コード例 #1
ファイル: PollTask.cpp プロジェクト: andto/MingQQ
int CPollTask::Run()
    if (NULL == m_lpQQUser || NULL == m_lpQQProtocol || NULL == m_lpRecvMsgTask)
        m_bStop = FALSE;
        return 0;

    while (1)
        if (m_bStop)

        CBuffer * lpMsgData = new CBuffer;
        if (NULL == lpMsgData)

        BOOL bRet = m_lpQQProtocol->Poll(m_HttpClient, WEBQQ_CLIENT_ID,
                                         m_lpQQUser->m_LoginResult2.m_strPSessionId.c_str(), lpMsgData);
        if (!bRet || lpMsgData->GetData() == NULL || lpMsgData->GetSize() <= 0)
            delete lpMsgData;
            ::OutputDebugStringA("poll message error!\r\n");


    m_bStop = FALSE;

    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: HostBrowser.cpp プロジェクト: GetEnvy/Envy
BOOL CHostBrowser::LoadDC(LPCTSTR pszFile, CQueryHit*& pHits)
	CFile pFile;
	if ( ! pFile.Open( pszFile, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite ) )
		return FALSE;	// File open error

	UINT nInSize = (UINT)pFile.GetLength();
	if ( ! nInSize )
		return FALSE;	// Empty file

	CBuffer pBuffer;
	if ( ! pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( nInSize ) )
		return FALSE;	// Out of memory

	if ( pFile.Read( pBuffer.GetData(), nInSize ) != nInSize )
		return FALSE;	// File read error
	pBuffer.m_nLength = nInSize;

	if ( ! pBuffer.UnBZip() )
		return FALSE;	// Decompression error

	augment::auto_ptr< CXMLElement > pXML ( CXMLElement::FromString( pBuffer.ReadString( pBuffer.m_nLength, CP_UTF8 ), TRUE ) );
	if ( ! pXML.get() )
		return FALSE;	// XML decoding error

	// <FileListing Version="1" CID="SKCB4ZF4PZUDF7RKQ5LX6SVAARQER7QEVELZ2TY" Base="/" Generator="DC++ 0.762">

	if ( ! pXML->IsNamed( L"FileListing" ) )
		return FALSE;	// Invalid XML file format

//	CString strTitle = pXML->GetAttributeValue( L"CID" );

	return LoadDCDirectory( pXML.get(), pHits );
コード例 #3
ファイル: CScriptFile.cpp プロジェクト: qaisjp/mtasa-blue
// If file was downloaded with a resource, validate checksum
void CScriptFile::DoResourceFileCheck ( void )
    if ( !m_pFile || m_bDoneResourceFileCheck )
    m_bDoneResourceFileCheck = true;

    if ( g_pClientGame->GetResourceManager()->IsResourceFile( m_strFilename ) )
        // Remember current position and seek to the end
        long lCurrentPos = m_pFile->FTell ();
        m_pFile->FSeek ( 0, SEEK_END );

        // Retrieve size of file
        long lSize = m_pFile->FTell ();

        // Read data
        CBuffer buffer;
        buffer.SetSize( lSize );
        m_pFile->FSeek ( 0, SEEK_SET );
        m_pFile->FRead ( buffer.GetData(), buffer.GetSize() );

        // Seek back to where the pointer was
        m_pFile->FSeek ( lCurrentPos, SEEK_SET );

        // Check file content
        g_pClientGame->GetResourceManager()->ValidateResourceFile( m_strFilename, buffer );
コード例 #4
// JpegEncode
// XRGB to jpeg
bool JpegEncode ( uint uiWidth, uint uiHeight, uint uiQuality, const void* pData, uint uiDataSize, CBuffer& outBuffer )
    // Validate
    if ( uiDataSize == 0 || uiDataSize != uiWidth * uiHeight * 4 )
        return false;

    struct jpeg_compress_struct cinfo;
    struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;
    cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);

    unsigned long memlen = 0;
    unsigned char *membuffer = NULL;
    jpeg_mem_dest (&cinfo,&membuffer,&memlen );

    cinfo.image_width = uiWidth;    /* image width and height, in pixels */
    cinfo.image_height = uiHeight;
    cinfo.input_components = 3;     /* # of color components per pixel */
    cinfo.in_color_space = JCS_RGB; /* colorspace of input image */
    jpeg_set_quality (&cinfo, uiQuality, true);
    cinfo.dct_method = JDCT_IFAST;

