コード例 #1
ファイル: FSUtils.cpp プロジェクト: yunxiaoxiao110/haiku
/*static*/ status_t
FSUtils::CompareFileContent(BPositionIO& content1, BPositionIO& content2,
                            bool& _equal)
    // get and compare content size
    off_t size1;
    status_t error = content1.GetSize(&size1);
    if (error != B_OK)
        return error;

    off_t size2;
    error = content2.GetSize(&size2);
    if (error != B_OK)
        return error;

    if (size1 != size2) {
        _equal = false;
        return B_OK;

    if (size1 == 0) {
        _equal = true;
        return B_OK;

    // allocate a data buffer
    uint8* buffer1 = new(std::nothrow) uint8[2 * kCompareDataBufferSize];
    if (buffer1 == NULL)
        return B_NO_MEMORY;
    ArrayDeleter<uint8> bufferDeleter(buffer1);
    uint8* buffer2 = buffer1 + kCompareDataBufferSize;

    // compare the data
    off_t offset = 0;
    while (offset < size1) {
        size_t toCompare = std::min(size_t(size1 - offset),
        ssize_t bytesRead = content1.ReadAt(offset, buffer1, toCompare);
        if (bytesRead < 0)
            return bytesRead;
        if ((size_t)bytesRead != toCompare)
            return B_ERROR;

        bytesRead = content2.ReadAt(offset, buffer2, toCompare);
        if (bytesRead < 0)
            return bytesRead;
        if ((size_t)bytesRead != toCompare)
            return B_ERROR;

        if (memcmp(buffer1, buffer2, toCompare) != 0) {
            _equal = false;
            return B_OK;

        offset += bytesRead;

    _equal = true;
    return B_OK;
コード例 #2
ファイル: AVFormatWriter.cpp プロジェクト: luciang/haiku
/*static*/ off_t
AVFormatWriter::_Seek(void* cookie, off_t offset, int whence)
	TRACE_IO("AVFormatWriter::_Seek(%p, %lld, %d)\n",
		cookie, offset, whence);

	AVFormatWriter* writer = reinterpret_cast<AVFormatWriter*>(cookie);

	BPositionIO* positionIO = dynamic_cast<BPositionIO*>(writer->fTarget);
	if (positionIO == NULL)
		return -1;

	// Support for special file size retrieval API without seeking anywhere:
	if (whence == AVSEEK_SIZE) {
		off_t size;
		if (positionIO->GetSize(&size) == B_OK)
			return size;
		return -1;

	off_t position = positionIO->Seek(offset, whence);
	TRACE_IO("  position: %lld\n", position);
	if (position < 0)
		return -1;

	return position;
コード例 #3
SharedBitmap::SharedBitmap(BPositionIO& data)
	status_t status = data.GetSize(&fSize);
	const off_t kMaxSize = 1024 * 1024;
	if (status == B_OK && fSize > 0 && fSize <= kMaxSize) {
		fBuffer = new(std::nothrow) uint8[fSize];
		if (fBuffer != NULL) {
			data.Seek(0, SEEK_SET);
			off_t bytesRead = 0;
			size_t chunkSize = std::min((off_t)4096, fSize);
			while (bytesRead < fSize) {
				ssize_t read = data.Read(fBuffer + bytesRead, chunkSize);
				if (read > 0)
					bytesRead += read;
			if (bytesRead != fSize) {
				delete[] fBuffer;
				fBuffer = NULL;
				fSize = 0;
		} else
			fSize = 0;
	} else {
		fprintf(stderr, "SharedBitmap(): Stream too large: %" B_PRIi64
			", max: %" B_PRIi64 "\n", fSize, kMaxSize);

	fBitmap[0] = NULL;
	fBitmap[1] = NULL;
	fBitmap[2] = NULL;
コード例 #4
ファイル: AVFormatReader.cpp プロジェクト: RAZVOR/haiku
StreamBase::Seek(uint32 flags, int64* frame, bigtime_t* time)
	BAutolock _(fStreamLock);

	if (fContext == NULL || fStream == NULL)
		return B_NO_INIT;

