コード例 #1
int BtTicket_insertarArticuloCodigoNL_Post ( BtTicket *tick )
    int valor = -1;
    static int semaforo = 0;
    if ( semaforo == 0 ) {
        valor = 0;
        semaforo = 1;
        QString query = "SELECT * FROM tc_articulo_alias LEFT JOIN tc_talla AS t1 ON tc_articulo_alias.idtc_talla = t1.idtc_talla LEFT JOIN tc_color AS t2 ON tc_articulo_alias.idtc_color = t2.idtc_color WHERE aliastc_articulo_tallacolor = '" + ( ( BtCompany * ) tick->mainCompany() )->valorBtInput() + "'";
        BlDbRecordSet *cur = tick->mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( query );
        if ( !cur->eof() ) {
            BlDbRecord * rec = tick->insertarArticulo ( cur->value( "idarticulo" ), BlFixed ( "1" ), true );
            rec->setDbValue ( "idtc_talla", cur->value( "idtc_talla" ) );
            rec->setDbValue ( "idtc_color", cur->value( "idtc_color" ) );
            rec->setDbValue ( "nomtc_talla", cur->value( "nomtc_talla" ) );
            rec->setDbValue ( "nomtc_color", cur->value( "nomtc_color" ) );
        } else {
	    valor = -1;
	} // end if
        delete cur;
        semaforo = 0;
    } // end if
    return valor;
コード例 #2
ファイル: artgraficos.cpp プロジェクト: JustDevZero/bulmages
void ArtGraficos::on_mui_list_cellClicked ( int row, int column )

    QString artvarios = g_confpr->value( CONF_ARTICULOS_VARIOS );
    QString codigo = m_articulos[row][column];
    QString idArticulo = m_nodarticulos[row][column].firstChildElement("IDARTICULO").toElement().text();
    BtTicket *tick = (( BtCompany * ) mainCompany() ) ->ticketActual();

    /// Buscamos si ya hay una linea con el articulo que buscamos
    BlDbRecord *m_lineaActual = NULL;
    BlDbRecord *item;
    bool nuevaLinea = artvarios.contains ( codigo );

    for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas() ->size(); ++i ) {
        item = tick->listaLineas() ->at ( i );
        if ( item->dbValue ( "idarticulo" ) == idArticulo )
            m_lineaActual = item;
    }// end for

    if ( m_lineaActual && nuevaLinea == false ) {
        /// Ya hay una linea con este articulo (es un agregado)
        BlFixed cantidadib ( m_lineaActual->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) );
        BlFixed cant1 = cantidadib + BlFixed("1");
        m_lineaActual->setDbValue ( "cantlalbaran", cant1.toQString() );
    } else {
        /// No hay ningun item con este articulo (es una insercion)
        m_lineaActual = tick->agregarLinea();
        m_lineaActual->setDbValue ( "idarticulo", idArticulo );
	    QString a("1.00");
        m_lineaActual->setDbValue ( "cantlalbaran", "1.00" );
	m_lineaActual->setDbValue ( "pvpivainclalbaran", m_nodarticulos[row][column].firstChildElement("PVPIVAINCARTICULO").toElement().text());
	m_lineaActual->setDbValue ( "pvplalbaran", m_nodarticulos[row][column].firstChildElement("PVPARTICULO").toElement().text());
	m_lineaActual->setDbValue ( "codigocompletoarticulo", m_nodarticulos[row][column].firstChildElement("PVPIVAINCARTICULO").toElement().text());
	m_lineaActual->setDbValue ( "nomarticulo", m_nodarticulos[row][column].firstChildElement("NOMARTICULO").toElement().text());
	m_lineaActual->setDbValue ( "desclalbaran", m_nodarticulos[row][column].firstChildElement("NOMARTICULO").toElement().text());
	m_lineaActual->setDbValue ( "ivalalbaran", m_nodarticulos[row][column].firstChildElement("IVAARTICULO").toElement().text());

    } // end if

    /// Pintamos el ticket ya que se ha modificado.

    BlDebug::blDebug("END ArtGraficos::on_mui_list_cellClicked");
コード例 #3
ファイル: devolucion.cpp プロジェクト: JustDevZero/bulmages
void Devolucion::on_mui_browser_anchorClicked ( const QUrl &anchor )
    if ( anchor.queryItemValue ( "op" ) == "minus" ) {

        if ( m_ticket->dbValue ( "idalbaran" ).isEmpty() ) return;
        int sizein = m_ticket->listaLineas()->size();
        for ( int i = 0; i < sizein; ++i ) {
            BlDbRecord *item = m_ticket->listaLineas() ->at ( i );
            if ( item->dbValue ( "numlalbaran" ) == anchor.queryItemValue ( "numlalbaran" ) ) {
                BlDbRecord *nitem = m_ticket->agregarLinea();
                QList<BlDbField *> *lista = item->lista();
                for ( int j = 0; j < lista->size(); ++j ) {
                    BlDbField * camp = lista->at ( j );
                    if ( camp->fieldName() != "numlalbaran" ) {
                        nitem->setDbValue ( camp->fieldName(), camp->fieldValue() );
                    } // end if
                    if ( camp->fieldName() == "cantlalbaran" && camp->fieldValue().toFloat() > 0 ) {
                        nitem->setDbValue ( camp->fieldName(), "-1" );
                    }// end if
                } // end if
            } // end for
        }// end for

    } // end if

コード例 #4
ファイル: cambio.cpp プロジェクト: trifolio6/Bulmages
Cambio::Cambio ( BtCompany *emp, QWidget *parent ) : BlWidget ( emp, parent )
    setupUi ( this );

    m_value = 0;
    base basesimp;
    base basesimpreqeq;
    BlDbRecord *linea;

    BtTicket *tick = emp->ticketActual();

    /// Disparamos los plugins.
    int res = g_plugins->run ( "Cambio_ivainc_pre", this );
    if ( res != 0 ) {
    } // end if

    /// Impresion de los contenidos.
    QString l;
    BlFixed irpf ( "0" );

    BlDbRecordSet *cur = emp->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre = 'IRPF'" );
    if ( cur ) {
        if ( !cur->eof() ) {
            irpf = BlFixed ( cur->value( "valor" ) );
        } // end if
        delete cur;
    } // end if

    BlFixed descuentolinea ( "0.00" );
    for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas() ->size(); ++i ) {
        linea = tick->listaLineas() ->at ( i );
        BlFixed cant ( linea->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) );
        BlFixed pvpund ( linea->dbValue ( "pvpivainclalbaran" ) );
        BlFixed desc1 ( linea->dbValue ( "descuentolalbaran" ) );
        BlFixed cantpvp = cant * pvpund;
        BlFixed base = cantpvp - cantpvp * desc1 / 100;
        descuentolinea = descuentolinea + ( cantpvp * desc1 / 100 );
        basesimp[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] = basesimp[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] + base;
        basesimpreqeq[linea->dbValue ( "reqeqlalbaran" ) ] = basesimpreqeq[linea->dbValue ( "reqeqlalbaran" ) ] + base;
    } // end for

    BlFixed basei ( "0.00" );
    base::Iterator it;
    for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
        basei = basei + it.value();
    } // end for

