コード例 #1
inline void serialize(Archive & ar, BitSet & bs, const unsigned int version)
   unsigned int* pnData = 0;

   // Archive the number of bits, then the actual long values that hold them.
   // We'll do it this way:
   //    First archive an int for the BitSet size.
   //    Next, archive the required number of ints, based on the depth.
   int nCount = 0xAA;    // Dummy it up.
   int nDepth = 0xAA;

   // If we're saving, we need to extract the data first.
   if ( Archive::is_saving::value )
      nCount = bs.nGetSize();
      pnData = bs.GetBitData();
	  nDepth = bs.GetBitDataDepth();
   ar & nCount;

   // If we're loading, we need to allocate.
   if ( Archive::is_loading::value ) 
      bs.SetSize( nCount );
      pnData = bs.GetBitData();
	  nDepth = bs.GetBitDataDepth();

   // Now handle the values.
   int nA;
   for ( nA = 0; nA < nDepth; nA++ )
	  ar & pnData[nA];