コード例 #1
ファイル: authenticate.c プロジェクト: halgandd/bacula
 * Inititiate the message channel with the Director.
 * He has made a connection to our server.
 * Basic tasks done here:
 *   Assume the Hello message is already in the input
 *     buffer.  We then authenticate him.
 *   Get device, media, and pool information from Director
 *   This is the channel across which we will send error
 *     messages and job status information.
int authenticate_director(JCR *jcr)
   BSOCK *dir = jcr->dir_bsock;

   if (!authenticate(R_DIRECTOR, dir, jcr)) {
      dir->fsend("%s", Dir_sorry);
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, "Unable to authenticate Director at %s.\n", dir->who());
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_ERROR, 0, _("Unable to authenticate Director at %s.\n"), dir->who());
      bmicrosleep(5, 0);
      return 0;
   return dir->fsend("%s", OK_hello);
コード例 #2
ファイル: socket_server.c プロジェクト: dl5rcw/bareos
 * Connection request. We accept connections either from the
 * Director, Storage Daemon or a Client (File daemon).
 * Note, we are running as a seperate thread of the Storage daemon.
 * Basic tasks done here:
 *  - If it was a connection from the FD, call handle_filed_connection()
 *  - If it was a connection from another SD, call handle_stored_connection()
 *  - Otherwise it was a connection from the DIR, call handle_director_connection()
static void *handle_connection_request(void *arg)
   BSOCK *bs = (BSOCK *)arg;
   char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   char tbuf[MAX_TIME_LENGTH];

   if (bs->recv() <= 0) {
      Emsg1(M_ERROR, 0, _("Connection request from %s failed.\n"), bs->who());
      bmicrosleep(5, 0);   /* make user wait 5 seconds */
      return NULL;

    * Do a sanity check on the message received
   if (bs->msglen < MIN_MSG_LEN || bs->msglen > MAX_MSG_LEN) {
      Dmsg1(000, "<filed: %s", bs->msg);
      Emsg2(M_ERROR, 0, _("Invalid connection from %s. Len=%d\n"), bs->who(), bs->msglen);
      bmicrosleep(5, 0);   /* make user wait 5 seconds */
      return NULL;

   Dmsg1(110, "Conn: %s", bs->msg);

    * See if this is a File daemon connection. If so call FD handler.
   if (sscanf(bs->msg, "Hello Start Job %127s", name) == 1) {
      Dmsg1(110, "Got a FD connection at %s\n", bstrftimes(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), (utime_t)time(NULL)));
      return handle_filed_connection(bs, name);

    * See if this is a Storage daemon connection. If so call SD handler.
   if (sscanf(bs->msg, "Hello Start Storage Job %127s", name) == 1) {
      Dmsg1(110, "Got a SD connection at %s\n", bstrftimes(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), (utime_t)time(NULL)));
      return handle_stored_connection(bs, name);

   Dmsg1(110, "Got a DIR connection at %s\n", bstrftimes(tbuf, sizeof(tbuf), (utime_t)time(NULL)));

   return handle_director_connection(bs);
コード例 #3
ファイル: authenticate.c プロジェクト: karcaw/bareos
 * Authenticate with a remote file daemon.
 * This is used for passive FD backups or restores.
bool authenticate_with_filedaemon(JCR *jcr)
   BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;

   if (!two_way_authenticate(fd, jcr, false, "File")) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0,
            _("Authorization problem: Two way security handshake failed with File daemon at %s\n"),
      return false;

   return true;
コード例 #4
ファイル: authenticate.c プロジェクト: karcaw/bareos
 * Authenticate with a remote storage daemon.
 * This is used for SD-SD replication of data.
bool authenticate_with_storagedaemon(JCR *jcr)
   BSOCK *sd = jcr->store_bsock;

   if (!two_way_authenticate(sd, jcr, false, "Storage")) {
      Jmsg1(jcr, M_FATAL, 0,
            _("Authorization problem: Two way security handshake failed with Storage daemon at %s\n"),
      return false;

   return true;
コード例 #5
ファイル: authenticate.c プロジェクト: eneuhauss/bareos
 * Authenticate Storage daemon connection
bool authenticate_storage_daemon(JCR *jcr, STORERES *store)
   BSOCK *sd = jcr->store_bsock;
   char dirname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   int tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int tls_remote_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int compatible = true;
   bool auth_success = false;