    /* Start compressor */
    jpeg_start_compress(&cinfo, TRUE);

    /* Process data */
    CBuffer rowBuffer;
    rowBuffer.SetSize ( uiWidth * 3 );
    char* pRowTemp = rowBuffer.GetData ();

    JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
    while (cinfo.next_scanline < cinfo.image_height)
        BYTE* pRowSrc = (BYTE*)pData + cinfo.next_scanline * uiWidth * 4;
        for ( uint i = 0 ; i < uiWidth ; i++ )
            pRowTemp[i*3+0] = pRowSrc[i*4+2];
            pRowTemp[i*3+1] = pRowSrc[i*4+1];
            pRowTemp[i*3+2] = pRowSrc[i*4+0];
        row_pointer[0] = (JSAMPROW)pRowTemp;
        (void) jpeg_write_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);

    /* Finish compression and release memory */

    // Copy out data and free memory
    outBuffer = CBuffer ( membuffer, memlen );
    free ( membuffer );

    return true;
コード例 #5
// Add extra data to the dump file and hope visual studio doesn't mind
void CCrashDumpWriter::AppendToDumpFile ( const SString& strPathFilename, const CBuffer& dataBuffer, DWORD dwMagicStart, DWORD dwMagicEnd )
    CBuffer output;
    CBufferWriteStream stream ( output );
    // 4 bytes zero
    stream.Write ( (DWORD)0 );
    // 4 bytes magic
    stream.Write ( dwMagicStart );
    // 4 bytes size of data
    stream.Write ( dataBuffer.GetSize () );
    // n bytes data
    stream.WriteBytes ( dataBuffer.GetData (), dataBuffer.GetSize () );
    // 4 bytes size of data
    stream.Write ( dataBuffer.GetSize () );
    // 4 bytes magic
    stream.Write ( dwMagicEnd );
    // 4 bytes zero
    stream.Write ( (DWORD)0 );
    FileAppend ( strPathFilename, output.GetData (), output.GetSize () );
コード例 #6
ファイル: MainDlg.cpp プロジェクト: BBLN/VirtualKD
void CMainDlg::UpdateLog(PatchedProcess &proc)
	if (proc.hLogPipe != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		DWORD bytesAvailable = 0;
		PeekNamedPipe(proc.hLogPipe, NULL, 0, NULL, &bytesAvailable, NULL);
		if (bytesAvailable)
			CBuffer buf;
			DWORD dwOk = 0;
			ReadFile(proc.hLogPipe, buf.GetData(), bytesAvailable, &dwOk, NULL);
			if (dwOk == bytesAvailable)
				proc.Log.append((TCHAR *)buf.GetData(), bytesAvailable / sizeof(TCHAR));
				proc.LogChanged = true;
コード例 #7
ファイル: cmdline.cpp プロジェクト: caidongyun/libs
static bool QueryAndReadProcessMemory(HANDLE hProcess, PVOID pAddr, CBuffer &buf)
	if (!VirtualQueryEx(hProcess, pAddr, &info, sizeof(info)))
		return false;

	size_t todo = ((INT_PTR)info.BaseAddress + info.RegionSize - (INT_PTR)pAddr);
	if (todo > buf.GetAllocated())
		todo = buf.GetAllocated();

	SIZE_T dwDone = 0;
	ReadProcessMemory(hProcess, pAddr, buf.GetData(), todo, &dwDone);
	return true;
コード例 #8
// CDirect3DEvents9::CheckForScreenShot
// Take a screenshot if required and able
void CDirect3DEvents9::CheckForScreenShot ( void )
    // Make a screenshot if needed
    if ( CCore::GetSingleton().bScreenShot && !CScreenShot::IsSaving () )
        // Max one screenshot per second
        if ( GetTickCount64_ () - ms_LastSaveTime < 1000 )
        ms_LastSaveTime = GetTickCount64_ ();

        uint uiWidth = CDirect3DData::GetSingleton ().GetViewportWidth ();
        uint uiHeight = CDirect3DData::GetSingleton ().GetViewportHeight ();

