コード例 #1
void C4Network2Players::HandlePlayerInfoUpdRequest(const class C4ClientPlayerInfos *pInfoPacket, bool fByHost)
	// network host only
	// copy client infos (need to be adjusted)
	C4ClientPlayerInfos OwnInfoPacket(*pInfoPacket);
	// safety: check any duplicate, unjoined players first
	// check those with unassigned IDs only, so update packets won't be rejected by this
	if (!OwnInfoPacket.IsInitialPacket())
		C4ClientPlayerInfos *pExistingClientInfo = rInfoList.GetInfoByClientID(OwnInfoPacket.GetClientID());
		if (pExistingClientInfo)
			int iCnt=OwnInfoPacket.GetPlayerCount(); C4PlayerInfo *pPlrInfo;
			C4Network2Res *pRes;
			while (iCnt--) if ((pPlrInfo=OwnInfoPacket.GetPlayerInfo(iCnt)))
					if (!pPlrInfo->GetID()) if ((pRes = pPlrInfo->GetRes()))
							if (pExistingClientInfo->GetPlayerInfoByRes(pRes->getResID()))
								// double join: simply deny without message
#ifdef _DEBUG
								Log("Network: Duplicate player join rejected!");
		if (!OwnInfoPacket.GetPlayerCount())
			// player join request without players: probably all removed because doubled
#ifdef _DEBUG
			Log("Network: Empty player join request ignored!");
	// assign player IDs
	if (!rInfoList.AssignPlayerIDs(&OwnInfoPacket) && OwnInfoPacket.IsAddPacket())
		// no players could be joined in an add request: probably because the maximum player limit has been reached
	// check doubled savegame player usage
	// update teams
	rInfoList.AssignTeams(&OwnInfoPacket, fByHost);
	// update any other player colors and names
	// this may only change colors and names of all unjoined players (which is all players in lobby mode)
	// any affected players will get an updated-flag
	rInfoList.UpdatePlayerAttributes(&OwnInfoPacket, true);
	// league score gains may now be different
	int32_t iPlrInfo = 0;
	C4PlayerInfo *pPlrInfo;
	while ((pPlrInfo = OwnInfoPacket.GetPlayerInfo(iPlrInfo++))) pPlrInfo->ResetLeagueProjectedGain();
	if (Game.Parameters.isLeague())
		// lobby only
		if (!::Network.isLobbyActive())
		// check league authentication for new players
		for (int i = 0; i < OwnInfoPacket.GetPlayerCount(); i++)
			if (!rInfoList.GetPlayerInfoByID(OwnInfoPacket.GetPlayerInfo(i)->GetID()))
				C4PlayerInfo *pInfo = OwnInfoPacket.GetPlayerInfo(i);
				// remove player infos without authentication
				if (!::Network.LeaguePlrAuthCheck(pInfo))
					// always reset authentication ID after check - it's not needed anymore
	// send updates to all other clients and reset update flags
	// finally, add new player join as direct input
	// this will add the player infos directly on host side (DirectExec as a subcall),
	// so future player join request will take the other joined  clients into consideration
	// when assigning player colors, etc.; it will also start resource loading
	// in running mode, this call will also put the actual player joins into the queue
	::Control.DoInput(CID_PlrInfo, new C4ControlPlayerInfo(OwnInfoPacket), CDT_Direct);
	// notify lobby of updates
	C4GameLobby::MainDlg *pLobby = ::Network.GetLobby();
	if (pLobby) pLobby->OnPlayersChange();