << "\n"; try { if (argc > 5) { cout << "Sending test rename ...\n"; bbobj.Rename(argv[4], argv[5]); } else { cout << "Sending test rename ...\n"; bbobj.Rename(argv[4]); } } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { cout << "Error : " << ex.getMessage() << "\n"; } }
void UploadMessage(int argc, char *argv[], BBWinNet & bbobj) { cout << "Uploading message ...\n"; try { string res; ostringstream tosend; string line; ifstream myfile ( argv[3] ); if (myfile.is_open()) { while (! myfile.eof() ) { getline (myfile,line); tosend << line << endl; } myfile.close(); } else cout << "Unable to open file"; bbobj.Message(tosend.str(), res); cout << "Uploading message done !" ; cout << "\n" << res << "\n\n"; } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { cout << "Error : " << ex.getMessage() << "\n"; } }
void Message(int argc, char *argv[], BBWinNet & bbobj) { cout << "Sending message ...\n"; try { string res; bbobj.Message(argv[3], res); cout << "\n" << res << "\n\n"; } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { cout << "Error : " << ex.getMessage() << "\n"; } }
void BBWinAgentManager::Config(LPCTSTR fileName, LPCTSTR dest) { bbdisplay_t::iterator itr; BBWinNet hobNet; assert(fileName != NULL); assert(dest != NULL); itr = m_bbdisplay.begin(); hobNet.SetBBDisplay((*itr)); PrepareBBWinNetObj(hobNet); try { hobNet.Config(fileName, dest); } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { if (m_logReportFailure) { string mes; mes = "Sending config message to " + (*itr) + " failed."; LPCTSTR arg[] = {m_agentName.c_str(), mes.c_str(), NULL}; m_log->reportWarnEvent(BBWIN_AGENT, EVENT_MESSAGE_AGENT, 2, arg); } } }
void BBWinAgentManager::Drop() { bbdisplay_t::iterator itr; BBWinNet hobNet; PrepareBBWinNetObj(hobNet); for ( itr = m_bbdisplay.begin(); itr != m_bbdisplay.end(); ++itr) { hobNet.SetBBDisplay((*itr)); try { hobNet.Drop(); } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { if (m_logReportFailure) { string mes; mes = "Sending report to " + (*itr) + " failed."; LPCTSTR arg[] = {m_agentName.c_str(), mes.c_str(), NULL}; m_log->reportWarnEvent(BBWIN_AGENT, EVENT_MESSAGE_AGENT, 2, arg); } continue ; } } }
void BBWinAgentManager::Pager(LPCTSTR testName, LPCTSTR color, LPCTSTR text, LPCTSTR lifeTime) { bbpager_t::iterator itr; BBWinNet hobNet; assert(testName != NULL); assert(color != NULL); assert(text != NULL); assert(lifeTime != NULL); if (m_usepager == true && m_setting["pagerlevels"].length() > 0 && m_bbpager.size() > 0) { istringstream iss(m_setting["pagerlevels"]); bool matchColor = false; string word; while ( std::getline(iss, word, ' ') ) { if (word == color) { matchColor = true; } } if (matchColor) { PrepareBBWinNetObj(hobNet); for ( itr = m_bbpager.begin(); itr != m_bbpager.end(); ++itr) { hobNet.SetBBPager((*itr)); try { hobNet.Pager(testName, color, text, lifeTime); } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { if (m_logReportFailure) { string mes; mes = "Sending pager report to " + (*itr) + " failed."; LPCTSTR arg[] = {m_agentName.c_str(), mes.c_str(), NULL}; m_log->reportWarnEvent(BBWIN_AGENT, EVENT_MESSAGE_AGENT, 2, arg); } continue ; } } } } }
void Download(int argc, char *argv[], BBWinNet & bbobj) { cout << "Sending download ...\n"; try { string res; res = argv[3]; if (argc > 4) res = argv[4]; bbobj.Download(argv[3], res); cout << "\nDownloaded file has been stored to " << res << "\n\n"; } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { cout << "Error : " << ex.getMessage() << "\n"; } }
