CAction* CLayoutEditor::PerformAction(CAction *action, BOOL bRepeat) { // variables long id, gid, prevObj, objLayer; long i, oid; CLayer *lyr; CObj *o, *o2; CObjType *oT; CObjList objs; CString text; BOOL b, tb; BOOL bMoreInstances; POSITION pos, pos2; g_pLayoutView = this; g_pFrame = layout; g_pApp = application; long tid, tprevObj, tobjLayer, tglobalID; // do stuff CArchive *ar = action->Unprepare1(); CAction *actionNew = new CAction(); if (bRepeat) actionNew->m_bGroup = FALSE; CArchive *arNew = actionNew->Prepare1(); switch (action->m_type) { case ACTION_MOVESIZE: *ar >> id; o = GetObject(id); // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_MOVESIZE; tid = o->GetInstanceID(); *arNew << tid; o->Serialize(*arNew); // END UNDO INFO // o->Serialize(*ar); InitializeObject(o); g_PropertyBar->Update(this, TYPE_OBJECT, &m_sel, layout, &layout->objects, application); // show object props break; case ACTION_CHANGETYPE: *ar >> id; // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_CHANGETYPE; *arNew << id; application->object_types[id]->Serialize(*arNew); // END UNDO INFO // application->object_types[id]->Serialize(*ar); g_PropertyBar->Update(this, TYPE_OBJECT, &m_sel, layout, &layout->objects, application); // show object props break; case ACTION_CHANGELAYER: *ar >> id; pos = layout->layers.GetHeadPosition(); for (i = 0; i < layout->layers.GetCount(); i++) { lyr = layout->layers.GetPrev(pos); if( lyr->m_layerID == id) break; } // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_CHANGELAYER; *arNew << id; lyr->Serialize(*arNew); // END UNDO INFO // lyr->Serialize(*ar); g_PropertyBar->Update(this, TYPE_LAYER, &m_sel, layout, &layout->objects, application, 0, lyr); // show object props break; case ACTION_SETVISIBLE: *ar >> id >> b; o = GetObject(id); // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_SETVISIBLE; tid = o->GetInstanceID(); tb = !b; *arNew << tid << tb; // END UNDO INFO // o->SetVisible(b); break; case ACTION_SETLOCK: *ar >> id >> b; o = GetObject(id); // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_SETLOCK; tid = o->GetInstanceID(); tb = !b; *arNew << tid << tb; // END UNDO INFO // o->SetVisible(b); break; case ACTION_CHANGEZORDER: // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_CHANGEZORDER; this->SerializeAllZLists(arNew); // END UNDO INFO // SerializeAllZLists(ar); g_pLayerBar->m_layerDlg.RefreshLayers(); // we need to tell the layer dlg to refresh or something! break; case ACTION_CREATE: { *ar >> id >> objLayer >> prevObj; o = new CObj(); o->Serialize(*ar); if(objLayer!= -1 && prevObj != -1) //group items dont go into the zorder { if(objLayer >= 0) { pos = layout->layers.GetHeadPosition(); for (i = 0; i < layout->layers.GetCount(); i++) { lyr = layout->layers.GetNext(pos); if (lyr->m_layerID == objLayer) { lyr->m_zOrder.InsertAfter(lyr->m_zOrder.FindIndex(prevObj), id); break; } } } else { CObj* group = layout->GetObj(-objLayer); // layer is negative for object groups group->m_groupObjects.InsertAfter(group->m_groupObjects.FindIndex(prevObj), id); break; } } InitializeObject(o); layout->objects[id] = o; // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_DELETE; tid = o->GetInstanceID(); *arNew << tid; // END UNDO INFO // pMainWnd->ObjectTypesChanged(); g_PropertyBar->Update(this, TYPE_LAYOUT, NULL, layout, NULL, application); } g_pLayerBar->m_layerDlg.RefreshLayers(); break; case ACTION_CREATETYPE:// long ObjectIdentifier, CObjType oT, long id, layer, prevobjid, CObj o { *ar >> gid; oT = new CObjType(); oT->Serialize(*ar); application->object_types[gid] = oT; *ar >> id >> objLayer >> prevObj; o = new CObj(); o->Serialize(*ar); if(objLayer!