コード例 #1
 * CaptureStation
 * Purpose:
 *    Handle a station being captured by a ship
void CFSShip::CaptureStation(IstationIGC * pstation)
    //Fudge the hitpoints of the station
    //All those guns inside damage the hull
    pstation->SetFraction(pstation->GetFraction() * 0.5f);

    //But the heroic engineer's get the shields up.
    pstation->SetShieldFraction(0.8f); //pstation->GetShieldFraction() + 0.5f);

      for (ShipLinkIGC* psl = GetIGCShip()->GetChildShips()->first();
           (psl != NULL);
           psl = psl->next())
         CFSShip*      ps = (CFSShip*)(psl->data()->GetPrivateData());

  IsideIGC * pside = GetSide();

  SideID iSide = pside->GetObjectID();
  IsideIGC* psideOld = pstation->GetSide();

  StationID stationID = pstation->GetObjectID();
  BEGIN_PFM_CREATE(g.fm, pfmStationCapture, S, STATION_CAPTURE)
  pfmStationCapture->stationID = stationID;
  pfmStationCapture->sidOld = psideOld->GetObjectID();
  pfmStationCapture->sidNew = iSide;
  pfmStationCapture->shipIDCredit = GetIGCShip()->GetObjectID();
  g.fm.SendMessages(GetMission()->GetGroupRealSides(), FM_GUARANTEED, FM_FLUSH);

  // TE: Fire AGCEvent when base is captured
  CFSMission * pfsMission = this->GetMission();
  LPCSTR pszContext = pfsMission->GetIGCMission() ? pfsMission->GetIGCMission()->GetContextName() : NULL;
  _AGCModule.TriggerContextEvent(NULL, EventID_StationChangesSides, pszContext,
    GetName(), GetShipID(), pside->GetUniqueID(), -1, 4,
	"GameID"	 , VT_I4   , pfsMission->GetMissionID(),
	"OldTeam"    , VT_I4   , psideOld->GetUniqueID(),
    "OldTeamName", VT_LPSTR, psideOld->GetName(),
	"StationName", VT_LPSTR, pstation->GetName());
  // TE end

	// yp: Add event for players who were involved in the capture of an enemy base.
    // mmf commented this out for now pending additional testing
#if 0
	 ZString pszPlayerList = ""; // this creates a new ZString object and set its value to "", it's not a pointer to ""
	 if(m_pfsMission->GetIGCMission() && m_pfsMission->GetIGCMission()->GetShips())
		ShipLinkIGC * pShiplink = m_pfsMission->GetIGCMission()->GetShips()->first();
		while (pShiplink)
			CFSShip * pfsShip = (CFSShip *) pShiplink->data()->GetPrivateData();
			if (pfsShip && pfsShip->IsPlayer())
				// this logic might need to be tweeked to include the ship that did the capture if its
				if(pfsShip->GetSide()		&& pfsShip->GetSide()->GetObjectID()	== iSide && // if they are on the side that did the Capture. and..
					pfsShip->GetPlayer()->GetIGCShip()->GetObjectID() == GetIGCShip()->GetObjectID() ||	// they are the ship that did the caputure. or
				   pfsShip->GetCluster()	&& pstation->GetCluster()	&& pfsShip->GetCluster()->GetObjectID() == pstation->GetCluster()->GetObjectID()) // they are in this sector
					pszPlayerList = pszPlayerList + ";" + ZString(pfsShip->GetPlayer()->GetName()); // players name
					// The distance the player is from the station that was destroyed.
					if(pfsShip->GetPlayer()->GetIGCShip() )
						pszPlayerList = pszPlayerList +  ":" + ZString( (pstation->GetPosition() - pfsShip->GetPlayer()->GetIGCShip()->GetPosition()).Length()); // the distance
			pShiplink = pShiplink->next();
	 // Fire AGCEvent listing players in the sector
	// TODO: Might want to add into the event weither or not this was a VICTORY capture.. should we track that as well?
	_AGCModule.TriggerContextEvent(NULL, EventID_StationChangesSides, pszContext,
						GetName(), GetShipID(), pside->GetUniqueID(), -1, 4,
						"GameID"	 , VT_I4   , pfsMission->GetMissionID(),
						"OldTeam"    , VT_I4   , psideOld->GetUniqueID(),
						"OldTeamName", VT_LPSTR, psideOld->GetName(),
						"zPlayerList", VT_LPSTR, pszPlayerList); // pszPlayerList should look like ";player@squad:1500;player2@squad:500"
 // yp:end

  //Possibly the built themselves to a victory
  IsideIGC*   psideWin = m_pfsMission->CheckForVictoryByStationCapture(pside, psideOld);
  if (psideWin)
      static char szReason[100];     //Make this static so we only need to keep a pointer to it around
      sprintf(szReason, "%s won because %s captured %s", psideWin->GetName(), GetIGCShip()->GetName(), pstation->GetName());
      m_pfsMission->GameOver(psideWin, szReason);
  else if (psideOld->GetActiveF())						//RESET OUR EYE HERE?  IMAGO CAPTURE EYE BUG FIX?  REVIEW 7/23/09