コード例 #1
ファイル: changeBamRG.cpp プロジェクト: ruping/trick
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) { 

  struct parameters *param = 0;
  param = interface(param, argc, argv);

  //bam input and generate index if not yet 
  // BAM input (file or filenames?)                                                                        |
  char *fof = param->mapping_f;
  char linefof[5000];
  int filecount=0;
  vector <string> fnames;

  if (strchr(fof,' ')!=NULL) {
    char *ptr;
    ptr=strtok(fof," ");
    while (ptr!=NULL) {
      ptr=strtok(NULL," ");
  } else {
    if (IN!=NULL) {
      long linecount=0;
      while (fgets(linefof,5000-1,IN)!=NULL) {
        if (linefof[0]!='#' && linefof[0]!='\n') {
          char *ptr=strchr(linefof,'\n');
          if (ptr!=NULL && ptr[0]=='\n') {
          FILE *dummy=NULL;
          if (dummy!=NULL) {     // seems to be a file of filenames...
          } else if (filecount==0 || linecount>=1000-1) {  // seems to be a single file
  }  //file or file name decided and stored in vector "fnames"

  cerr << "the input mapping files are:" << endl;
  vector <string>::iterator fit = fnames.begin();
  for(; fit != fnames.end(); fit++) {
    cerr << *fit << endl;

  // end of file or filenames                                                                              |

  // open the BAM file(s)
  BamMultiReader reader;

  // get header & reference information
  string header = reader.GetHeaderText();
  RefVector refs = reader.GetReferenceData();

  // attempt to open BamWriter
  BamWriter writer;
  string outputBam = param->writer;
  if ( outputBam != "" ) {
    if ( !writer.Open(param->writer, header, refs) ) {
      cerr << "Could not open output BAM file" << endl;

  BamAlignment bam;
  while (reader.GetNextAlignment(bam)) { //change RG 

    string rg = "RG";
    string rgType = "Z";
    string rgValue = "1";

  }  // read a bam

  return 0;

} //main
コード例 #2
ファイル: bamrealignment.cpp プロジェクト: Lingrui/TS
int main (int argc, const char *argv[])
  printf ("------------- bamrealignment --------------\n");

  OptArgs opts;
  opts.ParseCmdLine(argc, argv);
  vector<int> score_vals(4);

  string input_bam  = opts.GetFirstString  ('i', "input", "");
  string output_bam = opts.GetFirstString  ('o', "output", "");
  opts.GetOption(score_vals, "4,-6,-5,-2", 's', "scores");
  int    clipping   = opts.GetFirstInt     ('c', "clipping", 2);
  bool   anchors    = opts.GetFirstBoolean ('a', "anchors", true);
  int    bandwidth  = opts.GetFirstInt     ('b', "bandwidth", 10);
  bool   verbose    = opts.GetFirstBoolean ('v', "verbose", false);
  bool   debug      = opts.GetFirstBoolean ('d', "debug", false);
  int    format     = opts.GetFirstInt     ('f', "format", 1);
  int  num_threads  = opts.GetFirstInt     ('t', "threads", 8);
  string log_fname  = opts.GetFirstString  ('l', "log", "");

  if (input_bam.empty() or output_bam.empty())
    return PrintHelp();


  std::ofstream logf;
  if (log_fname.size ())
    logf.open (log_fname.c_str ());
    if (!logf.is_open ())
      fprintf (stderr, "bamrealignment: Failed to open log file %s\n", log_fname.c_str());
      return 1;

  BamReader reader;
  if (!reader.Open(input_bam)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "bamrealignment: Failed to open input file %s\n", input_bam.c_str());
    return 1;

  SamHeader header = reader.GetHeader();
  RefVector refs   = reader.GetReferenceData();

  BamWriter writer;
  if (format == 1)

  if (!writer.Open(output_bam, header, refs)) {
    fprintf(stderr, "bamrealignment: Failed to open output file %s\n", output_bam.c_str());
    return 1;

