BOOL CBCGPRegistry::Read(LPCTSTR pszKey, LPPOINT& lpPoint) { ASSERT(m_hKey); BOOL bSucess = FALSE; BYTE* pData = NULL; UINT uDataSize; Read (pszKey, &pData, &uDataSize); try { if (pData != NULL && m_Info.lMessage == ERROR_SUCCESS && m_Info.dwType == REG_BINARY) { CMemFile file (pData, uDataSize); CArchive ar (&file, CArchive::load); ar.m_bForceFlat = FALSE; ASSERT(ar.IsLoading()); CDWordArray dwcArray; ASSERT(dwcArray.IsSerializable()); dwcArray.Serialize(ar); ar.Close(); if (dwcArray.GetSize() == 2) { lpPoint->x = dwcArray.GetAt(0); lpPoint->y = dwcArray.GetAt(1); bSucess = TRUE; } } } catch (CMemoryException* pEx) { pEx->Delete (); TRACE(_T("Memory exception in CBCGPRegistry::Read ()!\n")); } catch (CArchiveException* pEx) { pEx->Delete (); TRACE(_T("CArchiveException exception in CBCGPRegistry::Read ()!\n")); } m_Info.dwType = REG_POINT; m_Info.dwSize = sizeof(POINT); if (pData != NULL) { delete [] pData; pData = NULL; } return bSucess; }
//加HP,MP void addHpMp(bool isheordz) { //wgdebug("====================加HP MP=======================%d\n",0); int hp, mp; int addHpValue,addMpValue; DWORD jnID; ReadProcessMemory(PID, (LPCVOID)(rwBaseAddr + 0x254), &hp, 4, 0); ReadProcessMemory(PID, (LPCVOID)(rwBaseAddr + 0x258), &mp, 4, 0); if (dlxiaoDllDlg->IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK_JH)) { addHpValue = dlxiaoDllDlg->GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_HONG); if (hp <= addHpValue) { if(isheordz){ if(dlxiaoDllDlg->IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK_ISJNADDHP) && mp > 10 ){ if( addhpjnidx > -1 ){ ReadProcessMemory(PID, (LPCVOID)(jnPointerArray.GetAt(addhpjnidx) + 0x8), &jnID, 4, 0); if(jnID){ CallUserSkill(jnID,rwId); Sleep(300); }else{ if(dlxiaoDllDlg->IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK_ISDZ)){ dazuo(); } } }else{ if(dlxiaoDllDlg->IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK_ISDZ)){ dazuo(); } } }else if(dlxiaoDllDlg->IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK_ISDZ)){ dazuo(); } }else{ AddRed(); } } } if (dlxiaoDllDlg->IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK_JL)) { addMpValue = dlxiaoDllDlg->GetDlgItemInt(IDC_EDIT_LANG); if (mp <= addMpValue) { if(dlxiaoDllDlg->IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK_ISDZ) && isheordz){ dazuo(); }else{ AddBlue(); } } } //wgdebug("====================END 加HP MP=======================%d\n",0); }
void addfz() { int fzjnCount =0; int jnID; if(dlxiaoDllDlg->IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK_ISFZJN)){ ReadProcessMemory(PID, (LPCVOID)(rwBaseAddr + 0x118), &fzjnCount, 4, 0); if(fzjnCount == 0){ if( fzjnidx > -1 ){ ReadProcessMemory(PID, (LPCVOID)(jnPointerArray.GetAt(fzjnidx) + 0x8), &jnID, 4, 0); if(jnID){ CallUserSkill(jnID,rwId); } } } } }