    * Send my name to the Storage daemon then do authentication
   bstrncpy(dirname, director->hdr.name, sizeof(dirname));
   /* Timeout Hello after 1 min */
   btimer_t *tid = start_bsock_timer(sd, AUTH_TIMEOUT);
   if (!sd->fsend(hello, dirname)) {
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, _("Error sending Hello to Storage daemon. ERR=%s\n"), bnet_strerror(sd));
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error sending Hello to Storage daemon. ERR=%s\n"), bnet_strerror(sd));
      return 0;

   /* TLS Requirement */
   if (store->tls_enable) {
     if (store->tls_require) {
        tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
     } else {
        tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_OK;

   if (store->tls_authenticate) {
      tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;

   auth_success = cram_md5_respond(sd, store->password, &tls_remote_need, &compatible);
   if (auth_success) {
      auth_success = cram_md5_challenge(sd, store->password, tls_local_need, compatible);
      if (!auth_success) {
         Dmsg1(dbglvl, "cram_challenge failed for %s\n", sd->who());
   } else {
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, "cram_respond failed for %s\n", sd->who());

   if (!auth_success) {
      Dmsg0(dbglvl, _("Director and Storage daemon passwords or names not the same.\n"));
      Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0,
            _("Director unable to authenticate with Storage daemon at \"%s:%d\". Possible causes:\n"
            "Passwords or names not the same or\n"
            "Maximum Concurrent Jobs exceeded on the SD or\n"
            "SD networking messed up (restart daemon).\n"
            "Please see " MANUAL_AUTH_URL " for help.\n"),
            sd->host(), sd->port());
      return 0;

   /* Verify that the remote host is willing to meet our TLS requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need < tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem: Remote server did not advertise required TLS support.\n"));
      return 0;

   /* Verify that we are willing to meet the remote host's requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need > tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem: Remote server requires TLS.\n"));
      return 0;

   /* Is TLS Enabled? */
   if (tls_local_need >= BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need >= BNET_TLS_OK) {
      /* Engage TLS! Full Speed Ahead! */
      if (!bnet_tls_client(store->tls_ctx, sd, NULL)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("TLS negotiation failed with SD at \"%s:%d\"\n"),
            sd->host(), sd->port());
         return 0;
      if (store->tls_authenticate) {       /* authentication only? */
         sd->free_tls();                   /* yes, stop tls */

   Dmsg1(116, ">stored: %s", sd->msg);
   if (sd->recv() <= 0) {
      Jmsg3(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("bdird<stored: \"%s:%s\" bad response to Hello command: ERR=%s\n"),
         sd->who(), sd->host(), sd->bstrerror());
      return 0;
   Dmsg1(110, "<stored: %s", sd->msg);
   if (!bstrncmp(sd->msg, OKhello, sizeof(OKhello))) {
      Dmsg0(dbglvl, _("Storage daemon rejected Hello command\n"));
      Jmsg2(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Storage daemon at \"%s:%d\" rejected Hello command\n"),
         sd->host(), sd->port());
      return 0;
   return 1;
コード例 #6
ファイル: authenticate.c プロジェクト: eneuhauss/bareos
int authenticate_user_agent(UAContext *uac)
   char name[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   int tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int tls_remote_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   bool tls_authenticate;
   int compatible = true;
   CONRES *cons = NULL;
   BSOCK *ua = uac->UA_sock;
   bool auth_success = false;
   TLS_CONTEXT *tls_ctx = NULL;
   alist *verify_list = NULL;

   if (ua->msglen < 16 || ua->msglen >= MAX_NAME_LENGTH + 15) {
      Emsg4(M_ERROR, 0, _("UA Hello from %s:%s:%d is invalid. Len=%d\n"), ua->who(),
            ua->host(), ua->port(), ua->msglen);
      return 0;

   if (sscanf(ua->msg, "Hello %127s calling\n", name) != 1) {
      ua->msg[100] = 0;               /* terminate string */
      Emsg4(M_ERROR, 0, _("UA Hello from %s:%s:%d is invalid. Got: %s\n"), ua->who(),
            ua->host(), ua->port(), ua->msg);
      return 0;

