コード例 #1
/*!	\brief		Init user interface regardless of the parameter of constructor.
void		EventEditorMainWindow::InitUI() 
	MainView = new BView( BWindow::Bounds(),
								  "Event Editor Main View",
	if ( MainView != NULL )
		MainView->SetViewColor( ui_color(B_PANEL_BACKGROUND_COLOR ) );
		BWindow::AddChild( MainView );
		global_toReturn = B_NO_MEMORY;
		be_app->PostMessage( B_QUIT_REQUESTED );
	BGridLayout* layout = new BGridLayout( B_VERTICAL );
	if ( !layout ) {
		global_toReturn = B_NO_MEMORY;
		be_app->PostMessage( B_QUIT_REQUESTED );
	MainView->SetLayout( layout );
	layout->SetInsets( 0, 0, 0, 5 );
	layout->SetSpacing( 0, 2 );
	menuBar = CreateMenuBar();
	layout->AddView( menuBar, 0, 0 );
	BTabView* tabView = new BTabView( Bounds().InsetBySelf( 5, 30 ),
												 "Tab view" );
	if ( !tabView ) {
		global_toReturn = B_NO_MEMORY;
		be_app->PostMessage( B_QUIT_REQUESTED );
	BLayoutItem* layoutItem = layout->AddView( tabView, 0, 1 );
	if ( layoutItem ) {
		layoutItem->SetExplicitAlignment( BAlignment( B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_WIDTH, B_ALIGN_USE_FULL_HEIGHT ) );
	BRect individualTab = tabView->Bounds();
	individualTab.bottom -= ( tabView->TabHeight() + 20 + menuBar->Bounds().Height() );
	// Enable firing the activity in any case
	fData.SetEventActivityFired( false );
	// General view
	genView = new EventEditor_GeneralView( individualTab, &fData );
	if ( !genView || genView->InitCheck() != B_OK ) {		
		global_toReturn = B_NO_MEMORY;
		be_app->PostMessage( B_QUIT_REQUESTED );
	BTab* tab = new BTab();	
	tabView->AddTab( genView, tab );
	tab->SetLabel( "General" );
	// Reminder view
	remView = new EventEditor_ReminderView( individualTab, &fData );
	if ( !remView || remView->InitCheck() != B_OK ) {
		global_toReturn = B_NO_MEMORY;
		be_app->PostMessage( B_QUIT_REQUESTED );
	tab = new BTab();	
	tabView->AddTab( remView, tab );
	tab->SetLabel( "Reminder" );
	// Event activity
	actView = new ActivityView( individualTab.InsetByCopy( 5, 5 ), "Event activity", fData.GetEventActivity() );
	if ( !actView || actView->InitCheck() != B_OK ) {
		global_toReturn = B_NO_MEMORY;
		be_app->PostMessage( B_QUIT_REQUESTED );
	tab = new BTab();	
	tabView->AddTab( actView, tab );
	tab->SetLabel( "Activity" );
	// Note view
	noteView = new EventEditor_NoteView( individualTab.InsetByCopy( 5, 5 ), &fData );
	if ( !noteView || noteView->InitCheck() != B_OK ) {
		global_toReturn = B_NO_MEMORY;
		be_app->PostMessage( B_QUIT_REQUESTED );
	tab = new BTab();	
	tabView->AddTab( noteView, tab );
	tab->SetLabel( "Note" );
	menuBar->SetTargetForItems( this );
	// Save button
	saveAndClose = new BButton( BRect( 0, 0, 1, 1 ),
												  new BMessage( kFileSave ) );
	if ( !saveAndClose ) {
		global_toReturn = B_NO_MEMORY;
		be_app->PostMessage( B_QUIT_REQUESTED );
	BLayoutItem* layoutItem2 = layout->AddView( saveAndClose, 0, 2 );
	if ( layoutItem ) {
		layoutItem->SetExplicitAlignment( BAlignment( B_ALIGN_RIGHT, B_ALIGN_BOTTOM ) );
	saveAndClose->SetTarget( this );
	layout->SetMaxRowHeight( 1, 520 );
	layout->SetMinRowHeight( 2, 25 );
	// Refresh view
}	// <-- end of UI initialization for MainWindow
コード例 #2
 *	\brief			Create box for selection of the weekend days
 *	\note			Additionally, select the color for weekends and weekdays
 *	\param[in]	frame	Enclosing rectangle.
 *	\param[in]	id		Reference to name of the selected Calendar module.
 *	\returns		Pointer to all-set-up BBox. Or NULL in case of error.
BBox*	CalendarModulePreferencesView::CreateWeekendSelectionBox( BRect frame,
															  const BString &id )
	/*!	\par	Notes on implementation:
	 *			It's not all that straightforward - to create this selection box.
	 *			The problem is that number of days in week is dependent on the
	 *			Calendar Module, therefore the frame rectangle must be divided
	 *			properly. We should take into account the possibility that there's
	 *			not enough place for all days in the submitted frame.
	 *	\par	
	 *			The solution will be as follows:
	 *			Let number of days in week be N. I create two columns and 
	 *			several rows (the number depends on N). Days in week will be
	 *			proceeded in the order <em>as Calendar Module supplies them</em>.
	 *			The days occupy both columns, and are located in rows
	 *			[0, (ceiling of (N/2)) ). Days returned from CalendarModule are
	 *			placed as follows: days from 0 to (ceiling of (N/2)-1) in the left
	 *			column, days from (ceiling of (N/2)-1) to (N-1) in right column.
	 *	\par	
	 *			There will be an empty cell in the right column, if number
	 *			of days in week is odd, (which is usually the case).
	frame.InsetBySelf( 5, 0 );
	BMessage* 	toSend = NULL;
	BCheckBox* 	dayCheckBox = NULL;
	BString		tempString;
	BLayoutItem*	layoutItem = NULL;
	CalendarModulePreferences* prefs = NULL;
	CalendarModule*	calModule = NULL;
	int height = 0;		//!< this is used to resize the BBox to proper size
	calModule = utl_FindCalendarModule( id );
	if ( calModule == NULL ) {
		/* Error */
		utl_Deb = new DebuggerPrintout( "Did not succeed to find the calendar module." );
		return NULL;
	// Get the data on days of week
	uint32 daysInWeek = ( uint32 )( calModule->GetDaysInWeek() );
	map<uint32, DoubleNames> weekdayNames = calModule->GetWeekdayNames();

