void CPDF_ShadingObject::Transform(const CFX_AffineMatrix& matrix) { if (!m_ClipPath.IsNull()) { m_ClipPath.GetModify(); m_ClipPath.Transform(matrix); } m_Matrix.Concat(matrix); if (!m_ClipPath.IsNull()) { CalcBoundingBox(); } else { matrix.TransformRect(m_Left, m_Right, m_Top, m_Bottom); } }
void CPDF_Page::GetDisplayMatrix(CFX_AffineMatrix& matrix, int xPos, int yPos, int xSize, int ySize, int iRotate) const { if (m_PageWidth == 0 || m_PageHeight == 0) { return; } CFX_AffineMatrix display_matrix; int x0, y0, x1, y1, x2, y2; iRotate %= 4; switch (iRotate) { case 0: x0 = xPos; y0 = yPos + ySize; x1 = xPos; y1 = yPos; x2 = xPos + xSize; y2 = yPos + ySize; break; case 1: x0 = xPos; y0 = yPos; x1 = xPos + xSize; y1 = yPos; x2 = xPos; y2 = yPos + ySize; break; case 2: x0 = xPos + xSize; y0 = yPos; x1 = xPos + xSize; y1 = yPos + ySize; x2 = xPos; y2 = yPos; break; case 3: x0 = xPos + xSize; y0 = yPos + ySize; x1 = xPos; y1 = yPos + ySize; x2 = xPos + xSize; y2 = yPos; break; } display_matrix.Set(FXSYS_Div((FX_FLOAT)(x2 - x0), m_PageWidth), FXSYS_Div((FX_FLOAT)(y2 - y0), m_PageWidth), FXSYS_Div((FX_FLOAT)(x1 - x0), m_PageHeight), FXSYS_Div((FX_FLOAT)(y1 - y0), m_PageHeight), (FX_FLOAT)x0, (FX_FLOAT)y0); matrix = m_PageMatrix; matrix.Concat(display_matrix); }
void CPDF_FormControl::DrawControl(CFX_RenderDevice* pDevice, CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, CPDF_Page* pPage, CPDF_Annot::AppearanceMode mode, const CPDF_RenderOptions* pOptions) { if (m_pWidgetDict->GetInteger("F") & ANNOTFLAG_HIDDEN) { return; } CPDF_Stream* pStream = FPDFDOC_GetAnnotAP(m_pWidgetDict, mode); if (pStream == NULL) { return; } CFX_FloatRect form_bbox = pStream->GetDict()->GetRect("BBox"); CFX_AffineMatrix form_matrix = pStream->GetDict()->GetMatrix("Matrix"); form_matrix.TransformRect(form_bbox); CFX_FloatRect arect = m_pWidgetDict->GetRect("Rect"); CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; matrix.MatchRect(arect, form_bbox); matrix.Concat(*pMatrix); CPDF_Form form(m_pField->m_pForm->m_pDocument, m_pField->m_pForm->m_pFormDict->GetDict("DR"), pStream); form.ParseContent(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); CPDF_RenderContext context; context.Create(pPage); context.DrawObjectList(pDevice, &form, &matrix, pOptions); }
CFX_AffineMatrix GetMatrix(CPDF_Rect rcAnnot, CPDF_Rect rcStream, CFX_AffineMatrix matrix) { if(rcStream.IsEmpty()) return CFX_AffineMatrix(); matrix.TransformRect(rcStream); rcStream.Normalize(); FX_FLOAT a = rcAnnot.Width()/rcStream.Width(); FX_FLOAT d = rcAnnot.Height()/rcStream.Height(); FX_FLOAT e = rcAnnot.left - rcStream.left * a; FX_FLOAT f = rcAnnot.bottom - rcStream.bottom * d; return CFX_AffineMatrix(a, 0, 0, d, e, f); }
static CFX_DIBitmap* DrawPatternBitmap(CPDF_Document* pDoc, CPDF_PageRenderCache* pCache, CPDF_TilingPattern* pPattern, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObject2Device, int width, int height, int flags) { CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap = new CFX_DIBitmap; if (!pBitmap->Create(width, height, pPattern->m_bColored ? FXDIB_Argb : FXDIB_8bppMask)) { delete pBitmap; return NULL; } CFX_FxgeDevice bitmap_device; bitmap_device.Attach(pBitmap); pBitmap->Clear(0); CFX_FloatRect cell_bbox = pPattern->m_BBox; pPattern->m_Pattern2Form.TransformRect(cell_bbox); pObject2Device->TransformRect(cell_bbox); CFX_FloatRect bitmap_rect(0.0f, 0.0f, (FX_FLOAT)width, (FX_FLOAT)height); CFX_AffineMatrix mtAdjust; mtAdjust.MatchRect(bitmap_rect, cell_bbox); CFX_AffineMatrix mtPattern2Bitmap = *pObject2Device; mtPattern2Bitmap.Concat(mtAdjust); CPDF_RenderOptions options; if (!pPattern->m_bColored) { options.m_ColorMode = RENDER_COLOR_ALPHA; } flags |= RENDER_FORCE_HALFTONE; options.m_Flags = flags; CPDF_RenderContext context; context.Create(pDoc, pCache, NULL); context.DrawObjectList(&bitmap_device, pPattern->m_pForm, &mtPattern2Bitmap, &options); return pBitmap; }
FX_BOOL CPDF_ReflowedPage::FocusGetPosition(const CFX_AffineMatrix matrix, CFX_ByteString str, FX_INT32& x, FX_INT32& y) { if (NULL == m_pReflowed) { return FALSE; } FX_INT32 pos = FXSYS_atoi(str); if(pos < 0 || pos >= m_pReflowed->GetSize()) { return FALSE; } CRF_Data* pData = (*m_pReflowed)[pos]; FX_FLOAT x1, y1; matrix.Transform(pData->m_PosX, pData->m_PosY + pData->m_Height, x1, y1); x = (int)x1; y = (int)y1; return TRUE; }