  // The meat starts here ------------------------------------

  if (verbose)
    cout << "Verbose option is activated, each alignment will print to screen." << endl
         << "  After a read hit RETURN to continue to the next one," << endl
         << "  or press q RETURN to quit the program," << endl
         << "  or press s Return to silence verbose," << endl
         << "  or press c RETURN to continue printing without further prompt." << endl << endl;

  unsigned int readcounter = 0;
  unsigned int mapped_readcounter = 0;
  unsigned int realigned_readcounter = 0;
  unsigned int modified_alignment_readcounter = 0;
  unsigned int pos_update_readcounter = 0;
  unsigned int failed_clip_realigned_readcount = 0;
  unsigned int already_perfect_readcount = 0;
  unsigned int bad_md_tag_readcount = 0;
  unsigned int error_recreate_ref_readcount = 0;
  unsigned int error_clip_anchor_readcount = 0;
  unsigned int error_sw_readcount = 0;
  unsigned int error_unclip_readcount = 0;
  unsigned int start_position_shift;
  int orig_position;
  int new_position;

  string  md_tag, new_md_tag, input = "x";
  vector<CigarOp>    new_cigar_data;
  vector<MDelement>  new_md_data;
  bool position_shift = false;
  time_t start_time = time(NULL);

  Realigner aligner;
  aligner.verbose_ = verbose;
  aligner.debug_   = debug;
  if (!aligner.SetScores(score_vals))
    cout << "bamrealignment: Four scores need to be provided: match, mismatch, gap open, gap extend score!" << endl;


  BamAlignment alignment;
    readcounter ++;
    position_shift = false;
    if ( (readcounter % 100000) == 0 )
       cout << "Processed " << readcounter << " reads. Elapsed time: " << (time(NULL) - start_time) << endl;

    if (alignment.IsMapped()) {
      orig_position = alignment.Position;
      aligner.SetClipping(clipping, !alignment.IsReverseStrand());
      if (aligner.verbose_) {
    	cout << endl;
        if (alignment.IsReverseStrand())
          cout << "The read is from the reverse strand." << endl;
          cout << "The read is from the forward strand." << endl;

      if (!alignment.GetTag("MD", md_tag)) {
    	if (aligner.verbose_)
          cout << "Warning: Skipping read " << alignment.Name << ". It is mapped but missing MD tag." << endl;
	if (logf.is_open ())
	  logf << alignment.Name << '\t' << alignment.IsReverseStrand() << '\t' << alignment.RefID << '\t' << setfill ('0') << setw (8) << orig_position << '\t' << "MISSMD" << '\n';
      } else if (aligner.CreateRefFromQueryBases(alignment.QueryBases, alignment.CigarData, md_tag, anchors)) {
	bool clipfail = false;
	if (Realigner::CR_ERR_CLIP_ANCHOR == aligner.GetCreateRefError ())
	  clipfail = true;
	  failed_clip_realigned_readcount ++;

        if (!aligner.computeSWalignment(new_cigar_data, new_md_data, start_position_shift)) {
          if (aligner.verbose_)
            cout << "Error in the alignment! Not updating read information." << endl;
	  if (logf.is_open ())
	    logf << alignment.Name << '\t' << alignment.IsReverseStrand() << '\t' << alignment.RefID << '\t' << setfill ('0') << setw (8) << orig_position << '\t' << "SWERR" << '\n';
          writer.SaveAlignment(alignment);  // Write alignment unchanged

        if (!aligner.addClippedBasesToTags(new_cigar_data, new_md_data, alignment.QueryBases.size())) {
          if (aligner.verbose_)
            cout << "Error when adding clipped anchors back to tags! Not updating read information." << endl;
	  if (logf.is_open ())
	    logf << alignment.Name << '\t' << alignment.IsReverseStrand() << '\t' << alignment.RefID << '\t' << setfill ('0') << setw (8) << orig_position << '\t' << "UNCLIPERR" << '\n';
          writer.SaveAlignment(alignment);  // Write alignment unchanged
	  error_unclip_readcount ++;
        new_md_tag = aligner.GetMDstring(new_md_data);

        // adjust start position of read
        if (!aligner.LeftAnchorClipped() and start_position_shift != 0) {
          new_position = aligner.updateReadPosition(alignment.CigarData, (int)start_position_shift, alignment.Position);
          if (new_position != alignment.Position) {
            position_shift = true;
            alignment.Position = new_position;
        if (position_shift || alignment.CigarData.size () != new_cigar_data.size () || md_tag != new_md_tag)
	  if (logf.is_open ())
	    logf << alignment.Name << '\t' << alignment.IsReverseStrand() << '\t' << alignment.RefID << '\t' << setfill ('0') << setw (8) << orig_position << '\t' << "MOD";
	    if (position_shift)
	      logf << "-SHIFT";
	    if (clipfail)
	      logf << " NOCLIP";
	    logf << '\n';
            if (logf.is_open ())
	      logf << alignment.Name << '\t' << alignment.IsReverseStrand() << '\t' << alignment.RefID << '\t' << setfill ('0') << setw (8) << orig_position << '\t' << "UNMOD";
              if (clipfail)
	        logf << " NOCLIP";
	      logf << '\n';

        if (aligner.verbose_){
          cout << alignment.Name << endl;
          cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl;
          // Wait for input to continue or quit program
          if (input.size() == 0)
            input = 'x';
          else if (input[0] != 'c' and input[0] != 'C')
            getline(cin, input);
          if (input.size()>0){
            if (input[0] == 'q' or input[0] == 'Q')
              return 1;
            else if (input[0] == 's' or input[0] == 'S')
              aligner.verbose_ = false;

