double CBlobGetHullArea::operator()(CBlob &blob) { t_contours convexHull; blob.GetConvexHull(convexHull); double area; if( convexHull.size()==0 ) area = fabs(contourArea(convexHull[0],true)); else return 0; return area; }
/** - FUNCTION: CBlobGetHullPerimeter - FUNCTIONALITY: Calculates the convex hull perimeter of the blob - PARAMETERS: - RESULT: - returns the convex hull perimeter of the blob or the perimeter if the blob edges could not be retrieved - RESTRICTIONS: - AUTHOR: Ricard Borràs - CREATION DATE: 25-05-2005. - MODIFICATION: Date. Author. Description. */ double CBlobGetHullPerimeter::operator()(CBlob &blob) { t_contours convexHull; blob.GetConvexHull(convexHull); double perimeter; if( convexHull.size()!=0 ) perimeter = fabs(arcLength(convexHull[0],true)); else return 0; return perimeter; }
double CBlobGetHullArea::operator()(CBlob &blob) { CvSeq *convexHull; double area; convexHull = blob.GetConvexHull(); if( convexHull ) area = fabs(cvContourArea(convexHull)); else return 0; cvClearSeq(convexHull); return area; }
/** - FUNCTION: CBlobGetHullPerimeter - FUNCTIONALITY: Calculates the convex hull perimeter of the blob - PARAMETERS: - RESULT: - returns the convex hull perimeter of the blob or the perimeter if the blob edges could not be retrieved - RESTRICTIONS: - AUTHOR: Ricard Borràs - CREATION DATE: 25-05-2005. - MODIFICATION: Date. Author. Description. */ double CBlobGetHullPerimeter::operator()(CBlob &blob) { CvSeq *convexHull; double perimeter; convexHull = blob.GetConvexHull(); if( convexHull ) perimeter = fabs(cvArcLength(convexHull,CV_WHOLE_SEQ,1)); else return 0; cvClearSeq(convexHull); return perimeter; }
/* * thread for displaying the opencv content */ void *cv_threadfunc (void *ptr) { IplImage* timg = cvCloneImage(rgbimg); // Image we do our processing on IplImage* dimg = cvCloneImage(rgbimg); // Image we draw on CvSize sz = cvSize( timg->width & -2, timg->height & -2); IplImage* outimg = cvCreateImage(sz, 8, 3); CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0); CvSeq* squares; // Sequence for squares - sets of 4 points CvSeq* contours; // Raw contours list CvSeq* result; // Single contour being processed CBlobResult blobs; CBlob *currentBlob; IplImage *pyr = cvCreateImage(cvSize(sz.width/2, sz.height/2), 8, 1); // Set region of interest cvSetImageROI(timg, cvRect(0, 0, sz.width, sz.height)); cvSetImageROI(dimg, cvRect(0, 0, sz.width, sz.height)); // Processing and contours while (1) { squares = cvCreateSeq(0, sizeof(CvSeq), sizeof(CvPoint), storage); pthread_mutex_lock( &mutex_rgb ); cvCopy(rgbimg, dimg, 0); cvCopy(rgbimg, timg, 0); pthread_mutex_unlock( &mutex_rgb ); // BLUR TEST // cvPyrDown(dimg, pyr, 7); // cvPyrUp(pyr, timg, 7); // DILATE TEST IplConvKernel* element = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(5, 5, 2, 2, 0); IplConvKernel* element2 = cvCreateStructuringElementEx(3, 3, 1, 1, 0); cvDilate(timg, timg, element, 2); cvErode(timg, timg, element2, 3); // THRESHOLD TEST cvThreshold(timg, timg, 200, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY); // Output processed or raw image. cvCvtColor(timg, outimg, CV_GRAY2BGR); // BLOB TEST blobs = CBlobResult( timg, (IplImage*)NULL, 0, true ); // blobs.Filter( blobs, B_EXCLUDE, CBlobGetArea(), B_LESS, 50 ); printf("Blobs: %d\n", blobs.GetNumBlobs()); CBlob biggestBlob; blobs.GetNthBlob( CBlobGetArea(), 1, biggestBlob ); biggestBlob.FillBlob( outimg, CV_RGB(255, 0, 0) ); CvSeq* dest; biggestBlob.GetConvexHull(dest); // for (int i = 0; i < blobs.GetNumBlobs(); i++ ) // { // currentBlob = blobs.GetBlob(i); // currentBlob->FillBlob( outimg, CV_RGB(255,0,0) ); // } // // CONTOUR FINDING // cvFindContours(timg, storage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_LIST, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, cvPoint(0,0)); // // while (contours) // { // // Approximate contour, accuracy proportional to perimeter of contour; may want to tune accuracy. // result = cvApproxPoly(contours, sizeof(CvContour), storage, CV_POLY_APPROX_DP, cvContourPerimeter(contours) * 0.02, 0); // // Filter small contours and contours w/o 4 vertices (filters noise, finds rectangles) // if (result->total == 4 && // fabs(cvContourArea(result, CV_WHOLE_SEQ)) > 600 && // cvCheckContourConvexity(result)) // { // // Skipped checking whether angles were close to 90 degrees here; may want to implement. // // Probably also want to check if it's square enough to filter out ex. long windows. // // for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) // { // // Write vertices to output sequence // cvSeqPush(squares, (CvPoint*)cvGetSeqElem(result, i)); // } // } // // // Take next contour // contours = contours->h_next; // } // // // // DRAW RECTANGLES // CvSeqReader reader; // cvStartReadSeq(squares, &reader, 0); // // // Read 4 points at a time // CvPoint pt[4]; // CvPoint *rect = pt; // CvRect out[4]; // CvRect *outrect = out; // for (int i = 0; i < squares->total; i += 4) // { // int count = 4; // // // Which point is which corner is unpredictable. // CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt[0], reader); // CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt[1], reader); // CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt[2], reader); // CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt[3], reader); // // Draw rectangle on output // cvPolyLine(outimg, &rect, &count, 1, 1, CV_RGB(0,255,0), 1, CV_AA, 0); // // Make rectangles // // Print (temporary) // printf("Rect[0]: %d, %d\n", pt[0].x, pt[0].y); // printf("Rect[1]: %d, %d\n", pt[1].x, pt[1].y); // printf("Rect[2]: %d, %d\n", pt[2].x, pt[2].y); // printf("Rect[3]: %d, %d\n\n", pt[3].x, pt[3].y); // fflush(stdout); // // } // // Print on order if( cvWaitKey( 15 )==27 ) { } cvShowImage (FREENECTOPENCV_WINDOW_N,outimg); cvClearMemStorage(storage); } pthread_exit(NULL); }