FX_BOOL CPDF_RenderStatus::ProcessType3Text(const CPDF_TextObject* textobj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device) { CPDF_Type3Font* pType3Font = textobj->m_TextState.GetFont()->GetType3Font(); for (int j = 0; j < m_Type3FontCache.GetSize(); j++) if ((CPDF_Type3Font*)m_Type3FontCache.GetAt(j) == pType3Font) { return TRUE; } CFX_Matrix dCTM = m_pDevice->GetCTM(); FX_FLOAT sa = FXSYS_fabs(dCTM.a); FX_FLOAT sd = FXSYS_fabs(dCTM.d); CFX_AffineMatrix text_matrix; textobj->GetTextMatrix(&text_matrix); CFX_AffineMatrix char_matrix = pType3Font->GetFontMatrix(); FX_FLOAT font_size = textobj->m_TextState.GetFontSize(); char_matrix.Scale(font_size, font_size); FX_ARGB fill_argb = GetFillArgb(textobj, TRUE); int fill_alpha = FXARGB_A(fill_argb); int device_class = m_pDevice->GetDeviceClass(); FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS* pGlyphAndPos = NULL; if (device_class == FXDC_DISPLAY) { pGlyphAndPos = FX_Alloc(FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS, textobj->m_nChars); } else if (fill_alpha < 255) { return FALSE; } CPDF_RefType3Cache refTypeCache(pType3Font); FX_DWORD *pChars = textobj->m_pCharCodes; if (textobj->m_nChars == 1) { pChars = (FX_DWORD*)(&textobj->m_pCharCodes); } for (int iChar = 0; iChar < textobj->m_nChars; iChar ++) { FX_DWORD charcode = pChars[iChar]; if (charcode == (FX_DWORD) - 1) { continue; } CPDF_Type3Char* pType3Char = pType3Font->LoadChar(charcode); if (pType3Char == NULL) { continue; } CFX_AffineMatrix matrix = char_matrix; matrix.e += iChar ? textobj->m_pCharPos[iChar - 1] : 0; matrix.Concat(text_matrix); matrix.Concat(*pObj2Device); if (!pType3Char->LoadBitmap(m_pContext)) { if (pGlyphAndPos) { for (int i = 0; i < iChar; i ++) { FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& glyph = pGlyphAndPos[i]; if (glyph.m_pGlyph == NULL) { continue; } m_pDevice->SetBitMask(&glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Bitmap, glyph.m_OriginX + glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Left, glyph.m_OriginY - glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Top, fill_argb); } FX_Free(pGlyphAndPos); pGlyphAndPos = NULL; } CPDF_GraphicStates* pStates = CloneObjStates(textobj, FALSE); CPDF_RenderOptions Options = m_Options; Options.m_Flags |= RENDER_FORCE_HALFTONE | RENDER_RECT_AA; Options.m_Flags &= ~RENDER_FORCE_DOWNSAMPLE; CPDF_Dictionary* pFormResource = NULL; if (pType3Char->m_pForm && pType3Char->m_pForm->m_pFormDict) { pFormResource = pType3Char->m_pForm->m_pFormDict->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Resources")); } if (fill_alpha == 255) { CPDF_RenderStatus status; status.Initialize(m_Level + 1, m_pContext, m_pDevice, NULL, NULL, this, pStates, &Options, pType3Char->m_pForm->m_Transparency, m_bDropObjects, pFormResource, FALSE, pType3Char, fill_argb); status.m_Type3FontCache.Append(m_Type3FontCache); status.m_Type3FontCache.Add(pType3Font); m_pDevice->SaveState(); status.RenderObjectList(pType3Char->m_pForm, &matrix); m_pDevice->RestoreState(); } else { CFX_FloatRect rect_f = pType3Char->m_pForm->CalcBoundingBox(); rect_f.Transform(&matrix); FX_RECT rect = rect_f.GetOutterRect(); CFX_FxgeDevice bitmap_device; if (!bitmap_device.Create((int)(rect.Width() * sa), (int)(rect.Height() * sd), FXDIB_Argb)) { return TRUE; } bitmap_device.GetBitmap()->Clear(0); CPDF_RenderStatus status; status.Initialize(m_Level + 1, m_pContext, &bitmap_device, NULL, NULL, this, pStates, &Options, pType3Char->m_pForm->m_Transparency, m_bDropObjects, pFormResource, FALSE, pType3Char, fill_argb); status.m_Type3FontCache.Append(m_Type3FontCache); status.m_Type3FontCache.Add(pType3Font); matrix.TranslateI(-rect.left, -rect.top); matrix.Scale(sa, sd); status.RenderObjectList(pType3Char->m_pForm, &matrix); m_pDevice->SetDIBits(bitmap_device.GetBitmap(), rect.left, rect.top); } delete pStates; } else if (pType3Char->m_pBitmap) { if (device_class == FXDC_DISPLAY) { CPDF_Type3Cache* pCache = GetCachedType3(pType3Font); refTypeCache.m_dwCount++; CFX_GlyphBitmap* pBitmap = pCache->LoadGlyph(charcode, &matrix, sa, sd); if (pBitmap == NULL) { continue; } int origin_x = FXSYS_round(matrix.e); int origin_y = FXSYS_round(matrix.f); if (pGlyphAndPos) { pGlyphAndPos[iChar].m_pGlyph = pBitmap; pGlyphAndPos[iChar].m_OriginX = origin_x; pGlyphAndPos[iChar].m_OriginY = origin_y; } else { m_pDevice->SetBitMask(&pBitmap->m_Bitmap, origin_x + pBitmap->m_Left, origin_y - pBitmap->m_Top, fill_argb); } } else { CFX_AffineMatrix image_matrix = pType3Char->m_ImageMatrix; image_matrix.Concat(matrix); CPDF_ImageRenderer renderer; if (renderer.Start(this, pType3Char->m_pBitmap, fill_argb, 255, &image_matrix, 0, FALSE)) { renderer.Continue(NULL); } if (!renderer.m_Result) { return FALSE; } } } } if (pGlyphAndPos) { FX_RECT rect = FXGE_GetGlyphsBBox(pGlyphAndPos, textobj->m_nChars, 