        // Call the pre-screenshot function 
        SString strFileName = CScreenShot::PreScreenShot ();

        // Try to get the screen data
        SString strError;
        if ( CGraphics::GetSingleton ().GetScreenGrabber ()->GetBackBufferPixels ( uiWidth, uiHeight, ms_ScreenShotBuffer, strError ) )
            // Validate data size
            uint uiDataSize = ms_ScreenShotBuffer.GetSize ();
            uint uiReqDataSize = uiWidth * uiHeight * 4;

            if ( uiDataSize == uiReqDataSize )
                // Start the save thread
                CScreenShot::BeginSave ( strFileName, ms_ScreenShotBuffer.GetData (), uiDataSize, uiWidth, uiHeight );
                g_pCore->GetConsole()->Printf ( _("Screenshot got %d bytes, but expected %d"), uiDataSize, uiReqDataSize );
                strFileName = "";
            g_pCore->GetConsole()->Print ( _("Screenshot failed") + SString( " (%s)", *strError ) );
            strFileName = "";

        // Call the post-screenshot function
        CScreenShot::PostScreenShot ( strFileName );

        CCore::GetSingleton().bScreenShot = false;
コード例 #9
ファイル: CLuaFileDefs.cpp プロジェクト: Citizen01/mtasa-blue
int CLuaFileDefs::fileRead ( lua_State* luaVM )
    // string fileRead ( file, count )
    CScriptFile* pFile;
    unsigned long ulCount = 0;

    CScriptArgReader argStream ( luaVM );
    argStream.ReadUserData ( pFile );
    argStream.ReadNumber ( ulCount );

    if ( !argStream.HasErrors ( ) )
        if ( ulCount > 0 )
            // Allocate a buffer to read the stuff into and read some shit into it
            CBuffer buffer;
            long lBytesRead = pFile->Read ( ulCount, buffer );

            if ( lBytesRead != -1 )
                // Push the string onto the lua stack. Use pushlstring so we are binary
                // compatible. Normal push string takes zero terminated strings.
                lua_pushlstring ( luaVM, buffer.GetData(), lBytesRead );
                m_pScriptDebugging->LogBadPointer ( luaVM, "file", 1 );
                lua_pushnil ( luaVM );

            // We're returning the result string
            return 1;
            // Reading zero bytes from a file results in an empty string
            lua_pushstring ( luaVM, "" );
            return 1;
        m_pScriptDebugging->LogCustom ( luaVM, argStream.GetFullErrorMessage() );

