void TestBSTree() { // 5 3 4 1 7 8 2 6 0 9 BSTree<int, double> t; t.Insert(5,5); t.Insert(3,3); t.Insert(4,4); t.Insert(1,1); t.Insert(7,7); t.Insert(8,8); t.Insert(2,2); t.Insert(6,6); t.Insert(0,0); t.Insert(9,9); t.PrevOrder(); BSTNode<int,double>* ret = t.Find(9); cout<<"Find 9 ?: "<<ret->_key<<endl; ret = t.Find(10); cout<<"Find 10 ?: "<<ret<<endl; t.Remove(8); t.Remove(1); t.Remove(5); t.PrevOrder(); }
int main(int argc,char*argv[]) { AVLTree<string> avlTree; BSTree<string> bsTree; string str, last; char c; if (argc != 2) { cerr << "Parameters: <filename>. use quotations around long path names." << endl; return 1; } ifstream ifsInput(argv[1],ios::in | ios::binary); if (!ifsInput) { cerr << "Couldn't open input file." << endl; return 2; } while (ifsInput.get(c) && !ifsInput.eof()) { switch (c) { case '.': case ',': case '\'': case '\"': case ':': case ';': case '<': case '>': case '/': case '?': case '[': case ']': case '{': case '}': case '\\': case '|': case '!': case '#': case '$': case '%': case '^': case '&': case '*': case '(': case ')': case '_': case '=': case '`': case ' ': case '\r': case '\n': case '\t': if (str.size()) { avlTree.Insert(str); bsTree.Insert(str); last = str; } str = ""; continue; default: str += c; continue; } } ifsInput.close(); //x.Output(Print); cout << "AVL Height: " << avlTree.Height() << endl; cout << "BST Height: " << bsTree.Height() << endl; cout << "AVL Size: " << avlTree.Size() << endl; cout << "BST Size: " << bsTree.Size() << endl; clock_t stime, etime; double elapse; int i; cout << "Searching for \"" << last << "\"..." << endl; stime = clock(); for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) avlTree.Find(last); etime = clock(); elapse =(double)(etime-stime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "Search in AVL tree took " << elapse << " seconds " << endl; stime = clock(); for (i = 0; i < 100000; i++) bsTree.Find(last); etime = clock(); elapse =(double)(etime-stime)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC; cout << "Search in BST tree took " << elapse << " seconds " << endl; avlTree.Output(Print); return 0; }
int main() { { cout << "Open files"<<endl; ifstream inS("SR.dat", ios::in|ios::binary); if ( !inS ) { cout << "file open error: SR.dat"<<endl; cout << "Make sure that this file is in the working directory"<<endl; cin.get(); exit(1); } ifstream inI("ind.dat", ios::in|ios::binary); if ( !inI ) { cout << "file open error: ind.dat"<<endl; cout << "Make sure that this file is in the working directory"<<endl; cin.get(); exit(1); } ifstream in ("CISP430records.dat", ios::in|ios::binary ); if ( !in ) { cout << "file open error: CISP430records.dat"<<endl; cout << "Make sure that this file is in the working directory"<<endl; cin.get(); exit(1); } ifstream Prein ("pre.dat", ios::in|ios::binary ); if ( !Prein ) { cout << "file open error: pre.dat"<<endl; cout << "Make sure that this file is in the working directory"<<endl; cin.get(); exit(1); } ifstream Postin ("post.dat", ios::in|ios::binary ); if ( !Postin ) { cout << "file open error: post.dat"<<endl; cout << "Make sure that this file is in the working directory"<<endl; cin.get(); exit(1); } cout << "Done: Open Files"<<endl <<"*************************"<<endl; cout << "Read Files"<<endl; inI.