bool embObjMultiEnc::fromConfig(yarp::os::Searchable &_config) { yDebug()<< "configurazione: ";; yDebug() << _config.toString(); Bottle general = _config.findGroup("JOINTS"); if(general.isNull()) { yError() << "embObjMultiEnc cannot find general group"; return false; } Bottle jointsbottle = general.findGroup("listofjoints"); if (jointsbottle.isNull()) { yError() << "embObjMultiEnc cannot find listofjoints param"; return false; } Bottle encsbottle = general.findGroup("encoderConversionFactor"); if (encsbottle.isNull()) { yError() << "embObjMultiEnc cannot find encoderConversionFactor param"; return false; } //jointsbottle contains: "listofjoints 0 1 2 3. So the num of joints is jointsbottle->size() -1 " numofjoints = jointsbottle.size() -1; listofjoints.clear(); for (int i = 1; i < jointsbottle.size(); i++) listofjoints.push_back(jointsbottle.get(i).asInt()); yDebug()<< " embObjMultiEnc List of joints: " << numofjoints; for(int i=0; i<numofjoints; i++) yDebug() << "pos="<< i << "val="<< listofjoints[i]; analogdata.resize(numofencperjoint*numofjoints, 0.0); encoderConversionFactor.resize(numofencperjoint*numofjoints, 1.0); if (numofencperjoint*numofjoints!=encsbottle.size()-1) { yError() << "embObjMultiEnc invalid size of encoderConversionFactor param"; return false; } for (int i=0; i<encsbottle.size()-1; i++) { encoderConversionFactor[i]=encsbottle.get(i+1).asDouble(); } return true; }
void cartControlReachAvoidThread::getArmHomeOptions(Bottle &b, Vector &poss, Vector &vels) { if (b.check("poss","Getting arm home poss")) { Bottle &grp=b.findGroup("poss"); int sz=grp.size()-1; int len=sz>7?7:sz; for (int i=0; i<len; i++){ poss[i]=grp.get(1+i).asDouble(); } } if (b.check("vels","Getting arm home vels")) { Bottle &grp=b.findGroup("vels"); int sz=grp.size()-1; int len=sz>7?7:sz; for (int i=0; i<len; i++) vels[i]=grp.get(1+i).asDouble(); } }
void look() { Bottle cmd; Bottle response; cmd.addString("look"); port.write(cmd,response); // pick out map part world= response.findGroup("look").findGroup("map"); Bottle &users = response.findGroup("look").findGroup("players"); Bottle *player = users.get(1).asList(); if (player!=0) { Bottle &location = player->findGroup("location"); Value &life = player->find("life"); std::string playerName = player->get(0).asString(); myX=location.get(1).asInt32(), myY=location.get(2).asInt32(), myLife=life.asInt32(); } }
//--------------------------------------------------------- void readVector(Bottle &rf, string name, Vector &v, int len) { v.resize(len,0.0); if(rf.check(name.c_str())) { Bottle &grp = rf.findGroup(name.c_str()); for (int i=0; i<len; i++) v[i]=grp.get(1+i).asDouble(); } else { cout<<"Could not find parameters for "<<name<<". " <<"Setting everything to zero by default"<<endl; } displayNameVector(name,v); }
void readBridgeHeaderVector(Bottle &rf, string name, field &groups, int size) { groups.clear(); if ( rf.check( name.c_str() ) ) { Bottle &grp = rf.findGroup(name.c_str()); for ( int i = 0; i < size; i++) { groups.push_back({grp.get(1+i).asString().c_str(),""}); } } else { cout << "Could not find parameters for " << name << ". " << "Setting everything to null by default" << endl; } }
// TODO use it!! //#warning "Use extractGroup to verify size of parameters matches with number of joints, this will avoid crashes" static bool extractGroup(Bottle &input, Bottle &out, const std::string &key1, const std::string &txt, int size) { size++; // size includes also the name of the parameter Bottle &tmp=input.findGroup(key1.c_str(), txt.c_str()); if (tmp.isNull()) { yError () << key1.c_str() << " not found\n"; return false; } if(tmp.size()!=size) { yError () << key1.c_str() << " incorrect number of entries in board."; return false; } out=tmp; return true; }
