TCertStatus CPolicyStore::PolicyCertificateStatusL(CIkeData* aIkeData) const { LOG(Log::Printf(_L("-> CPolicyStore::PolicyCertificateStatusL()"))); TCertStatus status = ECertValid; CArrayFixFlat<TCertInfo*> *cAList = aIkeData->iCAList; if ((cAList == NULL || cAList->Count() == 0) && !aIkeData->iOwnCert.iOwnCertExists) { status = ECertNotNeeded; } else { RPKIServiceAPI pkiService; User::LeaveIfError(pkiService.Connect()); CleanupClosePushL(pkiService); pkiService.SetInformational(ETrue); CDesC8ArrayFlat* caSubjectNameArray = new (ELeave) CDesC8ArrayFlat(2); CleanupStack::PushL(caSubjectNameArray); if (cAList != NULL && cAList->Count() > 0) { status = PkiUtil::GetValidCaCertSubjectNameListL(pkiService, *cAList, *caSubjectNameArray); } if (status == ECertValid) { // Set store type to device store, // if Own_cert_type is defined as "DEVICE" if ( aIkeData->iClientCertType != NULL ) { TPtrC16 certStoreType = aIkeData->iClientCertType->GetData(); if ( certStoreType.CompareF(_L("DEVICE")) == 0 ) { LOG(Log::Printf(_L("Set store type to STORETYPE_DEVICE"))); pkiService.SetStoreType(EPkiStoreTypeDevice); } else { LOG(Log::Printf(_L("Set store type to STORETYPE_USER"))); pkiService.SetStoreType(EPkiStoreTypeUser); } } else { LOG(Log::Printf(_L("Set store type to STORETYPE_USER"))); pkiService.SetStoreType(EPkiStoreTypeUser); } status = PkiUtil::CheckUserCertValidityL(pkiService, *caSubjectNameArray, aIkeData->iOwnCert); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(caSubjectNameArray); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //pkiService } LOG(Log::Printf(_L("<- CPolicyStore::PolicyCertificateStatusL()"))); return status; }
TInt CContextMediaArrayImpl::MdcaCount() const { CALLSTACKITEM_N(_CL("CContextMediaArrayImpl"), _CL("MdcaCount")); if (iItem == ENone) { return iPostArray->Count(); } else { return iPostArray->Count()+1; } }
//#pragma warning( disable : 4701 ) //local variable 'docPosError' may be used without having been initialized TBool CLinePaginatorTest::CompareArrays() { TInt numPages=iCharsPerPage->Count(); TInt numTestPages=iTestChars->Count(); TInt numChars; TInt numTestChars; TBool pagesSame=EFalse; TBuf8<128> text; TInt prevDocPos=0; TInt docPosError=0; TBuf<256> buf; if (numPages==numTestPages) { buf.AppendFormat(_L("Correct Number of Pages = %d\n"), numPages); TESTPRINT(buf); pagesSame=ETrue; for (TInt i=0; i<numPages; i++) { numChars=(*iCharsPerPage)[i]; numTestChars=(*iTestChars)[i]-prevDocPos; if(numChars!=numTestChars) { if (pagesSame) docPosError=(*iTestChars)[i]; pagesSame=EFalse; } prevDocPos=(*iTestChars)[i]; } if (pagesSame) { TESTPRINT(_L("Correct Number of Characters on Pages -- PASSED\n")); } else { TESTPRINT(_L("Incorrect Number of Characters on Pages -- FAILED\n")); buf.Zero(); buf.AppendFormat(_L("First Error Occurs at Position = %d"), docPosError); TESTPRINT(buf); } } else { TESTPRINT(_L("Incorrect Number of Pages -- FAILED\n")); buf.Zero(); buf.AppendFormat(_L("Number Calculated by LinePaginator = %d\n"), numPages); buf.AppendFormat(_L("Number Contained in File = %d\n"), numTestPages); TESTPRINT(buf); } iTestFile.Close(); return pagesSame; }
void CBCTestPtiEngine::TestLanguageL() { CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* langs = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(100); CleanupStack::PushL(langs); iEngine->GetAvailableLanguagesL(langs); AssertTrueL(langs->Count()>0, _L("available languages got")); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( 1 ); // cores, langs RArray<TInt> langRefs; iEngine->GetAvailableLanguagesL(langRefs); AssertTrueL(langRefs.Count()>0, _L("available languages got into RArray")); // //activate // if(langRefs.Count()) { MPtiLanguage *lan = iEngine->GetLanguage(langRefs[0]); if (lan->HasInputMode(EPtiEngineMultitapping)) { iEngine->ActivateLanguageL(lan->LanguageCode(), EPtiEngineMultitapping); AssertTrueL( ETrue, _L("activate multitapping")); } else { iEngine->ActivateLanguageL(lan->LanguageCode(), EPtiEnginePredictive); AssertTrueL( ETrue, _L("activate predictive")); } } langRefs.Close(); }
TUint32 CIkev2NatT::CheckPeerNotifysL(const CArrayFixFlat<TNotifPayloadIkev2*>& aNotifys, const TInetAddr& aLocalAddr, const TInetAddr& aRemoteAddr, TUint16 aPort, const TDesC8& aInitiatorSpi, const TDesC8& aResponderSpi, TBool& aSupported) { // // Check does there exists NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP and NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP // Notify payload. If found compare payload data to local end NAT // traversal data as follows: // -- NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP Notifys are examined against local Notify // payload iDstIdentiy data: If no match found // ==> Peer is behind NAT // -- NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP Notify is examined against local Notify // payload iSrcIdentiy data: If no match found // ==> Local end behind NAT // aSupported = EFalse; TInt Count = aNotifys.Count(); CIkev2NatT* RefObj = CIkev2NatT::NewL(aLocalAddr, aRemoteAddr, aPort, aInitiatorSpi, aResponderSpi); TNotifPayloadIkev2* PeerNotify; TUint32 PeerLth; TBool SrcMatch = EFalse; TBool DstMatch = EFalse; TUint32 NatFlags = 0; TInt i = 0; while ( i < Count ) { PeerNotify = aNotifys.At(i); if ( (PeerNotify->GetMsgType() == NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP) && !SrcMatch ) { NatFlags |= REMOTE_END_NAT; PeerLth = TPayloadIkev2::Cast(PeerNotify)->GetLength() - (TUint32)(PeerNotify->Size() + PeerNotify->GetSPISize()); const TPtrC8 peerNotify(PeerNotify->NotifData(), PeerLth); if ( RefObj->DestinNofify().Compare(peerNotify) == 0) { SrcMatch = ETrue; NatFlags &= ~REMOTE_END_NAT; } } else if ( (PeerNotify->GetMsgType() == NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP) && !DstMatch ) { aSupported = ETrue; NatFlags |= LOCAL_END_NAT; PeerLth = TPayloadIkev2::Cast(PeerNotify)->GetLength() - (TUint32)(PeerNotify->Size() + PeerNotify->GetSPISize()); const TPtrC8 peerNotify(PeerNotify->NotifData(), PeerLth); if ( RefObj->SourceNofify().Compare(peerNotify) == 0 ) { DstMatch = ETrue; NatFlags &= ~LOCAL_END_NAT; } } i ++; } delete RefObj; return NatFlags; }
/** @SYMTestCaseID T-RApaLsSessionTestStep-TestServiceDiscovery5L @SYMPREQ 538 @SYMTestCaseDesc Test the functionality of GetAppServicesL which gets all the service uids of a particular app @SYMTestPriority @SYMTestStatus Implemented @SYMTestActions Call GetAppServicesL with two parameters: the app uid and an array to put in the uid of the services on z: drive.\n API Calls:\n RApaLsSession::GetAppServicesL(TUid aAppUid, CArrayFixFlat<TUid>& aServiceUids) const @SYMTestExpectedResults Populates the array with the uids of the services offered by this particular app. The returned data should be the same as that defined in the registration files. */ void CT_ServicesTestStep::TestServiceDiscovery5L() { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TestServiceDiscovery5 about to start...")); const TUid KUidServerApp = {0x10004c56}; const TUid KUidService1234 = {0x01020304}; const TUid KUidService2345 = {0x02030405}; const TUid KUidService5678 = {0x05060708}; const TUid KUidService = {0x01020333}; // get UIDs of all services implemented by an app CArrayFixFlat<TUid>* uidArray = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TUid>(4); CleanupStack::PushL(uidArray); iApaLsSession.GetAppServicesL(KUidServerApp,*uidArray); TInt count = uidArray->Count(); TUid uid; if(count>0) { TEST(count==6); // Takes into account the open service uid = (*uidArray)[0]; TEST(uid==KUidService); uid = (*uidArray)[1]; TEST(uid==KUidService5678); uid = (*uidArray)[2]; TEST(uid==KUidService5678); uid = (*uidArray)[3]; TEST(uid==KUidService2345); uid = (*uidArray)[4]; TEST(uid==KUidService1234); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(uidArray); uidArray = NULL; }
CGulIcon* CTap2MenuAppUi::LoadAppIconHard(TUid aUid) { RApaLsSession ls; ls.Connect(); CGulIcon *retval = NULL; CArrayFixFlat<TSize> *array = new CArrayFixFlat<TSize>(3); CleanupStack::PushL(array); TInt err = ls.GetAppIconSizes(aUid, *array); if(err == KErrNone && array->Count() > 0) { CApaMaskedBitmap *bitmap = CApaMaskedBitmap::NewLC(); err = ls.GetAppIcon(aUid, (*array)[0], *bitmap); if(err == KErrNone) { CFbsBitmap* bmp = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap(); CleanupStack::PushL(bmp); CFbsBitmap* bmp_mask = new (ELeave) CFbsBitmap(); CleanupStack::PushL(bmp_mask); User::LeaveIfError(bmp->Create(bitmap->SizeInPixels(), bitmap->DisplayMode())); User::LeaveIfError(bmp_mask->Create(bitmap->Mask()->SizeInPixels(), bitmap->Mask()->DisplayMode())); CopyBitmapL(bitmap, bmp); CopyBitmapL(bitmap->Mask(), bmp_mask); retval = CGulIcon::NewL(bmp, bmp_mask); CleanupStack::Pop(2); // bmp, bmp_mask } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(bitmap); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(array); ls.Close(); return retval; }