    /// Calculamos el total de los descuentos.
    /// De momento aqui no se usan descuentos generales en venta.
    BlFixed porcentt ( "0.00" );

    /// Calculamos el total de base imponible.
    BlFixed totbaseimp ( "0.00" );
    BlFixed parbaseimp ( "0.00" );
    for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
        if ( porcentt > BlFixed ( "0.00" ) ) {
            parbaseimp = it.value() - it.value() * porcentt / 100;
        } else {
            parbaseimp = it.value();
        } // end if
        totbaseimp = totbaseimp + parbaseimp;
    } // end for

    /// Calculamos el total de IVA.
    BlFixed totiva ( "0.00" );
    BlFixed pariva ( "0.00" );
    for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
        BlFixed piva ( it.key().toAscii().constData() );
        if ( porcentt > BlFixed ( "0.00" ) ) {
            pariva = ( it.value() - it.value() * porcentt / 100 ) * piva / 100;
        } else {
            pariva = it.value() * piva / 100;
        } // end if
        totiva = totiva + pariva;
    } // end for

    /// Calculamos el total de recargo de equivalencia.
    BlFixed totreqeq ( "0.00" );
    BlFixed parreqeq ( "0.00" );
    for ( it = basesimpreqeq.begin(); it != basesimpreqeq.end(); ++it ) {
        BlFixed preqeq ( it.key().toAscii().constData() );
        if ( porcentt > BlFixed ( "0.00" ) ) {
            parreqeq = ( it.value() - it.value() * porcentt / 100 ) * preqeq / 100;
        } else {
            parreqeq = it.value() * preqeq / 100;
        } // end if
        totreqeq = totreqeq + parreqeq;
    } // end for

    BlFixed totirpf = totbaseimp * irpf / 100;

    BlFixed total =  totbaseimp;

    mui_total->setText ( total.toQString() );

コード例 #5
ファイル: serverlight.cpp プロジェクト: trifolio6/Bulmages
void ServerLight::processTicketDataXML(QString data)
    BtCompany *emp = (BtCompany *) mainCompany();
    BlDbRecord *rec;
    BtTicket *ticket;
    BtTicket *ticketActual;
    fprintf(stdout, "\n==========MENSAJE COMPLETO ===============\n");
    fprintf(stdout, data.toAscii());
    fprintf(stdout, "\n=========================\n");
    ticketActual = emp->ticketActual();
    QString *er = new QString("");
    int *erline;
    int num = 0;
    erline = &num;
    QDomDocument doc ( "mydocument" );
    if ( !doc.setContent ( data, true, er, erline ) ) {
	//fprintf(stderr, er->toAscii());
	//fprintf(stderr, QString::number(*erline).toAscii());
	fprintf(stderr, "Error en documento XML.\n");
    } // end if

    QDomElement docElem = doc.documentElement();
    QDomElement principal = docElem.firstChildElement ( "TICKET" );
    /// Cogemos la coordenada X
    QDomNodeList nodos = principal.elementsByTagName ( "LINEATICKET" );
    /// Crea un ticket.
    ticket = emp->newBtTicket();
    ticket->setDbValue("nomticket", principal.firstChildElement("NOMTICKET").text() );
    ticket->setDbValue("idtrabajador", "1");

    int i = 0;
    while (i < nodos.count() ) {

        QDomNode ventana = nodos.item ( i++ );
        QDomElement e1 = ventana.toElement(); /// try to convert the node to an element.
        if ( !e1.isNull() ) { /// the node was really an element.

	    QString idarticulo = e1.firstChildElement("IDARTICULO").text();
	    QString cantarticulo = e1.firstChildElement("CANTARTICULO").text();
	    QString imagen = "";
	    QDomElement modificadores = e1.firstChildElement("MODIFICADORES");
	    if (!modificadores.isNull()) 
	      imagen = modificadores.firstChildElement("IMAGEN").text();
	    /// Inserta lineas.
	    BlDbRecord *linea = ticket->agregarLinea();
	    linea->setDbValue("idarticulo", idarticulo);
	    linea->setDbValue("cantlalbaran", cantarticulo);	    
	    if (imagen != "") {
	      QByteArray bytes1 = QByteArray::fromBase64(imagen.toAscii());
	      QByteArray bytes;
	      QBuffer buffer(&bytes);
	      QImage img;
	      img.loadFromData(bytes1, "BMP");
	      img.save(&buffer, "PNG");
	      QString text = bytes.toBase64();
	      linea->setDbValue ( "imglalbaran", text );
	    } else {
	      linea->setDbValue ( "imglalbaran", "" );
	    } // end if

	    /// El plugin de IVA incluido tiene que estar instalado.
	    /// Buscamos los parametros en la base de datos.
	    QString query = "SELECT pvparticulo, pvpivaincarticulo, codigocompletoarticulo, nomarticulo, porcentasa_iva FROM articulo LEFT JOIN (SELECT idtipo_iva, porcentasa_iva, fechatasa_iva FROM tasa_iva ) AS t1 ON articulo.idtipo_iva = t1.idtipo_iva WHERE idarticulo = " + idarticulo + " ORDER BY t1.fechatasa_iva LIMIT 1";
	    BlDbRecordSet *cur = mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( query );

	    if ( !cur->eof() ) {
		linea->setDbValue ( "pvplalbaran", cur->value( "pvparticulo" ) );
		linea->setDbValue ( "pvpivainclalbaran", cur->value( "pvpivaincarticulo" ) );		
		linea->setDbValue ( "codigocompletoarticulo", cur->value( "codigocompletoarticulo" ) );
		linea->setDbValue ( "nomarticulo", cur->value( "nomarticulo" ) );
		linea->setDbValue ( "desclalbaran", cur->value( "nomarticulo" ) );
		linea->setDbValue ( "ivalalbaran", cur->value( "porcentasa_iva") );

	    } // end if
	    delete cur;

        } // end if
    } // end while

    /// Aparca el ticket.
    /// Hacemos una llamada a plugins para indicar que hay un ticket nuevo y que deben recoger los otros plugins.
    /// En este caso es una llamada extraña pq no se pasa la clase llamante sino que se pasa el ticket generado.
    g_plugins->run("ticket_aparcado_remotamente", ticket);
コード例 #6
void MTicketDesglose::pintar()
    BtTicket *tick =     ( ( BtCompany * ) mainCompany() ) ->ticketActual();
    //QString html = "<font size=\"1\">";
    QString html = "<p style=\"font-family:monospace; font-size: 12pt;\">";
    QString html1 = "<font size=\"1\">";

    html1 += "Ticket: " + tick->dbValue ( "nomticket" ) + "<BR>";

