コード例 #1
const QString Rendering::CChapterDisplay::text(
        const BtConstModuleList &modules,
        const QString &keyName,
        const DisplayOptions &displayOptions,
        const FilterOptions &filterOptions)
    using CSBMI = CSwordBibleModuleInfo;

    BT_ASSERT(modules.count() >= 1);

    const CSwordModuleInfo *module = modules.first();

    if (modules.count() == 1)
        module->module().setSkipConsecutiveLinks( true ); //skip empty, linked verses

    CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings settings;
    settings.keyRenderingFace =
        ? CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings::SimpleKey
        : CTextRendering::KeyTreeItem::Settings::NoKey;

    QString startKey = keyName;
    QString endKey = startKey;

    //check whether there's an intro we have to include
    BT_ASSERT((module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible));

    if (module->type() == CSwordModuleInfo::Bible) {
        // HACK: enable headings for VerseKeys:
        static_cast<sword::VerseKey *>(module->module().getKey())

        BT_ASSERT(dynamic_cast<CSBMI const *>(module));
        const CSBMI *bible = static_cast<const CSBMI*>(module);

        CSwordVerseKey k1(module);

        if (k1.getChapter() == 1)
            k1.setChapter(0); // Chapter 1, start with 0:0, otherwise X:0


        startKey = k1.key();

        if (k1.getChapter() == 0)

        k1.setVerse(bible->verseCount(k1.book(), k1.getChapter()));
        endKey = k1.key();

    CDisplayRendering render(displayOptions, filterOptions);
    return render.renderKeyRange( startKey, endKey, modules, keyName, settings );
コード例 #2
QString CDisplayRendering::finishText(const QString &text, const KeyTree &tree) {
    BtConstModuleList modules = collectModules(tree);

    //marking words is very slow, we have to find a better solution

     //mark all words by spans

     QString text = oldText;

     QRegExp re("(\\b)(?=\\w)"); //word begin marker
     int pos = text.find(re, 0);

     while (pos != -1) { //word begin found
      //qWarning("found word at %i in %i", pos, text.length());
      int endPos = pos + 1;
      if (!util::tool::inHTMLTag(pos+1, text)) { //the re has a positive look ahead which matches one char before the word start
       //qWarning("matched %s", text.mid(pos+1, 4).latin1());

       //find end of word and put a marker around it
       endPos = text.find(QRegExp("\\b|[,.:]"), pos+1);
       if ((endPos != -1) && !util::tool::inHTMLTag(endPos, text) && (endPos - pos >= 3)) { //reuire wordslonger than 3 chars
        text.insert(endPos, "</span>");
        text.insert(pos, "<span class=\"word\">");

        endPos += 26;
      pos = text.find(re, endPos);
    const CLanguageMgr::Language* const lang =
        (modules.count() >= 1)
        ? modules.first()->language()
        : CLanguageMgr::instance()->defaultLanguage();

    CDisplayTemplateMgr *tMgr = CDisplayTemplateMgr::instance();

    //Q_ASSERT(modules.count() >= 1);

    CDisplayTemplateMgr::Settings settings;
    settings.modules = modules;
    if (modules.count() == 1 && lang->isValid())
        settings.langAbbrev = lang->abbrev();

    if (modules.count() == 1)
        settings.textDirection = modules.first()->textDirection();

    return tMgr->fillTemplate(CDisplayTemplateMgr::activeTemplateName(), text, settings);