コード例 #1
bool C4FullScreen::ViewportCheck()
	int iPlrNum; C4Player *pPlr;
	// Not active
	if (!Active) return false;
	// Determine film mode
	bool fFilm = (Game.C4S.Head.Replay && Game.C4S.Head.Film);
	// Check viewports
	switch (::Viewports.GetViewportCount())
		// No viewports: create no-owner viewport
	case 0:
		iPlrNum = NO_OWNER;
		// Film mode: create viewport for first player (instead of no-owner)
		if (fFilm)
			if ((pPlr = ::Players.First))
				iPlrNum = pPlr->Number;
		// Create viewport
		::Viewports.CreateViewport(iPlrNum, iPlrNum==NO_OWNER);
		// Non-film (observer mode)
		if (!fFilm)
			// Activate mouse control
			// Display message for how to open observer menu (this message will be cleared if any owned viewport opens)
			StdStrBuf sKey;
			sKey.Format("<c ffff00><%s></c>", Game.KeyboardInput.GetKeyCodeNameByKeyName("FullscreenMenuOpen", false).getData());
			::GraphicsSystem.FlashMessage(FormatString(LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_PRESSORPUSHANYGAMEPADBUTT"), sKey.getData()).getData());
		// One viewport: do nothing
	case 1:
		// More than one viewport: remove all no-owner viewports
		::Viewports.CloseViewport(NO_OWNER, true);
	// Look for no-owner viewport
	C4Viewport *pNoOwnerVp = ::Viewports.GetViewport(NO_OWNER);
	// No no-owner viewport found
	if (!pNoOwnerVp)
		// Close any open fullscreen menu
	// No-owner viewport present
		// movie mode: player present, and no valid viewport assigned?
		if (Game.C4S.Head.Replay && Game.C4S.Head.Film && (pPlr = ::Players.First))
			// assign viewport to joined player
			pNoOwnerVp->Init(pPlr->Number, true);
	// Done
	return true;
コード例 #2
BOOL C4GraphicsSystem::CreateViewport(int32_t iPlayer, bool fSilent)
	// Create and init new viewport, add to viewport list
	int32_t iLastCount = GetViewportCount();
	C4Viewport *nvp = new C4Viewport;
	BOOL fOkay = FALSE;
	if (Application.isFullScreen) 
		fOkay = nvp->Init(iPlayer, false);
		fOkay = nvp->Init(&Console,&Application,iPlayer); 
	if (!fOkay)	{ delete nvp; return FALSE; }
	C4Viewport *pLast;
	for (pLast=FirstViewport; pLast && pLast->Next; pLast=pLast->Next);
	if (pLast) pLast->Next=nvp; else FirstViewport=nvp;
	// Recalculate viewports
	// Viewports start off at centered position
	// Action sound
	if (GetViewportCount()!=iLastCount) if (!fSilent)
	return TRUE;
コード例 #3
ファイル: C4MainMenu.cpp プロジェクト: chrisweidya/openclonk
bool C4MainMenu::MenuCommand(const char *szCommand, bool fIsCloseCommand)
	// Determine player
	C4Player *pPlr = ::Players.Get(Player);
	// Activate
	if (SEqual2(szCommand,"ActivateMenu:"))
		if (C4GameOverDlg::IsShown()) return false; // no new menus during game over dlg
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Main")) return ActivateMain(Player);
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Hostility")) return ActivateHostility(Player);
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"NewPlayer")) return ActivateNewPlayer(Player);
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Goals"))
			::Control.DoInput(CID_PlrAction, C4ControlPlayerAction::ActivateGoalMenu(::Players.Get(Player)), CDT_Queue);
			return true;
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Rules")) return ActivateRules(Player);
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Host")) return ActivateHost(Player);
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Client")) return ActivateClient(Player);
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Options")) return ActivateOptions(Player);
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Display")) return ActivateDisplay(Player);
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Save:Game")) return ActivateSavegame(Player);
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"TeamSel")) return pPlr ? pPlr->ActivateMenuTeamSelection(true) : false;
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Surrender")) return ActivateSurrender(Player);
		if (SEqual(szCommand+13,"Observer")) return ActivateObserver();
	// JoinPlayer
	if (SEqual2(szCommand,"JoinPlayer:"))
		// not in league or replay mode
		if (Game.Parameters.isLeague() || Game.C4S.Head.Replay) return false;
		// join player
		// 2do: not for observers and such?