/** This method should only be used by CImapAtomParser. During parsing, a ReAllocL() may be required on the heap buffer that this atom and its descendants' string data descriptor points at. This happens when the heap buffer needs to be expanded. If this causes the heap buffer's address to change, then this atom and its descendants' pointer descriptors need updating. @param The address of the new heap buffer @param The address of the data within the heap buffer before the ReAllocL took place. */ void CImapAtom::FixupL(const HBufC8 *aNewBuffer, const TText8 *aOldBuffer) { // Fixup descriptor pointers CArrayFixFlat<CImapAtom*>* atomStack = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<CImapAtom*>(10); CleanupStack::PushL(atomStack); atomStack->AppendL(this); CImapAtom* currentAtom; while (atomStack->Count() != 0) { // Pop the top atom off of the stack currentAtom = (*atomStack)[atomStack->Count() - 1]; atomStack->ResizeL(atomStack->Count() - 1); // Fix up the current atom if (currentAtom->iAtom.Length()>0) { // Find offset from start of old buffer TInt start=(currentAtom->iAtom.Ptr()-aOldBuffer); // Make new descriptor & assign it TPtrC8 bufptr(aNewBuffer->Ptr()+start,currentAtom->iAtom.Length()); currentAtom->iAtom.Set(bufptr); // Note that we are setting the real iAtom not the copy returned by Atom() } // Add the first sibling to the stack, // subsequent siblings are added when this sibling is visited CImapAtom* siblingAtom = currentAtom->Next(); if (siblingAtom) { atomStack->AppendL(siblingAtom); } // Add child to the stack CImapAtom* childAtom = currentAtom->Child(); if (childAtom) { atomStack->AppendL(childAtom); } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(atomStack); }
void CContextMediaArrayImpl::ReleasePosts() { if (iPostArray) { int i; for (i=0;i<iPostArray->Count();i++) { CCMPost * aPost = (*iPostArray)[i]; if (aPost) { CC_TRAPD(err, iStorage.Release( aPost, 0 )); } } } }
LOCAL_C void CloseArrayOfCallObjects(TAny* aCallArray) /** Close and delete the call object array. */ { CArrayFixFlat<RMobileCall>* callArray = reinterpret_cast<CArrayFixFlat<RMobileCall>*>(aCallArray); TInt count = callArray->Count(); for (TInt i=count-1; i>=0; --i) { callArray->At(i).Close(); } delete callArray; callArray = NULL; }
void CContextMediaArrayImpl::PostEvent(CCMPost* aParent, CCMPost* aChild, TEvent aEvent) { CALLSTACKITEM_N(_CL("CContextMediaArrayImpl"), _CL("PostEvent")); if (aParent != iParentPost) return; if (aEvent==EChildAdded) { iPostIdArray->AppendL(aChild->iPostId()); iPostArray->AppendL(0); iObserver.PostEvent(aParent, aChild, aEvent); } if (aEvent==EPlaceholderFilled) { TInt i; for (i=0; i<iPostIdArray->Count();i++) { if (iPostIdArray->At(i) == aChild->iPostId()) { CC_TRAPD(ignore, iStorage.Release(iPostArray->At(i), 0)); iPostArray->At(i) = 0; iObserver.PostEvent(aParent, aChild, aEvent); return; } } } if (aEvent==EPostHidden) { ReadFromStorage(); iObserver.PostEvent(aParent, aChild, aEvent); } if (aEvent==EPostVisible) { ReadFromStorage(); iObserver.PostEvent(aParent, aChild, aEvent); } if (aEvent==EPostUpdated) { iObserver.PostEvent(aParent, aChild, aEvent); } if ((aEvent==EThumbnailLoaded) || (aEvent==EUnreadChanged)) { iObserver.PostEvent(aParent, aChild, aEvent); } if (aEvent==ELastPostChanged) { iObserver.PostEvent(aParent, aChild, aEvent); } //do nothing for: // EMediaLoaded, // EErrorUpdated, }
LOCAL_C TBool operator==(const CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions1, const CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions2) { TInt count1 = aConditions1.Count(); TInt count2 = aConditions2.Count(); // Compare the conditions. if( count1 != count2 ) { // Different number of conditions - no match. return EFalse; } // Search for all the conditions in info1 are in info2 for( TInt ii = 0; ii < count1; ++ii ) { TTaskSchedulerCondition condition1 = aConditions1[ii]; TTaskSchedulerCondition condition2; TBool found = EFalse; TInt jj = 0; while( !found && jj < count2 ) { condition2 = aConditions2[jj]; if( condition2.iKey == condition1.iKey ) found = ETrue; else ++jj; } if( !found || condition2.iState != condition1.iState || condition2.iType != condition1.iType ) { // Either aConditions2 has not got this condition or it has but it // does not match - no match. return EFalse; } } return ETrue; }
/*! \brief Returns names and identifiers of supported languages in a phone. Language names are localized according the language's native presentation. Language ID's returned by this functions may be used as language parameter for changeLanguage(int language) function. Language IDs and names are OS specific and may vary across the platforms and releases. \attention Symbian specific API \deprecated HbLanguageUtil::supportedLanguages() is deprecated. Please use HbLocaleUtil::supportedLanguages() instead. \return Symbian - localized names and integer identifiers of languages supported in a device \return other platforms - empty QHash */ QHash<int, QString> HbLanguageUtil::supportedLanguages() { #if defined(Q_OS_SYMBIAN) QHash<int, QString> languages; QTranslator translator; QString path = "c:"; path += QString(TRANSLATOR_PATH); if (!translator.load(path)) { path = "z:"; path += QString(TRANSLATOR_PATH); if (!translator.load(path)) { return languages; } } QCoreApplication::installTranslator(&translator); QHash<int, QString> hashLanguageNames = readLanguageList(); CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* systemEpocLanguageCodes = 0; TInt error = SysLangUtil::GetInstalledLanguages( systemEpocLanguageCodes ); if ( error != KErrNone ) { delete systemEpocLanguageCodes; return languages; } for (int i = 0; i < systemEpocLanguageCodes->Count(); ++i) { int code = systemEpocLanguageCodes->At(i); QString id = QString(LANGUAGE_ID_PREFIX); id += QString::number(code); QString locName = hbTrId(id.toAscii().constData()); if (locName.isEmpty() || locName == id) { locName = hashLanguageNames.value(code); } languages.insert(code, locName); } delete systemEpocLanguageCodes; return languages; #else QHash<int, QString> dummy; return dummy; #endif }
/** Searches the scheduler for an existing conditions schedule item with a set of pending conditions and timeout value that matches with those supplied. @see RScheduler::GetScheduleL @param aScheduler Handle to the scheduler. @param aConditions The set of System Agent conditions that are required to be met to trigger the schedule. @param aTimeout The timeout value for the schedule. @param aRef On return, the schedule item. @leave KErrNotFound No schedule found matching the schedule conditions and timeout. */ EXPORT_C void CMsvScheduleSend::FindScheduleL( RScheduler& aScheduler, const CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aConditions, const TTime& aTimeout, TSchedulerItemRef& aRef) { CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>* schConditions = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>(KMsvSchsendArrayGrowth); CleanupStack::PushL(schConditions); CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>* taskInfos = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>(1); CleanupStack::PushL(taskInfos); aRef.iHandle = KErrNotFound; CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>* refs = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>(KMsvSchsendArrayGrowth); CleanupStack::PushL(refs); User::LeaveIfError(aScheduler.GetTaskRefsL(*refs, EAllSchedules, EMyTasks)); TInt count = refs->Count(); TScheduleState2 state; TTsTime nextTimeout; while( count-- && aRef.iHandle == KErrNotFound ) { const TSchedulerItemRef& tempRef = (*refs)[count]; TScheduleType type; User::LeaveIfError(aScheduler.GetScheduleTypeL(tempRef.iHandle, type)); if( type == EConditionSchedule ) { taskInfos->Reset(); const TInt err = aScheduler.GetScheduleL(tempRef.iHandle, state, *schConditions, nextTimeout, *taskInfos); if( err == KErrNone && nextTimeout.GetUtcTime() == aTimeout && *schConditions == aConditions ) aRef = tempRef; } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, schConditions); if (aRef.iHandle == KErrNotFound) User::Leave(KErrNotFound); }
