コード例 #1
BigFloat invsqrt(uint32_t x,size_t p,int tds){
    //  Compute inverse square root using Newton's Method.

    //            (  r0^2 * x - 1  )
    //  r1 = r0 - (----------------) * r0
    //            (       2        )

    if (x == 0)
        throw "Divide by Zero";

    //  End of recursion. Generate starting point.
    if (p == 0){
        double val = 1. / sqrt((double)x);

        int64_t exponent = 0;

        //  Scale
        while (val < 1000000000.){
            val *= 1000000000.;

        //  Rebuild a BigFloat.
        uint64_t val64 = (uint64_t)val;

        BigFloat out;
        out.sign = true;

        out.T = std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]>(new uint32_t[2]);
        out.T[0] = (uint32_t)(val64 % 1000000000);
        out.T[1] = (uint32_t)(val64 / 1000000000);
        out.L = 2;
        out.exp = exponent;

        return out;

    //  Half the precision
    size_t s = p / 2 + 1;
    if (p == 1) s = 0;
    if (p == 2) s = 1;

    //  Recurse at half the precision
    BigFloat T = invsqrt(x,s,tds);

    BigFloat temp = T.mul(T,p);     //  r0^2
    temp = temp.mul(x,p,tds);       //  r0^2 * x
    temp = temp.sub(BigFloat(1),p); //  r0^2 * x - 1
    temp = temp.mul(500000000);         //  (r0^2 * x - 1) / 2
    temp = temp.mul(T,p,tds);       //  (r0^2 * x - 1) / 2 * r0
    return T.sub(temp,p);           //  r0 - (r0^2 * x - 1) / 2 * r0
コード例 #2
BigFloat BigFloat::rcp(size_t p,int tds) const{
    //  Compute reciprocal using Newton's Method.

    //  r1 = r0 - (r0 * x - 1) * r0

    if (L == 0)
        throw "Divide by Zero";

    //  Collect operand
    int64_t Aexp = exp;
    size_t AL = L;
    uint32_t *AT = T.get();

    //  End of recursion. Generate starting point.
    if (p == 0){
        //  Truncate precision to 3.
        p = 3;
        if (AL > p){
            size_t chop = AL - p;
            AL = p;
            Aexp += chop;
            AT += chop;

        //  Convert number to floating-point.
        double val = AT[0];
        if (AL >= 2)
            val += AT[1] * 1000000000.;
        if (AL >= 3)
            val += AT[2] * 1000000000000000000.;

        //  Compute reciprocal.
        val = 1. / val;
        Aexp = -Aexp;

        //  Scale
        while (val < 1000000000.){
            val *= 1000000000.;

        //  Rebuild a BigFloat.
        uint64_t val64 = (uint64_t)val;

        BigFloat out;
        out.sign = sign;

        out.T = std::unique_ptr<uint32_t[]>(new uint32_t[2]);
        out.T[0] = (uint32_t)(val64 % 1000000000);
        out.T[1] = (uint32_t)(val64 / 1000000000);
        out.L = 2;
        out.exp = Aexp;

        return out;

    //  Half the precision
    size_t s = p / 2 + 1;
    if (p == 1) s = 0;
    if (p == 2) s = 1;

    //  Recurse at half the precision
    BigFloat T = rcp(s,tds);

    //  r1 = r0 - (r0 * x - 1) * r0
    return T.sub(this->mul(T,p,tds).sub(BigFloat(1),p).mul(T,p,tds),p);