    QString querytrab = "SELECT * FROM trabajador WHERE idtrabajador = " + tick->dbValue ( "idtrabajador" );
    BlDbRecordSet *curtrab = mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( querytrab );
    html1 += "Trabajador: " + tick->dbValue ( "idtrabajador" ) + " " + curtrab->value( "nomtrabajador" ) + "<BR>";
    delete curtrab;
    QString query = "SELECT * FROM cliente WHERE idcliente = " + tick->dbValue ( "idcliente" );
    BlDbRecordSet *cur1 = mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( query );
    html1 += "Cliente: " + tick->dbValue ( "idcliente" ) + " " + cur1->value( "nomcliente" ) + "<BR>";
    delete cur1;

    html += "<TABLE border=\"0\">";
    BlDbRecord *item;
    for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas() ->size(); ++i ) {
        item = tick->listaLineas() ->at ( i );
        QString bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
        if ( item == tick->lineaActBtTicket() ) bgcolor = "#CCCCFF";
        html += "<TR>";
        html += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\" align=\"right\" width=\"50\">" + item->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) + "</TD>";
        html += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\">" + item->dbValue ( "nomarticulo" ) + "</TD>";
        BlFixed totalLinea ( "0.00" );
        totalLinea = BlFixed ( item->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) ) * BlFixed ( item->dbValue ( "pvplalbaran" ) );
        html += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\" align=\"right\" width=\"50\">" + totalLinea.toQString() + "</TD>";
        html += "</TR>";
    }// end for
    html += "</TABLE>";

// ======================================
    html += "<BR><HR><BR>";
    base basesimp;
    base basesimpreqeq;
    BlDbRecord *linea;
    /// Impresion de los contenidos.
    QString l;
    BlFixed irpf ( "0" );

    BlDbRecordSet *cur = mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre = 'IRPF'" );
    if ( cur ) {
        if ( !cur->eof() ) {
            irpf = BlFixed ( cur->value( "valor" ) );
        } // end if
        delete cur;
    } // end if

    BlFixed descuentolinea ( "0.00" );
    for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas() ->size(); ++i ) {
        linea = tick->listaLineas() ->at ( i );
        BlFixed cant ( linea->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) );
        BlFixed pvpund ( linea->dbValue ( "pvplalbaran" ) );
        BlFixed desc1 ( linea->dbValue ( "descuentolalbaran" ) );
        BlFixed cantpvp = cant * pvpund;
        BlFixed base = cantpvp - cantpvp * desc1 / 100;
        descuentolinea = descuentolinea + ( cantpvp * desc1 / 100 );
        basesimp[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] = basesimp[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] + base;
        basesimpreqeq[linea->dbValue ( "reqeqlalbaran" ) ] = basesimpreqeq[linea->dbValue ( "reqeqlalbaran" ) ] + base;
    } // end for

    BlFixed basei ( "0.00" );
    base::Iterator it;
    for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
        basei = basei + it.value();
    } // end for

    /// Calculamos el total de los descuentos.
    /// De momento aqui no se usan descuentos generales en venta.
    BlFixed porcentt ( "0.00" );
        BlDbSubFormRecord *linea1;
        if (m_listadescuentos->rowCount()) {
            for (int i = 0; i < m_listadescuentos->rowCount(); ++i) {
                linea1 = m_listadescuentos->lineaat(i);
                BlFixed propor(linea1->dbValue("proporcion" + m_listadescuentos->tableName()).toAscii().constData());
                porcentt = porcentt + propor;
            } // end for
        } // end if

    /// Calculamos el total de base imponible.
    BlFixed totbaseimp ( "0.00" );
    BlFixed parbaseimp ( "0.00" );
    for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
        if ( porcentt > BlFixed ( "0.00" ) ) {
            parbaseimp = it.value() - it.value() * porcentt / 100;
        } else {
            parbaseimp = it.value();
        } // end if
        html1 += "Base Imp " + it.key() + "% " + parbaseimp.toQString() + "<BR>";
        totbaseimp = totbaseimp + parbaseimp;
    } // end for

    /// Calculamos el total de IVA.
    BlFixed totiva ( "0.00" );
    BlFixed pariva ( "0.00" );
    for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
        BlFixed piva ( it.key().toAscii().constData() );
        if ( porcentt > BlFixed ( "0.00" ) ) {
            pariva = ( it.value() - it.value() * porcentt / 100 ) * piva / 100;
        } else {
            pariva = it.value() * piva / 100;
        } // end if
        html1 += "IVA " + it.key() + "% " + pariva.toQString() + "<BR>";
        totiva = totiva + pariva;
    } // end for

    /// Calculamos el total de recargo de equivalencia.
    BlFixed totreqeq ( "0.00" );
    BlFixed parreqeq ( "0.00" );
    for ( it = basesimpreqeq.begin(); it != basesimpreqeq.end(); ++it ) {
        BlFixed preqeq ( it.key().toAscii().constData() );
        if ( porcentt > BlFixed ( "0.00" ) ) {
            parreqeq = ( it.value() - it.value() * porcentt / 100 ) * preqeq / 100;
        } else {
            parreqeq = it.value() * preqeq / 100;
        } // end if
        html1 += "R.Eq " + it.key() + "% " + parreqeq.toQString() + "<BR>";
        totreqeq = totreqeq + parreqeq;
    } // end for

    BlFixed totirpf = totbaseimp * irpf / 100;

    html1 += "<B>Base Imp. " + totbaseimp.toQString() + "<BR>";
    html1 += "<B>IVA. " + totiva.toQString() + "<BR>";
    html1 += "<B>IRPF. " + totirpf.toQString() + "<BR>";

    BlFixed total = totiva + totbaseimp + totreqeq - totirpf;
    html1 += "<B>Total: " + total.toQString() + "<BR>";

    html += "</p>";
    html1 += "</FONT>";

// ======================================
    /// Pintamos el HTML en el textBrowser
    setText ( html1 );
コード例 #7
ファイル: devolucion.cpp プロジェクト: JustDevZero/bulmages
void Devolucion::pintar()
    if ( !m_ticket ) return;

// ====================== PINTAMOS ========================
    QString html = "<p style=\"font-family:monospace; font-size: 8pt;\">";
    QString html1 = "<font size=\"1\">";

    html1 += "Ticket: " + m_ticket->dbValue ( "nomticket" ) + "<BR>";

    QString querytrab = "SELECT * FROM trabajador WHERE idtrabajador = " + m_ticket->dbValue ( "idtrabajador" );
    BlDbRecordSet *curtrab = mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( querytrab );
    html1 += "Trabajador: " + m_ticket->dbValue ( "idtrabajador" ) + " " + curtrab->value( "nomtrabajador" ) + "<BR>";
    delete curtrab;
    QString query = "SELECT * FROM cliente WHERE idcliente = " + m_ticket->dbValue ( "idcliente" );
    BlDbRecordSet *cur1 = mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( query );
    html1 += "Cliente: " + m_ticket->dbValue ( "idcliente" ) + " " + cur1->value( "nomcliente" ) + "<BR>";
    delete cur1;

    if ( m_ticket->listaLineas()->size() > 0 ) {

        html += "<TABLE border=\"0\">";

        html += "<TR bgcolor = \"#CCCCCC\">";
        html += "<TD>SEL</TD>";
        for ( int z = 0; z < m_ticket->listaLineas()->at ( 0 )->lista()->size(); ++z ) {
            BlDbField *head = m_ticket->listaLineas()->at ( 0 )->lista()->at ( z );
            if ( head->fieldName().left ( 2 ) != "id" && head->fieldName().left ( 3 ) != "num" )
                html += "<TD>" + head->fieldName().left ( 4 ) + "</TD>";
        } // end for
        html += "</TR>";