/** Searches the scheduler for an existing schedule item with a schedule time that matches with time supplied. @see RScheduler::GetScheduleL() @param aScheduler Handle to the scheduler. @param aStartTime Schedule start time. @param aRef On return, the schedule item. @leave KErrNotFound No schedule found matching the schedule time. */ EXPORT_C void CMsvScheduleSend::FindScheduleL(RScheduler& aScheduler, const TTime& aStartTime, TSchedulerItemRef& aRef) { CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>* entryInfos = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>(1); CleanupStack::PushL(entryInfos); CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>* taskInfos = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>(1); CleanupStack::PushL(taskInfos); aRef.iHandle = KErrNotFound; CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>* refs = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>(KMsvSchsendArrayGrowth); CleanupStack::PushL(refs); User::LeaveIfError(aScheduler.GetTaskRefsL(*refs, EAllSchedules, EMyTasks)); TInt count = refs->Count(); TScheduleState2 state; TTsTime nextDue; while (count-- && aRef.iHandle == KErrNotFound) { const TSchedulerItemRef& tempRef = (*refs)[count]; TScheduleType type; User::LeaveIfError(aScheduler.GetScheduleTypeL(tempRef.iHandle, type)); if( type == ETimeSchedule ) { entryInfos->Reset(); taskInfos->Reset(); const TInt err = aScheduler.GetScheduleL(tempRef.iHandle, state, *entryInfos, *taskInfos, nextDue); if( err == KErrNone && nextDue.GetUtcTime() == aStartTime ) aRef = tempRef; } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3, entryInfos); if (aRef.iHandle == KErrNotFound) User::Leave(KErrNotFound); }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // CAknDiscreetPopupDrawer::WrapTitleTextL // Wraps long text to two lines. // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // void CAknDiscreetPopupDrawer::WrapTitleTextL() { CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* lineWidths = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>( KMaxNumOfLines ); CleanupStack::PushL( lineWidths ); CArrayFixFlat<TPtrC>* wrappedArray = new ( ELeave ) CArrayFixFlat<TPtrC>( KMaxNumOfLines ); CleanupStack::PushL( wrappedArray ); for ( TInt i = 0; i < KMaxNumOfLines; i++ ) { lineWidths->AppendL( iTitleTextData.iTextRect.Width() ); } HBufC* visualBuffer = HBufC::NewLC( iTitleText->Length() + KMaxNumOfLines * KAknBidiExtraSpacePerLine ); *visualBuffer = *iTitleText; TPtr ptr( visualBuffer->Des() ); AknBidiTextUtils::ConvertToVisualAndWrapToArrayL( ptr, *lineWidths, *iTitleTextData.iTextFont, *wrappedArray, ETrue ); if ( wrappedArray->Count() && wrappedArray->At( 1 ) != KNullDesC ) { delete iTitleText; iTitleText = NULL; delete iBodyText; iBodyText = NULL; iTitleText = wrappedArray->At( 0 ).AllocL(); iBodyText = wrappedArray->At( 1 ).AllocL(); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( visualBuffer ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( wrappedArray ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( lineWidths ); }
EXPORT_C void CSchSendTestUtils::DisplayAllSchedulesL(TInt& rSchCount, TInt& rSchSize) { Printf(_L("Displaying all Schedules:\n")); rSchCount = 0; rSchSize = 0; TParse parse; TFileName fileName(_L("\\system\\schedules\\")); _LIT(KCDrive, "C:"); parse.Set(fileName, &KCDrive, NULL); CDir* entryList; TPtrC drive(parse.DriveAndPath()); TInt err = iFs.GetDir(drive, KEntryAttNormal, ESortNone, entryList); if (err) { Printf(_L("\tiFs.GetDir(%S) returned %d\n"), &drive, err); return; } CleanupStack::PushL(entryList); TInt count = entryList->Count(); while (count--) { TEntry entry((*entryList)[count]); rSchSize += entry.iSize; } Printf(_L("\tFiles in %S have total size %d\n"), &drive, rSchSize); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(entryList); RScheduler sch; err = sch.Connect(); if (err) { Printf(_L("\tRScheduler::Connect() returned %d\n"), err); return; } CleanupClosePushL(sch); IMPORT_C TInt GetScheduleL(const TInt aScheduleHandle, TScheduleState& aState, CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>& aEntries, CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>& aTasks, TTime& aDueTime); CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>* schRefArray = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>(10); CleanupStack::PushL(schRefArray); CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>* schEntries = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo>(10); CleanupStack::PushL(schEntries); CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>* schTasks = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>(10); CleanupStack::PushL(schTasks); err = sch.GetScheduleRefsL(*schRefArray, EAllSchedules); if (!err) { TScheduleState schState; TTime schDueTime; count = schRefArray->Count(); rSchCount = count; Printf(_L("\t%d schedules in the task scheduler\n"), count); while (count--) { err = sch.GetScheduleL((*schRefArray)[count].iHandle, schState, *schEntries, *schTasks, schDueTime); if (!err) { TInt taskCount = schTasks->Count(); Printf(_L("\tSchedule %d (\"%S\") has %d tasks\n"), (*schRefArray)[count].iHandle, &(*schRefArray)[count].iName, taskCount); while (taskCount--) { TTaskInfo taskInfo((*schTasks)[taskCount]); TInt size; err = sch.GetTaskDataSize(taskInfo.iTaskId, size); if (!err) { HBufC* hBuf = HBufC::NewLC(size); TPtr ptr(hBuf->Des()); TSchedulerItemRef schRef; err = sch.GetTaskInfoL(taskInfo.iTaskId, taskInfo, ptr, schRef, schDueTime); if (!err) { TPckgBuf<TMsvSchedulePackage> mtmBuf; mtmBuf.Copy(*hBuf); Printf(_L("\t\tTask %d: msvId %d, commandId %d, pollProgress %d\n"), taskInfo.iTaskId, mtmBuf().iId, mtmBuf().iCommandId, mtmBuf().iPollProgress.Int()); } else { Printf(_L("\t\tRScheduler::GetTaskInfoL(%d) returned %d\n"), taskInfo.iTaskId, err); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(hBuf); } else { Printf(_L("\t\tRScheduler::GetTaskDataSize(%d) returned %d\n"), taskInfo.iTaskId, err); } } } else { Printf(_L("\tRScheduler::GetScheduleL(%d (\"%S\")) returned %d\n"), (*schRefArray)[count].iHandle, &(*schRefArray)[count].iName, err); } } } else { Printf(_L("RScheduler::GetScheduleRefsL() returned %d"), err); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(3); //schRefArray, schEntries, schTasks CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //sch }
void CFMSServer::DeleteScheduledRemindersL() { FLOG(_L("CFMSServer::DeleteScheduledRemindersL >>")); TScheduleEntryInfo2 ret; TInt err; RScheduler sc; TTime t; TTsTime time; TSchedulerItemRef scitem; CArrayFixFlat<TSchedulerItemRef>* aSchRefArray = new CArrayFixFlat <TSchedulerItemRef>(5); TScheduleFilter aFilter(EAllSchedules); User::LeaveIfError( sc.Connect() ); CleanupClosePushL( sc ); CleanupStack::PushL(aSchRefArray); User::LeaveIfError( sc.GetScheduleRefsL( *aSchRefArray,aFilter) ); FLOG(_L("Schedule items: ")); for ( TInt i=0; i<aSchRefArray->Count(); ++i ) { TSchedulerItemRef it = (*aSchRefArray)[i]; if ( it.iName == TUid::Uid(KFMSServerUid).Name() ) { TScheduleState2 sc_state; CArrayFixFlat<TScheduleEntryInfo2>* sc_entries = new CArrayFixFlat <TScheduleEntryInfo2>(5); CArrayFixFlat<TTaskInfo>* sc_tasks = new CArrayFixFlat <TTaskInfo>(5); TTsTime sc_duetime; CleanupStack::PushL( sc_entries ); CleanupStack::PushL( sc_tasks ); FLOG (_L("%d. schedule handle: %d name:'%S'"),i,it.iHandle, &(it.iName) ); err = sc.GetScheduleL ( it.iHandle , sc_state, *sc_entries,*sc_tasks,sc_duetime ); // xx TDateTime dtm = sc_duetime.GetLocalTime().DateTime(); FLOG(_L(" schedule duetime:%d:%d"), dtm.Hour(), dtm.Minute()); if ( err ) FLOG(_L(" schedule sc get err %d"),err); else { for ( TInt k=0; k<sc_entries->Count();++k) { TScheduleEntryInfo2 sc_entry = (*sc_entries)[k]; ret = sc_entry; TTime sctime = sc_entry.StartTime().GetLocalTime(); FLOG(_L(" schedule entry %d int-type:%d int:%d start: %d:%d"),k,sc_entry.IntervalType(),sc_entry.Interval(),sctime.DateTime().Hour(),sctime.DateTime().Minute()); } for ( TInt j=0; j<sc_tasks->Count();++j) { TTaskInfo sc_task = (*sc_tasks)[j]; FLOG(_L(" schedule task %d '%S'"),sc_task.iTaskId,&(sc_task.iName) ); if ( sc_task.iName==TUid::Uid(KFMSServerUid).Name() ) { FLOG(_L(" schedule DeleteTask %d"),sc_task.iTaskId); User::LeaveIfError( sc.DeleteTask(sc_task.iTaskId) ); } } } FLOG(_L(" DeleteSchedule %d"),it.iHandle); err = sc.DeleteSchedule(it.iHandle ); FLOG(_L("Delete status of tasks = %d"), err); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sc_tasks ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( sc_entries ); } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy( aSchRefArray ); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&sc); FLOG(_L("CFMSServer::DeleteScheduledRemindersL <<")); }