    lua_pushnil ( luaVM );
    return 1;
コード例 #10
// Check resource file data matches server checksum
void CResourceManager::ValidateResourceFile( const SString& strInFilename, const CBuffer& fileData )
    SString strFilename = PathConform( strInFilename ).ToLower();
    CDownloadableResource* pResourceFile = MapFindRef( m_ResourceFileMap, strFilename );
    if ( pResourceFile )
        if ( pResourceFile->IsAutoDownload() && !pResourceFile->IsDownloaded() )
            // Scripting error
            g_pClientGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError( NULL, "Attempt to load '%s' before onClientFileDownloadComplete event", *ConformResourcePath( strInFilename ) );
            CChecksum checksum;
            if ( !fileData.IsEmpty() )
                checksum = CChecksum::GenerateChecksumFromBuffer( fileData.GetData(), fileData.GetSize() );
                checksum = CChecksum::GenerateChecksumFromFile( strInFilename );
            if ( checksum != pResourceFile->GetServerChecksum() )
                if ( pResourceFile->IsDownloaded() )
                    char szMd5[33];
                    CMD5Hasher::ConvertToHex( checksum.md5, szMd5 );
                    char szMd5Wanted[33];
                    CMD5Hasher::ConvertToHex( pResourceFile->GetServerChecksum().md5, szMd5Wanted );
                    SString strMessage( "Resource file checksum failed: %s [Size:%d MD5:%s][Wanted:%s][datasize:%d] ", *ConformResourcePath( strInFilename ), (int)FileSize( strInFilename ), szMd5, szMd5Wanted, fileData.GetSize() );
                    g_pClientGame->TellServerSomethingImportant( 1007, strMessage, false );
                    g_pCore->GetConsole ()->Print( strMessage );
                    AddReportLog( 7057, strMessage + g_pNet->GetConnectedServer( true ), 10 );
                if ( !pResourceFile->IsAutoDownload() )
                    char szMd5[33];
                    CMD5Hasher::ConvertToHex( checksum.md5, szMd5 );
                    SString strMessage( "Attempt to load resource file before it is ready: %s [Size:%d MD5:%s] ", *ConformResourcePath( strInFilename ), (int)FileSize( strInFilename ), szMd5 );
                    g_pClientGame->TellServerSomethingImportant( 1008, strMessage, false );
                    g_pCore->GetConsole ()->Print( strMessage );
                    AddReportLog( 7058, strMessage + g_pNet->GetConnectedServer( true ), 10 );
コード例 #11
ファイル: CollectionFile.cpp プロジェクト: GetEnvy/Envy
BOOL CCollectionFile::LoadDC(LPCTSTR pszFile)
	m_nType = SimpleCollection;

	// ToDo: Add schema detection
	m_sThisURI = CSchema::uriFolder;
	m_sParentURI = CSchema::uriCollectionsFolder;

	CFile pFile;
	if ( ! pFile.Open( pszFile, CFile::modeRead | CFile::shareDenyWrite ) )
		return FALSE;	// File open error

	UINT nInSize = (UINT)pFile.GetLength();
	if ( ! nInSize )
		return FALSE;	// Empty file

	CBuffer pBuffer;
	if ( ! pBuffer.EnsureBuffer( nInSize ) )
		return FALSE;	// Out of memory

	if ( pFile.Read( pBuffer.GetData(), nInSize ) != nInSize )
		return FALSE;	// File read error
	pBuffer.m_nLength = nInSize;

	if ( ! pBuffer.UnBZip() )
		return FALSE;	// Decompression error

	augment::auto_ptr< CXMLElement > pXML ( CXMLElement::FromString( pBuffer.ReadString( pBuffer.m_nLength, CP_UTF8 ), TRUE ) );
	if ( ! pXML.get() )
		return FALSE;	// XML decoding error

	// <FileListing Version="1" CID="SKCB4ZF4PZUDF7RKQ5LX6SVAARQER7QEVELZ2TY" Base="/" Generator="DC++ 0.762">

	if ( ! pXML->IsNamed( L"FileListing" ) )
		return FALSE;	// Invalid XML file format

	m_sTitle = pXML->GetAttributeValue( L"CID" );

	LoadDC( pXML.get() );

	return ( m_pFiles.GetCount() != 0 );
コード例 #12
ファイル: CScriptFile.cpp プロジェクト: qaisjp/mtasa-blue
long CScriptFile::Read ( unsigned long ulSize, CBuffer& outBuffer )
    if ( !m_pFile )
        return -1;


    // If read size is large, limit it to how many bytes can be read (avoid memory problems with over allocation)
    if ( ulSize > 10000 )
        long lCurrentPos = m_pFile->FTell ();
        m_pFile->FSeek ( 0, SEEK_END );
        long lFileSize = m_pFile->FTell ();
        m_pFile->FSeek ( lCurrentPos, SEEK_SET );
        ulSize = Min < unsigned long > ( 1 + lFileSize - lCurrentPos, ulSize );
        // Note: Read extra byte at end so EOF indicator gets set

    outBuffer.SetSize( ulSize );
    return m_pFile->FRead ( outBuffer.GetData(), ulSize );
コード例 #13
ファイル: CLuaShared.cpp プロジェクト: ccw808/mtasa-blue
// If compiled script, make sure correct chunkname is embedded
void CLuaShared::EmbedChunkName(SString strChunkName, const char** pcpOutBuffer, uint* puiOutSize)
    const char*& cpBuffer = *pcpOutBuffer;
    uint&        uiSize = *puiOutSize;

    if (!IsLuaCompiledScript(cpBuffer, uiSize))

    if (uiSize < 12)