        BlDbRecord *item;
        for ( int i = 0; i < m_ticket->listaLineas() ->size(); ++i ) {
            item = m_ticket->listaLineas() ->at ( i );

            html += "<TR>";
            html += "<TD><A NAME=\"plus\" HREF=\"?op=plus&numlalbaran=" + item->dbValue ( "numlalbaran" ) + "\">+</A>  <A HREF=\"?op=minus&numlalbaran=" + item->dbValue ( "numlalbaran" ) + "\">-</A></td>";
            for ( int j = 0; j < item->lista()->size(); ++j ) {
                BlDbField *camp = item->lista()->at ( j );
                if ( camp->fieldName().left ( 2 ) != "id" && camp->fieldName().left ( 3 ) != "num" )
                    html += "<TD>" + camp->fieldValue() + "</TD>";
            } // end for

            html += "</TR>";
        }// end for
        html += "</TABLE>";

    } // end if
// ======================================
    html += "<BR><HR><BR>";
    base basesimp;
    base basesimpreqeq;
    BlDbRecord *linea;
    /// Impresion de los contenidos.
    QString l;
    BlFixed irpf ( "0" );

    BlDbRecordSet *cur = mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre = 'IRPF'" );
    if ( cur ) {
        if ( !cur->eof() ) {
            irpf = BlFixed ( cur->value( "valor" ) );
        } // end if
        delete cur;
    } // end if

    BlFixed descuentolinea ( "0.00" );
    for ( int i = 0; i < m_ticket->listaLineas() ->size(); ++i ) {
        linea = m_ticket->listaLineas() ->at ( i );
        BlFixed cant ( linea->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) );
        BlFixed pvpund ( linea->dbValue ( "pvplalbaran" ) );
        BlFixed desc1 ( linea->dbValue ( "descuentolalbaran" ) );
        BlFixed cantpvp = cant * pvpund;
        BlFixed base = cantpvp - cantpvp * desc1 / 100;
        descuentolinea = descuentolinea + ( cantpvp * desc1 / 100 );
        basesimp[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] = basesimp[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] + base;
        basesimpreqeq[linea->dbValue ( "reqeqlalbaran" ) ] = basesimpreqeq[linea->dbValue ( "reqeqlalbaran" ) ] + base;
    } // end for

    BlFixed basei ( "0.00" );
    base::Iterator it;
    for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
        basei = basei + it.value();
    } // end for

    /// Calculamos el total de los descuentos.
    /// De momento aqui no se usan descuentos generales en venta.
    BlFixed porcentt ( "0.00" );

    /// Calculamos el total de base imponible.
    BlFixed totbaseimp ( "0.00" );
    BlFixed parbaseimp ( "0.00" );
    for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
        if ( porcentt > BlFixed ( "0.00" ) ) {
            parbaseimp = it.value() - it.value() * porcentt / 100;
        } else {
            parbaseimp = it.value();
        } // end if
        html1 += "Base Imp " + it.key() + "% " + parbaseimp.toQString() + "<BR>";
        totbaseimp = totbaseimp + parbaseimp;
    } // end for

    /// Calculamos el total de IVA.
    BlFixed totiva ( "0.00" );
    BlFixed pariva ( "0.00" );
    for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
        BlFixed piva ( it.key().toLatin1().constData() );
        if ( porcentt > BlFixed ( "0.00" ) ) {
            pariva = ( it.value() - it.value() * porcentt / 100 ) * piva / 100;
        } else {
            pariva = it.value() * piva / 100;
        } // end if
        html1 += "IVA " + it.key() + "% " + pariva.toQString() + "<BR>";
        totiva = totiva + pariva;
    } // end for

    /// Calculamos el total de recargo de equivalencia.
    BlFixed totreqeq ( "0.00" );
    BlFixed parreqeq ( "0.00" );
    for ( it = basesimpreqeq.begin(); it != basesimpreqeq.end(); ++it ) {
        BlFixed preqeq ( it.key().toLatin1().constData() );
        if ( porcentt > BlFixed ( "0.00" ) ) {
            parreqeq = ( it.value() - it.value() * porcentt / 100 ) * preqeq / 100;
        } else {
            parreqeq = it.value() * preqeq / 100;
        } // end if
        html1 += "R.Eq " + it.key() + "% " + parreqeq.toQString() + "<BR>";
        totreqeq = totreqeq + parreqeq;
    } // end for

    BlFixed totirpf = totbaseimp * irpf / 100;

    html1 += "<B>Base Imp. " + totbaseimp.toQString() + "<BR>";
    html1 += "<B>IVA. " + totiva.toQString() + "<BR>";
    html1 += "<B>IRPF. " + totirpf.toQString() + "<BR>";

    BlFixed total = totiva + totbaseimp + totreqeq - totirpf;
    html1 += "<B>Total: " + total.toQString() + "<BR>";

    html += "</p>";
    html1 += "</FONT>";

    if ( m_totalin == "" ) {
        mui_total->setText ( total.toQString() );
        m_totalin = total.toQString();
    mui_newtotal->setText ( total.toQString() );
    BlFixed diff ( m_totalin );
    diff = diff - total;
    mui_difprice->setText ( diff.toQString() );

// ======================================
    /// Pintamos el HTML en el textBrowser
    mui_browser->setText ( html );
コード例 #8
int BtTicket_imprimirIVAInc(BtTicket *tick)
    struct empresastr {
        QString nombre;
        QString direccionCompleta;
        QString codigoPostal;
        QString ciudad;
        QString provincia;
        QString telefono;
    } empresa;

    struct clientestr {
        QString cif;
        QString nombre;
    } cliente;

    struct trabajadorstr {
        QString nombre;
        QString id;
    } trabajador;

    struct almacenstr {
        QString nombre;
    } almacen;

    struct fechastr {
        QString dia;
        QString hora;
    } fecha;

    struct totalstr {
        BlFixed iva;
        BlFixed baseImponible;
        BlFixed totalIva;
    } total;

    BlDbRecordSet *cur = tick->mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='NombreEmpresa'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.nombre = cur->value( "valor" );
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='CIF'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.nombre += "\n" + cur->value( "valor" );
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='DireccionCompleta'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.direccionCompleta = cur->value( "valor" );
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='CodPostal'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.codigoPostal = cur->value( "valor" ).toLatin1();
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='Ciudad'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.ciudad = cur->value( "valor" );
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='Telefono'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.telefono = cur->value( "valor" );
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='Provincia'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.provincia = cur->value( "valor" );
    delete cur;

    fecha.dia = QDate::currentDate().toString ( "d-M-yyyy" );
    fecha.hora = QTime::currentTime().toString ( "HH:mm" );

    trabajador.id = tick->dbValue ( "idtrabajador" );
    cur = tick->mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM trabajador WHERE idtrabajador=" + tick->dbValue ( "idtrabajador" ) );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        trabajador.nombre = cur->value( "nomtrabajador" );
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM cliente WHERE idcliente=" + tick->dbValue ( "idcliente" ) );
    if ( !cur->eof() ) {
	if (cur->value("idcliente") != g_confpr->value(CONF_IDCLIENTE_DEFECTO)) {
        cliente.cif = cur->value( "cifcliente" ).toLatin1();
        cliente.nombre = cur->value( "nomcliente" ).toLatin1();
	} else {
	cliente.cif = "";
        cliente.nombre = "";
	} // end if
    } // end if
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany() ->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM almacen WHERE idalmacen=" + tick->dbValue ( "idalmacen" ) );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        almacen.nombre = cur->value( "nomalmacen" ).toLatin1() ;
    delete cur;