0, sa, sd); CFX_DIBitmap bitmap; if (!bitmap.Create((int)(rect.Width() * sa), (int)(rect.Height() * sd), FXDIB_8bppMask)) { FX_Free(pGlyphAndPos); return TRUE; } bitmap.Clear(0); for (int iChar = 0; iChar < textobj->m_nChars; iChar ++) { FXTEXT_GLYPHPOS& glyph = pGlyphAndPos[iChar]; if (glyph.m_pGlyph == NULL) { continue; } bitmap.TransferBitmap((int)((glyph.m_OriginX + glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Left - rect.left) * sa), (int)((glyph.m_OriginY - glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Top - rect.top) * sd), glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Bitmap.GetWidth(), glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Bitmap.GetHeight(), &glyph.m_pGlyph->m_Bitmap, 0, 0); } m_pDevice->SetBitMask(&bitmap, rect.left, rect.top, fill_argb); FX_Free(pGlyphAndPos); } return TRUE; }
DLLEXPORT FPDF_BOOL STDCALL FPDFPage_TransFormWithClip(FPDF_PAGE page, FS_MATRIX* matrix, FS_RECTF* clipRect) { if(!page) return FALSE; CFX_ByteTextBuf textBuf; textBuf<<"q "; CFX_FloatRect rect(clipRect->left, clipRect->bottom, clipRect->right, clipRect->top); rect.Normalize(); CFX_ByteString bsClipping; bsClipping.Format("%f %f %f %f re W* n ", rect.left, rect.bottom, rect.Width(), rect.Height()); textBuf<<bsClipping; CFX_ByteString bsMatix; bsMatix.Format("%f %f %f %f %f %f cm ", matrix->a, matrix->b,matrix->c,matrix->d,matrix->e,matrix->f); textBuf<<bsMatix; CPDF_Page* pPage = (CPDF_Page*)page; CPDF_Dictionary* pPageDic = pPage->m_pFormDict; CPDF_Object* pContentObj = pPageDic->GetElement("Contents"); if(!pContentObj) pContentObj = pPageDic->GetArray("Contents"); if(!pContentObj) return FALSE; CPDF_Dictionary* pDic = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary; CPDF_Stream* pStream = FX_NEW CPDF_Stream(NULL,0, pDic); pStream->SetData(textBuf.GetBuffer(), textBuf.GetSize(), FALSE, FALSE); CPDF_Document* pDoc = pPage->m_pDocument; if(!pDoc) return FALSE; pDoc->AddIndirectObject(pStream); pDic = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary; CPDF_Stream* pEndStream = FX_NEW CPDF_Stream(NULL,0, pDic); pEndStream->SetData((FX_LPCBYTE)" Q", 2, FALSE, FALSE); pDoc->AddIndirectObject(pEndStream); CPDF_Array* pContentArray = NULL; if (pContentObj && pContentObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_ARRAY) { pContentArray = (CPDF_Array*)pContentObj; CPDF_Reference* pRef = FX_NEW CPDF_Reference(pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->InsertAt(0, pRef); pContentArray->AddReference(pDoc,pEndStream); } else if(pContentObj && pContentObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_REFERENCE) { CPDF_Reference* pReference = (CPDF_Reference*)pContentObj; CPDF_Object* pDirectObj = pReference->GetDirect(); if(pDirectObj != NULL) { if(pDirectObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_ARRAY) { pContentArray = (CPDF_Array*)pDirectObj; CPDF_Reference* pRef = FX_NEW CPDF_Reference(pDoc, pStream->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->InsertAt(0, pRef); pContentArray->AddReference(pDoc,pEndStream); } else if(pDirectObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_STREAM) { pContentArray = FX_NEW CPDF_Array(); pContentArray->AddReference(pDoc,pStream->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->AddReference(pDoc,pDirectObj->GetObjNum()); pContentArray->AddReference(pDoc, pEndStream); pPageDic->SetAtReference("Contents", pDoc, pDoc->AddIndirectObject(pContentArray)); } } } //Need to transform the patterns as well. CPDF_Dictionary* pRes = pPageDic->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Resources")); if(pRes) { CPDF_Dictionary* pPattenDict = pRes->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Pattern")); if(pPattenDict) { FX_POSITION pos = pPattenDict->GetStartPos(); while(pos) { CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = NULL; CFX_ByteString key; CPDF_Object* pObj = pPattenDict->GetNextElement(pos, key); if(pObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_REFERENCE) pObj = pObj->GetDirect(); if(pObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_DICTIONARY) { pDict = (CPDF_Dictionary*)pObj; } else if(pObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_STREAM) { pDict = ((CPDF_Stream*)pObj)->GetDict(); } else continue; CFX_AffineMatrix m = pDict->GetMatrix(FX_BSTRC("Matrix")); CFX_AffineMatrix t = *(CFX_AffineMatrix*)matrix; m.Concat(t); pDict->SetAtMatrix(FX_BSTRC("Matrix"), m); } } } return TRUE; }