BOOL CRegistry::Read(LPCTSTR pszKey, LPPOINT& lpPoint) { ASSERT(m_hKey); const int iMaxChars = 20; CDWordArray dwcArray; DWORD dwType; DWORD dwData = iMaxChars; BYTE* byData = (BYTE*)::calloc(iMaxChars, sizeof(TCHAR)); ASSERT(byData); LONG lReturn = RegQueryValueEx(m_hKey, pszKey, NULL, &dwType, byData, &dwData); if(lReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS && dwType == REG_BINARY) { ASSERT(dwData < iMaxChars); CMemFile file(byData, dwData); CArchive ar(&file, CArchive::load); ar.m_bForceFlat = FALSE; ASSERT(ar.IsLoading()); ASSERT(dwcArray.IsSerializable()); dwcArray.RemoveAll(); dwcArray.SetSize(5); dwcArray.Serialize(ar); ar.Close(); file.Close(); lpPoint->x = dwcArray.GetAt(0); lpPoint->y = dwcArray.GetAt(1); } m_Info.lMessage = lReturn; m_Info.dwType = REG_POINT; m_Info.dwSize = sizeof(POINT); if(byData) { free(byData); byData = NULL; } if(lReturn == ERROR_SUCCESS) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
void CCLLKDlg::StartNewGame(void) { CTime t=CTime::GetCurrentTime(); tGameTime=t; strTiShi1="系统时间:"+t.Format("%H:%M:%S"); m_StatusBar.SetText(strTiShi1,2,0); strTiShi2.Format(" 该局时间:00:00:00"); m_StatusBar.SetText(strTiShi2,1,0); strTiShi3.Format("当前游戏:%d行%d列%d种方块",m_nRow-2,m_nCol-2,m_Kind); m_StatusBar.SetText(strTiShi3,0,0); delete[] m_map; m_map=new int[m_nCol*m_nRow]; for (int iNum=0;iNum<(m_nCol*m_nRow);iNum++) { m_map[iNum]=BLANK_STATE; } srand(time(NULL)); CDWordArray tmpMap; for (int i=0;i<(m_nRow-2)*(m_nCol-2)/2;i++) { int x=rand()%m_Kind; tmpMap.Add(x); tmpMap.Add(x); } for (int i=1;i<(m_nCol-1);i++) { for (int j=1;j<(m_nRow-1);j++) { INT_PTR nIndex=(int(rand()*0.1+rand()*0.01+rand()))%tmpMap.GetSize(); m_map[i+j*m_nCol]=tmpMap.GetAt(nIndex); tmpMap.RemoveAt(nIndex); } } Invalidate(false); }
// When starting a mouse-key select, the anchor point, and all contiguous // selections that are not in the path of the current item can remain // selected. All other selections are tossed, like Exploder does. void CMultiSelTreeCtrl::DoKeyedDeselect( BOOL scrollingDown ) { CDWordArray keepSet; HTREEITEM currentItem= m_AnchorItem; // Record the contiguous selection's we're keeping keepSet.Add( (DWORD) m_AnchorItem ); while(1) { if( scrollingDown ) currentItem= GetPrevSiblingItem( currentItem); else currentItem= GetNextSiblingItem( currentItem); if( currentItem == NULL || !IsSelected( currentItem ) ) break; keepSet.Add( (DWORD) currentItem ); } // Unselect everything // int i; for( i= m_SelectionSet.GetSize()-1; i >= 0; i-- ) { currentItem= (HTREEITEM) m_SelectionSet.GetAt(i); // Undo any display atts SetItemState(currentItem, 0, TVIS_CUT | TVIS_BOLD | TVIS_SELECTED); } // Then select everything in the keepset // m_SelectionSet.RemoveAll(); for( i= keepSet.GetSize()-1; i>=0; i-- ) SetSelectState( (HTREEITEM) keepSet.GetAt(i), TRUE ); m_PendingKeyedDeselect= FALSE; ShowNbrSelected(); }
//*************************************************************************************** BOOL CBCGPXMLSettings::Read(LPCTSTR pszKey, LPPOINT& lpPoint) { BOOL bSucess = FALSE; BYTE* pData = NULL; UINT uDataSize; if (!Read (pszKey, &pData, &uDataSize)) { ASSERT (pData == NULL); return FALSE; } ASSERT (pData != NULL); try { CMemFile file (pData, uDataSize); CArchive ar (&file, CArchive::load); CDWordArray dwcArray; dwcArray.SetSize(5); dwcArray.Serialize (ar); lpPoint->x = dwcArray.GetAt(0); lpPoint->y = dwcArray.GetAt(1); bSucess = TRUE; } catch (CMemoryException* pEx) { pEx->Delete (); TRACE(_T("Memory exception in CBCGPXMLSettings::Read ()!\n")); } catch (CArchiveException* pEx) { pEx->Delete (); TRACE(_T("CArchiveException exception in CBCGPXMLSettings::Read ()!\n")); } return TRUE; }