    BlDbRecord *linea;
    base totales;

    /// Inicializamos los componentes.
    for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas() ->size(); ++i ) {
        linea = tick->listaLineas() ->at ( i );
	    BlFixed init("0.00");
        totales[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] = init;
    } // end for

    for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas() ->size(); ++i ) {
        linea = tick->listaLineas() ->at ( i );
        BlFixed cantidad = BlFixed ( linea->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) );
	    BlFixed totlinea = cantidad * BlFixed( linea->dbValue("pvpivainclalbaran"));
        total.totalIva = total.totalIva + cantidad * BlFixed ( linea->dbValue ( "pvpivainclalbaran" ) );
        totales[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] = totales[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] + totlinea;
    } // end for

    BlEscPrinter pr ( g_confpr->value(CONF_DIR_USER) + "bulmatpv_ticket_tc_ivainc.esc" );
    pr.setCharacterCodeTable ( page19 );
    pr.setJustification ( BlEscPrinter::center );

    if ( g_confpr->value( CONF_TPV_PRINTER_LOGO ) != "" ) {
        pr.printImage ( g_confpr->value( CONF_TPV_PRINTER_LOGO ) );
    } // end if
    pr.printText ( empresa.nombre + "\n" );
    pr.setCharacterPrintMode ( CHARACTER_FONTB_SELECTED );
    pr.setCharacterSize ( CHAR_WIDTH_1 | CHAR_HEIGHT_1 );
    pr.setColor ( red );
    pr.printText ( empresa.direccionCompleta + "\n" );
    pr.setCharacterCodeTable ( page19 );
    pr.printText ( "\n" );
    pr.printText ( fecha.dia + " " + fecha.hora + "\n" );
    if (cliente.cif != "") 
	pr.printText ( "Cliente: " + cliente.cif + " " + cliente.nombre + "\n" );
    pr.printText ( "Num. Ticket:  " + tick->dbValue("numalbaran") + "\n" );
    pr.printText ( "\n" );
    pr.turnWhiteBlack ( 1 );
    pr.printText ( "Uds PRODUCTO � � � � � � � P.U. � IMPORTE \n" );
    pr.turnWhiteBlack ( 0 );
    pr.setCharacterPrintMode ( CHARACTER_FONTB_SELECTED );
    pr.setCharacterSize ( CHAR_WIDTH_1 | CHAR_HEIGHT_1 );

    for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas() ->size(); ++i ) {
        if ( i == tick->listaLineas()->size() - 1 )
            pr.setUnderlineMode ( 1 );
        linea = tick->listaLineas()->at ( i );
        BlFixed pvp = BlFixed ( linea->dbValue ( "pvpivainclalbaran" ) );	
        BlFixed pvptotal = BlFixed ( linea->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) ) * pvp;
        pr.printText ( linea->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ).rightJustified ( 3, ' ', true ) + " " );
        pr.printText ( linea->dbValue ( "desclalbaran" ).leftJustified ( 21, ' ', true ) + " " );
        pr.printText ( linea->dbValue ( "nomtc_talla" ).leftJustified ( 3, ' ', true ) + " " );
        pr.printText ( linea->dbValue ( "nomtc_color" ).leftJustified ( 3, ' ', true ) + " " );	
        QString pvpstr = pvp.toQString();
        QString pvptotalstr = pvptotal.toQString();
        pr.printText ( QString ( pvpstr + "�" ).rightJustified ( 10, ' ', true ) + " " );
        pr.printText ( QString ( pvptotalstr + "�" ).rightJustified ( 10, ' ', true ) );
        pr.printText ( "\n" );
    } // end for
    pr.setUnderlineMode ( 0 );
    pr.setJustification ( BlEscPrinter::right );
    pr.setCharacterPrintMode ( CHARACTER_FONTA_SELECTED );    
    base::Iterator it;
    for ( it = totales.begin(); it != totales.end(); ++it ) {
      QString tipoIva = it.key();	
      QString sqlquery = "SELECT (" +it.value().toQString('.') + "/ ( 1 + " + tipoIva.replace(",",".") + "/100 ))::NUMERIC(12,2) AS base, " + it.value().toQString('.') + "- ("+it.value().toQString('.') + "/ ( 1 + " + tipoIva.replace(",",".") + "/100 ))::NUMERIC(12,2) AS iva";
      BlDbRecordSet *cur = tick->mainCompany()->loadQuery(sqlquery);
      pr.printText ( "Base Imponible: " + cur->value("base") + "�\n" );
      pr.printText ( "IVA " +it.key() + "%  " + cur->value("iva") + "�\n" );
      delete cur;
    } // end for
    pr.printText ( "TOTAL: " + total.totalIva.toQString() + "�\n" );
    pr.printText ( "\n\n" );
    pr.setJustification ( BlEscPrinter::left );
    pr.setCharacterPrintMode ( CHARACTER_FONTA_SELECTED );
    pr.printText ( "Le ha atendido " + trabajador.nombre + "\n" );
    pr.printText ( "\n" );
    pr.printText ( "\n" );
    pr.setJustification ( BlEscPrinter::center );
    pr.setColor ( red );
    pr.printText ( "*** GRACIAS POR SU VISITA ***\n" );
    QByteArray qba = tick->dbValue ( "refalbaran" ).toLatin1();
    char* barcode = qba.data();
    pr.setJustification ( BlEscPrinter::center );
    pr.setBarcodeFormat ( 2, 50, both, fontB );
    pr.printBarCode ( code39, qba.size(), barcode );
    pr.cutPaperAndFeed ( true, 10 );

    /// Si queremos imprimir con CUPS lo hacemos de esta otra forma
    if (!g_confpr->value( CONF_TICKET_PRINTER_FILE).isEmpty() && g_confpr->value( CONF_TICKET_PRINTER_FILE) != "/dev/null") {
        QString comando = "cat " + g_confpr->value(CONF_DIR_USER) + "bulmatpv_ticket_tc_ivainc.esc" + "  > " + g_confpr->value( CONF_TICKET_PRINTER_FILE );
        system ( comando.toLatin1().data() );
    } else if (g_confpr->value(CONF_CUPS_DEFAULT_PRINTER).isEmpty() || g_confpr->value(CONF_CUPS_DEFAULT_PRINTER).toLower() == "none") {
        BlDebug::blDebug("Debe establecer el parametro CONF_CUPS_DEFAULT_PRINTER o CONF_TICKET_PRINTER_FILE para imprimir el ticket " , 2);
    } else {
        QString comando = "lp -d" + g_confpr->value(CONF_CUPS_DEFAULT_PRINTER) + " " + g_confpr->value(CONF_DIR_USER) + "bulmatpv_ticket_tc_ivainc.esc";
        system ( comando.toLatin1().data() );
    } // end if
    return 1;
コード例 #9
int BtTicket_imprimir(BtTicket *tick)

    if ( tick->listaLineas()->size() ) {
        if( tick->listaLineas()->at ( 0 )->exists ( "pvpivainclalbaran" ) ) {
	    BlDebug::blDebug("END pluginbt_aliastallasycolores::BtTicket_imprimir",0);
	    return -1;
	} // end if
    } else {
        BlDebug::blDebug("END pluginbt_aliastallasycolores::BtTicket_imprimir",0);
        return -1;
    } // end if
    struct empresastr {
        QString nombre;
        QString direccionCompleta;
        QString codigoPostal;
        QString ciudad;
        QString provincia;
        QString telefono;
    } empresa;

    struct clientestr {
        QString cif;
        QString nombre;
    } cliente;

    struct trabajadorstr {
        QString nombre;
        QString id;
    } trabajador;

    struct almacenstr {
        QString nombre;
    } almacen;

    struct fechastr {
        QString dia;
        QString hora;
    } fecha;

    struct totalstr {
        BlFixed iva;
        BlFixed baseImponible;
        BlFixed totalIva;
    } total;