	/* Obtain the current Calendar Module preferences */
	prefs = pref_GetPreferencesForCalendarModule( id );
	if ( !prefs ) {
		utl_Deb = new DebuggerPrintout( "Did not succeed to find the preferences for the calendar module." );
		return NULL;
	// At this point, "pref" points to current preferences of this calendar module.
	BList* weekends = prefs->GetWeekends();		// Get info on currently selected weekends
	// Prepare the item to be returned
	BBox*	enclosingBox = new BBox( frame, "Weekend selector" );
	if ( !enclosingBox )
		/* Panic! */
	enclosingBox->SetLabel( "Select the non-working days (weekends)" );

	// Prepare the layout to be used
	BGridLayout* layout = new BGridLayout();
	if ( !layout)
		/* Panic! */
	enclosingBox->SetLayout( layout );
	layout->SetInsets( 10, 15, 10, 5 );
	layout->SetVerticalSpacing( 1 );
	/* indexX is 0 for left column or 1 for right column.
	 * indexY is 0 for topmost row, 1 for second from top row, etc.
	 * Max value for indexY = (ceiling of (N/2)).
	int indexX = 0, indexY = 0;
	for (uint32 day = prefs->GetFirstDayOfWeek(), i = 0; i < ( uint32 )daysInWeek; ++i )
		/* Creating the message to be sent */
		toSend = new BMessage( kCalendarModuleWeekendDaySelected );
		if ( !toSend )
			/* Panic! */
		toSend->AddInt32( "Weekday const", day );
		toSend->AddString( "Calendar module", id );

		/* Set the name of the checkbox.
		 * This is used to identify if the checkbox was checked or unchecked.
		tempString.SetTo( "Weekday" );
		tempString << day;
		/* Creating the checkbox */
		dayCheckBox = new BCheckBox( BRect(0, 0, 1, 1),
									 weekdayNames[ day ].longName.String(),
									 toSend );
		if (!dayCheckBox)
			// Panic!
		// Check if the checkbox should be checked
		if ( weekends->HasItem( ( void* )day ) ) {
			dayCheckBox->SetValue( 1 );
		} else {
			dayCheckBox->SetValue( 0 );
		/* Adding the item to the BBox */
		layoutItem = layout->AddView( dayCheckBox, indexX, indexY );
		if ( layoutItem )
			layoutItem->SetExplicitAlignment( BAlignment( B_ALIGN_LEFT, B_ALIGN_TOP ) );
//			layoutItem->SetExplicitMaxSize( BSize( (int )dayCheckBox->Bounds().Width(), (int )dayCheckBox->Bounds().Height() ) );
			layout->SetMaxRowHeight( indexY, (int )dayCheckBox->Bounds().Height() + 10 );
			layout->SetRowWeight( indexY, 0 );
		/* Advancing to the next cell in grid */
		// If arrived to the last item in the first column, advancing to second
		// The +1 is needed because i starts from 0, but days are starting from 1
		if ( ( i + 1 ) == ( unsigned int )( ( daysInWeek + 1 ) / 2 ) )
			indexX = 1;	
			indexY = 0;
		else 	// Staying in the same column, but advancing down
		/* Advancing to the next day */
		( day == daysInWeek ) ? day = kSunday : ++day;
	}	// <-- end of "for (all days in week)"
	// Resizing the BBox to the correct size.
	// Note: dayCheckBox is surely not NULL; if it were, we would exit earlier.
	height =(int )( ( dayCheckBox->Bounds().Height() + 5           ) * ( int )( ( daysInWeek + 1 ) / 2 ) - 5 );
	// Formula:	    ( ^height of one checkbox^       + ^separator^ ) * ( ^number of days in column^      ) - ^one unneeded extra separator^
	enclosingBox->ResizeTo( enclosingBox->Bounds().Width() - 10, ( int )height );
//	layout->SetExplicitMaxSize( BSize( enclosingBox->Bounds().Width() - 5, ( int )height + 25 ) );
	return enclosingBox;