コード例 #1
// This is called by the base object when it's time to spawn the control panels
void CBaseViewModel::SpawnControlPanels()
#if defined( VGUI_CONTROL_PANELS )
	char buf[64];

	// Destroy existing panels

	CBaseCombatWeapon *weapon = m_hWeapon.Get();

	if ( weapon == NULL )


	// FIXME: Deal with dynamically resizing control panels?

	// If we're attached to an entity, spawn control panels on it instead of use
	CBaseAnimating *pEntityToSpawnOn = this;
	char *pOrgLL = "controlpanel%d_ll";
	char *pOrgUR = "controlpanel%d_ur";
	char *pAttachmentNameLL = pOrgLL;
	char *pAttachmentNameUR = pOrgUR;
	if ( IsBuiltOnAttachment() )
		pEntityToSpawnOn = dynamic_cast<CBaseAnimating*>((CBaseEntity*)m_hBuiltOnEntity.Get());
		if ( pEntityToSpawnOn )
			char sBuildPointLL[64];
			char sBuildPointUR[64];
			Q_snprintf( sBuildPointLL, sizeof( sBuildPointLL ), "bp%d_controlpanel%%d_ll", m_iBuiltOnPoint );
			Q_snprintf( sBuildPointUR, sizeof( sBuildPointUR ), "bp%d_controlpanel%%d_ur", m_iBuiltOnPoint );
			pAttachmentNameLL = sBuildPointLL;
			pAttachmentNameUR = sBuildPointUR;
			pEntityToSpawnOn = this;

	Assert( pEntityToSpawnOn );

	// Lookup the attachment point...
	int nPanel;
	for ( nPanel = 0; true; ++nPanel )
		Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), pAttachmentNameLL, nPanel );
		int nLLAttachmentIndex = pEntityToSpawnOn->LookupAttachment(buf);
		if (nLLAttachmentIndex <= 0)
			// Try and use my panels then
			pEntityToSpawnOn = this;
			Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), pOrgLL, nPanel );
			nLLAttachmentIndex = pEntityToSpawnOn->LookupAttachment(buf);
			if (nLLAttachmentIndex <= 0)

		Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), pAttachmentNameUR, nPanel );
		int nURAttachmentIndex = pEntityToSpawnOn->LookupAttachment(buf);
		if (nURAttachmentIndex <= 0)
			// Try and use my panels then
			Q_snprintf( buf, sizeof( buf ), pOrgUR, nPanel );
			nURAttachmentIndex = pEntityToSpawnOn->LookupAttachment(buf);
			if (nURAttachmentIndex <= 0)

		const char *pScreenName;
		weapon->GetControlPanelInfo( nPanel, pScreenName );
		if (!pScreenName)

		const char *pScreenClassname;
		weapon->GetControlPanelClassName( nPanel, pScreenClassname );
		if ( !pScreenClassname )

		// Compute the screen size from the attachment points...
		matrix3x4_t	panelToWorld;
		pEntityToSpawnOn->GetAttachment( nLLAttachmentIndex, panelToWorld );

		matrix3x4_t	worldToPanel;
		MatrixInvert( panelToWorld, worldToPanel );

		// Now get the lower right position + transform into panel space
		Vector lr, lrlocal;
		pEntityToSpawnOn->GetAttachment( nURAttachmentIndex, panelToWorld );
		MatrixGetColumn( panelToWorld, 3, lr );
		VectorTransform( lr, worldToPanel, lrlocal );

		float flWidth = lrlocal.x;
		float flHeight = lrlocal.y;

		CVGuiScreen *pScreen = CreateVGuiScreen( pScreenClassname, pScreenName, pEntityToSpawnOn, this, nLLAttachmentIndex );
		pScreen->ChangeTeam( GetTeamNumber() );
		pScreen->SetActualSize( flWidth, flHeight );
		pScreen->SetActive( false );
		pScreen->MakeVisibleOnlyToTeammates( false );
		pScreen->SetOverlayMaterial( SCREEN_OVERLAY_MATERIAL );
		pScreen->SetAttachedToViewModel( true );
		int nScreen = m_hScreens.AddToTail( );
		m_hScreens[nScreen].Set( pScreen );