コード例 #1
ファイル: partner.cpp プロジェクト: fmorgner/flow
// We recall messages stored in the database
size_t CPartner::Recall( const string&  rsClientData,
                               CSocket* poSocket )
  typedef map<string, string> CMapString2String;
  CMapString2String moQuery;

  for (string::size_type p1=0, p2=0;
       string::npos != ( p2 = rsClientData.find('\n', p1) );
       p1 = p2+1)
    string s = rsClientData.substr(p1, p2-p1);
    size_t l = s.length();
    if ( (l > 2) && (s[1] == ':') )
      if ( l > 4)
        moQuery[ s.substr(0, 3) ] = s.substr(4);
        moQuery[ s.substr(0, 3) ] = "";
    } // for (string::size_type p1=0, p2=0; ...

        client command      | send to server   | receive from server
        list all            | l:a              |  m:<message-id>
                            |                  | [...]
        list partially      | l:p <message-id> |  m:<message-id>
                            |                  | [...]
        list mine           | l:m              |  m:<message-id>
                            |                  | [...]
        list mine partially | l:y <message-id> |  m:<message-id>
                            |                  | [...]
        list senders        | l:s              |  s:<sender-id>
                            |                  | [...]
        call all            | c:a              |  m:<message-id>
                            |                  | [...]
        call MsgID          | c:m <message-id> |  m:<message-id>
                            |                  | [<body>]
                            |                  | [n:<next message-id>]
        cbsr MsgID          | c:s <message-id> |  m:<message-id>
                            |                  | [<body>]
                            |                  | [n:<next message-id>]
  for ( CMapString2String::iterator itQuery  = moQuery.begin();
                                    itQuery != moQuery.end();
    if ( g_bVerbose)
      cout << " * " << itQuery->first;
      if ( itQuery->second.length() > 0 ) cout << " with " << itQuery->second;
      cout << "\n";

    CContainerMapByCLUID::iterator it;

    switch ( itQuery->first[0] )
      case 'l': // list operations
        switch ( itQuery->first[2] )
          case 'a': // l:a list all
            if ( g_bVerbose) cout << " * list all \n";
              1) get the recipient from the TLS-session
              2) resend all message ids for this sender
            for ( it = g_oContainerMapByCLUID.begin(); it != g_oContainerMapByCLUID.end(); ++it )
              *poSocket << it->first << "\n";
          case 'p': // l:p list part, beginning with message-id
              1) get the recipient from the TLS-session
              2) resend all message ids for this sender starting with the given message-id
            if ( g_bVerbose) cout << " * list partial, beginning with '" << itQuery->second << "'\n";
            for ( it = g_oContainerMapByCLUID.find(itQuery->second); it != g_oContainerMapByCLUID.end(); ++it )
              *poSocket << it->first << "\n";
          case 'm': // l:m list mine (sent by me)
            if ( g_bVerbose) cout << " * list mine\n";
              1) get the recipient from the TLS-session
              2) resend all message ids from this sender
          case 'y': // l:y list mine part, beginning with message-id
            if ( g_bVerbose) cout << " * list mine partial, beginning with '" << itQuery->second << "'\n";
              1) get the recipient from the TLS-session
              2) resend all message ids from this sender starting at the given message-id
          case 's': // l:s list senders
            if ( g_bVerbose) cout << " * list senders\n";
              1) get the recipient from the TLS-session
              2) resend all senders with messages for this recipients
            typedef map<string, bool> CMapString2Bool;
            CMapString2Bool omSenders;
            for ( it = g_oContainerMapByCLUID.begin(); it != g_oContainerMapByCLUID.end(); ++it )
              omSenders[ it->second->SenderGet() ] = true;
            for ( CMapString2Bool::iterator itSenders = omSenders.begin(); itSenders != omSenders.end(); ++itSenders )
              *poSocket << itSenders->first << "\n";
          } // switch ( itQuery->first[2] )
        break; // switch ( itQuery->first[0] ) => case 'l'

      case 'c': // call operations
        CContainer*          poc;
        CContainer::iterator itc;
        switch ( itQuery->first[2] )
          case 'a': // c:a = call all
            if ( g_bVerbose) cout << " * recall all for me\n";
              1) get the recipient from the TLS-session
              2) resend all messages for the recipient
            for ( it = g_oContainerMapByCLUID.begin(); it != g_oContainerMapByCLUID.end(); ++it )
              poc = it->second;

              *poSocket << string(1, CContainer::scn_sender)  << ":" << poc->SenderGet() << "\n";
              *poSocket << it->first                          << "\n";

              for ( itc  = poc->begin(); itc != poc->end(); ++itc )
                *poSocket << *itc << "\n";
                } // for ( CContainer::iterator itc  = poc->begin();
              } // for ( it = g_oContainerMapByCLUID.begin(); ...
            break; // case 'a': // c:a = call all

          case 'm': // c:m = call message
            if ( g_bVerbose) cout << " * recall message '" << itQuery->second << "'\n";
              1) get the recipient from the TLS-session
              2) resend the queried message if its for the recipient
              3) resend the next message-id from the same sender (if any)
            it = g_oContainerMapByCLUID.find( itQuery->second );
            if ( it != g_oContainerMapByCLUID.end() )
              poc = it->second;

              *poSocket << string(1, CContainer::scn_sender)  << ":" << poc->SenderGet() << "\n";
              *poSocket << it->first                          << "\n";

              for ( itc  = poc->begin(); itc != poc->end(); ++itc )
                *poSocket << *itc << "\n";
                } // for ( CContainer::iterator itc  = poc->begin();

              // the next message id (has to be filtered for receiver later)
              if ( ++it != g_oContainerMapByCLUID.end() )
                *poSocket << string(1, CContainer::scn_messageid_next) << ":" << it->first << "\n";
                } // if ( ++it != g_oContainerMapByCLUID.end() )
              } // if ( it != g_oContainerMapByCLUID.end() )
            break; // case 'm': // c:m = call message

          case 's': // c:s = call message by sender
            if ( g_bVerbose) cout << " * recall message '" << itQuery->second << "' by sender\n";
              1) get the sender from the message-id
              2) resend the queried message
              3) resend the next message-id from the same sender (if any)
            string sMsgId = itQuery->second;
            size_t nCut   = sMsgId.find( ":" );
            if ( nCut != string::npos )
              string sSender = sMsgId.substr(0, nCut);
              if ( g_bVerbose) cout << " * from sender '" << sSender << "'\n";

              for ( it = g_oContainerMapByCLUID.find( itQuery->second ); it != g_oContainerMapByCLUID.end(); ++it )
                poc = it->second;
                if ( poc->SenderGet() != sSender ) continue;

                *poSocket << string(1, CContainer::scn_sender)  << ":" << poc->SenderGet() << "\n";
                *poSocket << it->first                          << "\n";

                for ( itc  = poc->begin(); itc != poc->end(); ++itc )
                  *poSocket << *itc << "\n";
                  } // for ( CContainer::iterator itc  = poc->begin();
                } // for ( it = g_oContainerMapByCLUID.begin(); ...
              } // if ( nCut != string:npos )
            break; // case 's': // c:s = call message by sender

          } // switch ( itQuery->first[2] )
        break; // switch ( itQuery->first[0] ) => case 'c'
      } // switch ( itQuery->first[0] )
    } //   for ( CMapString2String::iterator itQuery  = moQuery.begin();

  return 0;
  } // size_t CPartner::Recall( ... )