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(ind), IND_CNT*sizeof(unsigned)); inI.close(); BSTree bst; unsigned least_rec = 0; unsigned recs_read = 0; unsigned MAX_READ = MAX_RECS; MAX_READ = (MAX_READ<MAX_RECS)? MAX_READ:MAX_RECS; bool Final_Test = MAX_READ == MAX_RECS; if ( !Final_Test ) { cout << "For the final test MAX_READ must be "<<MAX_RECS <<endl<<"*************************"<<endl; } recs[recs_read].read(in); keys[recs_read] = recs[recs_read].Key(); recs_read++; while ( recs_read < MAX_READ) { if ( !(recs_read%((MAX_READ/10)?MAX_READ/10:1)) ) cout << recs_read<<endl; Record rec; rec.read(in); if ( !in.eof() ) { recs[recs_read] = rec; keys[recs_read] = rec.Key(); recs_read++; } } in.close(); for ( unsigned i=0; i<recs_read; i++ ) { if ( !((i+recs_read)%((MAX_READ/10)?MAX_READ/10:1)) ) cout << i+recs_read <<endl; Preorder[i].read(Prein); Postorder[i].read(Postin); recs_inorder[i].read(inS); } Prein.close(); Postin.close(); inS.close(); cout << "Done: Read files" << endl<<"*************************"<<endl; cout <<"Insert data into BSTree"<<endl; mix(recs,recs_read); mix(keys,recs_read); for ( unsigned i=0; i<recs_read; i++ ) { bst.Insert(recs[i]); } cout << "Done: Insert" << endl <<"*************************"<<endl <<"Test: Depth"<<endl; unsigned bd = bst.Depth(); const unsigned CD = 46; if ( Final_Test && bd != CD ) { cout << "bst depth: " << bst.Depth() << endl; cout << "Correct Depth: " << CD<<endl <<"<enter> to continue"<<endl; cin.get(); } cout << "Done: Depth"<<endl <<"*************************"<<endl <<"Test: Traversals"<<endl; least = recs_inorder[least_rec]; pcnt = 0; bst.InOrderTraversal(Inord); cout << " Done: In order traversal #1"<<endl; ord_cnt = 0; bst.PreOrderTraversal(Preord); cout << " Done: Pre order traversal #1"<<endl; ord_cnt = 0; bst.PostOrderTraversal(Postord); cout << " Done: Post order traversal #1"<<endl <<"Done: Traversals"<<endl <<"*************************"<<endl <<"Test: Find"<<endl; for ( unsigned i=0; i<recs_read; i++ ) { Record ret = bst.Find(keys[i]); if ( ret.Key() != keys[i] ) { cout <<i<< " Find Error. You found the Record with key: " << ret.Key() <<endl<< " when searching for key: " << keys[i] << endl <<"<enter> to continue"<<endl; cin.get(); } } cout << "Done: Find"<<endl <<"*************************"<<endl <<"Test: Find bad key"<<endl; KeyType bad_key("~badkey"); //to the right Record BK = bst.Find(bad_key); KeyType KNF("KEY NOT FOUND"); if ( BK.Key() != KNF ) { cout << "Looking for bad Key: " << bad_key<<endl; cout << " you found: " << BK << endl <<"<enter> to continue"<<endl; cin.get(); } bad_key[0] = 0; //to the left BK = bst.Find(bad_key); if ( BK.Key() != KNF ) { cout << "Looking for bad Key: " << bad_key<<endl; cout << " you found: " << BK << endl <<"<enter> to continue"<<endl; cin.get(); } bad_key[0] = 'i'; //first letter of the first LC key bad_key[1] = '~'; //to the right of the LC BK = bst.Find(bad_key); if ( BK.Key() != KNF ) { cout << "Looking for bad Key: " << bad_key<<endl; cout << " you found: " << BK << endl <<"<enter> to continue"<<endl; cin.get(); } bad_key[0] = 'Z'; //first letter of the first RC key bad_key[1] = 0; //to the left of the RC BK = bst.Find(bad_key); if ( BK.Key() != KNF ) { cout << "Looking for bad Key: " << bad_key<<endl; cout << " you found: " << BK << endl <<"<enter> to continue"<<endl; cin.get(); } cout << "Done: Find bad key"<<endl <<"*************************"<<endl; cout<<endl<<"Call Destructor"<<endl; } cout<<endl <<"*************************" <<endl <<"**********done***********" <<endl <<"*************************"<<endl; return 0; }