int main() { Boggle game; game.printBoard(); cout << "" << endl; game.getUserInput(); cout << "" << endl; game.printResults(); system("pause"); return 0; }
/* * Plays one game of Boggle using the given boggle game state object. */ void playOneGame(Boggle& boggle) { boggle.resetBoard(); cout << "Would you like to randomize the board? (y/n)" << endl; string userChoice; getline(cin,userChoice); if(toLowerCase(trim(userChoice)) == "y"){ boggle.randomizeBoard(); }else{ string boardSeq; do { cout << "Please enter a valid sequence of letters to fill the board with" << endl; getline(cin,boardSeq); } while (!boggle.checkValidBoardSeq(boardSeq)); boggle.setBoard(boardSeq); } string guessedWord; do { clearConsole(); cout << "It's your turn!" << endl; boggle.printBoard(); boggle.printGuessedWords(); cout << "Your score: " + to_string(boggle.getPlayerScore()) << endl; cout << "Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): "; getline(cin,guessedWord); if (boggle.checkGuessedWord(guessedWord)) { cout << "You found a new word! \"" + toUpperCase(guessedWord) + "\"" << endl; } } while (!guessedWord.empty()); cout << "It's my turn!" << endl; boggle.printComputerWords(); cout << "My score: " + to_string(boggle.getComputerScore()) << endl; if (boggle.getComputerScore() > boggle.getPlayerScore()) { cout << "Ha ha ha, I destroyed you. Better luck next time, puny human!" << endl; } else { cout << "Screw you... Puny human!" << endl; } }
void playOneGame(Boggle& boggle) { while(true){ if(yesOrNo("Manually enter a board configuration? (Y/N) ")){ getUserBoard(boggle); break; }else{ boggle.makeBoard(); break; } } boggle.clearUsedWords(); Lexicon dic; dic.addWordsFromFile("EnglishWords.dat"); vector<string> foundWords; string input; while(true){ clearConsole(); boggle.printUserWords(cout); cout << "Your score: " << boggle.userScore() << endl; boggle.clearAllVisited(); boggle.printBoard(cout); cout << "Type a word (or press Enter to end your turn): " << endl; getline(cin, input); std::transform(input.begin(), input.end(), input.begin(), ::toupper); if (input.size() <= 16 && input.size() > 3 && dic.contains(input)){ if(boggle.possibleWord(input, dic)){ cout << "You found a new word! " << input << endl; foundWords.push_back(input); } } if(input.empty()){ break; } } cout << "It's my turn!" << endl; boggle.computerPlayer(dic); boggle.printComputerWords(cout); cout << "My score: " << boggle.computerScore() << endl; if(boggle.computerScore() > boggle.userScore()){ cout << "Ha ha ha, I destroyed you. Better luck next time, puny human!" << endl; } }