    BlDbRecordSet *cur = tick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='NombreEmpresa'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.nombre = cur->value( "valor" );
    delete cur;
    cur = tick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='CIF'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.nombre += "\n" + cur->value( "valor" );
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='DireccionCompleta'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.direccionCompleta = cur->value( "valor" );
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='CodPostal'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.codigoPostal = cur->value( "valor" ).toLatin1();
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='Ciudad'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.ciudad = cur->value( "valor" );
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='Telefono'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.telefono = cur->value( "valor" );
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre='Provincia'" );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        empresa.provincia = cur->value( "valor" );
    delete cur;

    fecha.dia = QDate::currentDate().toString ( "d-M-yyyy" );
    fecha.hora = QTime::currentTime().toString ( "HH:mm" );

    trabajador.id = tick->dbValue ( "idtrabajador" );
    cur = tick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM trabajador WHERE idtrabajador=" + tick->dbValue ( "idtrabajador" ) );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        trabajador.nombre = cur->value( "nomtrabajador" );
    delete cur;
    cur = tick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM cliente WHERE idcliente=" + tick->dbValue ( "idcliente" ) );
    if ( !cur->eof() ) {
        cliente.cif = cur->value( "cifcliente" ).toLatin1();
        cliente.nombre = cur->value( "nomcliente" ).toLatin1();
    } // end if
    delete cur;

    cur = tick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM almacen WHERE idalmacen=" + tick->dbValue ( "idalmacen" ) );
    if ( !cur->eof() )
        almacen.nombre = cur->value( "nomalmacen" ).toLatin1() ;
    delete cur;

    BlDbRecord *linea;
    if ( tick->listaLineas()->size() ) {
        total.iva = BlFixed ( tick->listaLineas()->at ( 0 )->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) );
    for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas()->size(); ++i ) {
        linea = tick->listaLineas()->at ( i );
        BlFixed cantidad = BlFixed ( linea->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) );
        total.baseImponible = total.baseImponible + cantidad * BlFixed ( linea->dbValue ( "pvplalbaran" ) );
    } // end for
    total.totalIva = total.baseImponible + total.baseImponible * total.iva / BlFixed ( "100" );

    BlEscPrinter pr ( g_confpr->value(CONF_DIR_USER) + "bulmatpv_ticket_tc.esc" );
    pr.setCharacterCodeTable ( page19 );
    pr.setJustification ( BlEscPrinter::center );

    if ( g_confpr->value( CONF_TPV_PRINTER_LOGO ) != "" ) {
        pr.printImage ( g_confpr->value( CONF_TPV_PRINTER_LOGO ) );
    } // end if
    pr.printText ( empresa.nombre + "\n" );
    pr.setCharacterPrintMode ( CHARACTER_FONTB_SELECTED );
    pr.setCharacterSize ( CHAR_WIDTH_1 | CHAR_HEIGHT_1 );
    pr.setColor ( red );
    pr.printText ( empresa.direccionCompleta + "\n" );
    pr.setCharacterCodeTable ( page19 );

    pr.printText ( "\n" );
    pr.printText ( fecha.dia + " " + fecha.hora + "\n" );
    pr.printText ( "Cliente, " + cliente.cif + " " + cliente.nombre + "\n" );
    pr.printText ( "\n" );

    pr.turnWhiteBlack ( 1 );
    pr.printText ( " Uds. PRODUCTO � � � � � �    P.U. IMPORTE\n" );

    pr.turnWhiteBlack ( 0 );
    pr.setCharacterPrintMode ( CHARACTER_FONTB_SELECTED );
    pr.setCharacterSize ( CHAR_WIDTH_1 | CHAR_HEIGHT_1 );