PidData getPidData(Bottle &bGroup, const int i) { PidData pid; ostringstream joint; joint<<"joint_"<<i; Bottle &bJoint=bGroup.findGroup(joint.str().c_str()); pid.Kp=bJoint.check("Kp",Value(0.0)).asDouble(); pid.Ki=bJoint.check("Ki",Value(0.0)).asDouble(); pid.Kd=bJoint.check("Kd",Value(0.0)).asDouble(); pid.scale=bJoint.check("scale",Value(0.0)).asDouble(); pid.st_up=bJoint.check("st_up",Value(0.0)).asDouble(); pid.st_down=bJoint.check("st_down",Value(0.0)).asDouble(); pid.encs_ratio=bJoint.check("encs_ratio",Value(1.0)).asDouble(); pid.status=(bJoint.check("status",Value("download")).asString()=="download"?download:upload); if (bJoint.check("idling")) { if (Bottle *bIdlingJoints=bJoint.find("idling").asList()) { pid.idling_joints.clear(); for (int j=0; j<bIdlingJoints->size(); j++) { int k=bIdlingJoints->get(j).asInt(); int l; for (l=0; l<rJoints.size(); l++) { if (rJoints.get(l).asInt()==k) { pid.idling_joints.push_back(k); break; } } if (l>=rJoints.size()) yError("unrecognized joint %d to put in idle",k); } } } return pid; }
void cartControlReachAvoidThread::getTorsoOptions(Bottle &b, const char *type, const int i, Vector &sw, Matrix &lim) { if (b.check(type)) { Bottle &grp=b.findGroup(type); sw[i]=grp.get(1).asString()=="on"?1.0:0.0; if (grp.check("min","Getting minimum value")) { lim(i,0)=1.0; lim(i,1)=grp.find("min").asDouble(); } if (grp.check("max","Getting maximum value")) { lim(i,2)=1.0; lim(i,3)=grp.find("max").asDouble(); } } }
//generic function that check is key1 is present in input bottle and that the result has size elements // return true/false bool RobotranYarpMotionControl::extractGroup(Bottle &input, Bottle &out, const std::string &key1, const std::string &txt, int size) { Bottle &tmp=input.findGroup(key1.c_str(), txt.c_str()); if (tmp.isNull()) { //yError () << key1.c_str() << " not found\n"; //yError() will be included in the next version of yarp. std::cout << key1.c_str() << " not found\n"; return false; } if(tmp.size()!=size) { // yError () << key1.c_str() << " incorrect number of entries"; std::cout << key1.c_str() << " incorrect number of entries"; return false; } out=tmp; return true; }
//generic function that check is key1 is present in input bottle and that the result has size elements // return true/false static inline bool extractGroup(Bottle &input, Bottle &out, const std::string &key1, const std::string &txt, int size) { size++; // size includes also the name of the parameter Bottle &tmp=input.findGroup(key1.c_str(), txt.c_str()); if (tmp.isNull()) { fprintf(stderr, "%s not found\n", key1.c_str()); return false; } if(tmp.size()!=size) { fprintf(stderr, "%s incorrect number of entries\n", key1.c_str()); return false; } out=tmp; return true; }
static bool checkParam(const Bottle& input, RGBDSensorParamParser::RGBDParam& param, bool& found) { bool ret = false; Bottle bt=input.findGroup(; // the first element is the name of the parameter if (!bt.isNull()) { Bottle* b; if (param.size>1 && bt.size()==1) { b = bt.get(0).asList(); } else b = &bt; if (b->isNull()) { yError()<<"RGBDSensorParamParser: check"<<<<"in config file"; return false; } if (b->size() != param.size) { yError() << "RGBDSensorParamParser: parameter" << << "size should be" << param.size; return false; } param.val.resize(param.size); for (size_t i=0;i<b->size();i++) { ret = true; param.val[i] = b->get(i); found = true; } } else { ret = true; found = false; } return ret; }