        // Finally update alignment information
        alignment.CigarData = new_cigar_data;
        alignment.EditTag("MD", "Z" , new_md_tag);

      } // end of CreateRef else if
      else {
	switch (aligner.GetCreateRefError ())
	  case Realigner::CR_ERR_RECREATE_REF:
            if (logf.is_open ())
	      logf << alignment.Name << '\t' << alignment.IsReverseStrand() << '\t' << alignment.RefID << '\t' << setfill ('0') << setw (8) << orig_position << '\t' << "RECRERR" << '\n';
	  case Realigner::CR_ERR_CLIP_ANCHOR:
            if (logf.is_open ())
	      logf << alignment.Name << '\t' << alignment.IsReverseStrand() << '\t' << alignment.RefID << '\t' << setfill ('0') << setw (8) << orig_position << '\t' << "CLIPERR" << '\n';
		  //  On a good run this writes way too many reads to the log file - don't want to create a too large txt file
          //  if (logf.is_open ())
	      //logf << alignment.Name << '\t' << alignment.IsReverseStrand() << '\t' << alignment.RefID << '\t' << setfill ('0') << setw (8) << orig_position << '\t' << "PERFECT" << '\n';
	if (aligner.verbose_) {
	  cout << alignment.Name << endl;
	  cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl;
	  // Wait for input to continue or quit program
	  if (input.size() == 0)
	    input = 'x';
	  else if (input[0] != 'c' and input[0] != 'C')
	    getline(cin, input);
	  if (input.size()>0){
	    if (input[0] == 'q' or input[0] == 'Q')
	      return 1;
	    else if (input[0] == 's' or input[0] == 'S')
	      aligner.verbose_ = false;

      // --- Debug output for Rajesh ---
      if (debug && aligner.invalid_cigar_in_input) {
        aligner.verbose_ = true;
        cout << "Invalid cigar string / md tag pair in read " << alignment.Name << endl;
        // Rerun reference generation to display error
        aligner.CreateRefFromQueryBases(alignment.QueryBases, alignment.CigarData, md_tag, anchors);

        aligner.verbose_ = verbose;
        aligner.invalid_cigar_in_input = false;
      // --- --- ---

    } // end of if isMapped


  } // end while loop over reads

  if (aligner.invalid_cigar_in_input)
    cerr << "WARNING bamrealignment: There were invalid cigar string / md tag pairs in the input bam file." << endl;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------
  // program end -- output summary information
  cout   << "                            File: " << input_bam    << endl
         << "                     Total reads: " << readcounter  << endl
         << "                    Mapped reads: " << mapped_readcounter << endl;
  if (bad_md_tag_readcount)
    cout << "            Skipped: bad MD tags: " << bad_md_tag_readcount << endl;
  if (error_recreate_ref_readcount)
    cout << " Skipped: unable to recreate ref: " << error_recreate_ref_readcount << endl;
  if (error_clip_anchor_readcount)
    cout << "  Skipped: error clipping anchor: " << error_clip_anchor_readcount << endl;
  cout  <<  "       Skipped:  already perfect: " << already_perfect_readcount << endl
        <<  "           Total reads realigned: " << mapped_readcounter - already_perfect_readcount - bad_md_tag_readcount - error_recreate_ref_readcount - error_clip_anchor_readcount << endl;
  if (failed_clip_realigned_readcount)
    cout << "                      (including  " << failed_clip_realigned_readcount << " that failed to clip)" << endl;
  if (error_sw_readcount)
    cout << " Failed to complete SW alignment: " << error_sw_readcount << endl;
  if (error_unclip_readcount)
    cout << "         Failed to unclip anchor: " << error_unclip_readcount << endl;
  cout   << "           Succesfully realigned: " << realigned_readcounter << endl
         << "             Modified alignments: " << modified_alignment_readcounter << endl
         << "                Shifted position: " << pos_update_readcounter << endl;
  cout << "Processing time: " << (time(NULL)-start_time) << " seconds." << endl;
  cout << "INFO: The output BAM file may be unsorted." << endl;
  cout << "------------------------------------------" << endl;
  return 0;