void BBWinAgentManager::Message(LPCTSTR message, LPTSTR dest, DWORD size) { bbdisplay_t::iterator itr; BBWinNet hobNet; string result; assert(message != NULL); assert(dest != NULL); if (m_usepager == true && m_bbpager.size() > 0) { // extract the information needed to send pager notification string tmp, type, testName, color, text, lifeTime; size_t pos = 0; tmp = message; istringstream iss(tmp); std::getline( iss, tmp); size_t res = tmp.find_first_of(" "); if (res > 0 && res < tmp.length()) { type = tmp.substr(0, res); res = type.find_first_of("status"); if (res >= 0 && res < tmp.length()) { size_t end; tmp = tmp.substr(type.length() + 1); pos += type.length() + 1; res = type.find_first_of("+"); if (res > 0 && res < type.length()) { lifeTime = type.substr(res + 1); } res = tmp.find_first_of("."); end = tmp.find_first_of(" "); testName = tmp.substr(res + 1, end - (res + 1)); tmp = tmp.substr(end + 1); pos += end + 1; end = tmp.find_first_of(" "); color = tmp.substr(0, end); if (tmp.length() > (end + 2)) { pos += end + 2; text = message; text = text.substr(pos); Pager(testName.c_str(), color.c_str(), text.c_str(), lifeTime.c_str()); } } } } for ( itr = m_bbdisplay.begin(); itr != m_bbdisplay.end(); ++itr) { hobNet.SetBBDisplay((*itr)); PrepareBBWinNetObj(hobNet); try { hobNet.Message(message, result); } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { if (m_logReportFailure) { string mes; mes = "Sending report to " + (*itr) + " failed."; LPCTSTR arg[] = {m_agentName.c_str(), mes.c_str(), NULL}; m_log->reportWarnEvent(BBWIN_AGENT, EVENT_MESSAGE_AGENT, 2, arg); } continue ; } } try { if (dest != NULL && size != 0) strncpy(dest, result.c_str(), size); } catch (...) { // Failed to write } }
void BBWinCentralHandler::run() { DWORD dwWait; std::list<BBWinHandler *>::iterator itr; clientLocalCfgPath = m_data.setting["tmppath"] + (string)"\\clientlocal.cfg"; for (;;) { std::ofstream report(reportPath.c_str(), std::ios_base::trunc | ios_base::binary); bool created = false; if (report) { report << "client " << m_data.setting["hostname"] << ".bbwin " << m_data.setting["configclass"] << "\n"; report.close(); created = true; GetClock(); string osversion; uname(osversion); bbwinClientData_callback("osversion", osversion); } else { string mess, err; mess = (string)"failed to create the report file " + reportPath; GetLastErrorString(err); LPCTSTR args[] = {mess.c_str(), err.c_str(), NULL}; m_log->reportErrorEvent(BBWIN_SERVICE, EVENT_HOBBIT_FAILED_CLIENTDATA, 2, args); } for (itr = m_agents.begin(); itr != m_agents.end(); ++itr) { (*itr)->Run(); dwWait = WaitForMultipleObjects(m_hCount, m_hEvents , FALSE, 0); if (( dwWait >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dwWait <= (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + m_hCount - 1) ) || (dwWait >= WAIT_ABANDONED_0 && dwWait <= (WAIT_ABANDONED_0 + m_hCount - 1) )) { DeleteFile(reportPath.c_str()); return ; } } if (created) { bbdisplay_t::iterator itr; string result; for (itr = m_bbdisplay.begin(); itr != m_bbdisplay.end(); ++itr) { BBWinNet hobNet; hobNet.SetBBDisplay((*itr)); try { hobNet.ClientData(reportPath, clientLocalCfgPath); } catch (BBWinNetException ex) { string mess, err; GetLastErrorString(err); mess = ex.getMessage(); LPCTSTR args[] = {mess.c_str(), err.c_str(), NULL}; m_log->reportErrorEvent(BBWIN_SERVICE, EVENT_HOBBIT_FAILED_CLIENTDATA, 2, args); } } DeleteFile(reportSavePath.c_str()); MoveFile(reportPath.c_str(), reportSavePath.c_str()); DeleteFile(reportPath.c_str()); } dwWait = WaitForMultipleObjects(m_hCount, m_hEvents , FALSE, m_timer * 1000 ); if ( dwWait >= WAIT_OBJECT_0 && dwWait <= (WAIT_OBJECT_0 + m_hCount - 1) ) { break ; } else if (dwWait >= WAIT_ABANDONED_0 && dwWait <= (WAIT_ABANDONED_0 + m_hCount - 1) ) { break ; } } }
void BBWinAgentManager::PrepareBBWinNetObj(BBWinNet & hobNet) { hobNet.SetHostName(m_setting["hostname"]); if (m_setting["useproxy"] == "true") hobNet.SetProxy(m_setting["proxy"]); }