    // Get size of name in original
    uint uiStringSizeOrig = *(uint*)(cpBuffer + 12);
    if (uiSize < 12 + 4 + uiStringSizeOrig)

    static CBuffer store;
    CBufferWriteStream stream(store);

    // Ensure name starts with @ and ends with NULL
    if (!strChunkName.BeginsWith("@"))
        strChunkName = "@" + strChunkName;
    if (strChunkName[strChunkName.length() - 1] != '\0')

    // Header
    stream.WriteBytes(cpBuffer, 12);
    // New name size
    // New name bytes incl zero termination
    stream.WriteBytes(strChunkName.c_str(), strChunkName.length());
    // And the rest
    stream.WriteBytes(cpBuffer + 12 + 4 + uiStringSizeOrig, uiSize - 12 - 4 - uiStringSizeOrig);

    cpBuffer = store.GetData();
    uiSize = store.GetSize();
コード例 #14
// CRenderWareSA::RightSizeTexture
// Check texture and shrink if required.
// Returns new texture if did shrink
RwTexture* CRenderWareSA::RightSizeTexture( RwTexture* pTexture, uint uiSizeLimit )
    // Validate
    RwRaster* pRaster = pTexture->raster;
    if ( !pRaster )
        return NULL;

    RwD3D9Raster* pD3DRaster = (RwD3D9Raster*)( &pRaster->renderResource );
    if ( !pD3DRaster->texture || !pD3DRaster->lockedSurface || !pD3DRaster->lockedRect.pBits )
        return NULL;

    // Get texture info
    uint uiWidth = pRaster->width;
    uint uiHeight = pRaster->height;
    D3DFORMAT d3dFormat = pD3DRaster->format;
    bool bHasAlpha = pD3DRaster->alpha != 0;
    bool bIsCubeTexture = ( pD3DRaster->cubeTextureFlags & 0x01 ) != 0;
    bool bHasMipMaps = ( pRaster->numLevels > 1 );
    bool bIsCompressed = ( pD3DRaster->textureFlags & 0x10 ) != 0;

    // Check we can do this
    if ( bIsCubeTexture || !bIsCompressed )
        return NULL;

    // Only process DXT formats
    if ( d3dFormat != D3DFMT_DXT1 && d3dFormat != D3DFMT_DXT3 && d3dFormat != D3DFMT_DXT5 )
        return NULL;

    // Change size
    uint uiReqWidth = Min( uiSizeLimit, uiWidth );
    uint uiReqHeight = Min( uiSizeLimit, uiHeight );
    if ( uiReqWidth == uiWidth && uiReqHeight == uiHeight )
        return NULL;

    // Lock mip level 0 if required
    D3DLOCKED_RECT lockedRect = pD3DRaster->lockedRect;
    bool bNeedOwnLock = ( pD3DRaster->lockedLevel != 0 ) || !pD3DRaster->lockedSurface;
    if ( bNeedOwnLock )
        if ( FAILED( pD3DRaster->texture->LockRect( 0, &lockedRect, NULL, D3DLOCK_NO_DIRTY_UPDATE | D3DLOCK_NOSYSLOCK | D3DLOCK_READONLY ) ) )
            return NULL;

    // Try resize
    CBuffer newPixelBuffer;
    bool bDidResize = g_pCore->GetGraphics()->ResizeTextureData( lockedRect.pBits, lockedRect.Pitch, uiWidth, uiHeight, d3dFormat, uiReqWidth, uiReqHeight, newPixelBuffer );

    if ( bNeedOwnLock )
        pD3DRaster->texture->UnlockRect( 0 );

    if ( !bDidResize )
        return NULL;

