void show_buffer_unscaled( Blip_Buffer& in ) { blip_sample_t buf [scope_width]; long count = in.read_samples( buf, scope_width ); while ( count < scope_width ) buf [count++] = 0; scope.draw( buf, scope_width ); // remove remaining samples while ( in.read_samples( buf, scope_width ) ) { } }
int main() { // Setup left buffer and wave int left_time = 0; int left_amp = 0; setup_demo( left, left_synth ); left.clock_rate( left.sample_rate() * 100 ); // Setup right buffer and wave int right_time = 0; int right_amp = 0; setup_demo( right, right_synth ); right.clock_rate( right.sample_rate() * 100 ); while ( !button_pressed() ) { blip_time_t length = 100000; // mouse sets frequency of left wave int period = 1000 + 6 * mouse_x(); // Add saw wave to left buffer do { left_synth.update( left_time, left_amp = (left_amp + 1) % 10 ); } while ( (left_time += period) < length ); left.end_frame( length ); left_time -= length; // Add saw wave of slightly lower pitch to right buffer do { right_synth.update( right_time, right_amp = (right_amp + 1) % 10 ); } while ( (right_time += 1000) < length ); right.end_frame( length ); right_time -= length; // buffer to read samples into int const buf_size = 2048; static blip_sample_t samples [buf_size]; // Read left channel into even samples, right channel into odd samples: // LRLRLRLRLR... long count = left.read_samples( samples, buf_size / 2, 1 ); right.read_samples( samples + 1, count, 1 ); play_stereo_samples( samples, count * 2 ); } return 0; }
// Callback called when Alure needs more data to ffed a buffer ALuint StreamCB (void* userdata, ALubyte *data, ALuint bytes) { double period = SR / (2* freq); // How many samples need to do a half cycle. size_t lenght = bytes / 2; // Lenght in "samples" unsigned const amplitude = 9; while (offset < lenght) { sign = -sign; synth.update(offset, amplitude * sign); offset += period; } blipbuf.end_frame(lenght); offset -= lenght; // adjust time to new frame return 2* blipbuf.read_samples ((blip_sample_t*) data, lenght ); // return bytes! }
void show_buffer( Blip_Buffer& in ) { long count = in.read_samples( sample_buf, buf_size ); scope.draw( sample_buf, scope_width, (double) count / scope_width ); }