   name[sizeof(name)-1] = 0;             /* terminate name */
   if (bstrcmp(name, "*UserAgent*")) {  /* default console */
      /* TLS Requirement */
      if (director->tls_enable) {
         if (director->tls_require) {
            tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
         } else {
            tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_OK;

      tls_authenticate = director->tls_authenticate;

      if (tls_authenticate) {
         tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;

      if (director->tls_verify_peer) {
         verify_list = director->tls_allowed_cns;

      auth_success = cram_md5_challenge(ua, director->password, tls_local_need,
                                        compatible) &&
                     cram_md5_respond(ua, director->password, &tls_remote_need, &compatible);
   } else {
      cons = (CONRES *)GetResWithName(R_CONSOLE, name);
      if (cons) {
         /* TLS Requirement */
         if (cons->tls_enable) {
            if (cons->tls_require) {
               tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
            } else {
               tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_OK;

         tls_authenticate = cons->tls_authenticate;

         if (tls_authenticate) {
            tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;

         if (cons->tls_verify_peer) {
            verify_list = cons->tls_allowed_cns;

         auth_success = cram_md5_challenge(ua, cons->password, tls_local_need,
                                           compatible) &&
                     cram_md5_respond(ua, cons->password, &tls_remote_need, &compatible);

         if (auth_success) {
            uac->cons = cons;         /* save console resource pointer */
      } else {
         auth_success = false;
         goto auth_done;

   /* Verify that the remote peer is willing to meet our TLS requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need < tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Emsg0(M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem:"
            " Remote client did not advertise required TLS support.\n"));
      auth_success = false;
      goto auth_done;

   /* Verify that we are willing to meet the peer's requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need > tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Emsg0(M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem:"
            " Remote client requires TLS.\n"));
      auth_success = false;
      goto auth_done;

   if (tls_local_need >= BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need >= BNET_TLS_OK) {
      if (cons) {
         tls_ctx = cons->tls_ctx;
      } else {
         tls_ctx = director->tls_ctx;

      /* Engage TLS! Full Speed Ahead! */
      if (!bnet_tls_server(tls_ctx, ua, verify_list)) {
         Emsg0(M_ERROR, 0, _("TLS negotiation failed.\n"));
         auth_success = false;
         goto auth_done;
      if (tls_authenticate) {            /* authentication only? */
         ua->free_tls();                 /* stop tls */

/* Authorization Completed */
   if (!auth_success) {
      ua->fsend("%s", _(Dir_sorry));
      Emsg4(M_ERROR, 0, _("Unable to authenticate console \"%s\" at %s:%s:%d.\n"),
            name, ua->who(), ua->host(), ua->port());
      return 0;
   ua->fsend(_("1000 OK: %s Version: %s (%s)\n"), my_name, VERSION, BDATE);
   return 1;
コード例 #7
ファイル: authenticate.c プロジェクト: eneuhauss/bareos
 * Authenticate File daemon connection
int authenticate_file_daemon(JCR *jcr)
   BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
   CLIENTRES *client = jcr->res.client;
   char dirname[MAX_NAME_LENGTH];
   int tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int tls_remote_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int compatible = true;
   bool auth_success = false;

    * Send my name to the File daemon then do authentication
   bstrncpy(dirname, director->name(), sizeof(dirname));
   /* Timeout Hello after 1 min */
   btimer_t *tid = start_bsock_timer(fd, AUTH_TIMEOUT);
   if (!fd->fsend(hello, dirname)) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Error sending Hello to File daemon at \"%s:%d\". ERR=%s\n"),
           fd->host(), fd->port(), fd->bstrerror());
      return 0;
   Dmsg1(dbglvl, "Sent: %s", fd->msg);