    // Make new RwTexture from pixels
    NativeTexturePC_Header header;
    memset( &header, 0, sizeof( header ) );
    header.TextureFormat.platformId = 9;
    header.TextureFormat.filterMode = pTexture->flags & 0xff;
    header.TextureFormat.uAddressing = ( pTexture->flags & 0xf00 ) >> 8;
    header.TextureFormat.vAddressing = ( pTexture->flags & 0xf000 ) >> 12;
    memcpy( header.TextureFormat.name, pTexture->name, 32 );
    memcpy( header.TextureFormat.maskName, pTexture->mask, 32 );
    header.RasterFormat.rasterFormat = ( pRaster->format & 0x0f ) << 8;    // ( dxt1 = 0x00000100 or 0x00000200 / dxt3 = 0x00000300 ) | 0x00008000 mipmaps?
    header.RasterFormat.d3dFormat = pD3DRaster->format;
    header.RasterFormat.width = uiReqWidth;
    header.RasterFormat.height = uiReqHeight;
    header.RasterFormat.depth = pRaster->depth;
    header.RasterFormat.numLevels = 1;
    header.RasterFormat.rasterType = pRaster->type;     // dxt1 = 4 / dxt3 = 4
    header.RasterFormat.alpha = bHasAlpha;
    header.RasterFormat.cubeTexture = bIsCubeTexture;
    header.RasterFormat.autoMipMaps = false;
    header.RasterFormat.compressed = bIsCompressed;

    // Create stream containing new texture data
    CBuffer nativeData;
    CBufferWriteStream stream( nativeData );
    stream.Write( 1 );
    stream.Write( 0 );      // Size ignored
    stream.Write( 0x1803FFFF );
    stream.WriteBytes( &header, sizeof( header ) );
    stream.Write( newPixelBuffer.GetSize() );
    stream.WriteBytes( newPixelBuffer.GetData(), newPixelBuffer.GetSize() );

    RwBuffer buffer;
    buffer.ptr = (void*)nativeData.GetData();
    buffer.size = nativeData.GetSize();
    RwStream * rwStream = RwStreamOpen( STREAM_TYPE_BUFFER, STREAM_MODE_READ, &buffer );
    if ( !rwStream )
        return NULL;

    // Read new texture
    RwTexture* pNewRwTexture = NULL;
    rwD3D9NativeTextureRead( rwStream, &pNewRwTexture );
    RwStreamClose( rwStream, NULL );

    return pNewRwTexture;
コード例 #15
// JpegDecode
// jpeg to XRGB
bool JpegDecode ( const void* pData, uint uiDataSize, CBuffer& outBuffer, uint& uiOutWidth, uint& uiOutHeight )
    struct jpeg_decompress_struct cinfo;
    struct jpeg_error_mgr jerr;

    /* Initialize the JPEG decompression object with default error handling. */
    cinfo.err = jpeg_std_error(&jerr);

    /* Specify data source for decompression */
    jpeg_mem_src (&cinfo,(uchar*)pData,uiDataSize );

    /* Read file header, set default decompression parameters */
    (void) jpeg_read_header(&cinfo, TRUE);

    /* default decompression parameters */
    // TODO

    /* Start decompressor */
    (void) jpeg_start_decompress(&cinfo);

    /* Write output file header */
    JDIMENSION uiWidth = cinfo.output_width;	/* scaled image width */
    JDIMENSION uiHeight = cinfo.output_height;	/* scaled image height */

    uiOutWidth = uiWidth;
    uiOutHeight = uiHeight;

    outBuffer.SetSize ( uiWidth * uiHeight * 4 );
    char* pOutData = outBuffer.GetData ();

    /* Process data */
    JSAMPROW row_pointer[1];
    CBuffer rowBuffer;
    rowBuffer.SetSize ( uiWidth * 3 );
    char* pRowTemp = rowBuffer.GetData ();

    while (cinfo.output_scanline < cinfo.output_height)
        BYTE* pRowDest = (BYTE*)pOutData + cinfo.output_scanline * uiWidth * 4;
        row_pointer[0] = (JSAMPROW)pRowTemp;