BOOL CWindowGroups::ArrangeWindows(CWnd *pParentWindow) { int i; RECT rect = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }; const DWORD dwYStep = static_cast<DWORD>(NewGUI_Scale(WG_Y_STEP, pParentWindow)); CDWordArray aPos; aPos.RemoveAll(); const DWORD dwXOffset = static_cast<DWORD>(NewGUI_Scale(WG_OFFSET_LEFT, pParentWindow)); const DWORD dwYOffset = static_cast<DWORD>(NewGUI_Scale(WG_OFFSET_TOP, pParentWindow)); for(i = 0; i < m_aWindows.GetSize(); i++) aPos.Add(dwYOffset); for(i = 0; i < m_aWindows.GetSize(); i++) { if((m_aFlags.GetAt(i) & WGF_REPOSITION) == 0) continue; CWnd *p = (CWnd *)m_aWindows.GetAt(i); if(p != NULL) { p->GetWindowRect(&rect); rect.right = rect.right - rect.left; // Coords to sizes rect.bottom = rect.bottom -; } = (LONG)aPos.GetAt((int)m_aGroupIDs.GetAt(i)); rect.left = dwXOffset; if(p != NULL) p->MoveWindow(rect.left,, rect.right, rect.bottom, TRUE); aPos.SetAt((int)m_aGroupIDs.GetAt(i), (DWORD) + dwYStep); } aPos.RemoveAll(); return TRUE; }
void CSynBCGPEditView::GetUndoActions( CStringList& lstActions ) const { CDWordArray dwaUAT; m_pEdit->GetUndoActions(dwaUAT); lstActions.RemoveAll(); int nIndex = (int)dwaUAT.GetSize(); if ( nIndex != 0) { CString strAction; while (nIndex--) { strAction.Empty(); switch (dwaUAT.GetAt(nIndex) & UAT_REASON) { case g_dwUATUndefined: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_UNDEF); break; case g_dwUATTyping: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_TYPE); break; case g_dwUATCut: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_CUT); break; case g_dwUATPaste: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_PASTE); break; case g_dwUATDelete: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_DEL); break; case g_dwUATBackspace: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_BACK); break; case g_dwUATDragDrop: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_DRAG); break; case g_dwUATEnter: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_ENTER); break; case g_dwUATIndent: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_INDENT); break; case g_dwUATUnindent: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_UNINDENT); break; case g_dwUATTab: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_TAB); break; case g_dwUATReplace: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_REP); break; case g_dwUATComment: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_COMM); break; case g_dwUATUncomment: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_UNCOMM); break; case g_dwUATFormatter: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_TIDY); break; default: strAction.LoadString(IDS_STRING_UAT_UNDEF); } if (strAction.IsEmpty()) { ASSERT(FALSE); strAction = _T("<?>"); } lstActions.AddHead(strAction); } } }