void fromCommand(int argc, char *argv[],bool wipe=true) { String tag = ""; Bottle accum; Bottle total; bool qualified = false; for (int i=0; i<argc; i++) { String work = argv[i]; bool isTag = false; if (work.length()>=2) { if (work[0]=='-'&&work[1]=='-') { work = work.substr(2,work.length()-2); isTag = true; if (work.find("::")!=String::npos) { qualified = true; } } } if (isTag) { if (tag!="") { total.addList().copy(accum); } tag = work; accum.clear(); } else { if (work.find("\\")!=String::npos) { // Specifically when reading from the command // line, we will allow windows-style paths. // Hence we have to break the "\" character String buf = ""; for (unsigned int i=0; i<work.length(); i++) { buf += work[i]; if (work[i]=='\\') { buf += work[i]; } } work = buf; } } accum.add(Value::makeValue(work.c_str())); } if (tag!="") { total.addList().copy(accum); } if (!qualified) { fromBottle(total,wipe); return; } if (wipe) { clear(); } Bottle *cursor = NULL; for (int i=0; i<total.size(); i++) { cursor = NULL; Bottle *term = total.get(i).asList(); if (!term) continue; ConstString key = term->get(0).asString(); ConstString base = key; while (key.length()>0) { int at = key.find("::"); base = key; if (at>=0) { base = key.substr(0,at); key = key.substr(at+2); } else { key = ""; } Bottle& result = (cursor!=NULL)? (cursor->findGroup(base.c_str())) : owner.findGroup(base.c_str()); if (result.isNull()) { if (!cursor) { cursor = &putBottle((base).c_str()); } else { cursor = &cursor->addList(); } cursor->addString(base); } else { cursor = &result; } } if (cursor) { cursor->copy(*term); cursor->get(0) = Value(base); } } }
bool embObjInertials::sendConfig2MTBboards(Searchable& globalConfig) { eOprotID32_t id32 = eo_prot_ID32dummy; // configuration specific for skin-inertial device Bottle config = globalConfig.findGroup("GENERAL"); // prepare the config of the inertial sensors: datarate and the mask of the enabled ones. eOas_inertial_sensorsconfig_t inertialSensorsConfig = {0}; inertialSensorsConfig.accelerometers = 0; inertialSensorsConfig.gyroscopes = 0; inertialSensorsConfig.datarate = _period; // meglio sarebbe mettere un controllo sul fatto che ho trovato enabledAccelerometers e che ha size coerente Bottle sensors; sensors = config.findGroup("enabledAccelerometers"); int numofaccelerometers = sensors.size()-1; // sensors holds strings "enabledAccelerometers" and then all the others, thus i need a -1 for(int i=0; i<numofaccelerometers; i++) { eOas_inertial_position_t pos = eoas_inertial_pos_none; yarp::os::ConstString strpos = sensors.get(i+1).asString(); pos = getLocationOfInertialSensor(strpos); // prendi la posizione dalla stringa strpos: fai una funzione apposita if(eoas_inertial_pos_none != pos) { _fromInertialPos2DataIndexAccelerometers[pos] = i; inertialSensorsConfig.accelerometers |= EOAS_ENABLEPOS(pos); } } sensors = config.findGroup("enabledGyroscopes"); int numofgyroscopess = sensors.size()-1; // sensors holds strings "enabledGyroscopes" and then all the others, thus i need a -1 for(int i=0; i<numofgyroscopess; i++) { eOas_inertial_position_t pos = eoas_inertial_pos_none; yarp::os::ConstString strpos = sensors.get(i+1).asString(); pos = getLocationOfInertialSensor(strpos); // prendi la posizione dalla stringa strpos: fai una funzione apposita if(eoas_inertial_pos_none != pos) { _fromInertialPos2DataIndexGyroscopes[pos] = numofaccelerometers+i; inertialSensorsConfig.gyroscopes |= EOAS_ENABLEPOS(pos); } } // configure the sensors (datarate and position) id32 = eoprot_ID_get(eoprot_endpoint_analogsensors, eoprot_entity_as_inertial, 0, eoprot_tag_as_inertial_config_sensors); if(false == res->setRemoteValueUntilVerified(id32, &inertialSensorsConfig, sizeof(inertialSensorsConfig), 10, 0.010, 0.050, 2)) { yError() << "FATAL: embObjInertials::sendConfig2MTBboards() had an error while calling setRemoteValueUntilVerified() for