コード例 #1
* @brief	Attempts to compile a Lua script.
* @param	filename	Filename of the script.
* @param	buffer  	The buffer to store the script's compiled bytecode.
* @return	true if it succeeds, false if it fails.
bool CLuaScript::CompileScript(const char * filename, BytecodeBuffer & buffer)
	// ensure that we wait until the last user's done executing their script.
	Guard lock(m_lock);

	/* Attempt to load the file */
	int err = luaL_loadfile(m_luaState, filename);

	// If something bad happened, try to find an error.
	if (err != LUA_OK)
		RetrieveLoadError(err, filename);
		return false;

	// Everything's OK so far, the script has been loaded, now we need to start dumping it to bytecode.
	err = lua_dump(m_luaState, (lua_Writer)LoadBytecodeChunk, &buffer);
	if (err
		|| buffer.empty())
		printf("ERROR: Failed to dump the Lua script `%s` to bytecode.\n", filename);
		return false;

	// Compiled!
	return true;
コード例 #2
ファイル: LuaEngine.cpp プロジェクト: Grimbluelord/koserver
* @brief	Attempts to compile a Lua script.
* @param	filename	Filename of the script.
* @param	buffer  	The buffer to store the script's compiled bytecode.
* @return	true if it succeeds, false if it fails.
bool CLuaScript::CompileScript(const char * filename, BytecodeBuffer & buffer)
	// ensure that we wait until the last user's done executing their script.
	FastGuard lock(m_lock);

	/* Attempt to load the file */
	int err = luaL_loadfile(m_luaState, filename);

	// If something bad happened, try to find an error.
	if (err != LUA_OK)
		RetrieveLoadError(err, filename);
		return false;

	// Everything's OK so far, the script has been loaded, now we need to start dumping it to bytecode.
	err = lua_dump(m_luaState, (lua_Writer)LoadBytecodeChunk, &buffer);
	if (err
		|| buffer.empty())
		printf("ERROR: Failed to dump the Lua script `%s` to bytecode.\n", filename);
		return false;

	// Load up the script & revert the stack.
	// This step's only here for cleanup purposes.
	err = lua_pcall(m_luaState, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);
	if (err != LUA_OK)
		RetrieveLoadError(err, filename);
		return false;

	// Compiled!
	return true;