コード例 #1
ファイル: CBotClass.cpp プロジェクト: DanielVartanov/colobot
CBotVar* CBotClass::GetItemRef(int nIdent)
    CBotVar*    p = m_pVar;

    while ( p != NULL )
        if ( p->GetUniqNum() == nIdent ) return p;
        p = p->GetNext();
    if ( m_pParent != NULL ) return m_pParent->GetItemRef(nIdent);
    return NULL;
コード例 #2
ファイル: CBotStack.cpp プロジェクト: PaweX/colobot
CBotVar* CBotStack::FindVar(long ident, bool bUpdate, bool bModif)
    CBotStack*    p = this;
    while (p != NULL)
        CBotVar*    pp = p->m_listVar;
        while ( pp != NULL)
            if (pp->GetUniqNum() == ident)
                if ( bUpdate ) 
                    pp->Maj(m_pUser, false);

                return pp;
            pp = pp->m_next;
        p = p->m_prev;
    return NULL;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CBotLeftExpr.cpp プロジェクト: 2asoft/colobot
CBotLeftExpr* CBotLeftExpr::Compile(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack)
    CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack();


    // is it a variable name?
    if (p->GetType() == TokenTypVar)
        CBotLeftExpr* inst = new CBotLeftExpr();    // creates the object


        CBotVar*     var;

        if (nullptr != (var = pStk->FindVar(p)))   // seek if known variable
            inst->m_nIdent = var->GetUniqNum();
            if (inst->m_nIdent > 0 && inst->m_nIdent < 9000)
                if (CBotFieldExpr::CheckProtectionError(pStk, nullptr, var, CBotVar::ProtectionLevel::ReadOnly))
                    pStk->SetError(CBotErrPrivate, p);
                    goto err;
                // this is an element of the current class
                // adds the equivalent of this. before
                CBotToken pthis("this");
                inst->m_nIdent = -2;    // indent for this

                CBotFieldExpr* i = new CBotFieldExpr();     // new element
                i->SetToken(p);     // keeps the name of the token
                inst->AddNext3(i);  // add after

                var = pStk->FindVar(pthis);
                var = var->GetItem(p->GetString());
            p = p->GetNext();   // next token

            while (true)
                if (var->GetType() == CBotTypArrayPointer)
                    if (IsOfType( p, ID_OPBRK ))
                        CBotIndexExpr* i = new CBotIndexExpr();
                        i->m_expr = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pStk);
                        inst->AddNext3(i);  // add to the chain

                        var = (static_cast<CBotVarArray*>(var))->GetItem(0,true);    // gets the component [0]

                        if (i->m_expr == nullptr)
                            pStk->SetError(CBotErrBadIndex, p->GetStart());
                            goto err;

                        if (!pStk->IsOk() || !IsOfType( p, ID_CLBRK ))
                            pStk->SetError(CBotErrCloseIndex, p->GetStart());
                            goto err;

                if (var->GetType(CBotVar::GetTypeMode::CLASS_AS_POINTER) == CBotTypPointer)                // for classes
                    if (IsOfType(p, ID_DOT))
                        CBotToken* pp = p;

                        CBotFieldExpr* i = new CBotFieldExpr();            // new element
                        i->SetToken(pp);                                // keeps the name of the token
                        inst->AddNext3(i);                                // adds after

                        if (p->GetType() == TokenTypVar)                // must be a name
                            CBotVar*   preVar = var;
                            var = var->GetItem(p->GetString());            // get item correspondent
                            if (var != nullptr)
                                if (CBotFieldExpr::CheckProtectionError(pStk, preVar, var,
                                    pStk->SetError(CBotErrPrivate, pp);
                                    goto err;

                                p = p->GetNext();                        // skips the name
                            pStk->SetError(CBotErrUndefItem, p);
                        pStk->SetError(CBotErrUndefClass, p->GetStart());
                        goto err;

            if (pStk->IsOk()) return static_cast<CBotLeftExpr*> (pStack->Return(inst, pStk));
        pStk->SetError(CBotErrUndefVar, p);
        delete inst;
        return static_cast<CBotLeftExpr*> ( pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk));

    return static_cast<CBotLeftExpr*> ( pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk));
コード例 #4
ファイル: CBotExprRetVar.cpp プロジェクト: 2asoft/colobot
CBotInstr* CBotExprRetVar::Compile(CBotToken*& p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bMethodsOnly)
    if (p->GetType() == ID_DOT)
        CBotVar*     var = pStack->GetVar();

        if (var == nullptr) return nullptr;