config in BOARD" << res->getName() << "with IP" << res->getIPv4string(); return false; } else { if(verbosewhenok) { yDebug() << "embObjInertials::sendConfig2MTBboards() correctly configured enabled sensors with period" << _period << "in BOARD" << res->getName() << "with IP" << res->getIPv4string(); } } // // start the configured sensors // eOmc_inertial_commands_t startCommand = {0}; // startCommand.enable = 1; // id32 = eoprot_ID_get(eoprot_endpoint_analogsensors, eoprot_entity_as_inertial, 0, eoprot_tag_as_inertial_cmmnds_enable); // if(!res->addSetMessage(id32, (uint8_t*) &startCommand)) // { // yError() << "ethResources::sendConfig2MTBboards() fails to command the start transmission of the inertials"; // return false; // } return true; }
ethResources* TheEthManager::getResource(yarp::os::Searchable &config) { std::string str; Bottle xtmp2; ACE_TCHAR remote_address[64]; ACE_TCHAR address_tmp_string[64]; ACE_UINT16 rem_port; ACE_UINT32 rem_ip1,rem_ip2,rem_ip3,rem_ip4; if(config.findGroup("GENERAL").find("Verbose").asInt()) {str=config.toString().c_str();} else {str=" ";} yTrace() << str; /* Get a Socket for the PC104 This needs a reading from config file, at least for the port to use... * If the socket is already initialized the createSocket function does nothing, it is also thread safe */ ACE_UINT32 loc_ip1,loc_ip2,loc_ip3,loc_ip4; xtmp2 = config.findGroup("PC104IpAddress"); strcpy(address_tmp_string, xtmp2.get(1).asString().c_str()); // ACE format sscanf(address_tmp_string,"%d.%d.%d.%d",&loc_ip1, &loc_ip2, &loc_ip3, &loc_ip4); ACE_INET_Addr loc_dev(rem_port, (loc_ip1<<24)|(loc_ip2<<16)|(loc_ip3<<8)|loc_ip4); if(!createSocket(loc_dev)) {return false;} // // Get EMS ip addresses from config file, to see if we need to instantiate a new Resources or simply return // a pointer to an already existing object // Bottle xtmp = Bottle(config.findGroup("ETH")); xtmp2 = xtmp.findGroup("IpAddress"); strcpy(remote_address, xtmp2.get(1).asString().c_str()); sscanf(remote_address,"%d.%d.%d.%d",&rem_ip1, &rem_ip2, &rem_ip3, &rem_ip4); // Get EMS CmdPort from config file xtmp2 = xtmp.findGroup("CmdPort"); rem_port = xtmp2.get(1).asInt(); // ACE format ACE_INET_Addr remote_addr_tmp; remote_addr_tmp.set(rem_port, (rem_ip1<<24)|(rem_ip2<<16)|(rem_ip3<<8)|rem_ip4); ethResources *newRes = NULL; managerMutex.wait(); ethResIt iterator = EMS_list.begin(); while(iterator != EMS_list.end()) { if((*iterator)->getRemoteAddress() == remote_addr_tmp) { // device already exist. newRes = (*iterator); break; } iterator++; } if(NULL == newRes) { // device doesn't exist yet, create it yTrace() << "Creating EMS device with IP " << remote_address; newRes = new ethResources; if(!newRes->open(config)) { printf("Error creating new EMS!!"); if(NULL != newRes) delete newRes; newRes = NULL; } else { nBoards++; EMS_list.push_back(newRes); } }; return newRes; }
void YarpPluginSelector::scan() { config.clear(); plugins.clear(); search_path.clear(); NetworkBase::lock(); Property& state = NameClient::getNameClient().getPluginState(); config = state; NetworkBase::unlock(); bool need_scan = true; if (config.check("last_update_time")) { if (Time::now()-config.find("last_update_time").asDouble()<5) { need_scan = false; } } if (need_scan) { YARP_SPRINTF0(Logger::get(), debug, "Scanning. I'm scanning. I hope you like scanning too."); NetworkBase::lock(); ResourceFinder& rf = ResourceFinder::getResourceFinderSingleton(); if (!rf.isConfigured()) { rf.configure(0,YARP_NULLPTR); } rf.setQuiet(true); Bottle plugins = rf.findPaths("plugins"); if (plugins.size()==0) { plugins = rf.findPaths("share/yarp/plugins"); } if (plugins.size()>0) { for (int