= -1 && prevObj != -1) //group items dont go into the zorder { if(objLayer >= 0) { pos = layout->layers.GetHeadPosition(); for (i = 0; i < layout->layers.GetCount(); i++) { lyr = layout->layers.GetNext(pos); if (lyr->m_layerID == objLayer) { lyr->m_zOrder.InsertAfter(lyr->m_zOrder.FindIndex(prevObj), id); break; } } } else { CObj* group = layout->GetObj(-objLayer); // layer is negative for object groups group->m_groupObjects.InsertAfter(group->m_groupObjects.FindIndex(prevObj), id); break; } } layout->objects[id] = o; // We need to call initialize! InitializeObject(o); // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_DELETE; tid = o->GetInstanceID(); *arNew << tid; // END UNDO INFO // g_PropertyBar->Update(this, TYPE_LAYOUT, NULL, layout, NULL, application); } pMainWnd->ObjectTypesChanged(); g_pLayerBar->m_layerDlg.RefreshLayers(); break; case ACTION_DELETE: { *ar >> id; o = GetObject(id); if(!o) return 0; // this actually happens in groups sometimes but is now accounted for tglobalID = o->GetGlobalID(); // remove from zorder lyr = GetObjectLayer(id); if(lyr) { pos2 = lyr->m_zOrder.Find(id); tprevObj = lyr->m_zOrder.GetPrev(pos2); tobjLayer = lyr->m_layerID; lyr->m_zOrder.RemoveAt(lyr->m_zOrder.Find(id)); } else if(o->m_bInGroup) { pos2 = o->m_group->m_groupObjects.Find(id); tprevObj = o->m_group->m_groupObjects.GetPrev(pos2); tobjLayer = 0 - o->m_group->GetInstanceID(); // we use negative values of the instance id of objects o->m_group->m_groupObjects.RemoveAt(o->m_group->m_groupObjects.Find(id)); } bMoreInstances = FALSE; // check if any more instances exist pos = layout->objects.GetStartPosition(); long nKey; while (pos != NULL) { layout->objects.GetNextAssoc(pos, nKey, o2); if (o2->GetGlobalID() == tglobalID && o2->GetInstanceID() != id) { bMoreInstances = TRUE; break; } } if (bMoreInstances == FALSE) // no more exist, delete object type { CObjType* oT = application->object_types[tglobalID]; // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_CREATETYPE; *arNew << tglobalID; //object type oT->Serialize(*arNew); long tid = o->GetInstanceID(); //object *arNew << tid << tobjLayer << tprevObj; o->Serialize(*arNew); // END UNDO INFO // //delete oT; application->m_DeletedObjectTypes[tglobalID] = application->object_types[tglobalID]; application->object_types.RemoveKey(tglobalID); if (oT->tree) { pMainWnd->project_bar.tree.DeleteItem(oT->tree); oT->tree = NULL; } } else { // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_CREATE; long tid = o->GetInstanceID(); *arNew << tid << tobjLayer << tprevObj; o->Serialize(*arNew); // END UNDO INFO // } // okay time to recursively kill ! pos = o->m_groupObjects.GetHeadPosition(); //CObj *o2; for (int k = 0; k < o->m_groupObjects.GetCount(); k++) { long groupitemid = o->m_groupObjects.GetNext(pos); DeleteObjectRecursive(groupitemid); // basically the serialization function automatically saves all the children