   /* TLS Requirement */
   if (client->tls_enable) {
     if (client->tls_require) {
        tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
     } else {
        tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_OK;

   if (client->tls_authenticate) {
      tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;

   auth_success = cram_md5_respond(fd, client->password, &tls_remote_need, &compatible);
   if (auth_success) {
      auth_success = cram_md5_challenge(fd, client->password, tls_local_need, compatible);
      if (!auth_success) {
         Dmsg1(dbglvl, "cram_auth failed for %s\n", fd->who());
   } else {
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, "cram_get_auth failed for %s\n", fd->who());
   if (!auth_success) {
      Dmsg0(dbglvl, _("Director and File daemon passwords or names not the same.\n"));
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0,
            _("Unable to authenticate with File daemon at \"%s:%d\". Possible causes:\n"
            "Passwords or names not the same or\n"
            "Maximum Concurrent Jobs exceeded on the FD or\n"
            "FD networking messed up (restart daemon).\n"
            "Please see " MANUAL_AUTH_URL " for help.\n"),
            fd->host(), fd->port());
      return 0;

   /* Verify that the remote host is willing to meet our TLS requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need < tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem: FD \"%s:%s\" did not advertise required TLS support.\n"),
           fd->who(), fd->host());
      return 0;

   /* Verify that we are willing to meet the remote host's requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need > tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem: FD at \"%s:%d\" requires TLS.\n"),
           fd->host(), fd->port());
      return 0;

   /* Is TLS Enabled? */
   if (tls_local_need >= BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need >= BNET_TLS_OK) {
      /* Engage TLS! Full Speed Ahead! */
      if (!bnet_tls_client(client->tls_ctx, fd, client->tls_allowed_cns)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("TLS negotiation failed with FD at \"%s:%d\".\n"),
              fd->host(), fd->port());
         return 0;
      if (client->tls_authenticate) {        /* tls authentication only? */
         fd->free_tls();                     /* yes, shutdown tls */

   Dmsg1(116, ">filed: %s", fd->msg);
   if (fd->recv() <= 0) {
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, _("Bad response from File daemon to Hello command: ERR=%s\n"),
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Bad response from File daemon at \"%s:%d\" to Hello command: ERR=%s\n"),
         fd->host(), fd->port(), fd->bstrerror());
      return 0;
   Dmsg1(110, "<filed: %s", fd->msg);
   jcr->FDVersion = 0;
   if (!bstrncmp(fd->msg, FDOKhello, sizeof(FDOKhello)) &&
       sscanf(fd->msg, FDOKnewHello, &jcr->FDVersion) != 1) {
      Dmsg0(dbglvl, _("File daemon rejected Hello command\n"));
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("File daemon at \"%s:%d\" rejected Hello command\n"),
           fd->host(), fd->port());
      return 0;
   return 1;
コード例 #8
ファイル: authenticate.c プロジェクト: eneuhauss/bareos
 * First prove our identity to the Storage daemon, then
 * make him prove his identity.
int authenticate_storagedaemon(JCR *jcr)
   BSOCK *sd = jcr->store_bsock;
   int tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int tls_remote_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int compatible = true;
   bool auth_success = false;

   btimer_t *tid = start_bsock_timer(sd, AUTH_TIMEOUT);

   /* TLS Requirement */
   if (have_tls && me->tls_enable) {
      if (me->tls_require) {
         tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
      } else {
         tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_OK;

   if (me->tls_authenticate) {
      tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;

   if (job_canceled(jcr)) {
      auth_success = false;     /* force quick exit */
      goto auth_fatal;

   /* Respond to SD challenge */
   auth_success = cram_md5_respond(sd, jcr->sd_auth_key, &tls_remote_need, &compatible);
   if (job_canceled(jcr)) {
      auth_success = false;     /* force quick exit */
      goto auth_fatal;
   if (!auth_success) {
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, "cram_respond failed for %s\n", sd->who());
   } else {
      /* Now challenge him */
      auth_success = cram_md5_challenge(sd, jcr->sd_auth_key, tls_local_need, compatible);
      if (!auth_success) {
         Dmsg1(dbglvl, "cram_challenge failed for %s\n", sd->who());

   if (!auth_success) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization key rejected by Storage daemon.\n"
       "Please see " MANUAL_AUTH_URL " for help.\n"));
      goto auth_fatal;

   /* Verify that the remote host is willing to meet our TLS requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need < tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem: Remote server did not"
           " advertize required TLS support.\n"));
      Dmsg2(dbglvl, "remote_need=%d local_need=%d\n", tls_remote_need, tls_local_need);
      auth_success = false;
      goto auth_fatal;