	TRACE_SEEK("StreamBase::Seek(%ld,%s%s%s%s, %lld, "
		"%lld)\n", VirtualIndex(),
		(flags & B_MEDIA_SEEK_TO_TIME) ? " B_MEDIA_SEEK_TO_TIME" : "",
		*frame, *time);

	double frameRate = FrameRate();
	if ((flags & B_MEDIA_SEEK_TO_FRAME) != 0) {
		// Seeking is always based on time, initialize it when client seeks
		// based on frame.
		*time = (bigtime_t)(*frame * 1000000.0 / frameRate + 0.5);

	int64_t timeStamp = *time;

	int searchFlags = AVSEEK_FLAG_BACKWARD;
	if ((flags & B_MEDIA_SEEK_CLOSEST_FORWARD) != 0)
		searchFlags = 0;

	if (fSeekByBytes) {
		searchFlags |= AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE;

		BAutolock _(fSourceLock);
		int64_t fileSize;
		if (fSource->GetSize(&fileSize) != B_OK)
			return B_NOT_SUPPORTED;
		int64_t duration = Duration();
		if (duration == 0)
			return B_NOT_SUPPORTED;

		timeStamp = int64_t(fileSize * ((double)timeStamp / duration));
		if ((flags & B_MEDIA_SEEK_CLOSEST_BACKWARD) != 0) {
			timeStamp -= 65536;
			if (timeStamp < 0)
				timeStamp = 0;

		bool seekAgain = true;
		bool seekForward = true;
		bigtime_t lastFoundTime = -1;
		int64_t closestTimeStampBackwards = -1;
		while (seekAgain) {
			if (avformat_seek_file(fContext, -1, INT64_MIN, timeStamp,
				INT64_MAX, searchFlags) < 0) {
				TRACE("  avformat_seek_file() (by bytes) failed.\n");
				return B_ERROR;
			seekAgain = false;

			// Our last packet is toast in any case. Read the next one so we
			// know where we really seeked.
			fReusePacket = false;
			if (_NextPacket(true) == B_OK) {
				while (fPacket.pts == kNoPTSValue) {
					fReusePacket = false;
					if (_NextPacket(true) != B_OK)
						return B_ERROR;
				if (fPacket.pos >= 0)
					timeStamp = fPacket.pos;
				bigtime_t foundTime
					= _ConvertFromStreamTimeBase(fPacket.pts);
				if (foundTime != lastFoundTime) {
					lastFoundTime = foundTime;
					if (foundTime > *time) {
						if (closestTimeStampBackwards >= 0) {
							timeStamp = closestTimeStampBackwards;
							seekAgain = true;
							seekForward = false;
						int64_t diff = int64_t(fileSize
							* ((double)(foundTime - *time) / (2 * duration)));
						if (diff < 8192)
						timeStamp -= diff;
						TRACE_SEEK("  need to seek back (%lld) (time: %.2f "
							"-> %.2f)\n", timeStamp, *time / 1000000.0,
							foundTime / 1000000.0);
						if (timeStamp < 0)
							foundTime = 0;
						else {
							seekAgain = true;
					} else if (seekForward && foundTime < *time - 100000) {
						closestTimeStampBackwards = timeStamp;
						int64_t diff = int64_t(fileSize
							* ((double)(*time - foundTime) / (2 * duration)));
						if (diff < 8192)
						timeStamp += diff;
						TRACE_SEEK("  need to seek forward (%lld) (time: "
							"%.2f -> %.2f)\n", timeStamp, *time / 1000000.0,
							foundTime / 1000000.0);
						if (timeStamp > duration)
							foundTime = duration;
						else {
							seekAgain = true;
				TRACE_SEEK("  found time: %lld -> %lld (%.2f)\n", *time,
					foundTime, foundTime / 1000000.0);
				*time = foundTime;
				*frame = (uint64)(*time * frameRate / 1000000LL + 0.5);
				TRACE_SEEK("  seeked frame: %lld\n", *frame);
			} else {
				TRACE_SEEK("  _NextPacket() failed!\n");
				return B_ERROR;
	} else {
		// We may not get a PTS from the next packet after seeking, so
		// we try to get an expected time from the index.
		int64_t streamTimeStamp = _ConvertToStreamTimeBase(*time);
		int index = av_index_search_timestamp(fStream, streamTimeStamp,
		if (index < 0) {
			TRACE("  av_index_search_timestamp() failed\n");
		} else {
			if (index > 0) {
				const AVIndexEntry& entry = fStream->index_entries[index];
				streamTimeStamp = entry.timestamp;
			} else {
				// Some demuxers use the first index entry to store some
				// other information, like the total playing time for example.
				// Assume the timeStamp of the first entry is alays 0.
				// TODO: Handle start-time offset?
				streamTimeStamp = 0;
			bigtime_t foundTime = _ConvertFromStreamTimeBase(streamTimeStamp);
			bigtime_t timeDiff = foundTime > *time
				? foundTime - *time : *time - foundTime;