/**--------------------------------------------------------- * * ServiceL(const RMessage& aMessage) * *----------------------------------------------------------*/ void CPKISession::ServiceL(const RMessage2& aMessage) { TInt Status = KErrNone; TInt count = 0; LOG_1("CPKISession::ServiceL: function = %d", aMessage.Function()); switch(aMessage.Function()) { case PkiService::ECancelPendingOperation: iWrapper->CancelPendingOperation(); aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); break; case PkiService::EGetRequiredBufferSize: if (iRequiredBufferSize == KBufferSizeNotDefined) { Status = iWrapper->GetRequiredBufferSizeL(aMessage); } else { TPckg<TInt> pckgSize(iRequiredBufferSize); aMessage.WriteL(0, pckgSize); aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); } break; case PkiService::ECertCount: count = iMapper.CertCount(iWrapper->Informational()); aMessage.Complete(count); break; case PkiService::EApplicableCertCount: { TInt aC = 0; TPckg<TInt> pckgApplCount(aC); aMessage.ReadL(0, pckgApplCount); // Read applications // Allocate list for applications CBufFlat* list = CBufFlat::NewL(sizeof(TUid)); CleanupStack::PushL(list); list->ResizeL(aC * sizeof(TUid)); TPtr8 ptrList = list->Ptr(0); aMessage.ReadL(1, ptrList); iUidArray.Close(); if(aC > 0) { TUid tempUid; for (TInt i = 0; i < aC; i++) { list->Read(i * sizeof(TUid), (TAny*)&tempUid, sizeof(TUid)); iUidArray.Append(tempUid); } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // list TInt matchCount = iMapper.ApplicableCertCount(iUidArray); aMessage.Complete(matchCount); } break; case PkiService::EGetCertDetails: { TPckgBuf<TSecurityObjectDescriptor> secDescPtr; aMessage.ReadL(1, secDescPtr); TCertificateListEntry* resultCertInfo = new (ELeave) TCertificateListEntry; CleanupStack::PushL(resultCertInfo); Status = iMapper.GetCertDetailsL(secDescPtr(), iWrapper->CertStoreType(), iWrapper->Informational(), *resultCertInfo); if (Status == KErrNone) { TPckg<TCertificateListEntry> certDetailsPtr(*resultCertInfo); aMessage.WriteL(0, certDetailsPtr); } aMessage.Complete(Status); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(resultCertInfo); } break; case PkiService::EGetCertList: iMapper.GetCertListL(aMessage, iWrapper->Informational()); aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); break; case PkiService::EGetApplicableCertList: iMapper.GetApplicableCertListL(aMessage, iUidArray); aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); break; case PkiService::EGetKeyList: { PKISERVICE_ASSERT(iKeyList != NULL); CBufFlat* list = CBufFlat::NewL(sizeof(TKeyListEntry)); CleanupStack::PushL(list); list->ResizeL(iKeyList->Count() * sizeof(TKeyListEntry)); for(TInt i = 0; i < iKeyList->Count(); i++) { const TKeyListEntry& keyInfo = (*iKeyList)[i]; list->Write(i * sizeof(TKeyListEntry), (TAny*)&keyInfo, sizeof(TKeyListEntry)); } TPtr8 ptrList = list->Ptr(0); aMessage.WriteL(0, ptrList); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(list); // list delete iKeyList; iKeyList = NULL; aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); } break; case PkiService::ECertReqCount: count = iServer.CertificateRequestStore().CertReqCountL(); aMessage.Complete(count); break; case PkiService::EGetCertReqList: { CArrayFixFlat<TCertificateRequestListEntry>* certReqList = iServer.CertificateRequestStore().GetCertReqListLC(); TUint bufferGranularity = sizeof(TCertificateRequestListEntry); if (certReqList->Count() > 0) { bufferGranularity = bufferGranularity * certReqList->Count(); } CBufFlat* list = CBufFlat::NewL(bufferGranularity); CleanupStack::PushL(list); if (certReqList->Count() > 0) { list->ResizeL(sizeof(TCertificateRequestListEntry) * certReqList->Count()); } for (TInt i = 0; i < certReqList->Count(); ++i) { const TCertificateRequestListEntry &certReqInfo = (*certReqList)[i]; list->Write(i * sizeof(TCertificateRequestListEntry), &certReqInfo, sizeof(TCertificateRequestListEntry)); } TPtr8 ptrList = list->Ptr(0); aMessage.WriteL(0, ptrList); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(list); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(certReqList); aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); } break; case PkiService::ESaveCertificateRequest: { TInt requestSize = aMessage.GetDesLength(0); HBufC8* request = HBufC8::NewLC(requestSize); TPtr8 requestPtr = request->Des(); TKeyIdentifier keyId; aMessage.ReadL(0, requestPtr); aMessage.ReadL(2, keyId); //keyId is ignored. HBufC* certRequestRef = iServer.CertificateRequestStore().SaveCertRequestLC(*request); aMessage.WriteL(1, *certRequestRef); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(certRequestRef); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(request); aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); } break; case PkiService::EReadCertificateRequest: { TInt certRequestRefSize = aMessage.GetDesLength(0); HBufC *certRequestRef = HBufC::NewLC(certRequestRefSize); TPtr certRequestRefPtr = certRequestRef->Des(); aMessage.ReadL(0, certRequestRefPtr); if (certRequestRef->Length() == 0) { User::Leave(KErrNotFound); } HBufC8* certificateRequest = iServer.CertificateRequestStore().ReadCertRequestLC(*certRequestRef); if (aMessage.GetDesMaxLength(1) >= certificateRequest->Length()) { aMessage.WriteL(1, *certificateRequest); aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); } else { iRequiredBufferSize = certificateRequest->Length(); aMessage.Complete(KPKIErrBufferTooShort); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(certificateRequest); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(certRequestRef); } break; case PkiService::EDeleteCertificateRequest: { TInt certRequestRefSize = aMessage.GetDesLength(0); HBufC *certRequestRef = HBufC::NewLC(certRequestRefSize); TPtr certRequestRefPtr = certRequestRef->Des(); aMessage.ReadL(0, certRequestRefPtr); iServer.CertificateRequestStore().DeleteCertRequestL(*certRequestRef); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(certRequestRef); aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); } break; case PkiService::ESetCertStoreType: iWrapper->SetCertStoreType(static_cast<TPkiServiceStoreType>(aMessage.Int0())); aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); break; case PkiService::ESetKeyStoreType: SetKeyStoreL(static_cast<TPkiServiceStoreType>(aMessage.Int0())); aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); break; case PkiService::ESetStoreType: iWrapper->SetCertStoreType(static_cast<TPkiServiceStoreType>(aMessage.Int0())); SetKeyStoreL(static_cast<TPkiServiceStoreType>(aMessage.Int1())); aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); break; case PkiService::EGetCertStoreType: { Status = iWrapper->CertStoreType(); aMessage.Complete(Status); break; } case PkiService::EGetKeyStoreType: { Status = KeyStore(); aMessage.Complete(Status); break; } case PkiService::ESetInformational: { iWrapper->SetInformational(aMessage.Int0()); aMessage.Complete(KErrNone); } break; case PkiService::EInitialize://falls through case PkiService::EKeyCount: //falls through case PkiService::EGetKeyDetails: //falls through case PkiService::EDecrypt: //falls through case PkiService::ESignWithKeyId: //falls through case PkiService::ESignWithCert: //falls through case PkiService::EReadPublicKey: //falls through case PkiService::ELogon: //falls through case PkiService::ELogoff: //falls through case PkiService::EChangePassword: //falls through case PkiService::ERemoveKeypair: //falls through case PkiService::EGenerateKeypair: //falls through case PkiService::EStoreKeypair: //falls through iKeyOperationQueue.AddOperationL(*this, aMessage, iUsedKeyStore, iWrapper->CertStoreType()); break; default: iRequiredBufferSize = KBufferSizeNotDefined; iWrapper->InitOperation(aMessage); break; } }