   /* Verify that we are willing to meet the remote host's requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need > tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem: Remote server requires TLS.\n"));
      Dmsg2(dbglvl, "remote_need=%d local_need=%d\n", tls_remote_need, tls_local_need);
      auth_success = false;
      goto auth_fatal;

   if (tls_local_need >= BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need >= BNET_TLS_OK) {
      /* Engage TLS! Full Speed Ahead! */
      if (!bnet_tls_client(me->tls_ctx, sd, NULL)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("TLS negotiation failed.\n"));
         auth_success = false;
         goto auth_fatal;
      if (me->tls_authenticate) {           /* tls authentication only? */
         sd->free_tls();                    /* yes, shutdown tls */

   /* Destroy session key */
   memset(jcr->sd_auth_key, 0, strlen(jcr->sd_auth_key));
   /* Single thread all failures to avoid DOS */
   if (!auth_success) {
      bmicrosleep(6, 0);
   return auth_success;
コード例 #9
ファイル: authenticate.c プロジェクト: halgandd/bacula
int authenticate_filed(JCR *jcr)
   BSOCK *fd = jcr->file_bsock;
   int tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int tls_remote_need = BNET_TLS_NONE;
   int compatible = true;                 /* require md5 compatible FD */
   bool auth_success = false;
   alist *verify_list = NULL;

   /* TLS Requirement */
   if (me->tls_enable) {
      if (me->tls_require) {
         tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;
      } else {
         tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_OK;

   if (me->tls_authenticate) {
      tls_local_need = BNET_TLS_REQUIRED;

   if (me->tls_verify_peer) {
      verify_list = me->tls_allowed_cns;

   /* Timeout Hello after 5 mins */
   btimer_t *tid = start_bsock_timer(fd, AUTH_TIMEOUT);
   /* Challenge FD */
   auth_success = cram_md5_challenge(fd, jcr->sd_auth_key, tls_local_need, compatible);
   if (auth_success) {
       /* Respond to his challenge */
       auth_success = cram_md5_respond(fd, jcr->sd_auth_key, &tls_remote_need, &compatible);
       if (!auth_success) {
          Dmsg1(dbglvl, "cram-get-auth failed with %s\n", fd->who());
   } else {
      Dmsg1(dbglvl, "cram-auth failed with %s\n", fd->who());

   if (!auth_success) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Incorrect authorization key from File daemon at %s rejected.\n"
       "Please see http://www.bacula.org/en/rel-manual/Bacula_Freque_Asked_Questi.html#SECTION003760000000000000000 for help.\n"),
      auth_success = false;
      goto auth_fatal;

   /* Verify that the remote host is willing to meet our TLS requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need < tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem: Remote server did not" 
           " advertize required TLS support.\n"));
      Dmsg2(dbglvl, "remote_need=%d local_need=%d\n", tls_remote_need, tls_local_need);
      auth_success = false;
      goto auth_fatal;

   /* Verify that we are willing to meet the remote host's requirements */
   if (tls_remote_need > tls_local_need && tls_local_need != BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need != BNET_TLS_OK) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Authorization problem: Remote server requires TLS.\n"));
      Dmsg2(dbglvl, "remote_need=%d local_need=%d\n", tls_remote_need, tls_local_need);
      auth_success = false;
      goto auth_fatal;

   if (tls_local_need >= BNET_TLS_OK && tls_remote_need >= BNET_TLS_OK) {
      /* Engage TLS! Full Speed Ahead! */
      if (!bnet_tls_server(me->tls_ctx, fd, verify_list)) {
         Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("TLS negotiation failed with FD at \"%s:%d\"\n"),
            fd->host(), fd->port());
         auth_success = false;
         goto auth_fatal;
      if (me->tls_authenticate) {          /* tls authenticate only? */
         fd->free_tls();                   /* yes, shut it down */

   if (!auth_success) {
      Jmsg(jcr, M_FATAL, 0, _("Incorrect authorization key from File daemon at %s rejected.\n"
       "Please see http://www.bacula.org/en/rel-manual/Bacula_Freque_Asked_Questi.html#SECTION003760000000000000000 for help.\n"),
   jcr->authenticated = auth_success;
   return auth_success;