i=0; i<plugins.size(); i++) { ConstString target = plugins.get(i).asString(); YARP_SPRINTF1(Logger::get(), debug, "Loading configuration files related to plugins from %s.", target.c_str()); config.fromConfigDir(target, "inifile", false); } } else { YARP_SPRINTF0(Logger::get(), debug, "Plugin directory not found"); } config.put("last_update_time",Time::now()); state = config; NetworkBase::unlock(); } Bottle inilst = config.findGroup("inifile").tail(); for (int i=0; i<inilst.size(); i++) { ConstString inifile = inilst.get(i).asString(); Bottle inigroup = config.findGroup(inifile); Bottle lst = inigroup.findGroup("plugin").tail(); for (int i=0; i<lst.size(); i++) { ConstString plugin_name = lst.get(i).asString(); Bottle group = inigroup.findGroup(plugin_name); group.add(Value::makeValue(ConstString("(inifile \"") + inifile + "\")")); if (select(group)) { plugins.addList() = group; } } lst = inigroup.findGroup("search").tail(); for (int i=0; i<lst.size(); i++) { ConstString search_name = lst.get(i).asString(); Bottle group = inigroup.findGroup(search_name); search_path.addList() = group; } } }
bool embObjAnalogSensor::fromConfig(yarp::os::Searchable &_config) { Bottle xtmp; int format=0; // embObj parameters, in ETH group Value val =_config.findGroup("ETH").check("Ems",Value(1), "Board number"); if(val.isInt()) _fId.boardNumber = val.asInt(); else { _as_type=AS_NONE; yError () << "embObjAnalogSensor: EMS Board number identifier not found\n"; return false; } // Analog Sensor stuff Bottle config = _config.findGroup("GENERAL"); if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "Period","transmitting period of the sensors", 1)) { yError() << "embObjAnalogSensor Using default value = 0 (disabled)"; _period = 0; _as_type=AS_NONE; } else { _period = xtmp.get(1).asInt(); yDebug() << "embObjAnalogSensor::fromConfig() detects embObjAnalogSensor Using value of" << _period; } if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "Channels","Number of channels of the sensor", 1)) { yWarning("embObjAnalogSensor: Using default value = 0 (disabled)\n"); _channels = 0; _numofsensors = 0; _period = 0; _as_type=AS_NONE; } else { _channels = xtmp.get(1).asInt(); } #if 0 if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "NumberOfSensors","Number of sensors managed", 1)) { yWarning("embObjAnalogSensor: Using default value = 1 for _numofsensors\n"); _numofsensors = 1; } else { _numofsensors = xtmp.get(1).asInt(); } #endif // Type is a new parameter describing the sensor Type using human readable string if(config.check("Type") ) { yDebug() << "Using new syntax"; yarp::os::ConstString type = config.find("Type").asString(); if(type == "inertial") { _as_type=AS_INERTIAL_MTB; } else if(type == "strain") { _as_type=AS_STRAIN; } else if(type == "mais") { _as_type=AS_MAIS; } else { _as_type=AS_NONE; yError() << "embObjAnalogSensor: unknown device " << type << ". Supported devices are 'mais', 'strain' and 'inertial'"; return false; } } else { // Infer the sensor type by combining other parameters yDebug() << "Using old syntax"; if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "Format","data format of the Analog Sensor", 1)) { yWarning("embObjAnalogSensor: Using default value = 0 (disabled)"); _channels = 0; _period = 0; _as_type=AS_NONE; } else { format = xtmp.get(1).asInt(); } if((_channels==NUMCHANNEL_STRAIN) && (format==FORMATDATA_STRAIN)) { _as_type=AS_STRAIN; } else if((_channels==NUMCHANNEL_MAIS) && (format==FORMATDATA_MAIS)) { _as_type=AS_MAIS; } else { _as_type=AS_NONE; yError() << "embObjAnalogSensor incorrect config!channels="<< _channels <<" format="<< format; cleanup(); return false; } } _numofsensors = 1; // however, if we have a