    for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas() ->size(); ++i ) {
        if ( i == tick->listaLineas()->size() - 1 )
            pr.setUnderlineMode ( 1 );
        linea = tick->listaLineas() ->at ( i );
        BlFixed iva = BlFixed ( linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) );
        BlFixed pvp = BlFixed ( linea->dbValue ( "pvplalbaran" ) );
        pvp = pvp + pvp * iva / BlFixed ( "100" );
        BlFixed pvptotal = BlFixed ( linea->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) ) * pvp;
        pr.printText ( linea->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ).rightJustified ( 5, ' ', true ) + "  " );
        pr.printText ( linea->dbValue ( "desclalbaran" ).leftJustified ( 27, ' ', true ) + " " );
        QString pvpstr = pvp.toQString();
        QString pvptotalstr = pvptotal.toQString();
        pr.printText ( QString ( pvpstr + "�" ).rightJustified ( 10, ' ', true ) + " " );
        pr.printText ( QString ( pvptotalstr + "�" ).rightJustified ( 10, ' ', true ) );
        pr.printText ( "\n" );
    } // end for
    pr.setUnderlineMode ( 0 );
    pr.setJustification ( BlEscPrinter::right );
    pr.setCharacterPrintMode ( CHARACTER_FONTA_SELECTED );
    pr.printText ( "Base Imponible: " + total.baseImponible.toQString() + "�\n" );
    pr.printText ( "IVA " + total.iva.toQString() + "%:" + ( total.totalIva - total.baseImponible ).toQString() + "�\n" );
    pr.printText ( "TOTAL: " + total.totalIva.toQString() + "�\n" );
    pr.printText ( "\n\n" );
    pr.setJustification ( BlEscPrinter::left );
    pr.setCharacterPrintMode ( CHARACTER_FONTA_SELECTED );
    pr.printText ( "Le ha atendido " + trabajador.nombre + "\n" );
    pr.printText ( "\n" );
    pr.printText ( "Tel. " + empresa.telefono + "\n" );
    pr.printText ( "\n" );
    pr.setJustification ( BlEscPrinter::center );
    pr.setColor ( red );
    pr.printText ( "*** GRACIAS POR SU VISITA ***\n" );
    QByteArray qba = tick->dbValue ( "refalbaran" ).toLatin1();
    char* barcode = qba.data();
    pr.setJustification ( BlEscPrinter::center );
    pr.setBarcodeFormat ( 2, 50, both, fontB );
    pr.printBarCode ( code39, qba.size(), barcode );
    pr.cutPaperAndFeed ( true, 10 );
    /// Si queremos imprimir con CUPS lo hacemos de esta otra forma
    if (!g_confpr->value( CONF_TICKET_PRINTER_FILE).isEmpty() && g_confpr->value( CONF_TICKET_PRINTER_FILE) != "/dev/null") {
        QString comando = "cat " + g_confpr->value(CONF_DIR_USER) + "bulmatpv_ticket_tc.esc" + "  > " + g_confpr->value( CONF_TICKET_PRINTER_FILE );
        system ( comando.toLatin1().data() );
    } else if (g_confpr->value(CONF_CUPS_DEFAULT_PRINTER).isEmpty() || g_confpr->value(CONF_CUPS_DEFAULT_PRINTER).toLower() == "none") {
        BlDebug::blDebug("Debe establecer el parametro CONF_CUPS_DEFAULT_PRINTER o CONF_TICKET_PRINTER_FILE para imprimir el ticket " , 2);
    } else {
		blRawPrint ("bulmatpv_ticket_tc.esc");
    } // end if
    BlDebug::blDebug("END pluginbt_aliastallasycolores::BtTicket_imprimir",0);
    return -1;
コード例 #10
int MTicketIVAInc_pintar ( MTicketIVAInc *mtick )
  QString query;
  QString buscar;
  BtTicket *tick = ( ( BtCompany * ) mtick->mainCompany() )->ticketActual();
  QString plainTextContent = "";
  QString htmlContent = "<font size=\"4\", font-family:monospace>";
  htmlContent += "Ticket: " + tick->dbValue ( "nomticket" ) + "<BR>";
  plainTextContent += "Ticket: " + tick->dbValue ( "nomticket" ) + "\n";
  query = "SELECT idtrabajador, nomtrabajador FROM trabajador WHERE idtrabajador = " + tick->dbValue ( "idtrabajador" );
  BlDbRecordSet *rsTrabajador = mtick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( query );
  plainTextContent += "Trabajador: " + rsTrabajador->value( "nomtrabajador" ) + "\n";
  htmlContent += "Trabajador: " + rsTrabajador->value( "nomtrabajador" ) + "<br>";
  delete rsTrabajador;
  query = "SELECT idcliente, nomcliente FROM cliente WHERE idcliente = " + tick->dbValue ( "idcliente" );
  BlDbRecordSet *rsCliente = mtick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( query );
  plainTextContent += "Cliente: " + rsCliente->value( "nomcliente" ) + "\n";
  htmlContent += "Cliente: " + rsCliente->value( "nomcliente" ) + "<br>";
  delete rsCliente;
  htmlContent += "<br>";
  htmlContent += "<TABLE border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
  htmlContent += "<tr><td>" + QString(_("CANT:")) + "</td><td width=\"30%\">" + QString(_("ARTI:")) + "</td><td>" + QString(_("TALLA:")) + "</td><td>" + QString(_("COLOR:")) + "</td><td>" + QString(_("PREC:")) + "</td></tr>";
  htmlContent += "<tr><td colspan=\"5\" width=\"100%\" ><hr></td></tr>";
  plainTextContent += "\n";
  plainTextContent += "  " + QString(_("CANT:").rightJustified( 7, ' ', true )) + "  " + QString(_("ARTI:").leftJustified ( 15, ' ', true )) + "  " + QString(_("TALLA:").leftJustified( 7, ' ', true ))+ "  " + QString(_("COLOR:").leftJustified( 7, ' ', true ))+ "  " + QString(_("PRECIO:").leftJustified( 9, ' ', true )) + "\n";
  plainTextContent += "-----------------------------------------------------------\n";
//   if (tick->dbValue("nomticket") != "") {
//     htmlContent += "<TR><TD colspan=\"5\" align=\"center\"><B>" + tick->dbValue ( "nomticket" ) + "</B></td></tr>";
//   } // end if

  BlDbRecord *item;
  for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas()->size(); ++i ) {
      item = tick->listaLineas()->at ( i );
      QString bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
      if ( item == tick->lineaActBtTicket() ) {
	    buscar = item->dbValue ( "nomarticulo" );
            bgcolor = "#CCCCFF";
            plainTextContent += "> ";
        } else {
            plainTextContent += "  ";
        } // end if
      htmlContent += "<TR>";
      htmlContent += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\" align=\"right\" width=\"50\">" + item->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) + "</TD>";
      htmlContent += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\" whidth>" + item->dbValue ( "nomarticulo" ) + "</TD>";
      htmlContent += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\">" + item->dbValue ( "nomtc_talla" ) + "</TD>";
      htmlContent += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\">" + item->dbValue ( "nomtc_color" ) + "</TD>";
      BlFixed totalLinea ( "0.00" );
      totalLinea = BlFixed ( item->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) ) * BlFixed ( item->dbValue ( "pvpivainclalbaran" ) );
      htmlContent += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\" align=\"right\" width=\"50\">" + totalLinea.toQString() + "</TD>";
      htmlContent += "</TR>";
      plainTextContent += item->dbValue("cantlalbaran").rightJustified ( 7, ' ', true ) + " ";
      plainTextContent += item->dbValue("nomarticulo").leftJustified ( 20, ' ', true ) + " ";
      plainTextContent += item->dbValue("nomtc_talla").leftJustified ( 7, ' ', true ) + " ";
      plainTextContent += item->dbValue("nomtc_color").leftJustified ( 7, ' ', true ) + " ";
      plainTextContent += totalLinea.toQString().leftJustified ( 9, ' ', true ) + "\n";
  } // end for
  htmlContent+= "</TABLE>";
  htmlContent += "<HR>";
  base basesimp;
  base basesimpreqeq;
  BlDbRecord *linea;
  QString l;
  BlFixed irpf ( "0" );

  BlDbRecordSet *cur = mtick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre = 'IRPF'" );
  if ( cur ) {
      if ( !cur->eof() ) {
	  irpf = BlFixed ( cur->value( "valor" ) );
      } // end if
      delete cur;
  } // end if

  BlFixed descuentolinea ( "0.00" );
  for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas()->size(); ++i ) {
      linea = tick->listaLineas()->at ( i );
      BlFixed cant ( linea->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) );
      BlFixed pvpund ( linea->dbValue ( "pvpivainclalbaran" ) );
      BlFixed desc1 ( linea->dbValue ( "descuentolalbaran" ) );
      BlFixed cantpvp = cant * pvpund;
      BlFixed iva ( linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) );
      BlFixed base = cantpvp - cantpvp * desc1 / 100;
      base = base / ( BlFixed ( "1" ) + ( iva / BlFixed ( "100" ) ) );
      descuentolinea = descuentolinea + ( cantpvp * desc1 / 100 );
      basesimp[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] = basesimp[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] + base;
      basesimpreqeq[linea->dbValue ( "reqeqlalbaran" ) ] = basesimpreqeq[linea->dbValue ( "reqeqlalbaran" ) ] + base;
  } // end for