CFX_DIBitmap* CPDF_RenderStatus::LoadSMask(CPDF_Dictionary* pSMaskDict, FX_RECT* pClipRect, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix) { if (pSMaskDict == NULL) { return NULL; } int width = pClipRect->right - pClipRect->left; int height = pClipRect->bottom - pClipRect->top; FX_BOOL bLuminosity = FALSE; bLuminosity = pSMaskDict->GetConstString(FX_BSTRC("S")) != FX_BSTRC("Alpha"); CPDF_Stream* pGroup = pSMaskDict->GetStream(FX_BSTRC("G")); if (pGroup == NULL) { return NULL; } nonstd::unique_ptr<CPDF_Function> pFunc; CPDF_Object* pFuncObj = pSMaskDict->GetElementValue(FX_BSTRC("TR")); if (pFuncObj && (pFuncObj->IsDictionary() || pFuncObj->IsStream())) pFunc.reset(CPDF_Function::Load(pFuncObj)); CFX_AffineMatrix matrix = *pMatrix; matrix.TranslateI(-pClipRect->left, -pClipRect->top); CPDF_Form form(m_pContext->m_pDocument, m_pContext->m_pPageResources, pGroup); form.ParseContent(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); CFX_FxgeDevice bitmap_device; #if _FXM_PLATFORM_ == _FXM_PLATFORM_APPLE_ if (!bitmap_device.Create(width, height, bLuminosity ? FXDIB_Rgb32 : FXDIB_8bppMask)) { return NULL; } #else if (!bitmap_device.Create(width, height, bLuminosity ? FXDIB_Rgb : FXDIB_8bppMask)) { return NULL; } #endif CFX_DIBitmap& bitmap = *bitmap_device.GetBitmap(); CPDF_Object* pCSObj = NULL; CPDF_ColorSpace* pCS = NULL; if (bLuminosity) { CPDF_Array* pBC = pSMaskDict->GetArray(FX_BSTRC("BC")); FX_ARGB back_color = 0xff000000; if (pBC) { CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = pGroup->GetDict(); if (pDict && pDict->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Group"))) pCSObj = pDict->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Group"))->GetElementValue(FX_BSTRC("CS")); else pCSObj = NULL; pCS = m_pContext->m_pDocument->LoadColorSpace(pCSObj); if (pCS) { FX_FLOAT R, G, B; FX_DWORD comps = 8; if (pCS->CountComponents() > static_cast<int32_t>(comps)) { comps = (FX_DWORD)pCS->CountComponents(); } CFX_FixedBufGrow<FX_FLOAT, 8> float_array(comps); FX_FLOAT* pFloats = float_array; FX_SAFE_DWORD num_floats = comps; num_floats *= sizeof(FX_FLOAT); if (!num_floats.IsValid()) { return NULL; } FXSYS_memset(pFloats, 0, num_floats.ValueOrDie()); int count = pBC->GetCount() > 8 ? 8 : pBC->GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { pFloats[i] = pBC->GetNumber(i); } pCS->GetRGB(pFloats, R, G, B); back_color = 0xff000000 | ((int32_t)(R * 255) << 16) | ((int32_t)(G * 255) << 8) | (int32_t)(B * 255); m_pContext->m_pDocument->GetPageData()->ReleaseColorSpace(pCSObj); } } bitmap.Clear(back_color); } else { bitmap.Clear(0); } CPDF_Dictionary* pFormResource = NULL; if (form.m_pFormDict) { pFormResource = form.m_pFormDict->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Resources")); } CPDF_RenderOptions options; options.m_ColorMode = bLuminosity ? RENDER_COLOR_NORMAL : RENDER_COLOR_ALPHA; CPDF_RenderStatus status; status.Initialize(m_pContext, &bitmap_device, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &options, 0, m_bDropObjects, pFormResource, TRUE, NULL, 0, pCS ? pCS->GetFamily() : 0, bLuminosity); status.RenderObjectList(&form, &matrix); nonstd::unique_ptr<CFX_DIBitmap> pMask(new CFX_DIBitmap); if (!pMask->Create(width, height, FXDIB_8bppMask)) return nullptr; uint8_t* dest_buf = pMask->GetBuffer(); int dest_pitch = pMask->GetPitch(); uint8_t* src_buf = bitmap.GetBuffer(); int src_pitch = bitmap.GetPitch(); std::vector<uint8_t> transfers(256); if (pFunc) { CFX_FixedBufGrow<FX_FLOAT, 16> results(pFunc->CountOutputs()); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { FX_FLOAT input = (FX_FLOAT)i / 255.0f; int nresult; pFunc->Call(&input, 1, results, nresult); transfers[i] = FXSYS_round(results[0] * 255); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i++) { transfers[i] = i; } } if (bLuminosity) { int Bpp = bitmap.GetBPP() / 8; for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) { uint8_t* dest_pos = dest_buf + row * dest_pitch; uint8_t* src_pos = src_buf + row * src_pitch; for (int col = 0; col < width; col++) { *dest_pos++ = transfers[FXRGB2GRAY(src_pos[2], src_pos[1], *src_pos)]; src_pos += Bpp; } } } else if (pFunc) { int size = dest_pitch * height; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { dest_buf[i] = transfers[src_buf[i]]; } } else { FXSYS_memcpy(dest_buf, src_buf, dest_pitch * height); } return pMask.release(); }