RPointerArray<CX509Certificate> PkiUtil::GetCaCertListL(RPKIServiceAPI& aPkiService, const CArrayFixFlat<TCertInfo*>& aIkeCAList) { __ASSERT_ALWAYS(aIkeCAList.Count() > 0, User::Invariant()); _LIT8(KEmptyString, ""); RPointerArray<CX509Certificate> certificateArray; ResetAndDestroyPushL(certificateArray); RArray<TUid> applUidArray; CleanupClosePushL(applUidArray); for (TInt i = 0; i < aIkeCAList.Count(); ++i) { const TCertInfo* certInfo = aIkeCAList[i]; switch(certInfo->iFormat) { case CA_NAME: { // Reserve enough space for UTF-8 TInt len = 3*( certInfo->iData.Length() ); HBufC8* caName = HBufC8::NewLC(len); TPtr8 caNamePtr(caName->Des()); if (CnvUtfConverter::ConvertFromUnicodeToUtf8(caNamePtr, certInfo->iData) != 0) { User::Leave(KErrCorrupt); } CX509Certificate* cert = ReadCertificateLC(aPkiService, KEmptyString, *caName, KEmptyString, EPKICACertificate); User::LeaveIfError(certificateArray.Append(cert)); CleanupStack::Pop(cert); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(caName); } break; case KEY_ID: { TPKIKeyIdentifier keyId(NULL); for (TInt j = 0; j < certInfo->iData.Length(); j += 2) { TPtrC hexByte(certInfo->iData.Mid(j, 2)); TLex lex(hexByte); TUint8 value; User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(value, EHex)); keyId.Append(&value, 1); } CX509Certificate* cert = ReadCertificateLC(aPkiService, keyId); User::LeaveIfError(certificateArray.Append(cert)); CleanupStack::Pop(cert); } break; case APPL_UID: { TLex lex(certInfo->iData); TUint32 value; User::LeaveIfError(lex.Val(value, EHex)); TUid id = { value }; User::LeaveIfError(applUidArray.Append(id)); } break; default: User::Leave(KErrArgument); break; } } if (applUidArray.Count() > 0) { CArrayFix<TCertificateListEntry>* certListArray = NULL;; aPkiService.ListApplicableCertificatesL(applUidArray, certListArray); CleanupStack::PushL(certListArray); if (certListArray->Count() == 0) { User::Leave(KErrNotFound); } for (TInt i = 0; i < certListArray->Count(); ++i) { TCertificateListEntry entry = (*certListArray)[i]; if (entry.iOwnerType == EPKICACertificate) { CX509Certificate* cert = ReadCertificateLC(aPkiService, KEmptyString, entry.iIdentitySubjectName, KEmptyString, EPKICACertificate); User::LeaveIfError(certificateArray.Append(cert)); CleanupStack::Pop(cert); } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(certListArray); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //applUidArray CleanupStack::Pop(); return certificateArray; }
void CHuiRasterizedTextMesh::DoBuildL(TInt aRasterizeFlags) { if(iUsingPreRasterizedMesh) { return; } TSize extents(0, 0); HUI_DEBUG(_L("CHuiRasterizedTextMesh::BuildL() - Updating rasterized text.")); // This is never NULL during BuildL(). const TDesC& text = *Text(); // Retrieve the text style used when rasterizing this text mesh. THuiTextStyle* textStyle = CHuiStatic::Env().TextStyleManager().TextStyle(iTextStyleId); // Retrieve the CFont object used when rasterizing this text mesh. CFont* font = textStyle->Font().NearestFontL(iTextMeshScale); // Maximum width of a text line in pixels. TInt maxWidth = MaxLineWidth(); TInt startIndex = 0; TInt index = 0; TInt lineCount = 0; CArrayFixFlat<TPtrC>* linePtrs = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPtrC>(KLineArrayGranularity); CleanupStack::PushL(linePtrs); while(startIndex < text.Length()) { /// @todo What is the Symbian way to determine line break chars? #define HUI_IS_LINE_BREAK(aChar) (aChar == '\n') // Find the next logical line. while(index < text.Length() && !HUI_IS_LINE_BREAK(text[index])) { index++; } TPtrC logicalLine = text.Mid(startIndex, index - startIndex); ++index; // Skip the line break. startIndex = index; switch(LineMode()) { case ELineModeTruncate: { ++lineCount; // there's always one line created per logical line HBufC* buf = logicalLine.AllocLC(); TPtr ptr = buf->Des(); // truncate line CHuiStatic::ConvertToVisualAndClipL(ptr, *font, maxWidth, maxWidth); // create the line entry if not already existing if (aRasterizeFlags != ERasterizeNone) { if (iLines.Count() < lineCount) { SRasterizedLine line; line.iTexture = NULL; line.iGap = 0; iLines.AppendL(line); if (iPictographInterface) { SRasterizedLine pictographline; pictographline.iTexture = NULL; pictographline.iGap = 0; iPictographLines.AppendL(pictographline); } } TInt currentLine = lineCount-1; if (aRasterizeFlags & ERasterizeText) { // rasterize a single line (updates texture in iLines[0].iTexture) RasterizeLineL(ptr, iLines[currentLine]); } if (aRasterizeFlags & ERasterizePictographs && iPictographInterface) { // Rasterize pictographs if needed RasterizePictographLineL(ptr, font, iPictographLines[currentLine]); } // Get extents from the texture we just created CHuiTexture* tex = iLines[currentLine].iTexture; extents.iHeight += iLines[currentLine].iGap; if(tex) { extents.iWidth = Max(extents.iWidth, tex->Size().iWidth); extents.iHeight += tex->Size().iHeight; } } else { // Don't rasterise or create textures, just get the extents of this text. TSize lineExtents = textStyle->LineExtentsL(ptr); extents.iWidth = Max(extents.iWidth, lineExtents.iWidth); extents.iHeight += lineExtents.iHeight; } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf); break; } case ELineModeWrap: { // wrap lines to array HBufC* buf = CHuiStatic::ConvertToVisualAndWrapToArrayL( logicalLine, maxWidth, *font, *linePtrs); CleanupStack::PushL(buf); // one line may create several wrapped lines lineCount += linePtrs->Count(); if (aRasterizeFlags != ERasterizeNone) { // create new entries.. while (iLines.Count() < lineCount) { SRasterizedLine line; line.iTexture = NULL; line.iGap = 0; iLines.AppendL(line); if (iPictographInterface) { SRasterizedLine pictographline; pictographline.iTexture = NULL; pictographline.iGap = 0; iPictographLines.AppendL(pictographline); } } // Do rasterisation if we want to render to texture. for(TInt i = 0; i < linePtrs->Count(); ++i) { TInt currentLine = (lineCount - linePtrs->Count()) + i; if (aRasterizeFlags & ERasterizeText) { // rasterize a single line (updates texture in iLines[i].iTexture) RasterizeLineL(linePtrs->At(i), iLines[currentLine]); } if (aRasterizeFlags & ERasterizePictographs && iPictographInterface) { // Rasterize pictographs if needed RasterizePictographLineL(linePtrs->At(i), font, iPictographLines[currentLine]); } // Get extents from the texture we just created CHuiTexture* tex = iLines[i].iTexture; extents.iHeight += iLines[i].iGap; if(tex) { extents.iWidth = Max(extents.iWidth, tex->Size().iWidth); extents.iHeight += tex->Size().iHeight; } TBool moreAvailable = (currentLine + 1 < MaxLineCount()); if (!moreAvailable) { // Maximum number of lines reached. break; } } } else { // Don't rasterise or create textures, just get the extents of this text. for(TInt i = 0; i < linePtrs->Count(); ++i) { TSize lineExtents = textStyle->LineExtentsL(linePtrs->At(i)); extents.iWidth = Max(extents.iWidth, lineExtents.iWidth); extents.iHeight += lineExtents.iHeight; } } linePtrs->Reset(); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf); break; } default: break; } // If we have reached the maximum number of lines, stop building. if(IsMaxLineCountReached()) { break; } } HUI_DEBUG(_L("CHuiRasterizedTextMesh::BuildL() - Finished rasterizing text.")); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(linePtrs); linePtrs = 0; if (iPictographBitmap) { iPictographBitmap->Resize(TSize(0, 0)); } HUI_DEBUG(_L("CHuiRasterizedTextMesh::BuildL() - Updating text extents..")); // The extents of the mesh depend on how many lines there are. SetExtents(extents); HUI_DEBUG(_L("CHuiRasterizedTextMesh::BuildL() - Done!")); }
TPtrC16 CContextMediaArrayImpl::MdcaPoint(TInt aIndex) const { CALLSTACKITEM_N(_CL("CContextMediaArrayImpl"), _CL("MdcaPoint")); if (aIndex>iPostArray->Count()) { User::Leave(KErrArgument); } if (!iStandAlone) { // ----- case first item in list --------- if (aIndex == 0) { if (iItem == EUseVCode) { iBuf->Des().Zero(); iBuf->Des().AppendFormat(_L("%d\t"), KUseCodeIconIndex); iBuf->Des().Append(*iUseCode); iBuf->Des().Append(_L("\t\t\t")); return iBuf->Des(); } else if (iItem == EAddReply) { iBuf->Des().Zero(); if (iPostArray->Count()==0) { iBuf->Des().AppendFormat(_L("%d\t"), KReplyIconIndex); iBuf->Des().Append(*iFirstPost); iBuf->Des().Append(_L("\t\t\t")); } else { iBuf->Des().AppendFormat(_L("%d\t"), KReplyIconIndex); iBuf->Des().Append(*iAddReply); iBuf->Des().Append(_L("\t\t\t")); } return iBuf->Des(); } } } // ---- normal case -------------------- if (iOrder==CPostStorage::EDescending) { aIndex=MdcaCount()-aIndex-1; } if (iPostArray->At(aIndex) == 0) { iPostArray->At(aIndex) = iStorage.GetByPostIdL(0, iPostIdArray->At(aIndex)); } iBuf->Des().Zero(); const CCMPost * aPost = (*iPostArray)[aIndex]; if (!iStandAlone) { TInt iconidx=aPost->GetThumbnailIndex(); if (iconidx<0) iconidx=KUnknownIconIndex; if (aPost->iBodyText->Value().Compare(*iLoading) == 0) { iconidx = KUnknownIconIndex; } else if (aPost->iBodyText->Value().Compare(*iError)==0) { iconidx=KErrorIconIndex; } // First Line of the list box: icon_id, title, nb_unread iBuf->Des().AppendFormat(_L("%d\t"), iconidx); } // Loading indicator for thread ... TInt64 id = iPostIdArray->At(aIndex); TBool loading = ( (iNode == CPostStorage::RootId()) && ( (iNetwork.GetFetchStatus(id)==MNetworkStatus::EConnecting) || (iNetwork.GetFetchStatus(id)==MNetworkStatus::EFetching) ) ); if (loading) { if (aPost->iBodyText->Value().Length() == 0) { iBuf->Des().Append(*iNoTitle); } else { iBuf->Des().Append(aPost->iBodyText->Value().Left(15)); } TTime now; now=GetTime(); TInt sec = now.DateTime().Second(); TInt dots = 6; TInt nb_dots = sec - ( dots*int(sec/dots)); for (int i=0; i<=nb_dots; i++) { iBuf->Des().Append(_L(".")); } iObserver.PostEvent(0, 0, EPostUpdated); } else { if (aPost->iBodyText->Value().Length() == 0) { iBuf->Des().Append(*iNoTitle); } else { iBuf->Des().Append(aPost->iBodyText->Value().Left(40)); } } iBuf->Des().Append(_L("\t")); TInt unread = aPost->iUnreadCounter(); if (unread>0) { iBuf->Des().AppendNum(unread ); } if (! iStandAlone) { iBuf->Des().Append(_L("\t")); // Second and third Lines of the listbox if (aPost->iSender.iName().Compare(_L("?")) == 0) { iBuf->Des().Append(_L(" \t \t \t")); } else { if (iNode==CPostStorage::RootId()) { // second line iBuf->Des().Append(*iFirstBy); iBuf->Des().Append(_L(" ")); iBuf->Des().Append(aPost->iSender.iName()); iBuf->Des().Append(_L(",\t")); TBuf<5> time; GetTimeString(aPost->iTimeStamp(), time); iBuf->Des().Append(time); //third line if (aPost->LastPostAuthor().Length()==0) { iBuf->Des().Append(_L("\t\t")); } else { iBuf->Des().Append(_L("\t")); iBuf->Des().Append(*iLastBy); iBuf->Des().Append(_L(" ")); iBuf->Des().Append(aPost->LastPostAuthor()); iBuf->Des().Append(_L(",\t")); GetTimeString(aPost->LastPostDate(), time); iBuf->Des().Append(time); } } else { // second line iBuf->Des().Append(*iBy); iBuf->Des().Append(_L(" ")); iBuf->Des().Append(aPost->iSender.iName()); iBuf->Des().Append(_L(",\t")); TBuf<5> time; GetTimeString(aPost->iTimeStamp(), time); iBuf->Des().Append(time); // third line iBuf->Des().Append(_L("\t\t")); } } } #ifdef __WINS__ RDebug::Print(iBuf->Des()); #endif return iBuf->Des(); }
/** This user-side method configures the passed ULogger session to output to the passed plugin (with configurations) and with filter settings as specified by the user and starts the session in order to output trace points. @param aLogger is ULogger session being passed to the routine to be configured and started @param aPluginName is the TPtrC8 passed, identifying which ULogger plugin to output to @param aPluginConfiguration is the TPluginConfiguration passed, indicating the hardware configurations for the specified plugin @param aTestUTraceULoggerMatch is the user-defined boolean specifying whether the Ulogger filter settings should match the (test-specific) trace points or not @return KErrNone if command was prepared correctly and a system wide error code otherwise. */ TInt CUptULogger::StartGeneralL(RULogger& aLogger, const TPtrC8& aPluginName, const TPluginConfiguration& aPluginConfiguration, const TBool& aGroupIdFiltering, const TBool& aComponentIdFiltering, const TBool& aGroupIdFilterMatch, const TBool& aComponentIdFilterMatch) { TInt err=0; //connect to the ULogger session err=aLogger.Connect(); if (err!=KErrNone) { for (TInt i=2; i<12;i++) { User::After(1000); err = aLogger.Connect(); if (err==KErrNone) { break; } } } //clear any configurations stored in the ULogger configuration file CClearConfig configIni; configIni.ClearL(aLogger); //prepare arrays for storing the filter settings to configure ULogger (and push any heap objects on the cleanup stack) CArrayFixFlat<TUint8> *setPrimFilter = new (ELeave)CArrayFixFlat<TUint8>(256); CleanupStack::PushL(setPrimFilter); RArray<TUint32> setSecondFilter; CleanupClosePushL(setSecondFilter); //now configure the filtering and filter match options according to the passed parameters: //aGroupIdFiltering aComponentIdFiltering aGroupIdFilterMatch aComponentIdFilterMatch if(aGroupIdFiltering==1) { //We might have previously "disabled" primary filtering by enabling all filter //values, we'll disable them all here initially and then enable what we want below TInt i; for (i=0;i<=255;i++) { setPrimFilter->AppendL((TUint8)i); } TInt err=aLogger.SetPrimaryFiltersEnabled(*setPrimFilter,EFalse); setPrimFilter->Delete(0,setPrimFilter->Count()); } //C.A. previously this but done by default:err=aLogger.EnableGroupIdFiltering(); else //C.A. previously:err=aLogger.DisableClassificationFiltering(); //C.A.: just enable all classifications so all is allowed through { TInt i; for (i=0;i<=255;i++) { setPrimFilter->AppendL((TUint8)i); } TInt err=aLogger.SetPrimaryFiltersEnabled(*setPrimFilter,ETrue); setPrimFilter->Delete(0,setPrimFilter->Count()); } err=aLogger.SetSecondaryFilteringEnabled(aComponentIdFiltering); // C.A. previously /* if(aComponentIdFiltering==1) err=aLogger.EnableModuleUidFiltering(); else err=aLogger.DisableModuleUidFiltering();*/ if(aGroupIdFilterMatch==1) { //if the user specifies that ULogger should have classifiaction filter settings which match the test trace points, then fill the filter arrays with the test trace point identifiers accordingly SetFilterL(setPrimFilter); } else { //if the user specifies that ULogger should have classifciation filter settings which dont match the test trace points, then fill the filter arrays with the trace point identifiers which differ from the test trace point identifiers setPrimFilter->AppendL((TGroupId)(KGroupId+1)); } if(aComponentIdFilterMatch==1) { //if the user specifies that ULogger should have module id filter settings which match the test trace points, then fill the filter arrays with the test trace point identifiers accordingly setSecondFilter.Append((TComponentId) KComponentId); } else { //if the user specifies that ULogger should have module id settings which dont match the test trace points, then fill the filter arrays with the trace point identifiers which differ from the test trace point identifiers setSecondFilter.Append((TComponentId) (KComponentId+1)); } //set the filter settings in ULogger according to the above defined filter arrays err=aLogger.SetPrimaryFiltersEnabled(*setPrimFilter,ETrue);//C.A. previously:err=aLogger.EnableClassifications(*setPrimFilter); if(err==0) err=aLogger.SetSecondaryFiltersEnabled(setSecondFilter,ETrue);//C.A. previously:err=aLogger.EnableModuleUids(setSecondFilter); if(err==0) { //now set the ULogger session to output to the specified plugin and configuration err=aLogger.ActivateOutputPlugin(aPluginName);//C.A. previously:err=aLogger.SetActiveOutputPlugin(aPluginName); if((err == KErrNone)/*Added*/||(err == KErrAlreadyExists))//C.A. have to add cuz old api returns -11 if plugin already activated { err=aLogger.SetPluginConfigurations(aPluginName, aPluginConfiguration); if(err==0) { //given the ULogger session has successfully been configured to output to the default file, start the session err=aLogger.Start();//C.A. previously:err=aLogger.StartOutputting(); } } } //cleanup any heap objects CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&setSecondFilter); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(setPrimFilter); return err; }
TBool Ikev2MobIke::ProcessNotifysL(CIkev2Negotiation* aNegotiation, const CArrayFixFlat<TNotifPayloadIkev2*>& aNotifys, TBool aRequest, TInt aExchange) { __ASSERT_DEBUG(aNegotiation, User::Invariant()); if ( !aNegotiation->iHdr.iIkeData->iUseMobIke ) { return EFalse; } TInt MsgType; TNotifPayloadIkev2* Payload; TPtrC8 Cookie2(NULL,0); TBool NatDetection = EFalse; TBool Status = EFalse; TInt Count = aNotifys.Count(); TInt i = 0; while ( i < Count ) { Payload = aNotifys.At(i); MsgType = (TInt)Payload->GetMsgType(); // // Process possible MOBIKE Notify messages // switch ( MsgType ) { case MOBIKE_SUPPORTED: // // Remote end supports MOBIKE protocol // aNegotiation->iHdr.iMobikeUsed = ETrue; aNegotiation->iHdr.iFloatedPort = ETrue; // Floated port used for now aNegotiation->iHdr.iDestinAddr.SetPort(FLOATED_IKE_PORT); break; case ADDITIONAL_IPV4_ADDRESS: case ADDITIONAL_IPV6_ADDRESS: // // Additional IP addresses Notify // if ( aNegotiation->iHdr.iMobikeUsed && (aExchange == INFORMATIONAL) ) { Status = ETrue; } break; case UPDATE_SA_ADDRESS: // // Peer informs about the IP address change // if ( aNegotiation->iHdr.iMobikeUsed && aRequest && (aExchange == INFORMATIONAL) ) { aNegotiation->iIkeV2PlugInSession.RemoteAddrChanged(&aNegotiation->iHdr, aNegotiation->iHdr.iDestinAddr); Status = ETrue; } break; case COOKIE2: // // Peer informs about the IP address change // if ( aNegotiation->iHdr.iMobikeUsed && aRequest && (aExchange == INFORMATIONAL) ) { Cookie2.Set(Payload->NotifData(), Payload->NotifDataLength()); Status = ETrue; } break; case NAT_PREVENTION: // // NAT Prevention Notify // if ( aNegotiation->iHdr.iMobikeUsed ) { if ( aExchange == INFORMATIONAL ) Status = ETrue; } break; case UNACCPETABLE_ADDRESSES: case NAT_PREVENTED: if ( aNegotiation->iHdr.iMobikeUsed ) { if ( aExchange == INFORMATIONAL ) Status = ETrue; } break; case NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP: case NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP: if ( aNegotiation->iHdr.iMobikeUsed && (aExchange == INFORMATIONAL)) { NatDetection = ETrue; Status = ETrue; } break; default: break; } i ++; } if ( Status && aRequest && (aExchange == INFORMATIONAL) ) { // // Build informational response to MOBIKE request // CIkeV2Message* ikeMsg = CIkeV2Message::NewL(aNegotiation->iHdr.SpiI(), aNegotiation->iHdr.SpiR(), INFORMATIONAL, aNegotiation->iHdr.iInitiator, ETrue, aNegotiation->iHdr.ExpectedRequestId(), aNegotiation->iDebug); ikeMsg->AppendEncryptedPayloadL(aNegotiation->iHdr.iCipherBlkLth); if ( Cookie2.Ptr() ) { // // Peer is using COOKIE2. Return COOKIE2 payload data as such // ikeMsg->AppendNotifyPayloadL(IKEV2_PROTOCOL, KZeroDesc, COOKIE, Cookie2); } if ( NatDetection ) { // // Peer is using NAT_DETECTION_*_IP payloads. Build corresponding response // TBool NatDetectOk; TInetAddr DummyIp; DummyIp.SetAddress(KInetAddrNone); // TUint32 NATFlags = CIkev2NatT::CheckPeerNotifysL(aNotifys, DummyIp, aNegotiation->iHdr.iDestinAddr, FLOATED_IKE_PORT, ikeMsg->InitiatorSpi(), ikeMsg->ResponderSpi(), NatDetectOk); if ( NatDetectOk ) { aNegotiation->iHdr.iNATFlags = NATFlags; aNegotiation->GetNatStatus(NatDetectOk, aNegotiation->iHdr.iDestinAddr); } CIkev2NatT* NatNotify = CIkev2NatT::NewL(DummyIp, aNegotiation->iHdr.iDestinAddr, FLOATED_IKE_PORT, ikeMsg->InitiatorSpi(), ikeMsg->ResponderSpi()); CleanupStack::PushL(NatNotify); ikeMsg->AppendNotifyPayloadL(IKEV2_PROTOCOL, KZeroDesc, NAT_DETECTION_SOURCE_IP, NatNotify->SourceNofify()); ikeMsg->AppendNotifyPayloadL(IKEV2_PROTOCOL, KZeroDesc, NAT_DETECTION_DESTINATION_IP, NatNotify->DestinNofify()); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(NatNotify); } aNegotiation->SendIkeMsgL(ikeMsg); aNegotiation->iIkeV2PlugInSession.UpdateIkev2SAL(&aNegotiation->iHdr, NULL); if ( (aNegotiation->iState != KStateIkeInfoRequest) && (aNegotiation->iState != KStateIkeDeleteRequest) && (aNegotiation->iState != KStateIkeDeleteResponse) ) aNegotiation->iState = KStateIkeSaCompleted; } // // else // Currently there is no need to examine any MOBIKE Notify payloads // present in Informational response // return Status; }
/** Persist the items belonging to curent group into group table @param aGroup referece to a contact group */ void CPplGroupsTable::WriteGroupMembersL(const CContactItem& aGroup) { if (aGroup.Type() != KUidContactGroup) { return; } const TContactItemId KGroupId(aGroup.Id() ); // make sure we clear out any previous, out-of-date data TBool lowDiskErr(EFalse); DeleteItemL(KGroupId, lowDiskErr); if (lowDiskErr) { User::Leave(KErrDiskFull); } // build the RSqlStatement RSqlStatement stmnt; CleanupClosePushL(stmnt); stmnt.PrepareL(iDatabase, iInsertStmnt->SqlStringL() ); const TInt KGroupIdIndex(KFirstIndex); // first parameter in query... const TInt KMemberIdIndex(KGroupIdIndex + 1); // ...and the second parameter // copy and sort the member id array so we can see if there are duplicates const CContactIdArray* contactIdArray = static_cast<const CContactGroup&>(aGroup).ItemsContained(); //does not take the ownership const TInt arrayCount = contactIdArray->Count(); CArrayFixFlat<TContactItemId>* sortedList = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TContactItemId>(KArrayGranularity); CleanupStack::PushL(sortedList); for(TInt loop = 0;loop < arrayCount; ++loop) { sortedList->AppendL((*contactIdArray)[loop]); } TKeyArrayFix key(0,ECmpTInt); sortedList->Sort(key); // insert the group-member relationships const TInt KCountStmntParamIndex(KFirstIndex); // first and only parameter in query const TInt listLen(sortedList->Count() ); TInt lastId(0); for (TInt i = 0; i < listLen; ++i) { TInt itemId((*sortedList)[i]); //check if a contact item with itemId id really exists in contact database RSqlStatement countStmnt; CleanupClosePushL(countStmnt); countStmnt.PrepareL(iDatabase, iCountContactsStmnt->SqlStringL() ); User::LeaveIfError(countStmnt.BindInt(KCountStmntParamIndex, itemId) ); TInt count = 0; TInt err = KErrNone; if((err = countStmnt.Next() ) == KSqlAtRow) { count = countStmnt.ColumnInt(iCountContactsStmnt->ParameterIndex(KSqlCount) ); } else { User::LeaveIfError(err); } if(count == 0) { User::Leave(KErrNotFound); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&countStmnt); // only insert this if we haven't already seen it if (itemId != lastId || i == 0) { User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KGroupIdIndex, KGroupId) ); User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.BindInt(KMemberIdIndex, itemId) ); User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.Exec() ); User::LeaveIfError(stmnt.Reset() ); } lastId = itemId; } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &stmnt); // and sortedList }
// Each test step must supply a implementation for doTestStepL enum TVerdict CTestAppLoaderEndTask::doTestStepL( void ) { // Printing to the console and log file INFO_PRINTF1(_L("TEST-> END TASK")); TPtrC program; if ( !GetStringFromConfig(ConfigSection(), KProgram, program) ) { ERR_PRINTF2(KErrMissingParameter, &KProgram()); SetTestStepResult(EFail); } else { RApaLsSession apaLsSession; User::LeaveIfError(apaLsSession.Connect()); CleanupClosePushL(apaLsSession); User::LeaveIfError(apaLsSession.GetAllApps()); RWsSession ws; User::LeaveIfError(ws.Connect()); CleanupClosePushL(ws); TInt numWindowGroups = ws.NumWindowGroups(); CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* windowGroupList = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(numWindowGroups); CleanupStack::PushL(windowGroupList); // Populate array with current group list ids User::LeaveIfError(ws.WindowGroupList(windowGroupList)); CApaWindowGroupName* windowGroupName = CApaWindowGroupName::NewLC(ws); /* Note: we use windowGroupList->Count() instead of numWindowGroups, as in the middle of the * update the list could change in length (or worse, be reduced) thus producing an out of bounds * error if numWindowGroups were used */ TBool searching=ETrue; for ( TInt i=0; (i<windowGroupList->Count()) && searching; ++i ) { TInt wgId = windowGroupList->At(i); windowGroupName->ConstructFromWgIdL(wgId); TUid appUid = windowGroupName->AppUid(); TApaAppInfo appInfo; HBufC* appCaption = NULL; // Some applications, like midlets, may not provide any info if (apaLsSession.GetAppInfo(appInfo, appUid) == KErrNone) { appCaption = appInfo.iCaption.AllocL(); } else { appCaption = windowGroupName->Caption().AllocL(); } CleanupStack::PushL(appCaption); // Only list 'visible' applications if ( appCaption->Length() ) { TPtrC caption=*appCaption; INFO_PRINTF2(KLogTask, &caption); if ( program.CompareC(caption)==0 ) { searching=EFalse; TApaTask task(ws); task.SetWgId(wgId); if (task.Exists()) { task.EndTask(); } else { ERR_PRINTF2(KErrTaskNotFound, &program); SetTestStepResult(EFail); } } } CleanupStack::Pop(1, appCaption); // taskEntry, appCaption } if ( searching ) { ERR_PRINTF2(KErrTaskNotFound, &program); SetTestStepResult(EFail); } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(4, &apaLsSession); // windowGroupName, windowGroupList } // test steps return a result return TestStepResult(); }
/** @SYMTestCaseID APPFWK-APPARC-0070 @SYMPREQ @SYMTestCaseDesc Test whether the default app icons change with respect to the locale/language. This testcase checks whether BaflUtils::NearestLanguageFile is called when the locale has been changed. @SYMTestPriority High @SYMTestStatus Implemented @SYMTestActions Call User::Language() to check that the default locale is English; Call CT_LocaleStep::CheckIcons to check the size of the current default icons; Call UserSvr::ChangeLocale to change the Locale to French; Call CT_LocaleStep::CheckIcons to check the size of the new icons; Restore the file system and the locale and check if the icons are restored. API Calls:\n @SYMTestExpectedResults Returns KErrNone */ void CT_LocaleStep::TestLocaleDefaultIconL() { INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0070: TestLocaleDefaultIconL started...")); TInt ret = 0; //first checks that language is not currently set to French (any other language except English since English is the default language TEST(User::Language()!=ELangFrench); // getappiconsizes must be called to check if the icons are the default ones // KUidCustomiseDefaultIconApp - uid of CustomiseDefaultIconApp_reg.RSS; this app has a localisable resource file, CustomiseDefaultIconApp_loc.RSS, that does not define any icon // Hence, the default icons must be picked up when the language changes to French. The default icons for French are defined in default_app_icon.m02 CArrayFixFlat<TSize>* newIconSizes = new(ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TSize>(3); CleanupStack::PushL(newIconSizes); TRAP(ret,iLs.GetAppIconSizes(KUidCustomiseDefaultIconApp, *newIconSizes)); TEST(ret==KErrNone); TEST(newIconSizes->Count()!