AS_INERTIAL_MTB, then we may have more than one. for sure not zero. if(AS_INERTIAL_MTB == _as_type) { Bottle tmp; _numofsensors = 0; tmp = config.findGroup("enabledAccelerometers"); _numofsensors += (tmp.size()-1); // sensors holds strings "enabledAccelerometers" and then all the others, thus i need a -1 tmp = config.findGroup("enabledGyroscopes"); _numofsensors += (tmp.size()-1); // sensors holds strings "enabledGyroscopes" and then all the others, thus i need a -1 #if 0 if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "enabledAccelerometers", "Position of managed sensors axpressed as strings", 1)) { yWarning("embObjAnalogSensor: cannot find enabledAccelerometers\n"); _numofsensors = 1; } else { _numofsensors = xtmp.size(); } #endif } if(AS_STRAIN == _as_type) { if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "UseCalibration","Calibration parameters are needed", 1)) { return false; } else { _useCalibration = xtmp.get(1).asInt(); } } return true; }
bool homeostaticModule::respond(const Bottle& cmd, Bottle& reply) { if (cmd.get(0).asString() == "help" ) { string help = "\n"; help += " ['par'] ['drive'] ['val'/'min'/'max'/'dec'] [value] : Assigns a value to a specific parameter \n"; help += " ['delta'] ['drive'] ['val'/'min'/'max'/'dec'] [value] : Adds a value to a specific parameter \n"; help += " ['add'] ['conf'] [drive Bottle] : Adds a drive to the manager as a drive directly read from conf-file \n"; help += " ['add'] ['botl'] [drive Bottle] : Adds a drive to the manager as a Bottle of values of shape \n"; help += " ['add'] ['new'] [drive name] : Adds a default drive to the manager \n"; help += " ['rm'] [drive name] : removes a drive from the manager \n"; help += " ['names'] : returns an ordered list of the drives in the manager \n"; help += " : (string name, double value, double homeo_min, double homeo_max, double decay = 0.05, bool gradient = true) \n"; reply.addString(help); /*cout << " [par] [drive] [val/min/max/dec] [value] : Assigns a value to a specific parameter \n"<< " [delta] [drive] [val/min/max/dec] [value] : Adds a value to a specific parameter \n"<< " [add] [conf] [drive Bottle] : Adds a drive to the manager as a drive directly read from conf-file \n"<< " [add] [botl] [drive Bottle] : Adds a drive to the manager as a Bottle of values of shape \n"<< " : (string name, double value, double homeo_min, double homeo_max, double decay = 0.05, bool gradient = true) \n"<<endl; */ } else if (cmd.get(0).asString() == "par" ) { for (unsigned int d = 0; d<manager.drives.size();d++) { if (cmd.get(1).asString() == manager.drives[d]->name) { if (cmd.get(2).asString()=="val") { manager.drives[d]->setValue(cmd.get(3).asDouble()); } else if (cmd.get(2).asString()=="min") { manager.drives[d]->setHomeostasisMin(cmd.get(3).asDouble()); } else if (cmd.get(2).asString()=="max") { manager.drives[d]->setHomeostasisMax(cmd.get(3).asDouble()); } else if (cmd.get(2).asString()=="dec") { manager.drives[d]->setDecay(cmd.get(3).asDouble()); } else { reply.addString("Format is: \n - ['par'] [drive_name] [val/min/max/dec] [value]"); } reply.addString("ack"); cout<<"Received a order"<<endl; } } reply.addString("nack: wrong drive name"); } else if (cmd.get(0).asString() == "delta" ) { for (unsigned int d = 0; d<manager.drives.size();d++) { if (cmd.get(1).asString() == manager.drives[d]->name) { if (cmd.get(2).asString()=="val") { manager.drives[d]->deltaValue(cmd.get(3).asDouble()); } else if (cmd.get(2)=="min") { manager.drives[d]->deltaHomeostasisMin(cmd.get(3).asDouble()); } else if (cmd.get(2)=="max") { manager.drives[d]->deltaHomeostasisMax(cmd.get(3).asDouble()); } else if (cmd.get(2)=="dec") { manager.drives[d]->deltaDecay(cmd.get(3).asDouble()); } else { reply.addString("nack"); cout << "Format is: \n - ['par'] [drive_name] [val/min/max/dec] [value]"<<endl; } reply.addString("ack"); cout<<"Received a order"<<endl; } } } else if (cmd.get(0).asString()=="add") { if (cmd.get(1).asString()=="conf") { Bottle *ga = cmd.get(2).asList(); // cout <<"HOMEOSTATIC"<< ga->toString() << endl; Bottle grpAllostatic = ga->findGroup("ALLOSTATIC"); cout <<"HOMEOSTATIC"<< grpAllostatic.toString() << endl; cout << "Bottle allo check: " << grpAllostatic.find("test-decay").asDouble() << endl; addNewDrive(cmd.get(2).check("name",yarp::os::Value("")).asString(), grpAllostatic); reply.addString("add drive from config bottle: ack"); } else if (cmd.get(1).asString()=="botl") { Drive d = bDrive(cmd.get(2).asList()); manager.addDrive(&d); openPorts(; reply.addString("add drive from bottle: ack"); } else if (cmd.get(1).asString()=="new") { string d_name = cmd.get(2).asString(); bool b = addNewDrive(d_name); if (b) reply.addString("add new drive: ack"); else reply.addString("ack. drive not created"); } else { reply.addString("nack"); } } else if (cmd.get(0).asString()=="rm") { for (unsigned int d = 0; d<manager.drives.size();d++) { if (cmd.get(1).asString() == manager.drives[d]->name) { bool b = removeDrive(d); if (b) reply.addString("ack: Successfully removed"); else reply.addString("ack: Could not remove the drive"); } } reply.addString("nack"); } else if (cmd.get(0).asString()=="names") { Bottle nms; nms.clear(); for (unsigned int i=0;i<manager.drives.size();i++) { nms.addString(manager.drives[i]->name); } reply.addList()=nms; } else { reply.addString("nack"); } return true; }
bool embObjInertials::configServiceInertials(Searchable& globalConfig) { // find SERVICES-INERTIALS. if not found, exit mildly from function. in a first stage the remote eth board will already be configured. Bottle tmp = globalConfig.findGroup("SERVICES"); Bottle config = tmp.findGroup("INERTIALS"); // prepare the config of the inertial sensors: datarate and the mask of the enabled ones. eOas_inertial_serviceconfig_t inertialServiceConfig = {0}; // by this initialisation, there is no sensor at all in the two can buses // meglio sarebbe mettere un controllo sul fatto che ho trovato InertialsCAN1mapping e che ha size coerente Bottle canmap; int numofentries = 0; // CAN1 canmap = config.findGroup("InertialsCAN1mapping"); numofentries = canmap.size()-1; for(int i=0; i<numofentries; i++) { eOas_inertial_position_t pos = eoas_inertial_pos_none; yarp::os::ConstString strpos = canmap.get(i+1).asString(); pos = getLocationOfInertialSensor(strpos); // prendi la posizione dalla stringa strpos: fai una funzione apposita inertialServiceConfig.canmapofsupportedsensors[0][i] = pos; } // CAN2 canmap = config.findGroup("InertialsCAN2mapping"); numofentries = canmap.size()-1; for(int i=0; i<numofentries; i++) { eOas_inertial_position_t pos = eoas_inertial_pos_none; yarp::os::ConstString strpos = canmap.get(i+1).asString(); pos = getLocationOfInertialSensor(strpos); // prendi la posizione dalla stringa strpos: fai una funzione apposita inertialServiceConfig.canmapofsupportedsensors[1][i] = pos; } // configure the service eOprotID32_t id32 = eoprot_ID_get(eoprot_endpoint_analogsensors, eoprot_entity_as_inertial, 0, eoprot_tag_as_inertial_config_service); if(false == res->setRemoteValueUntilVerified(id32, &inertialServiceConfig, sizeof(inertialServiceConfig), 10, 0.010, 0.050, 2)) { yError() << "FATAL: embObjInertials::configServiceInertials() had an error while calling setRemoteValueUntilVerified() for config in BOARD" << res->getName() << "with IP" << res->getIPv4string(); return false; } else { if(verbosewhenok) { yDebug() << "embObjInertials::configServiceInertials() correctly configured the service in BOARD" << res->getName() << "with IP" << res->getIPv4string(); } } return true; }
