コード例 #1
TEST_F(CalculationTest, WithConstant) {
  BufBuilder builder;

  ByteContainer constant("0x12ab");

  builder.push_back_field(testHeader1, 0); // f16
  builder.push_back_field(testHeader1, 1); // f48
  builder.push_back_constant(constant, 16);
  builder.push_back_field(testHeader1, 3); // f32_2

  Calculation calc(builder, "xxh64");

  unsigned char pkt_buf[2 * header_size];

  for(size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(pkt_buf); i++) {
    pkt_buf[i] = dis(gen);

  Packet pkt = get_pkt((const char *) pkt_buf, sizeof(pkt_buf));

  /* A bit primitive, I have to  build the buffer myself */
  unsigned char expected_buf[14];
  std::copy(&pkt_buf[0], &pkt_buf[2], &expected_buf[0]);
  std::copy(&pkt_buf[2], &pkt_buf[8], &expected_buf[2]);
  std::copy(constant.begin(), constant.end(), &expected_buf[8]);
  std::copy(&pkt_buf[12], &pkt_buf[16], &expected_buf[10]);

  auto expected = hash::xxh64((const char *) expected_buf, sizeof(expected_buf));
  auto actual = calc.output(pkt);

  ASSERT_EQ(expected, actual);