=0); // these are the sizes of the default icons TSize small(24,24); TSize medium(32,32); TSize large(48,48); TSize fstIcon; TSize secIcon; TSize trdIcon; CheckIcons(newIconSizes, small, medium,large, fstIcon, secIcon, trdIcon); // Change the locale to French TRAP(ret,ChangeLocaleL(ELangFrench)); TEST(ret==KErrNone); TEST(User::Language()==ELangFrench);//checks that the language has been set to French //Wait for a small period to let apparc receive language change notification User::After(KDelayForOnDemand); //call getappiconsizes to see if the new icons have been changed as as expected // The size of the icons indicates whether the icon corresponding to French Locale has been picked up newIconSizes->Reset(); TRAP(ret,iLs.GetAppIconSizes(KUidCustomiseDefaultIconApp, *newIconSizes)); TEST(ret==KErrNone); TEST(newIconSizes->Count()!=0); small.SetSize(25,25); medium.SetSize(35,35); large.SetSize(50,50); CheckIcons(newIconSizes, small, medium,large, fstIcon, secIcon, trdIcon); //have to restore the locale before exiting the testcase TRAP(ret,ChangeLocaleL(ELangEnglish)); TEST(ret==KErrNone); TEST(User::Language()==ELangEnglish); //Again wait for a small period to let apparc receive language change notification User::After(KDelayForOnDemand); //call getappiconsizes to see if the new icons have been changed as as expected // The size of the icons indicates whether the icon corresponding to English Locale has been picked up newIconSizes->Reset(); TRAP(ret,iLs.GetAppIconSizes(KUidCustomiseDefaultIconApp, *newIconSizes)); TEST(ret==KErrNone); TEST(newIconSizes->Count()!=0); small.SetSize(24,24); medium.SetSize(32,32); large.SetSize(48,48); CheckIcons(newIconSizes, small, medium,large, fstIcon, secIcon, trdIcon); // Icon cleanup CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(newIconSizes); newIconSizes=NULL; INFO_PRINTF1(_L("APPFWK-APPARC-0070: TestLocaleDefaultIconL finished...")); }
void CMsvScheduleSend::CreateScheduleL(const TTime& aTime, const TTimeIntervalMinutes& aValidityPeriod, const CArrayFixFlat<TTaskSchedulerCondition>& aSchConditions, TBool aPendingConditions, TSchedulerItemRef& aRef) { if( aPendingConditions ) { CreateScheduleL(iScheduler, aSchConditions, aTime, aRef); #ifndef _MSG_NO_LOGGING TBuf<32> bufDate; aTime.FormatL(bufDate, _L("%D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%.%*C4%:3%+B")); SCHSENDLOG(FLog(_L("\tCreated Schedule %d for pending %d conditions or %S"), aRef.iHandle, aSchConditions.Count(), &bufDate)); #endif } else { CreateScheduleL(iScheduler, *iSettings, aTime, aValidityPeriod, aRef); #ifndef _MSG_NO_LOGGING TBuf<32> bufDate; aTime.FormatL(bufDate, _L("%D%M%Y%/0%1%/1%2%/2%3%/3 %-B%:0%J%:1%T%:2%S%.%*C4%:3%+B")); SCHSENDLOG(FLog(_L("\tCreated Schedule %d for %S"), aRef.iHandle, &bufDate)); #endif } }
/* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ TBool CMainContainer::HandlePopUpMenuSelectionL(TInt& aCommand) { TBool ret(EFalse); TBool isEnable(EFalse),isDisable(EFalse),isRemove(EFalse),isaPreview(EFalse); ShowMenuItemsL(isEnable,isDisable,isRemove,isaPreview); if(!isRemove && !isaPreview){ ret = ETrue; aCommand = EProfModify; }else{ TBuf<100> hjelpper; CAknSinglePopupMenuStyleListBox* list = new(ELeave) CAknSinglePopupMenuStyleListBox; CleanupStack::PushL(list); CAknPopupList* popupList = CAknPopupList::NewL(list,R_AVKON_SOFTKEYS_OK_CANCEL); CleanupStack::PushL(popupList); list->ConstructL(popupList, CEikListBox::ELeftDownInViewRect); list->CreateScrollBarFrameL(ETrue); list->ScrollBarFrame()->SetScrollBarVisibilityL(CEikScrollBarFrame::EOff,CEikScrollBarFrame::EAuto); CArrayFixFlat<TInt>* cmdArray = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TInt>(5); CleanupStack::PushL(cmdArray); CDesCArrayFlat* Array = new (ELeave) CDesCArrayFlat(5); CleanupStack::PushL(Array); if(isEnable){ StringLoader::Load(hjelpper,R_CMD_ENABLE); Array->AppendL(hjelpper); cmdArray->AppendL(EProfEnable); }else if(isDisable){ StringLoader::Load(hjelpper,R_CMD_DISABLE); Array->AppendL(hjelpper); cmdArray->AppendL(EProfDisable); } if(isaPreview && !iDimPreview){ StringLoader::Load(hjelpper,R_CMD_MODIFY); Array->AppendL(hjelpper); cmdArray->AppendL(EProfModify); StringLoader::Load(hjelpper,R_CMD_PREVIEW); Array->AppendL(hjelpper); cmdArray->AppendL(EProfTest); } if(isRemove){ StringLoader::Load(hjelpper,R_CMD_DELETE); Array->AppendL(hjelpper); cmdArray->AppendL(EProfRemove); } list->Model()->SetItemTextArray(Array); CleanupStack::Pop();//Array list->Model()->SetOwnershipType(ELbmOwnsItemArray); if (popupList->ExecuteLD()) { TInt Selected = list->CurrentItemIndex(); if(Selected >= 0 && Selected < cmdArray->Count()) { ret = ETrue; aCommand = cmdArray->At(Selected); } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // cmdArray CleanupStack::Pop(); // popuplist CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(1); // list } return ret; }
void DoBuildL(CAlfTextStyle* aTextStyle) { ResetLines(); TSize extents(0, 0); const TDesC& text = iVisual->Text(); // Retrieve the CFont object used when rasterizing this text mesh. CFont* font = aTextStyle->Font()->NearestFontL(1.0); // In wrapping mode, let the mesh know how much space there is // for drawing into. TInt maxWidth = iMaxWidth; //KMaxTInt; TInt lineCount = 0; // awkward, just to avoid warning CArrayFixFlat<TPtrC>* linePtrs = 0; HBufC* buf = 0; switch(iVisual->Wrapping()) { case CAlfTextVisual::ELineWrapManual: { lineCount = 1; for (TInt i = text.Length()-2;i>=0;i--) // linebreak as last character is ignored { if (text[i]=='\n') // not elegant but keeps the compatibility lineCount++; } if (lineCount > 1) { TInt lineStart = 0; TInt breakpos = 0; TInt remaining = text.Length(); while(lineCount) { for (TInt i = lineStart; i<remaining ;i++) { if (text[i]=='\n') // not elegant but keeps the compatibility { breakpos = i; break; } } if (breakpos < lineStart) // not found { breakpos = remaining-1; } HBufC* buf = text.Mid(lineStart,breakpos-lineStart).AllocLC(); // todo.. is extra space required for bidi lineStart = breakpos+1; TPtr ptr = buf->Des(); // truncate line AknBidiTextUtils::ConvertToVisualAndClipL(ptr, *font, maxWidth, maxWidth); // create the line entry if not already existing SRasterizedLine line; line.iTexture = NULL; line.iGap = 0; iLines.AppendL(line); TInt index = iLines.Count()-1; // rasterize a single line (updates texture in iLines[0].iTexture) RasterizeLineL(ptr, iLines[index], aTextStyle); // Get extents from the texture we just created CAlfTexture* tex = iLines[index].iTexture; extents.iHeight += iLines[index].iGap; if(tex) { extents.iWidth = Max(extents.iWidth, tex->Size().iWidth); extents.iHeight += tex->Size().iHeight; } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf); lineCount--; } break; } } // fall through with single line case CAlfTextVisual::ELineWrapTruncate: { lineCount = 1; // there's always one line created per logical line HBufC* buf = text.AllocLC(); // todo.. is extra space required for bidi TPtr ptr = buf->Des(); // truncate line AknBidiTextUtils::ConvertToVisualAndClipL(ptr, *font, maxWidth, maxWidth); // create the line entry if not already existing SRasterizedLine line; line.iTexture = NULL; line.iGap = 0; iLines.AppendL(line); // rasterize a single line (updates texture in iLines[0].iTexture) RasterizeLineL(ptr, iLines[0], aTextStyle); // Get extents from the texture we just created CAlfTexture* tex = iLines[0].iTexture; extents.iHeight += iLines[0].iGap; if(tex) { extents.iWidth = Max(extents.iWidth, tex->Size().iWidth); extents.iHeight += tex->Size().iHeight; } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf); break; } case CAlfTextVisual::ELineWrapBreak: { // wrap lines to array linePtrs = new (ELeave) CArrayFixFlat<TPtrC>(KLineArrayGranularity); CleanupStack::PushL(linePtrs); buf = AknBidiTextUtils::ConvertToVisualAndWrapToArrayL( text, maxWidth, *font, *linePtrs); CleanupStack::PushL(buf); // Do rasterisation for(TInt i = 0; i < linePtrs->Count();i++) { SRasterizedLine line; line.iTexture = NULL; line.iGap = 0; iLines.AppendL(line); // rasterize a single line (updates texture in iLines[i].iTexture) RasterizeLineL(linePtrs->At(i), iLines[i], aTextStyle); CAlfTexture* tex = iLines[i].iTexture; extents.iHeight += iLines[i].iGap; if(tex) { extents.iWidth = Max(extents.iWidth, tex->Size().iWidth); extents.iHeight += tex->Size().iHeight; } if (i == iVisual->MaxLineCount()-1) { // Maximum number of lines reached. break; } } CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(buf); CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(linePtrs); break; } default: break; } // Extents needs to be updated in order to make alignment // work properly. iExtents = extents; UpdateDescriptorL(); }