			if (timeDiff > 1000000
				&& (fStreamBuildsIndexWhileReading
					|| index == fStream->nb_index_entries - 1)) {
				// If the stream is building the index on the fly while parsing
				// it, we only have entries in the index for positions already
				// decoded, i.e. we cannot seek into the future. In that case,
				// just assume that we can seek where we want and leave
				// time/frame unmodified. Since successfully seeking one time
				// will generate index entries for the seeked to position, we
				// need to remember this in fStreamBuildsIndexWhileReading,
				// since when seeking back there will be later index entries,
				// but we still want to ignore the found entry.
				fStreamBuildsIndexWhileReading = true;
				TRACE_SEEK("  Not trusting generic index entry. "
					"(Current count: %d)\n", fStream->nb_index_entries);
			} else {
				// If we found a reasonably time, write it into *time.
				// After seeking, we will try to read the sought time from
				// the next packet. If the packet has no PTS value, we may
				// still have a more accurate time from the index lookup.
				*time = foundTime;

		if (avformat_seek_file(fContext, -1, INT64_MIN, timeStamp, INT64_MAX,
				searchFlags) < 0) {
			TRACE("  avformat_seek_file() failed.\n");
			// Try to fall back to av_seek_frame()
			timeStamp = _ConvertToStreamTimeBase(timeStamp);
			if (av_seek_frame(fContext, fStream->index, timeStamp,
				searchFlags) < 0) {
				TRACE("  avformat_seek_frame() failed as well.\n");
				// Fall back to seeking to the beginning by bytes
				timeStamp = 0;
				if (av_seek_frame(fContext, fStream->index, timeStamp,
						AVSEEK_FLAG_BYTE) < 0) {
					TRACE("  avformat_seek_frame() by bytes failed as "
					// Do not propagate error in any case. We fail if we can't
					// read another packet.
				} else
					*time = 0;

		// Our last packet is toast in any case. Read the next one so
		// we know where we really sought.
		bigtime_t foundTime = *time;

		fReusePacket = false;
		if (_NextPacket(true) == B_OK) {
			if (fPacket.pts != kNoPTSValue)
				foundTime = _ConvertFromStreamTimeBase(fPacket.pts);
				TRACE_SEEK("  no PTS in packet after seeking\n");
		} else
			TRACE_SEEK("  _NextPacket() failed!\n");

		*time = foundTime;
		TRACE_SEEK("  sought time: %.2fs\n", *time / 1000000.0);
		*frame = (uint64)(*time * frameRate / 1000000.0 + 0.5);
		TRACE_SEEK("  sought frame: %lld\n", *frame);

	return B_OK;