コード例 #1
     * == Test 2: Solving a linear parabolic PDE ==
     * Now we solve a parabolic PDE. We choose a simple problem so that the code changes
     * needed from the elliptic case are clearer. We will solve
     * du/dt = div(grad u) + u, in 3d, with boundary conditions u=1 on the boundary, and initial
     * conditions u=1.
    void TestSolvingParabolicPde() throw(Exception)
        /* Create a 10 by 10 by 10 mesh in 3D, this time using the {{{ConstructRegularSlabMesh}}} method
         * on the mesh. The first parameter is the cartesian space-step and the other three parameters are the width, height and depth of the mesh.*/
        TetrahedralMesh<3,3> mesh;
        mesh.ConstructRegularSlabMesh(0.1, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);

        /* Our PDE object should be a class that is derived from the {{{AbstractLinearParabolicPde}}}.
         * We could write it ourselves as in the previous test, but since the PDE we want to solve is
         * so simple, it has already been defined (look it up! - it is located in pde/test/pdes).
        HeatEquationWithSourceTerm<3> pde;

        /* Create a new boundary conditions container and specify u=1.0 on the boundary. */
        BoundaryConditionsContainer<3,3,1> bcc;
        bcc.DefineConstantDirichletOnMeshBoundary(&mesh, 1.0);

        /* Create an instance of the solver, passing in the mesh, pde and boundary conditions.
        SimpleLinearParabolicSolver<3,3> solver(&mesh,&pde,&bcc);

        /* For parabolic problems, initial conditions are also needed. The solver will expect
         * a PETSc vector, where the i-th entry is the initial solution at node i, to be passed
         * in. To create this PETSc {{{Vec}}}, we will use a helper function in the {{{PetscTools}}}
         * class to create a {{{Vec}}} of size num_nodes, with each entry set to 1.0. Then we
         * set the initial condition on the solver. */
        Vec initial_condition = PetscTools::CreateAndSetVec(mesh.GetNumNodes(), 1.0);

        /* Next define the start time, end time, and timestep, and set them. */
        double t_start = 0;
        double t_end = 1;
        double dt = 0.01;
        solver.SetTimes(t_start, t_end);

        /* HOW_TO_TAG PDE
         * Output results to file for time-dependent PDE solvers

        /* When we call Solve() below we will just get the solution at the final time. If we want
         * to have intermediate solutions written to file, we do the following. We start by
         * specifying an output directory and filename prefix for our results file:
        /* When an output directory has been specified, the solver writes output in HDF5 format. To
         * convert this to another output format, we call the relevant method. Here, we convert
         * the output to plain text files (VTK or cmgui formats are also possible). We also say how
         * often to write the data, telling the solver to output results to file every tenth timestep.
         * The solver will create one file for each variable (in this case there is only one variable)
         * and for each time, so for example, the file
         * `results_Variable_0_10` is the results for u, over all nodes, at the 11th printed time.
         * Have a look in the output directory after running the test. (For comments on visualising the data in
         * matlab or octave, see the end of the tutorial UserTutorials/WritingPdeSolvers.)

        /* Now we can solve the problem. The {{{Vec}}} that is returned can be passed into a
         * {{{ReplicatableVector}}} as before.
        Vec solution = solver.Solve();
        ReplicatableVector solution_repl(solution);

        /* Let's also solve the equivalent static PDE, i.e. set du/dt=0, so 0=div(gradu) + u. This
         * is easy, as the PDE class has already been defined. */
        SimplePoissonEquation<3,3> static_pde;
        SimpleLinearEllipticSolver<3,3> static_solver(&mesh, &static_pde, &bcc);
        Vec static_solution = static_solver.Solve();
        ReplicatableVector static_solution_repl(static_solution);

        /* We can now compare the solution of the parabolic PDE at t=1 with the static solution,
         * to see if the static equilibrium solution was reached in the former. (Ideally we should
         * compute some relative error, but we just compute an absolute error for simplicity.) */
        for (unsigned i=0; i<static_solution_repl.GetSize(); i++)
            TS_ASSERT_DELTA( solution_repl[i], static_solution_repl[i], 1e-3);

        /* All PETSc vectors should be destroyed when they are no longer needed. */