  BlFixed basei ( "0.00" );
  base::Iterator it;
  for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
      basei = basei + it.value();
  } // end for
  mtick->mui_browser->setText ( htmlContent );
  mtick->mui_plainText->setPlainText ( plainTextContent );
  mtick->mui_browser->find ( buscar );
  QTextCursor cursor = mtick->mui_browser->textCursor();
  mtick->mui_browser->setTextCursor( cursor );
  return -1;
//     BtTicket *tick = ( ( BtCompany * ) mtick->mainCompany() )->ticketActual();
//     QString html = "<p style=\"font-family:monospace; font-size: 12pt;\">";
//     QString html1 = "<font size=\"1\">";
//     html1 += "Ticket: " + tick->dbValue ( "nomticket" ) + "<BR>";
//     QString querytrab = "SELECT * FROM trabajador WHERE idtrabajador = " + tick->dbValue ( "idtrabajador" );
//     BlDbRecordSet *curtrab = mtick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( querytrab );
//     html1 += "Trabajador: " + tick->dbValue ( "idtrabajador" ) + " " + curtrab->value( "nomtrabajador" ) + "<BR>";
//     delete curtrab;
//     QString query = "SELECT * FROM cliente WHERE idcliente = " + tick->dbValue ( "idcliente" );
//     BlDbRecordSet *cur1 = mtick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( query );
//     html1 += "Cliente: " + tick->dbValue ( "idcliente" ) + " " + cur1->value( "nomcliente" ) + "<BR>";
//     delete cur1;
//     html += "<TABLE border=\"0\" width=\"100%\">";
//     if (tick->dbValue("nomticket") != "") {
//       html += "<TR><TD colspan=\"5\" align=\"center\"><B>" + tick->dbValue ( "nomticket" ) + "</B></td></tr>";
//     } // end if
//     BlDbRecord *item;
//     for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas()->size(); ++i ) {
//         item = tick->listaLineas()->at ( i );
//         QString bgcolor = "#FFFFFF";
//         if ( item == tick->lineaActBtTicket() ) bgcolor = "#CCCCFF";
//         html += "<TR>";
//         html += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\" align=\"right\" width=\"50\">" + item->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) + "</TD>";
//         html += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\">" + item->dbValue ( "nomarticulo" ) + "</TD>";
//         html += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\">" + item->dbValue ( "nomtc_talla" ) + "</TD>";
//         html += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\">" + item->dbValue ( "nomtc_color" ) + "</TD>";
//         BlFixed totalLinea ( "0.00" );
//         totalLinea = BlFixed ( item->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) ) * BlFixed ( item->dbValue ( "pvpivainclalbaran" ) );
//         html += "<TD bgcolor=\"" + bgcolor + "\" align=\"right\" width=\"50\">" + totalLinea.toQString() + "</TD>";
//         html += "</TR>";
//     } // end for
//     html += "</TABLE>";    
//     html += "<BR><HR><BR>";
//     base basesimp;
//     base basesimpreqeq;
//     BlDbRecord *linea;
//     /// Impresion de los contenidos.
//     QString l;
//     BlFixed irpf ( "0" );
//     BlDbRecordSet *cur = mtick->mainCompany()->loadQuery ( "SELECT * FROM configuracion WHERE nombre = 'IRPF'" );
//     if ( cur ) {
//         if ( !cur->eof() ) {
//             irpf = BlFixed ( cur->value( "valor" ) );
//         } // end if
//         delete cur;
//     } // end if
//     BlFixed descuentolinea ( "0.00" );
//     for ( int i = 0; i < tick->listaLineas()->size(); ++i ) {
//         linea = tick->listaLineas()->at ( i );
//         BlFixed cant ( linea->dbValue ( "cantlalbaran" ) );
//         BlFixed pvpund ( linea->dbValue ( "pvpivainclalbaran" ) );
//         BlFixed desc1 ( linea->dbValue ( "descuentolalbaran" ) );
//         BlFixed cantpvp = cant * pvpund;
//         BlFixed iva ( linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) );
//         BlFixed base = cantpvp - cantpvp * desc1 / 100;
//         base = base / ( BlFixed ( "1" ) + ( iva / BlFixed ( "100" ) ) );
//         descuentolinea = descuentolinea + ( cantpvp * desc1 / 100 );
//         basesimp[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] = basesimp[linea->dbValue ( "ivalalbaran" ) ] + base;
//         basesimpreqeq[linea->dbValue ( "reqeqlalbaran" ) ] = basesimpreqeq[linea->dbValue ( "reqeqlalbaran" ) ] + base;
//     } // end for
//     BlFixed basei ( "0.00" );
//     base::Iterator it;
//     for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
//         basei = basei + it.value();
//     } // end for
//     /// Calculamos el total de los descuentos.
//     /// De momento aqui no se usan descuentos generales en venta.
//     BlFixed porcentt ( "0.00" );
//     /// Calculamos el total de base imponible.
//     BlFixed totbaseimp ( "0.00" );
//     BlFixed parbaseimp ( "0.00" );
//     for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
//         if ( porcentt > BlFixed ( "0.00" ) ) {
//             parbaseimp = it.value() - it.value() * porcentt / 100;
//         } else {
//             parbaseimp = it.value();
//         } // end if
//         html1 += "Base Imp " + it.key() + "% " + parbaseimp.toQString() + "<BR>";
//         totbaseimp = totbaseimp + parbaseimp;
//     } // end for
//     /// Calculamos el total de IVA.
//     BlFixed totiva ( "0.00" );
//     BlFixed pariva ( "0.00" );
//     for ( it = basesimp.begin(); it != basesimp.end(); ++it ) {
//         BlFixed piva ( it.key().toLatin1().constData() );
//         if ( porcentt > BlFixed ( "0.00" ) ) {
//             pariva = ( it.value() - it.value() * porcentt / 100 ) * piva / 100;
//         } else {
//             pariva = it.value() * piva / 100;
//         } // end if
//         html1 += "IVA " + it.key() + "% " + pariva.toQString() + "<BR>";
//         totiva = totiva + pariva;
//     } // end for
//     /// Calculamos el total de recargo de equivalencia.
//     BlFixed totreqeq ( "0.00" );
//     BlFixed parreqeq ( "0.00" );
//     for ( it = basesimpreqeq.begin(); it != basesimpreqeq.end(); ++it ) {
//         BlFixed preqeq ( it.key().toLatin1().constData() );
//         if ( porcentt > BlFixed ( "0.00" ) ) {
//             parreqeq = ( it.value() - it.value() * porcentt / 100 ) * preqeq / 100;
//         } else {
//             parreqeq = it.value() * preqeq / 100;
//         } // end if
//         html1 += "R.Eq " + it.key() + "% " + parreqeq.toQString() + "<BR>";
//         totreqeq = totreqeq + parreqeq;
//     } // end for
//     BlFixed totirpf = totbaseimp * irpf / 100;
//     html1 += "<B>Base Imp. " + totbaseimp.toQString() + "<BR>";
//     html1 += "<B>IVA. " + totiva.toQString() + "<BR>";
//     html1 += "<B>IRPF. " + totirpf.toQString() + "<BR>";
//     BlFixed total = totiva + totbaseimp + totreqeq - totirpf;
//     html1 += "<B>Total: " + total.toQString() + "<BR>";
//     html += "</p>";
//     html1 += "</FONT>";
//     /// Pintamos el HTML en el textBrowser
//     mtick->mui_browser->setText ( html );
//     return -1;