コード例 #1
    void clusterWrite( const BatchedCommandRequest& request,
                       BatchedCommandResponse* response,
                       bool autoSplit ) {

        // App-level validation of a create index insert
        if ( request.isInsertIndexRequest() ) {
            if ( request.sizeWriteOps() != 1 || request.isWriteConcernSet() ) {

                // Invalid request to create index
                response->setOk( false );
                response->setErrCode( ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions );
                response->setErrMessage( "invalid batch request for index creation" );

                dassert( response->isValid( NULL ) );

        // Config writes and shard writes are done differently
        string dbName = NamespaceString( request.getNS() ).db().toString();
        if ( dbName == "config" || dbName == "admin" ) {

            bool verboseWC = request.isVerboseWC();

            // We only support batch sizes of one and {w:0} write concern for config writes
            if ( request.sizeWriteOps() != 1 || ( verboseWC && request.isWriteConcernSet() ) ) {
                // Invalid config server write
                response->setOk( false );
                response->setErrCode( ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions );
                response->setErrMessage( "invalid batch request for config write" );

                dassert( response->isValid( NULL ) );

            // We need to support "best-effort" writes for pings to the config server.
            // {w:0} (!verbose) writes are interpreted as best-effort in this case - they may still
            // error, but do not do the initial fsync check.
            configWrite( request, response, verboseWC );
        else {
            shardWrite( request, response, autoSplit );
コード例 #2
ファイル: batch_executor.cpp プロジェクト: kevleyski/mongo
    void WriteBatchExecutor::executeBatch( const BatchedCommandRequest& request,
                                           BatchedCommandResponse* response ) {

        Timer commandTimer;

        WriteStats stats;
        std::auto_ptr<BatchedErrorDetail> error( new BatchedErrorDetail );
        BSONObj upsertedID = BSONObj();
        bool batchSuccess = true;
        bool staleBatch = false;

        // Apply each batch item, stopping on an error if we were asked to apply the batch
        // sequentially.
        size_t numBatchOps = request.sizeWriteOps();
        bool verbose = request.isVerboseWC();
        for ( size_t i = 0; i < numBatchOps; i++ ) {

            if ( applyWriteItem( BatchItemRef( &request, i ),
                                 error.get() ) ) {

                // In case updates turned out to be upserts, the callers may be interested
                // in learning what _id was used for that document.
                if ( !upsertedID.isEmpty() ) {
                    if ( numBatchOps == 1 ) {
                    else if ( verbose ) {
                        std::auto_ptr<BatchedUpsertDetail> upsertDetail(new BatchedUpsertDetail);
                    upsertedID = BSONObj();

            else {

                // The applyWriteItem did not go thgrou
                // If the error is sharding related, we'll have to investigate whether we
                // have a stale view of sharding state.
                if ( error->getErrCode() == ErrorCodes::StaleShardVersion ) staleBatch = true;

                // Don't bother recording if the user doesn't want a verbose answer. We want to
                // keep the error if this is a one-item batch, since we already compact the
                // response for those.
                if (verbose || numBatchOps == 1) {
                    error->setIndex( static_cast<int>( i ) );
                    response->addToErrDetails( error.release() );

                batchSuccess = false;

                if ( request.getOrdered() ) break;

                error.reset( new BatchedErrorDetail );

        // So far, we may have failed some of the batch's items. So we record
        // that. Rergardless, we still need to apply the write concern.  If that generates a
        // more specific error, we'd replace for the intermediate error here. Note that we
        // "compatct" the error messge if this is an one-item batch. (See rationale later in
        // this file.)
        if ( !batchSuccess ) {

            if (numBatchOps > 1) {
                // TODO
                // Define the final error code here.
                // Might be used as a final error, depending on write concern success.
                response->setErrCode( 99999 );
                response->setErrMessage( "batch op errors occurred" );
            else {
                // Promote the single error.
                const BatchedErrorDetail* error = response->getErrDetailsAt( 0 );
                response->setErrCode( error->getErrCode() );
                if ( error->isErrInfoSet() ) response->setErrInfo( error->getErrInfo() );
                response->setErrMessage( error->getErrMessage() );
                error = NULL;

        // Apply write concern. Note, again, that we're only assembling a full response if the
        // user is interested in it.
        BSONObj writeConcern;
        if ( request.isWriteConcernSet() ) {
            writeConcern = request.getWriteConcern();
        else {
            writeConcern = _defaultWriteConcern;

        string errMsg;
        BSONObjBuilder wcResultsB;
        if ( !waitForWriteConcern( writeConcern, !batchSuccess, &wcResultsB, &errMsg ) ) {

            // TODO Revisit when user visible family error codes are set
            response->setErrCode( ErrorCodes::WriteConcernFailed );
            response->setErrMessage( errMsg );

            if ( verbose ) {
                response->setErrInfo( wcResultsB.obj() );

        // TODO: Audit where we want to queue here
        if ( staleBatch ) {
            ChunkVersion latestShardVersion;
            shardingState.refreshMetadataIfNeeded( request.getTargetingNS(),
                                                   &latestShardVersion );

        // Set the main body of the response. We assume that, if there was an error, the error
        // code would already be set.
        response->setOk( !response->isErrCodeSet() );
        response->setN( stats.numInserted + stats.numUpserted + stats.numUpdated
                        + stats.numDeleted );
        dassert( response->isValid( NULL ) );
コード例 #3
ファイル: cluster_write.cpp プロジェクト: 504com/mongo
    void ClusterWriter::write( const BatchedCommandRequest& request,
                               BatchedCommandResponse* response ) {

        const NamespaceString nss = NamespaceString( request.getNS() );
        if ( !nss.isValid() ) {
            toBatchError( Status( ErrorCodes::InvalidNamespace,
                                  nss.ns() + " is not a valid namespace" ),
                          response );

        if ( !NamespaceString::validCollectionName( nss.coll() ) ) {
            toBatchError( Status( ErrorCodes::BadValue,
                                  str::stream() << "invalid collection name " << nss.coll() ),
                          response );

        if ( request.sizeWriteOps() > BatchedCommandRequest::kMaxWriteBatchSize ) {
            toBatchError( Status( ErrorCodes::FailedToParse,
                                  str::stream() << "exceeded maximum write batch size of "
                                                << BatchedCommandRequest::kMaxWriteBatchSize ),
                          response );

        string errMsg;
        if ( request.isInsertIndexRequest() && !request.isValidIndexRequest( &errMsg ) ) {
            toBatchError( Status( ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions, errMsg ), response );

        // Config writes and shard writes are done differently
        string dbName = nss.db().toString();
        if ( dbName == "config" || dbName == "admin" ) {

            bool verboseWC = request.isVerboseWC();

            // We only support batch sizes of one for config writes
            if ( request.sizeWriteOps() != 1 ) {
                toBatchError( Status( ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions,
                                      mongoutils::str::stream() << "Writes to config servers must "
                                              "have batch size of 1, found "
                                              << request.sizeWriteOps() ),
                              response );

            // We only support {w: 0}, {w: 1}, and {w: 'majority'} write concern for config writes
            if ( request.isWriteConcernSet() && !validConfigWC( request.getWriteConcern() )) {
                toBatchError( Status( ErrorCodes::InvalidOptions,
                                      mongoutils::str::stream() << "Invalid write concern for write"
				              " to config servers: " << request.getWriteConcern() ),
                              response );

            // We need to support "best-effort" writes for pings to the config server.
            // {w:0} (!verbose) writes are interpreted as best-effort in this case - they may still
            // error, but do not do the initial fsync check.
            configWrite( request, response, verboseWC );
        else {
            shardWrite( request, response );