		return true;
	// SetHostility
	if (SEqual2(szCommand,"SetHostility:"))
		// only if allowed
		if (!Game.Teams.IsHostilityChangeAllowed()) return false;
		int32_t iOpponent; sscanf(szCommand+13,"%i",&iOpponent);
		C4Player *pOpponent = ::Players.Get(iOpponent);
		if (!pOpponent || pOpponent->GetType() != C4PT_User) return false;
		::Control.DoInput(CID_PlrAction, C4ControlPlayerAction::SetHostility(::Players.Get(Player), pOpponent, !::Players.HostilityDeclared(Player, pOpponent->Number)), CDT_Queue);
		return true;
	// Abort
	if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Abort"))
		return true;
	// Surrender
	if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Surrender"))
		::Control.DoInput(CID_PlrAction, C4ControlPlayerAction::Surrender(::Players.Get(Player)), CDT_Queue);
		return true;
	// Save game
	if (SEqual2(szCommand, "Save:Game:"))
		char strFilename[_MAX_PATH + 1]; SCopySegment(szCommand, 2, strFilename, ':', _MAX_PATH);
		char strTitle[_MAX_PATH + 1]; SCopy(szCommand + SCharPos(':', szCommand, 2) + 1, strTitle, _MAX_PATH);
		Game.QuickSave(strFilename, strTitle);
		return true;
	// Kick
	if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Host:Kick:"))
		int iClientID = atoi(szCommand+10);
		if (iClientID && ::Network.isEnabled())
			if (Game.Parameters.isLeague() && ::Players.GetAtClient(iClientID))
				::Network.Vote(VT_Kick, true, iClientID);
				C4Client *pClient = Game.Clients.getClientByID(iClientID);
				if (pClient) Game.Clients.CtrlRemove(pClient, LoadResStr("IDS_MSG_KICKBYMENU"));
		return true;
	// Part
	if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Part"))
		if (::Network.isEnabled())
			if (Game.Parameters.isLeague() && ::Players.GetLocalByIndex(0))
				::Network.Vote(VT_Kick, true, ::Control.ClientID());
				Game.RoundResults.EvaluateNetwork(C4RoundResults::NR_NetError, LoadResStr("IDS_ERR_GAMELEFTVIAPLAYERMENU"));
		return true;
	// Options
	if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Options:"))
		// Music
		if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "Music"))
		// Sound
		if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "Sound"))
			if (Config.Sound.RXSound)
				Config.Sound.RXSound = false;
				Config.Sound.RXSound = true;
				if (!Application.SoundSystem.Init())
					{ Log(LoadResStr("IDS_PRC_NOSND")); }
		// Reopen with updated options
		ActivateOptions(Player, GetSelection());
		return true;
	// Display
	if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Display:"))
		// Upper board
		if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "UpperBoard"))
			Config.Graphics.UpperBoard = !Config.Graphics.UpperBoard;
		// FPS
		if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "FPS")) Config.General.FPS = !Config.General.FPS;
		// Player names
		if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "PlayerNames")) Config.Graphics.ShowCrewNames = !Config.Graphics.ShowCrewNames;
		// Clonk names
		if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "ClonkNames")) Config.Graphics.ShowCrewCNames = !Config.Graphics.ShowCrewCNames;
		// Clock
		if (SEqual(szCommand + 8, "Clock")) Config.Graphics.ShowClock = !Config.Graphics.ShowClock;
		// Reopen with updated options
		ActivateDisplay(Player, GetSelection());
		return true;
	// Goal info
	if (SEqual2(szCommand,"Player:Goal:") || SEqual2(szCommand,"Player:Rule:"))
		if (!ValidPlr(Player)) return false; // observers may not look at goal/rule info, because it requires queue activation
		C4Object *pObj; C4ID idItem(szCommand+12); C4Def * pDef = C4Id2Def(idItem);
		if (pDef && (pObj = ::Objects.Find(pDef)))
			::Control.DoInput(CID_PlrAction, C4ControlPlayerAction::ActivateGoal(::Players.Get(Player), pObj), CDT_Queue);
			return false;
		return true;
	// Team selection
	if (SEqual2(szCommand, "TeamSel:"))
		int32_t idTeam = atoi(szCommand+8);

		// OK, join this team
		if (pPlr) pPlr->DoTeamSelection(idTeam);
		return true;
	// Team switch
	if (SEqual2(szCommand, "TeamSwitch:"))
		int32_t idTeam = atoi(szCommand+11);

		// check if it's still allowed
		if (!Game.Teams.IsTeamSwitchAllowed()) return false;
		// OK, join this team
		::Control.DoInput(CID_PlrAction, C4ControlPlayerAction::SetTeam(::Players.Get(Player), idTeam), CDT_Queue);
		return true;
	// Observe
	if (SEqual2(szCommand, "Observe:"))
		const char *szObserverTarget = szCommand+8;
		C4Viewport *pVP = ::Viewports.GetViewport(NO_OWNER);
		if (pVP) // viewport may have closed meanwhile
			if (SEqual(szObserverTarget, "Free"))
				// free view
				pVP->Init(NO_OWNER, true);
				return true;
				// view following player
				int32_t iPlr = atoi(szObserverTarget);
				if (ValidPlr(iPlr))
					pVP->Init(iPlr, true);
					return true;
		return false;
	// No valid command
	return false;