コード例 #1
void DebuggerProxy::changeBreakPointDepth(CmdInterrupt& cmd) {
  TRACE(2, "DebuggerProxy::changeBreakPointDepth\n");
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_breakpoints.size(); ++i) {
    // if the site changes, then update the breakpoint depth
    BreakPointInfoPtr bp = m_breakpoints[i];
    if (bp->m_state != BreakPointInfo::Disabled &&
        !bp->match(cmd.getInterruptType(), *cmd.getSite())) {
コード例 #2
// Do not allow further breaks on the site of cmd, except during
// calls made from the current site.
void DebuggerProxy::unsetBreakableForBreakpointsMatching(CmdInterrupt& cmd) {
  TRACE(2, "DebuggerProxy::unsetBreakableForBreakpointsMatching\n");
  auto stackDepth = getRealStackDepth();
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_breakpoints.size(); ++i) {
    BreakPointInfoPtr bp = m_breakpoints[i];
    if (bp != nullptr && bp->m_state != BreakPointInfo::Disabled &&
        bp->match(*this, cmd.getInterruptType(), *cmd.getSite())) {
コード例 #3
// There could be multiple breakpoints at one place but we can manage this
// with only one breakpoint.
BreakPointInfoPtr DebuggerProxy::getBreakPointAtCmd(CmdInterrupt& cmd) {
  TRACE(2, "DebuggerProxy::getBreakPointAtCmd\n");
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_breakpoints.size(); ++i) {
    BreakPointInfoPtr bp = m_breakpoints[i];
    if (bp->m_state != BreakPointInfo::Disabled &&
        bp->match(cmd.getInterruptType(), *cmd.getSite())) {
      return bp;
  return BreakPointInfoPtr();