items. We want to // delete them but not back them up...thats where the DeleteOBjectRecursive function is handy :) } delete o; layout->objects.RemoveKey(id); pMainWnd->ObjectTypesChanged(); g_pLayerBar->m_layerDlg.RefreshLayers(); g_PropertyBar->Update(this, TYPE_LAYOUT, NULL, layout, NULL, application); } break; case ACTION_GROUP: *ar >> gid; objs.Serialize(*ar); m_sel.RemoveAll(); pos = objs.GetHeadPosition(); for (i = 0; i < objs.GetCount(); i++) { id = objs.GetNext(pos); m_sel.AddTail(id); } // taken from GroupSel(), penis removed // o2 = GetObject(gid); pos = m_sel.GetHeadPosition(); for (i = 0; i < m_sel.GetCount(); i++) { // loop through selected objects o = GetObject(m_sel.GetNext(pos)); if (o->m_bInGroup == FALSE) { // selected object is not in another [open] group o->m_bInGroup = TRUE; o->m_group = o2; lyr = GetObjectLayer(o->GetInstanceID()); tid = o->GetInstanceID(); if(lyr) { lyr->m_zOrder.RemoveAt(lyr->m_zOrder.Find(tid)); // move object from its layer to the group } o2->m_groupObjects.AddTail(tid); } } // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_UNGROUP; *arNew << gid; // END UNDO INFO // g_pLayerBar->m_layerDlg.RefreshLayers(); break; case ACTION_UNGROUP: *ar >> gid; o = GetObject(gid); // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_GROUP; *arNew << gid; o->m_groupObjects.Serialize(*arNew); // END UNDO INFO // //BLOCK: UNGROUP // remove from zorder // CObj *o2; //POSITION pos2; CLayer *lyr; if (!o->m_bInGroup) { lyr = GetObjectLayer(gid); if(!lyr) { CErrorDlg Error; Error.Error("Error in undo", "In ACTION_UNGROUP we were unable to work out what layer the group was on. Please report this to scirra"); return 0; } pos2 = lyr->m_zOrder.Find(gid); // get location in layer to put group objects } pos = o->m_groupObjects.GetHeadPosition(); for (int j = 0; j < o->m_groupObjects.GetCount(); j++) { o2 = GetObject(o->m_groupObjects.GetNext(pos)); if (o->m_bInGroup) o2->m_group = o->m_group; else { o2->m_bInGroup = FALSE; o2->m_group = NULL; id = o2->GetInstanceID(); lyr->m_zOrder.InsertAfter(pos2, id); } } o->m_groupObjects.RemoveAll(); /* // taken from Ungroup(), penis removed // if (!o->m_bInGroup) { lyr = GetObjectLayer(gid); if(!lyr) { CErrorDlg Error; Error.Error("Error in undo", "In ACTION_UNGROUP we were unable to work out what layer the group was on. Please report this to scirra"); return 0; } pos2 = lyr->m_zOrder.Find(gid); // get location in layer to put group objects } pos = o->m_groupObjects.GetHeadPosition(); for (i = 0; i < o->m_groupObjects.GetCount(); i++) { o2 = GetObject(o->m_groupObjects.GetNext(pos)); if (o->m_bInGroup) o2->m_group = o->m_group; else { o2->m_bInGroup = FALSE; o2->m_group = NULL; id = o2->GetInstanceID(); lyr->m_zOrder.InsertAfter(pos2, id); } } o->m_groupObjects.RemoveAll(); { // this allows us to remove the group type and the group object - davo // CUndo* temp = m_undo; // m_undo = 0; //DeleteObject(gid); // m_undo = temp; }*/ g_pLayerBar->m_layerDlg.RefreshLayers(); break; case ACTION_GROUPOPEN: *ar >> id >> b; o = GetObject(id); // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_GROUPOPEN; tid = o->GetInstanceID(); tb = !b; *arNew << tid << tb; // END UNDO INFO // o->m_bGroupOpen = b; g_pLayerBar->m_layerDlg.RefreshLayers(); break; case ACTION_GROUPREMOVE: *ar >> gid >> oid >> objLayer >> prevObj; // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_GROUPADD; *arNew << gid << oid; // END UNDO INFO // o = GetObject(oid); o2 = GetObject(gid); o->m_groupObjects.RemoveAt(o->m_groupObjects.Find(oid)); o->UpdateGroupInfo(FALSE); o2->m_bInGroup = FALSE; o2->m_group = NULL; for (i = 0; i < layout->layers.GetCount(); i++) { lyr = layout->layers.GetNext(pos); if (lyr->m_layerID == objLayer) { lyr->m_zOrder.InsertAfter(lyr->m_zOrder.FindIndex(prevObj), oid); break; } } g_pLayerBar->m_layerDlg.RefreshLayers(); break; case ACTION_GROUPADD: *ar >> gid >> oid; o = GetObject(oid); o2 = GetObject(gid); o->m_bInGroup = TRUE; o->m_group = o2; lyr = GetObjectLayer(oid); if(!lyr) { CErrorDlg Error; Error.Error("Error", "Unable to work out what layer the object is on in ACTION_GROUPADD, please report this to scirra"); return 0; } pos = lyr->m_zOrder.Find(oid); prevObj = lyr->m_zOrder.GetPrev(pos); // START UNDO INFO // actionNew->m_type = ACTION_GROUPREMOVE; *arNew << gid << oid << lyr->m_layerID << prevObj; // END UNDO INFO // lyr->m_zOrder.RemoveAt(lyr->m_zOrder.Find(oid)); o->m_group->m_groupObjects.AddTail(oid); g_pLayerBar->m_layerDlg.RefreshLayers(); break; } action->Unprepare2(); actionNew->Prepare2(); if(action == 0) { int a = 0; a --; } if(actionNew == 0) { int a = 0; a--; } return actionNew; }
void CLayerDlg::OnLayerDel() { if(!m_layerListBox.layout_editor) return; if(m_layerListBox.GetCurSel() == -1) return; CLayer *layer = (CLayer*)m_layerListBox.GetItemDataPtr(m_layerListBox.GetCurSel()); if (layer->m_layerType == LAYER_NONFRAME) return; if (m_layerListBox.layout_editor->layout->layers.GetCount() == 2) { CErrorDlg error; error.Error("Error removing layer", "You can't remove the last layer."); return; } bool do_delete = false; if (layer) { CExtMsgBox msg(NULL, CONF_DELETE, CONFIRMATION, __EXT_MB_YESNO | __EXT_MB_ICONINFORMATION | __EXT_MB_DO_NOT_ASK_AGAIN, 0, "DeleteLayer", __EXT_MB_EX_CHECK_BOX_IS_NOT_CHECKED_INTIALLY); int result = msg.DoModal(); if (result == IDYES) do_delete = true; else msg.ResetMsgBox(); } if (do_delete) { POSITION pos = layer->m_zOrder.GetHeadPosition(); vector<long> deletelist; for (int i = 0; i < layer->m_zOrder.GetCount(); i++) { deletelist.push_back(layer->m_zOrder.GetNext(pos)); } for(int i = 0; i < deletelist.size(); i++) { m_layerListBox.layout_editor->DeleteObject(, TRUE); } // START UNDO INFO // CAction *action = new CAction(); action->m_type = ACTION_CHANGEZORDER; CArchive *ar = action->Prepare1(); m_layerListBox.layout_editor->SerializeAllZLists(ar); action->Prepare2(); m_layerListBox.layout_editor->m_undo->AddAction(action); // END UNDO INFO // m_layerListBox.layout_editor->layout->layers.RemoveAt(m_layerListBox.layout_editor->layout->layers.Find(layer)); m_layerListBox.DeleteString(m_layerListBox.GetCurSel()); m_layerListBox.SetCurSel(0); OnSelchange(); g_PropertyBar->Update(layout_editor, TYPE_LAYER, NULL, NULL,NULL, layout_editor->application, 0, layout_editor->layout->layers.GetAt(layout_editor->layout->layers.GetTailPosition())); // update the property editor m_layerListBox.layout_editor->Invalidate(); CChildFrame* pCF = (CChildFrame*)m_layerListBox.layout_editor->GetParentFrame(); pCF->object_bar.Refresh(); layout_editor->layout->SetChanged(true); } }