コード例 #1
void MappingLevel::calculateMappings(IDefRecordElement const * diskRecord, unsigned numKeyedDisk, IDefRecordElement const * activityRecord, unsigned numKeyedActivity)
    if(diskRecord->getKind() != DEKrecord)
        throw makeFailure(IRecordLayoutTranslator::Failure::BadStructure)->append("Disk record metadata had unexpected structure (expected record)")->appendScopeDesc(topLevel ? NULL : scope.str());
    if(activityRecord->getKind() != DEKrecord)
        throw makeFailure(IRecordLayoutTranslator::Failure::BadStructure)->append("Activity record metadata had unexpected structure (expected record)")->appendScopeDesc(topLevel ? NULL : scope.str());

    unsigned numActivityChildren = activityRecord->numChildren();
    unsigned numDiskChildren = diskRecord->numChildren();
    bool activityHasInternalFpos = false;
    if(topLevel && (numActivityChildren > numKeyedActivity))
        IDefRecordElement const * lastChild = activityRecord->queryChild(numActivityChildren-1);
        if((lastChild->queryName() == internalFposAtom) && (lastChild->queryType()->isInteger()))
            activityHasInternalFpos = true;
    if((numActivityChildren - (activityHasInternalFpos ? 1 : 0)) > numDiskChildren) //if last activity field might be unmatched __internal_fpos__, should be more lenient by 1 as would fill that in (see below)
        throw makeFailure(IRecordLayoutTranslator::Failure::MissingDiskField)->append("Activity record requires more fields than index provides")->appendScopeDesc(topLevel ? NULL : scope.str());
    if(numKeyedActivity > numKeyedDisk)
        throw makeFailure(IRecordLayoutTranslator::Failure::UnkeyedDiskField)->append("Activity record requires more keyed fields than index provides")->appendScopeDesc(topLevel ? NULL : scope.str());

    BoolArray activityFieldMapped;
    for(unsigned i=0; i<numActivityChildren; ++i)

    FieldSearcher searcher(activityRecord);
    for(unsigned diskFieldNum = 0; diskFieldNum < numDiskChildren; ++diskFieldNum)
        checkField(diskRecord, diskFieldNum, "Disk");
        bool diskFieldKeyed = (diskFieldNum < numKeyedDisk);
        unsigned activityFieldNum;
        if(searcher.search(diskRecord->queryChild(diskFieldNum)->queryName(), activityFieldNum))
            bool activityFieldKeyed = (activityFieldNum < numKeyedActivity);
            if(activityFieldKeyed && !diskFieldKeyed)
                throw makeFailure(IRecordLayoutTranslator::Failure::UnkeyedDiskField)->append("Field ")->appendFieldName(topLevel ? NULL : scope.str(), activityRecord->queryChild(activityFieldNum))->append(" is keyed in activity but not on disk");
            checkField(activityRecord, activityFieldNum, "Activity");
            attemptMapping(diskRecord, diskFieldNum, diskFieldKeyed, activityRecord, activityFieldNum, activityFieldKeyed);
            activityFieldMapped.replace(true, activityFieldNum);
            mappings.append(*new FieldMapping(FieldMapping::None, diskRecord, diskFieldNum, diskFieldKeyed, NULL, 0, false));

    for(unsigned activityFieldNum=0; activityFieldNum<numActivityChildren; ++activityFieldNum)
            checkField(activityRecord, activityFieldNum, "Activity");
            if((activityFieldNum != numActivityChildren-1) || !activityHasInternalFpos) //if last activity field is unmatched __internal_fpos__, this is not an error, we need do nothing and it will get correctly set to zero
                throw makeFailure(IRecordLayoutTranslator::Failure::MissingDiskField)->append("Field ")->appendFieldName(topLevel ? NULL : scope.str(), activityRecord->queryChild(activityFieldNum))->append(" is required by activity but not present on disk index");
コード例 #2
    void prepareKey(IDistributedFile *index)
        IDistributedFile *f = index;
        IDistributedSuperFile *super = f->querySuperFile();

        unsigned nparts = f->numParts(); // includes tlks if any, but unused in array

        bool checkTLKConsistency = (nullptr != super) && !localKey && (0 != (TIRsorted & indexBaseHelper->getFlags()));
        if (nofilter)
            while (nparts--) performPartLookup.append(true);
            if (!checkTLKConsistency) return;
            while (nparts--) performPartLookup.append(false); // parts to perform lookup set later

        Owned<IDistributedFileIterator> iter;
        if (super)
            f = &iter->query();
        unsigned width = f->numParts();
        if (!localKey)
        unsigned tlkCrc = 0;
        bool first = true;
        unsigned superSubIndex=0;
        bool fileCrc = false, rowCrc = false;
        for (;;)
            Owned<IDistributedFilePart> part = f->getPart(width);
            if (checkTLKConsistency)
                unsigned _tlkCrc;
                if (part->getCrc(_tlkCrc))
                    fileCrc = true;
                else if (part->queryAttributes().hasProp("@crc")) // NB: key "@crc" is not a crc on the file, but data within.
                    _tlkCrc = part->queryAttributes().getPropInt("@crc");
                    rowCrc = true;
                else if (part->queryAttributes().hasProp("@tlkCrc")) // backward compat.
                    _tlkCrc = part->queryAttributes().getPropInt("@tlkCrc");
                    rowCrc = true;
                    if (rowCrc || fileCrc)
                        checkTLKConsistency = false;
                        Owned<IException> e = MakeActivityWarning(&container, 0, "Cannot validate that tlks in superfile %s match, some crc attributes are missing", super->queryLogicalName());
                if (rowCrc && fileCrc)
                    checkTLKConsistency = false;
                    Owned<IException> e = MakeActivityWarning(&container, 0, "Cannot validate that tlks in superfile %s match, due to mixed crc types.", super->queryLogicalName());
                if (checkTLKConsistency)
                    if (first)
                        tlkCrc = _tlkCrc;
                        first = false;
                    else if (tlkCrc != _tlkCrc)
                        throw MakeActivityException(this, 0, "Sorted output on super files comprising of non coparitioned sub keys is not supported (TLK's do not match)");
            if (!nofilter)
                Owned<IKeyIndex> keyIndex;
                unsigned copy;
                for (copy=0; copy<part->numCopies(); copy++)
                    RemoteFilename rfn;
                    OwnedIFile ifile = createIFile(part->getFilename(rfn,copy));
                    if (ifile->exists())
                        StringBuffer remotePath;
                        unsigned crc = 0;
                        keyIndex.setown(createKeyIndex(remotePath.str(), crc, false, false));
                if (!keyIndex)
                    throw MakeThorException(TE_FileNotFound, "Top level key part does not exist, for key: %s", index->queryLogicalName());

                unsigned fixedSize = indexBaseHelper->queryDiskRecordSize()->querySerializedDiskMeta()->getFixedSize(); // used only if fixed
                Owned <IKeyManager> tlk = createLocalKeyManager(keyIndex, fixedSize, NULL);
                while (tlk->lookup(false))
                    if (tlk->queryFpos())
                        performPartLookup.replace(true, (aindex_t)(super?super->numSubFiles(true)*(tlk->queryFpos()-1)+superSubIndex:tlk->queryFpos()-1));
            if (!super||!iter->next())
            f = &iter->query();
            if (width != f->numParts()-1)
                throw MakeActivityException(this, 0, "Super key %s, with mixture of sub key width are not supported.", f->queryLogicalName());