        CBotCStack* pStk = pStack->TokenStack();
        CBotInstr* inst = new CBotExprRetVar();

        while (true)
            if (var->GetType() == CBotTypArrayPointer)
                if (bMethodsOnly) goto err;

                if (IsOfType( p, ID_OPBRK ))
                    CBotIndexExpr* i = new CBotIndexExpr();
                    i->m_expr = CBotExpression::Compile(p, pStk);

                    var = var->GetItem(0,true);

                    if (i->m_expr == nullptr || pStk->GetType() != CBotTypInt)
                        pStk->SetError(CBotErrBadIndex, p->GetStart());
                        goto err;
                    if (!pStk->IsOk() || !IsOfType( p, ID_CLBRK ))
                        pStk->SetError(CBotErrCloseIndex, p->GetStart());
                        goto err;
            if (var->GetType(CBotVar::GetTypeMode::CLASS_AS_POINTER) == CBotTypPointer)
                if (IsOfType(p, ID_DOT))
                    CBotToken* pp = p;

                    if (p->GetType() == TokenTypVar)
                        if (p->GetNext()->GetType() == ID_OPENPAR)
                            CBotInstr* i = CBotInstrMethode::Compile(p, pStk, var, bMethodsOnly);
                            if (!pStk->IsOk()) goto err;
                            return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);
                        else if (bMethodsOnly)
                            p = p->GetPrev();
                            goto err;
                            CBotFieldExpr* i = new CBotFieldExpr();
                            CBotVar*   preVar = var;
                            var = var->GetItem(p->GetString());
                            if (var != nullptr)
                                if (CBotFieldExpr::CheckProtectionError(pStk, preVar, var))
                                    pStk->SetError(CBotErrPrivate, pp);
                                    goto err;

                        if (var != nullptr)
                            p = p->GetNext();
                        pStk->SetError(CBotErrUndefItem, p);
                        goto err;
                    pStk->SetError(CBotErrUndefClass, p);
                    goto err;

        if (pStk->IsOk()) return pStack->Return(inst, pStk);

        pStk->SetError(CBotErrUndefVar, p);
        delete inst;
        return pStack->Return(nullptr, pStk);
    return nullptr;
コード例 #5
ファイル: CBotFunction.cpp プロジェクト: PaweX/colobot
bool CBotClass::CompileDefItem(CBotToken* &p, CBotCStack* pStack, bool bSecond)
    bool    bStatic = false;
    int     mProtect = PR_PUBLIC;
    bool    bSynchro = false;

    while (IsOfType(p, ID_SEP)) ;

    CBotTypResult   type( -1 );

    if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SYNCHO) ) bSynchro = true;
    CBotToken*      pBase = p;

    if ( IsOfType(p, ID_STATIC) ) bStatic = true;
    if ( IsOfType(p, ID_PUBLIC) ) mProtect = PR_PUBLIC;
    if ( IsOfType(p, ID_PRIVATE) ) mProtect = PR_PRIVATE;
    if ( IsOfType(p, ID_PROTECTED) ) mProtect = PR_PROTECT;
    if ( IsOfType(p, ID_STATIC) ) bStatic = true;

//  CBotClass* pClass = NULL;
    type = TypeParam(p, pStack);        // type of the result

    if ( type.Eq(-1) )
        pStack->SetError(TX_NOTYP, p);
        return false;

    while (pStack->IsOk()) 
        CBotToken*  pp = p;
        IsOfType(p, ID_NOT);    // skips ~ eventual (destructor)

        if (IsOfType(p, TokenTypVar))
            CBotInstr* limites = NULL;
            while ( IsOfType( p, ID_OPBRK ) )   // a table?
                CBotInstr* i = NULL;

                if ( p->GetType() != ID_CLBRK )
                    i = CBotExpression::Compile( p, pStack );           // expression for the value
                    i = new CBotEmpty();                            // special if not a formula

                type = CBotTypResult(CBotTypArrayPointer, type);

                if (!pStack->IsOk() || !IsOfType( p, ID_CLBRK ) )
                    pStack->SetError(TX_CLBRK, p->GetStart());
                    return false;