bool embObjInertials::fromConfig(yarp::os::Searchable &_config) { Bottle xtmp; // Analog Sensor stuff Bottle config = _config.findGroup("GENERAL"); if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "Period","transmitting period of the sensors", 1)) { yError() << "embObjInertials Using default value = 0 (disabled)"; _period = 0; } else { _period = xtmp.get(1).asInt(); yDebug() << "embObjInertials::fromConfig() detects embObjInertials Using value of" << _period; } #if 0 if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "NumberOfSensors","Number of sensors managed", 1)) { yWarning("embObjInertials: Using default value = 1 for _numofsensors\n"); _numofsensors = 1; } else { _numofsensors = xtmp.get(1).asInt(); } #endif _numofsensors = 1; // if we have a AS_Type_INERTIAL_MTB, then we may have more than one. for sure not zero. { Bottle tmp; _numofsensors = 0; tmp = config.findGroup("enabledAccelerometers"); _numofsensors += (tmp.size()-1); // sensors holds strings "enabledAccelerometers" and then all the others, thus i need a -1 tmp = config.findGroup("enabledGyroscopes"); _numofsensors += (tmp.size()-1); // sensors holds strings "enabledGyroscopes" and then all the others, thus i need a -1 #if 0 if (!extractGroup(config, xtmp, "enabledAccelerometers", "Position of managed sensors expressed as strings", 1)) { yWarning("embObjInertials: cannot find enabledAccelerometers\n"); _numofsensors = 1; } else { _numofsensors = xtmp.size(); } #endif } return true; }
bool FrameTransformServer::parseStartingTf(yarp::os::Searchable &config) { if (config.check("USER_TF")) { Bottle group = config.findGroup("USER_TF").tail(); for (size_t i = 0; i < group.size(); i++) { string tfName; FrameTransform t; Bottle b; Bottle* list = group.get(i).asList(); if(!list) { yError() << "no entries in USER_TF group"; return false; } tfName = list->get(0).asString(); b = group.findGroup(tfName).tail(); string s = b.toString(); if(b.size() == 18) { bool r(true); Matrix m(4, 4); for(int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { if(!b.get(i).isFloat64()) { yError() << "transformServer: param " << tfName << ", element " << i << " is not a double."; r = false; } else {[i] = b.get(i).asFloat64(); } } if(!b.get(16).isString() || !b.get(17).isString()) { r = false; } if(!r) { yError() << "transformServer: param" << tfName << "not correct.. for the 4x4 matrix mode" << "you must provide 18 parameter. the matrix, the source frame(string) and the destination frame(string)"; return false; } t.fromMatrix(m); t.src_frame_id = b.get(16).asString(); t.dst_frame_id = b.get(17).asString(); } else if( b.size() == 8 && b.get(0).isFloat64() && b.get(1).isFloat64() && b.get(2).isFloat64() && b.get(3).isFloat64() && b.get(4).isFloat64() && b.get(5).isFloat64() && b.get(6).isString() && b.get(7).isString()) { t.translation.set(b.get(0).asFloat64(), b.get(1).asFloat64(), b.get(2).asFloat64()); t.rotFromRPY(b.get(3).asFloat64(), b.get(4).asFloat64(), b.get(5).asFloat64()); t.src_frame_id = b.get(6).asString(); t.dst_frame_id = b.get(7).asString(); } else { yError() << "transformServer: param" << tfName << "not correct.. a tf requires 8 param in the format:" << "x(dbl) y(dbl) z(dbl) r(dbl) p(dbl) y(dbl) src(str) dst(str)"; return false; } if(m_yarp_static_transform_storage->set_transform(t)) { yInfo() << tfName << "from" << t.src_frame_id << "to" << t.dst_frame_id << "succesfully set"; } } return true; } else { yInfo() << "transformServer: no starting tf found"; } return true; }