bool EmbedeedFontMan::AddFont(const CString sFontFolder, const CString sFontName){ CString sDir = sFontFolder; if( sDir.GetAt(sDir.GetLength() - 1) != '\\' ) sDir += _T("\\"); EmbedeedFont* pFont = new EmbedeedFont(); // Load characters code map. {{ BYTE* lpContent = NULL; int nSize = 0; if( Path::ReadFileContent(sDir + _T("codes.txt"), lpContent, nSize) && nSize > 0 ){ CString sContent; memcpy(sContent.GetBufferSetLength(nSize), lpContent, nSize); CStringArray arrStrings; StringHelper::Split(&sContent, _T(";"), arrStrings); CString sCharCode; for(int i=0; i<arrStrings.GetCount(); i++){ sCharCode = arrStrings.GetAt(i); int nCharCode = 0; // Hex value if( sCharCode.GetAt(0) == '#' ) nCharCode = StringHelper::HexStringIntoInt(&((TCHAR*)sCharCode.GetBuffer())[1], sCharCode.GetLength() - 1); else nCharCode = _ttoi(sCharCode.GetBuffer()); pFont->m_arrCharacters.Add((void*)nCharCode, (void*)i); } } else{ #ifdef _DEBUG CString sMsg; sMsg.Format(_T("Couldn't find %s"), sDir + _T("codes.txt")); AfxMessageBox(sMsg); #endif if( lpContent ) delete [] lpContent; delete pFont; return false; } // }} if( lpContent ){ delete [] lpContent; lpContent = NULL; } CStringArray arrFileNames; if( Path::GetFilesByExtention(sDir, _T("*.bmp"), arrFileNames, true) == 0 ){ delete pFont; return false; } for(int i=0; i<arrFileNames.GetCount(); i++){ CString sName = arrFileNames.GetAt(i); CString sName2 = sName; CString sFile = sDir + sName; if( sName.Left(sFontName.GetLength()) != sFontName ) continue; // Skip wrong file name. sName.Delete (0, sFontName.GetLength()); sName.MakeLower (); int nIndex = 0; EmbedeedFontItemInfo* pInfo = new EmbedeedFontItemInfo(); pInfo->ZeroInit(); // Bold if( sName.GetAt(nIndex) == 'b' ){ pInfo->m_nCharFlags |= EmbedeedFontItemInfo::EMBEDEED_FONT_FLAG_BOLD; nIndex ++; } // Underline if( sName.GetAt(nIndex) == 'u' ){ pInfo->m_nCharFlags |= EmbedeedFontItemInfo::EMBEDEED_FONT_FLAG_UNDERLINE; nIndex ++; } // Italic if( sName.GetAt(nIndex) == 'i' ){ pInfo->m_nCharFlags |= EmbedeedFontItemInfo::EMBEDEED_FONT_FLAG_ITALIC; nIndex ++; } // Load characters map image and detect characters left offset and width (in pixels). {{ CImage* pImage = ImageHelper::LoadImage(sFile, -1, -1, false); if( pImage ){ BITMAP bmImage; GetObject(*pImage, sizeof(BITMAP), &bmImage); int nWidthLimit = bmImage.bmWidth; int nSymbolCt = 0; BYTE* pBits = (BYTE*)bmImage.bmBits; int nXOffset = 0; int nBPP = bmImage.bmBitsPixel/8; int nSymbolMostLeftOffset = -1; int nSymbolMostRightOffset = -1; CDWordArray arrSymbolLeftOffsetAndWidth; CString sSymbolStartPointAndWidth; int nMaxXOffset = bmImage.bmWidth; for(int x=nXOffset; x<nMaxXOffset; x++){ bool bClearLine = true; for(int y=0; y<bmImage.bmHeight; y++){ BYTE* pLineStartingBits = &pBits[((bmImage.bmHeight - y - 1)*bmImage.bmWidthBytes)]; BYTE* pPixel = &pLineStartingBits[x*nBPP]; // Is pixel visible. if( pPixel[0] > 10 ){ bClearLine = false; if( nSymbolMostLeftOffset > -1 ) nSymbolMostRightOffset = x; else nSymbolMostLeftOffset = x; continue; } pPixel = &pPixel[nBPP]; } if( bClearLine && nSymbolMostLeftOffset > -1 ){ if( nSymbolMostRightOffset == -1 ) nSymbolMostRightOffset = nSymbolMostLeftOffset; DWORD dwCombineVal = (nSymbolMostLeftOffset << 16) | ((nSymbolMostRightOffset - nSymbolMostLeftOffset + 1)&0xFFFF); arrSymbolLeftOffsetAndWidth.Add(dwCombineVal); #ifdef _DEBUG CString sFormat; sFormat.Format(_T("%d:%d;"), nSymbolMostLeftOffset, nSymbolMostRightOffset - nSymbolMostLeftOffset + 1); sSymbolStartPointAndWidth += sFormat; #endif nSymbolMostLeftOffset = -1; nSymbolMostRightOffset = -1; } } pInfo->m_imageCharacters.Attach(pImage->Detach()); delete pImage; if( (arrSymbolLeftOffsetAndWidth.GetCount() == pFont->m_arrCharacters.GetCount()) ){ pInfo->m_pCharPoints = new CPoint[arrSymbolLeftOffsetAndWidth.GetCount()]; for(int j=0; j<arrSymbolLeftOffsetAndWidth.GetCount(); j++){ DWORD dwCombineVal = arrSymbolLeftOffsetAndWidth.GetAt(j); pInfo->m_pCharPoints[j].x = (int)(dwCombineVal>>16); pInfo->m_pCharPoints[j].y = (int)(dwCombineVal&0xFFFF); } } else{ #ifdef _DEBUG CBitmap bmImg; ImageHelper::CreateDIBBitmap(pInfo->m_imageCharacters.GetBPP(), bmImg, RGB(0, 0, 0), pInfo->m_imageCharacters.GetWidth(), pInfo->m_imageCharacters.GetHeight()*2, 0); CDC memDC; memDC.CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); ::SelectObject(memDC, bmImg.m_hObject); CDC srcDC; srcDC.CreateCompatibleDC(NULL); ::SelectObject(srcDC, pInfo->m_imageCharacters); memDC.BitBlt(0, 0, pInfo->m_imageCharacters.GetWidth(), pInfo->m_imageCharacters.GetHeight(), &srcDC, 0, 0, SRCCOPY); int nHeight = pInfo->m_imageCharacters.GetHeight(); for(int j=0; j<arrSymbolLeftOffsetAndWidth.GetCount(); j++){ DWORD dwCombineVal = arrSymbolLeftOffsetAndWidth.GetAt(j); int nLeft = (int)(dwCombineVal>>16); int nWidth = (int)(dwCombineVal&0xFFFF); memDC.FillSolidRect(nLeft, nHeight, nWidth, nHeight, RGB(255, 255, 0)); } DeleteFile(sDir + _T("__") + sName2); CImage img; img.Attach((HBITMAP)bmImg.Detach()); img.Save(sDir + _T("__") + sName2); img.Destroy(); CString sMsg; sMsg.Format(_T("Characters count is not the same for font '%s' item '%s'"), sFontName, sName); AfxMessageBox(sMsg); #endif delete pInfo; continue; } pInfo->m_nCharCount = arrSymbolLeftOffsetAndWidth.GetCount(); }
UINT GjThreadProc(LPVOID lpParamter) { DWORD isSelectGw = 0; DWORD gwPoint,one; int gwId =0; int hp = 0; int jnID; float rwgwjl;//人物与怪物的距离 BYTE isUsejn;//技能是否能使用 float gwx,gwy; while (isGjFlag) { ReadProcessMemory(PID, (LPCVOID)(rwBaseAddr + 0x254), &hp, 4, 0); if(hp == 0){ dead(); }else{ addHpMp(false); ReadProcessMemory(PID, (LPCVOID)(rwBaseAddr + 0x7b8), &isSelectGw, 4, 0); if (isSelectGw == 0) { if(dlxiaoDllDlg->IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK_ISSELL)){ bagfull(); } Pick(); addHpMp(true); addfz(); dingdian(); gwPoint = getGwPoint(); if(gwPoint != 0){ ReadProcessMemory(PID,(LPCVOID)(gwPoint+8),&gwId,4,0); if (gwId != 0 ) { CallSelectGw(gwId); } } } else { CallNormal(); readRwXY(); ReadProcessMemory(PID, (LPCVOID)(gwPoint + 0x4), &one, 4, 0); ReadProcessMemory(PID, (LPCVOID)(one + 0x3C), &gwx, sizeof(FLOAT), 0); ReadProcessMemory(PID, (LPCVOID)(one + 0x44), &gwy, sizeof(FLOAT), 0); rwgwjl = sqrtf(powf((rwX - gwx), 2) + powf((rwY - gwy), 2)); if(dlxiaoDllDlg->IsDlgButtonChecked(IDC_CHECK_ISUSERJN) && (rwgwjl <= 3) && usejnidx > -1){ ReadProcessMemory(PID, (LPCVOID)(jnPointerArray.GetAt(usejnidx) + 0x8), &jnID, 4, 0); if(jnID){ ReadProcessMemory(PID, (LPCVOID)(jnPointerArray.GetAt(usejnidx) + 0xC), &isUsejn, 1, 0); if(isUsejn == 0){ CallUserSkill(jnID,gwId); } } } Sleep(500); } } } return (0); }