        JDIMENSION num_scanlines = jpeg_read_scanlines(&cinfo, row_pointer, 1);

        for ( uint i = 0 ; i < uiWidth ; i++ )
            pRowDest[i*4+0] = pRowTemp[i*3+2];
            pRowDest[i*4+1] = pRowTemp[i*3+1];
            pRowDest[i*4+2] = pRowTemp[i*3+0];
            pRowDest[i*4+3] = 255;

    // Finish decompression and release memory.
    (void) jpeg_finish_decompress(&cinfo);

    if ( jerr.num_warnings )
        return false;
    return true;
コード例 #16
ファイル: GetChatPicTask.cpp プロジェクト: 03050903/MingQQ
int CGetChatPicTask::Run()
	CBuffer bufPic;
	BOOL bRet;

	if (NULL == m_lpQQUser || NULL == m_lpQQProtocol || NULL == m_lpMsg)
		m_bStop = FALSE;
		return 0;

	if (OP_TYPE_BUDDY_PIC == m_nType)	// 好友图片
		CBuddyMessage * lpMsg = (CBuddyMessage *)m_lpMsg;

		int nCount = (int)lpMsg->m_arrContent.size();
		for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
			CContent * lpContent = lpMsg->m_arrContent[i];
			if (NULL == lpContent)
			if (CONTENT_TYPE_CUSTOM_FACE == lpContent->m_nType)		// 自定义表情
				bRet = m_lpQQProtocol->GetBuddyChatPic(m_HttpClient, lpMsg->m_nMsgId,
					lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strName.c_str(), lpMsg->m_nFromUin, 
					WEBQQ_CLIENT_ID, m_lpQQUser->m_LoginResult2.m_strPSessionId.c_str(), &bufPic);
				if (bRet)
					SavePic(lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strName.c_str(), bufPic.GetData(), bufPic.GetSize());
			else if (CONTENT_TYPE_OFF_PIC == lpContent->m_nType)	// 离线图片
				bRet = m_lpQQProtocol->GetBuddyOffChatPic(m_HttpClient, 
					lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strName.c_str(), lpMsg->m_nFromUin, 
					WEBQQ_CLIENT_ID, m_lpQQUser->m_LoginResult2.m_strPSessionId.c_str(), &bufPic);
				if (bRet)
					SavePic(lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strName.c_str(), bufPic.GetData(), bufPic.GetSize());

		::PostMessage(m_lpQQUser->m_hProxyWnd, QQ_MSG_BUDDY_MSG, NULL, (LPARAM)lpMsg);
	else if (OP_TYPE_GROUP_PIC == m_nType)	// 群图片
		CGroupMessage * lpMsg = (CGroupMessage *)m_lpMsg;

		int nCount = (int)lpMsg->m_arrContent.size();
		for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
			CContent * lpContent = lpMsg->m_arrContent[i];
			if (lpContent != NULL && CONTENT_TYPE_CUSTOM_FACE == lpContent->m_nType)
				LPCTSTR lpFmt = _T("%[^:]:%d");
				TCHAR cServer[1024] = {0};
				int nPort = 0;

				_stscanf(lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strServer.c_str(), lpFmt, cServer, &nPort);

				bRet = m_lpQQProtocol->GetGroupChatPic(m_HttpClient, lpMsg->m_nGroupCode,
					lpMsg->m_nSendUin, cServer, nPort, lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_nFileId, 
					lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strName.c_str(), m_lpQQUser->m_LoginResult2.m_strVfWebQq.c_str(), &bufPic);
				if (bRet)
					SavePic(lpContent->m_CFaceInfo.m_strName.c_str(), bufPic.GetData(), bufPic.GetSize());

		::PostMessage(m_lpQQUser->m_hProxyWnd, QQ_MSG_GROUP_MSG, NULL, (LPARAM)lpMsg);
	else if (OP_TYPE_SESS_PIC == m_nType)
		// WebQQ协议目前不支持临时会话发送/接收自定义表情

	m_bStop = FALSE;

	return 0;