/*              CBotVar* pv = pStack->GetVar();
                if ( pv->GetType()>= CBotTypBoolean )
                    pStack->SetError(TX_BADTYPE, p->GetStart());
                    return false;

                if (limites == NULL) limites = i;
                else limites->AddNext3(i);

            if ( p->GetType() == ID_OPENPAR )
                if ( !bSecond )
                    p = pBase;
                    CBotFunction* f = 
                    CBotFunction::Compile1(p, pStack, this);

                    if ( f == NULL ) return false;

                    if (m_pMethod == NULL) m_pMethod = f;
                    else m_pMethod->AddNext(f);
                    // return a method precompiled in pass 1
                    CBotFunction*   pf = m_pMethod;
                    CBotFunction*   prev = NULL;
                    while ( pf != NULL ) 
                        if (pf->GetName() == pp->GetString()) break;
                        prev = pf;
                        pf = pf->Next();

                    bool bConstructor = (pp->GetString() == GetName());
                    CBotCStack* pile = pStack->TokenStack(NULL, true);

                    // make "this" known
                    CBotToken TokenThis(CBotString("this"), CBotString());
                    CBotVar* pThis = CBotVar::Create(&TokenThis, CBotTypResult( CBotTypClass, this ) );

                    if ( m_pParent )
                        // makes "super" known
                        CBotToken TokenSuper(CBotString("super"), CBotString());
                        CBotVar* pThis = CBotVar::Create(&TokenSuper, CBotTypResult( CBotTypClass, m_pParent ) );

//                  int num = 1;
                    CBotClass*  my = this;
                    while (my != NULL)
                        // places a copy of variables of a class (this) on a stack
                        CBotVar* pv = my->m_pVar;
                        while (pv != NULL)
                            CBotVar* pcopy = CBotVar::Create(pv);
                            pcopy->SetInit(!bConstructor || pv->IsStatic());
                            pv = pv->GetNext();
                        my = my->m_pParent;

                    // compiles a method
                    p = pBase;
                    CBotFunction* f = 
                    CBotFunction::Compile(p, pile, NULL/*, false*/);

                    if ( f != NULL )
                        f->m_pProg = pStack->GetBotCall();
                        f->m_bSynchro = bSynchro;
                        // replaces the element in the chain
                        f->m_next = pf->m_next;
                        pf->m_next = NULL;
                        delete pf;
                        if (prev == NULL) m_pMethod = f;
                        else prev->m_next = f;
                    pStack->Return(NULL, pile);

                return pStack->IsOk();

            // definition of an element
            if (type.Eq(0))
                pStack->SetError(TX_ENDOF, p);
                return false;

            CBotInstr* i = NULL;
            if ( IsOfType(p, ID_ASS ) )
                if ( type.Eq(CBotTypArrayPointer) )
                    i = CBotListArray::Compile(p, pStack, type.GetTypElem());
                    // it has an assignmet to calculate
                    i = CBotTwoOpExpr::Compile(p, pStack);
                if ( !pStack->IsOk() ) return false;

            if ( !bSecond )
                CBotVar*    pv = CBotVar::Create(pp->GetString(), type);
                pv -> SetStatic( bStatic );
                pv -> SetPrivate( mProtect );

                AddItem( pv );

                pv->m_InitExpr = i;
                pv->m_LimExpr = limites;

                if ( pv->IsStatic() && pv->m_InitExpr != NULL )
                    CBotStack* pile = CBotStack::FirstStack();              // independent stack
                    while(pile->IsOk() && !pv->m_InitExpr->Execute(pile));  // evaluates the expression without timer
                    pv->SetVal( pile->GetVar() ) ;
                delete i;

            if ( IsOfType(p, ID_COMMA) ) continue;
            if ( IsOfType(p, ID_SEP) ) break;
        pStack->SetError(TX_ENDOF, p);
    return pStack->IsOk();