void CTextPage::ProcessObject(CPDF_PageObject* pObject) { if (pObject->m_Type != PDFPAGE_TEXT) { return; } CPDF_TextObject* pText = (CPDF_TextObject*)pObject; CPDF_Font* pFont = pText->m_TextState.GetFont(); int count = pText->CountItems(); FX_FLOAT* pPosArray = FX_Alloc(FX_FLOAT, count * 2); if (pPosArray) { pText->CalcCharPos(pPosArray); } FX_FLOAT fontsize_h = pText->m_TextState.GetFontSizeH(); FX_FLOAT fontsize_v = pText->m_TextState.GetFontSizeV(); FX_DWORD space_charcode = pFont->CharCodeFromUnicode(' '); FX_FLOAT spacew = 0; if (space_charcode != -1) { spacew = fontsize_h * pFont->GetCharWidthF(space_charcode) / 1000; } if (spacew == 0) { spacew = fontsize_h / 4; } if (pText->m_TextState.GetBaselineAngle() != 0) { int cc = 0; CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; pText->GetTextMatrix(&matrix); for (int i = 0; i < pText->m_nChars; i ++) { FX_DWORD charcode = pText->m_nChars == 1 ? (FX_DWORD)(FX_UINTPTR)pText->m_pCharCodes : pText->m_pCharCodes[i]; if (charcode == (FX_DWORD) - 1) { continue; } FX_RECT char_box; pFont->GetCharBBox(charcode, char_box); FX_FLOAT char_left = pPosArray ? pPosArray[cc * 2] : char_box.left * pText->m_TextState.GetFontSize() / 1000; FX_FLOAT char_right = pPosArray ? pPosArray[cc * 2 + 1] : char_box.right * pText->m_TextState.GetFontSize() / 1000; FX_FLOAT char_top = char_box.top * pText->m_TextState.GetFontSize() / 1000; FX_FLOAT char_bottom = char_box.bottom * pText->m_TextState.GetFontSize() / 1000; cc ++; FX_FLOAT char_origx, char_origy; matrix.Transform(char_left, 0, char_origx, char_origy); matrix.TransformRect(char_left, char_right, char_top, char_bottom); CFX_ByteString str; pFont->AppendChar(str, charcode); InsertTextBox(NULL, char_origy, char_left, char_right, char_top, char_bottom, spacew, fontsize_v, str, pFont); } if (pPosArray) { FX_Free(pPosArray); } return; } FX_FLOAT ratio_h = fontsize_h / pText->m_TextState.GetFontSize(); for (int ii = 0; ii < count * 2; ii ++) { pPosArray[ii] *= ratio_h; } FX_FLOAT baseline = pText->m_PosY; CTextBaseLine* pBaseLine = NULL; FX_FLOAT topy = pText->m_Top; FX_FLOAT bottomy = pText->m_Bottom; FX_FLOAT leftx = pText->m_Left; int cc = 0; CFX_ByteString segment; int space_count = 0; FX_FLOAT last_left = 0, last_right = 0, segment_left = 0, segment_right = 0; for (int i = 0; i < pText->m_nChars; i ++) { FX_DWORD charcode = pText->m_nChars == 1 ? (FX_DWORD)(FX_UINTPTR)pText->m_pCharCodes : pText->m_pCharCodes[i]; if (charcode == (FX_DWORD) - 1) { continue; } FX_FLOAT char_left = pPosArray[cc * 2]; FX_FLOAT char_right = pPosArray[cc * 2 + 1]; cc ++; if (char_left < last_left || (char_left - last_right) > spacew / 2) { pBaseLine = InsertTextBox(pBaseLine, baseline, leftx + segment_left, leftx + segment_right, topy, bottomy, spacew, fontsize_v, segment, pFont); segment_left = char_left; segment = ""; } if (space_count > 1) { pBaseLine = InsertTextBox(pBaseLine, baseline, leftx + segment_left, leftx + segment_right, topy, bottomy, spacew, fontsize_v, segment, pFont); segment = ""; } else if (space_count == 1) { pFont->AppendChar(segment, ' '); } if (segment.GetLength() == 0) { segment_left = char_left; } segment_right = char_right; pFont->AppendChar(segment, charcode); space_count = 0; last_left = char_left; last_right = char_right; } if (segment.GetLength()) pBaseLine = InsertTextBox(pBaseLine, baseline, leftx + segment_left, leftx + segment_right, topy, bottomy, spacew, fontsize_v, segment, pFont); FX_Free(pPosArray); }
void CPDF_TextObject::CalcPositionData(FX_FLOAT* pTextAdvanceX, FX_FLOAT* pTextAdvanceY, FX_FLOAT horz_scale, int level) { FX_FLOAT curpos = 0; FX_FLOAT min_x = 10000 * 1.0f; FX_FLOAT max_x = -10000 * 1.0f; FX_FLOAT min_y = 10000 * 1.0f; FX_FLOAT max_y = -10000 * 1.0f; CPDF_Font* pFont = m_TextState.GetFont(); FX_BOOL bVertWriting = FALSE; CPDF_CIDFont* pCIDFont = pFont->GetCIDFont(); if (pCIDFont) { bVertWriting = pCIDFont->IsVertWriting(); } FX_FLOAT fontsize = m_TextState.GetFontSize(); for (int i = 0; i < m_nChars; ++i) { FX_DWORD charcode = m_nChars == 1 ? (FX_DWORD)(uintptr_t)m_pCharCodes : m_pCharCodes[i]; if (charcode == (FX_DWORD) - 1) { curpos -= FXSYS_Mul(m_pCharPos[i - 1], fontsize) / 1000; continue; } if (i) { m_pCharPos[i - 1] = curpos; } FX_RECT char_rect; pFont->GetCharBBox(charcode, char_rect, level); FX_FLOAT charwidth; if (!bVertWriting) { if (min_y > char_rect.top) { min_y = (FX_FLOAT)char_rect.top; } if (max_y < char_rect.top) { max_y = (FX_FLOAT)char_rect.top; } if (min_y > char_rect.bottom) { min_y = (FX_FLOAT)char_rect.bottom; } if (max_y < char_rect.bottom) { max_y = (FX_FLOAT)char_rect.bottom; } FX_FLOAT char_left = curpos + char_rect.left * fontsize / 1000; FX_FLOAT char_right = curpos + char_rect.right * fontsize / 1000; if (min_x > char_left) { min_x = char_left; } if (max_x < char_left) { max_x = char_left; } if (min_x > char_right) { min_x = char_right; } if (max_x < char_right) { max_x = char_right; } charwidth = pFont->GetCharWidthF(charcode, level) * fontsize / 1000; } else { FX_WORD CID = pCIDFont->CIDFromCharCode(charcode); short vx; short vy; pCIDFont->GetVertOrigin(CID, vx, vy); char_rect.left -= vx; char_rect.right -= vx; char_rect.top -= vy; char_rect.bottom -= vy; if (min_x > char_rect.left) { min_x = (FX_FLOAT)char_rect.left; } if (max_x < char_rect.left) { max_x = (FX_FLOAT)char_rect.left; } if (min_x > char_rect.right) { min_x = (FX_FLOAT)char_rect.right; } if (max_x < char_rect.right) { max_x = (FX_FLOAT)char_rect.right; } FX_FLOAT char_top = curpos + char_rect.top * fontsize / 1000; FX_FLOAT char_bottom = curpos + char_rect.bottom * fontsize / 1000; if (min_y > char_top) { min_y = char_top; } if (max_y < char_top) { max_y = char_top; } if (min_y > char_bottom) { min_y = char_bottom; } if (max_y < char_bottom) { max_y = char_bottom; } charwidth = pCIDFont->GetVertWidth(CID) * fontsize / 1000; } curpos += charwidth; if (charcode == ' ' && (!pCIDFont || pCIDFont->GetCharSize(32) == 1)) { curpos += m_TextState.GetObject()->m_WordSpace; } curpos += m_TextState.GetObject()->m_CharSpace; } if (bVertWriting) { if (pTextAdvanceX) { *pTextAdvanceX = 0; } if (pTextAdvanceY) { *pTextAdvanceY = curpos; } min_x = min_x * fontsize / 1000; max_x = max_x * fontsize / 1000; } else { if (pTextAdvanceX) { *pTextAdvanceX = FXSYS_Mul(curpos, horz_scale); } if (pTextAdvanceY) { *pTextAdvanceY = 0; } min_y = min_y * fontsize / 1000; max_y = max_y * fontsize / 1000; } CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; GetTextMatrix(&matrix); m_Left = min_x; m_Right = max_x; m_Bottom = min_y; m_Top = max_y; matrix.TransformRect(m_Left, m_Right, m_Top, m_Bottom); int textmode = m_TextState.GetObject()->m_TextMode; if (textmode == 1 || textmode == 2 || textmode == 5 || textmode == 6) { FX_FLOAT half_width = m_GraphState.GetObject()->m_LineWidth / 2; m_Left -= half_width; m_Right += half_width; m_Top += half_width; m_Bottom -= half_width; } }
void CFX_PSRenderer::FindPSFontGlyph(CFX_FaceCache* pFaceCache, CFX_Font* pFont, const FXTEXT_CHARPOS& charpos, int& ps_fontnum, int &ps_glyphindex) { for (int i = 0; i < (int)m_PSFontList.GetSize(); i ++) { CPSFont* pPSFont = m_PSFontList[i]; for (int j = 0; j < pPSFont->m_nGlyphs; j ++) if (pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_pFont == pFont && pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_GlyphIndex == charpos.m_GlyphIndex) { if ((!pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_bGlyphAdjust && !charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust) || (pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_bGlyphAdjust && charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust && (FXSYS_fabs(pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_AdjustMatrix[0] - charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[0]) < 0.01 && FXSYS_fabs(pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_AdjustMatrix[1] - charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[1]) < 0.01 && FXSYS_fabs(pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_AdjustMatrix[2] - charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[2]) < 0.01 && FXSYS_fabs(pPSFont->m_Glyphs[j].m_AdjustMatrix[3] - charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[3]) < 0.01))) { ps_fontnum = i; ps_glyphindex = j; return; } } } if (m_PSFontList.GetSize() == 0 || m_PSFontList[m_PSFontList.GetSize() - 1]->m_nGlyphs == 256) { CPSFont* pPSFont = new CPSFont; pPSFont->m_nGlyphs = 0; m_PSFontList.Add(pPSFont); CFX_ByteTextBuf buf; buf << FX_BSTRC("8 dict begin/FontType 3 def/FontMatrix[1 0 0 1 0 0]def\n" "/FontBBox[0 0 0 0]def/Encoding 256 array def 0 1 255{Encoding exch/.notdef put}for\n" "/CharProcs 1 dict def CharProcs begin/.notdef {} def end\n" "/BuildGlyph{1 0 -10 -10 10 10 setcachedevice exch/CharProcs get exch 2 copy known not{pop/.notdef}if get exec}bind def\n" "/BuildChar{1 index/Encoding get exch get 1 index/BuildGlyph get exec}bind def\n" "currentdict end\n"); buf << FX_BSTRC("/X") << m_PSFontList.GetSize() - 1 << FX_BSTRC(" exch definefont pop\n"); m_pOutput->OutputPS((FX_LPCSTR)buf.GetBuffer(), buf.GetSize()); buf.Clear(); } ps_fontnum = m_PSFontList.GetSize() - 1; CPSFont* pPSFont = m_PSFontList[ps_fontnum]; ps_glyphindex = pPSFont->m_nGlyphs; pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_GlyphIndex = charpos.m_GlyphIndex; pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_pFont = pFont; pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_bGlyphAdjust = charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust; if (charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust) { pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_AdjustMatrix[0] = charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[0]; pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_AdjustMatrix[1] = charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[1]; pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_AdjustMatrix[2] = charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[2]; pPSFont->m_Glyphs[ps_glyphindex].m_AdjustMatrix[3] = charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[3]; } pPSFont->m_nGlyphs ++; CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; if (charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust) matrix.Set(charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[0], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[1], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[2], charpos.m_AdjustMatrix[3], 0, 0); matrix.Concat(1.0f, 0, 0, 1.0f, 0, 0); const CFX_PathData* pPathData = pFaceCache->LoadGlyphPath(pFont, charpos.m_GlyphIndex, charpos.m_FontCharWidth); if (pPathData == NULL) { return; } CFX_PathData TransformedPath(*pPathData); if (charpos.m_bGlyphAdjust) { TransformedPath.Transform(&matrix); } CFX_ByteTextBuf buf; buf << FX_BSTRC("/X") << ps_fontnum << FX_BSTRC(" Ff/CharProcs get begin/") << ps_glyphindex << FX_BSTRC("{"); buf << FX_BSTRC("n "); for (int p = 0; p < TransformedPath.GetPointCount(); p ++) { FX_FLOAT x = TransformedPath.GetPointX(p), y = TransformedPath.GetPointY(p); switch (TransformedPath.GetFlag(p) & FXPT_TYPE) { case FXPT_MOVETO: { buf << x << FX_BSTRC(" ") << y << FX_BSTRC(" m\n"); break; } case FXPT_LINETO: { buf << x << FX_BSTRC(" ") << y << FX_BSTRC(" l\n"); break; } case FXPT_BEZIERTO: { buf << x << FX_BSTRC(" ") << y << FX_BSTRC(" ") << TransformedPath.GetPointX(p + 1) << FX_BSTRC(" ") << TransformedPath.GetPointY(p + 1) << FX_BSTRC(" ") << TransformedPath.GetPointX(p + 2) << FX_BSTRC(" ") << TransformedPath.GetPointY(p + 2) << FX_BSTRC(" c\n"); p += 2; break; } } } buf << FX_BSTRC("f"); buf << FX_BSTRC("}bind def end\n"); buf << FX_BSTRC("/X") << ps_fontnum << FX_BSTRC(" Ff/Encoding get ") << ps_glyphindex << FX_BSTRC("/") << ps_glyphindex << FX_BSTRC(" put\n"); m_pOutput->OutputPS((FX_LPCSTR)buf.GetBuffer(), buf.GetSize()); }
FX_BOOL CPDF_TextStream::ProcessObject(const CPDF_TextObject* pObj, FX_BOOL bFirstLine) { CPDF_Font* pFont = pObj->GetFont(); CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; pObj->GetTextMatrix(&matrix); int item_index = 0; if (m_pLastObj) { int result = FPDFText_ProcessInterObj(m_pLastObj, pObj); if (result == 2) { int len = m_Buffer.GetLength(); if (len && m_bUseLF && m_Buffer.GetBuffer()[len - 1] == L'-') { m_Buffer.Delete(len - 1, 1); if (m_pObjArray) { m_pObjArray->RemoveAt((len - 1) * 2, 2); } } else { if (bFirstLine) { return TRUE; } if (m_bUseLF) { m_Buffer.AppendChar(L'\r'); m_Buffer.AppendChar(L'\n'); if (m_pObjArray) { for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) { m_pObjArray->Add(NULL); } } } else { m_Buffer.AppendChar(' '); if (m_pObjArray) { m_pObjArray->Add(NULL); m_pObjArray->Add(NULL); } } } } else if (result == 1) { m_Buffer.AppendChar(L' '); if (m_pObjArray) { m_pObjArray->Add(NULL); m_pObjArray->Add(NULL); } } else if (result == -1) { m_pLastObj = pObj; return FALSE; } else if (result == 3) { item_index = 1; } } m_pLastObj = pObj; int nItems = pObj->CountItems(); FX_FLOAT Ignorekerning = 0; for(int i = 1; i < nItems - 1; i += 2) { CPDF_TextObjectItem item; pObj->GetItemInfo(i, &item); if (item.m_CharCode == (FX_DWORD) - 1) { if(i == 1) { Ignorekerning = item.m_OriginX; } else if(Ignorekerning > item.m_OriginX) { Ignorekerning = item.m_OriginX; } } else { Ignorekerning = 0; break; } } FX_FLOAT spacing = 0; for (; item_index < nItems; item_index ++) { CPDF_TextObjectItem item; pObj->GetItemInfo(item_index, &item); if (item.m_CharCode == (FX_DWORD) - 1) { CFX_WideString wstr = m_Buffer.GetWideString(); if (wstr.IsEmpty() || wstr.GetAt(wstr.GetLength() - 1) == L' ') { continue; } FX_FLOAT fontsize_h = pObj->m_TextState.GetFontSizeH(); spacing = -fontsize_h * (item.m_OriginX - Ignorekerning) / 1000; continue; } FX_FLOAT charSpace = pObj->m_TextState.GetObject()->m_CharSpace; if(nItems > 3 && !spacing) { charSpace = 0; } if((spacing || charSpace) && item_index > 0) { int last_width = 0; FX_FLOAT fontsize_h = pObj->m_TextState.GetFontSizeH(); FX_DWORD space_charcode = pFont->CharCodeFromUnicode(' '); FX_FLOAT threshold = 0; if (space_charcode != -1) { threshold = fontsize_h * pFont->GetCharWidthF(space_charcode) / 1000 ; } if(threshold > fontsize_h / 3) { threshold = 0; } else { threshold /= 2; } if (threshold == 0) { threshold = fontsize_h; int this_width = FXSYS_abs(GetCharWidth(item.m_CharCode, pFont)); threshold = this_width > last_width ? (FX_FLOAT)this_width : (FX_FLOAT)last_width; int nDivide = 6; if (threshold < 300) { nDivide = 2; } else if (threshold < 500) { nDivide = 4; } else if (threshold < 700) { nDivide = 5; } threshold = threshold / nDivide; threshold = fontsize_h * threshold / 1000; } if(charSpace > 0.001) { spacing += matrix.TransformDistance(charSpace); } else if(charSpace < -0.001) { spacing -= matrix.TransformDistance(FXSYS_fabs(charSpace)); } if (threshold && (spacing && spacing >= threshold) ) { m_Buffer.AppendChar(L' '); if (m_pObjArray) { m_pObjArray->Add(NULL); m_pObjArray->Add(NULL); } } if (item.m_CharCode == (FX_DWORD) - 1) { continue; } spacing = 0; } CFX_WideString unicode_str = pFont->UnicodeFromCharCode(item.m_CharCode); if (unicode_str.IsEmpty()) { m_Buffer.AppendChar((FX_WCHAR)item.m_CharCode); if (m_pObjArray) { m_pObjArray->Add((void*)pObj); m_pObjArray->Add((void*)(FX_INTPTR)item_index); } } else { m_Buffer << unicode_str; if (m_pObjArray) { for (int i = 0; i < unicode_str.GetLength(); i ++) { m_pObjArray->Add((void*)pObj); m_pObjArray->Add((void*)(FX_INTPTR)item_index); } } } } return FALSE; }
static void DrawRadialShading(CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap, CFX_AffineMatrix* pObject2Bitmap, CPDF_Dictionary* pDict, CPDF_Function** pFuncs, int nFuncs, CPDF_ColorSpace* pCS, int alpha) { ASSERT(pBitmap->GetFormat() == FXDIB_Argb); CPDF_Array* pCoords = pDict->GetArray(FX_BSTRC("Coords")); if (pCoords == NULL) { return; } FX_FLOAT start_x = pCoords->GetNumber(0); FX_FLOAT start_y = pCoords->GetNumber(1); FX_FLOAT start_r = pCoords->GetNumber(2); FX_FLOAT end_x = pCoords->GetNumber(3); FX_FLOAT end_y = pCoords->GetNumber(4); FX_FLOAT end_r = pCoords->GetNumber(5); CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; matrix.SetReverse(*pObject2Bitmap); FX_FLOAT t_min = 0, t_max = 1.0f; CPDF_Array* pArray = pDict->GetArray(FX_BSTRC("Domain")); if (pArray) { t_min = pArray->GetNumber(0); t_max = pArray->GetNumber(1); } FX_BOOL bStartExtend = FALSE, bEndExtend = FALSE; pArray = pDict->GetArray(FX_BSTRC("Extend")); if (pArray) { bStartExtend = pArray->GetInteger(0); bEndExtend = pArray->GetInteger(1); } int total_results = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nFuncs; j++) { if (pFuncs[j]) { total_results += pFuncs[j]->CountOutputs(); } } if (pCS->CountComponents() > total_results) { total_results = pCS->CountComponents(); } CFX_FixedBufGrow<FX_FLOAT, 16> result_array(total_results); FX_FLOAT* pResults = result_array; FXSYS_memset(pResults, 0, total_results * sizeof(FX_FLOAT)); FX_DWORD rgb_array[SHADING_STEPS]; for (int i = 0; i < SHADING_STEPS; i++) { FX_FLOAT input = (t_max - t_min) * i / SHADING_STEPS + t_min; int offset = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nFuncs; j++) { if (pFuncs[j]) { int nresults; if (pFuncs[j]->Call(&input, 1, pResults + offset, nresults)) { offset += nresults; } } } FX_FLOAT R = 0.0f, G = 0.0f, B = 0.0f; pCS->GetRGB(pResults, R, G, B); rgb_array[i] = FXARGB_TODIB(FXARGB_MAKE(alpha, FXSYS_round(R * 255), FXSYS_round(G * 255), FXSYS_round(B * 255))); } FX_FLOAT a = FXSYS_Mul(start_x - end_x, start_x - end_x) + FXSYS_Mul(start_y - end_y, start_y - end_y) - FXSYS_Mul(start_r - end_r, start_r - end_r); int width = pBitmap->GetWidth(); int height = pBitmap->GetHeight(); int pitch = pBitmap->GetPitch(); FX_BOOL bDecreasing = FALSE; if (start_r > end_r) { int length = (int)FXSYS_sqrt((FXSYS_Mul(start_x - end_x, start_x - end_x) + FXSYS_Mul(start_y - end_y, start_y - end_y))); if (length < start_r - end_r) { bDecreasing = TRUE; } } for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) { FX_DWORD* dib_buf = (FX_DWORD*)(pBitmap->GetBuffer() + row * pitch); for (int column = 0; column < width; column++) { FX_FLOAT x = (FX_FLOAT)column, y = (FX_FLOAT)row; matrix.Transform(x, y); FX_FLOAT b = -2 * (FXSYS_Mul(x - start_x, end_x - start_x) + FXSYS_Mul(y - start_y, end_y - start_y) + FXSYS_Mul(start_r, end_r - start_r)); FX_FLOAT c = FXSYS_Mul(x - start_x, x - start_x) + FXSYS_Mul(y - start_y, y - start_y) - FXSYS_Mul(start_r, start_r); FX_FLOAT s; if (a == 0) { s = FXSYS_Div(-c, b); } else { FX_FLOAT b2_4ac = FXSYS_Mul(b, b) - 4 * FXSYS_Mul(a, c); if (b2_4ac < 0) { continue; } FX_FLOAT root = FXSYS_sqrt(b2_4ac); FX_FLOAT s1, s2; if (a > 0) { s1 = FXSYS_Div(-b - root, 2 * a); s2 = FXSYS_Div(-b + root, 2 * a); } else { s2 = FXSYS_Div(-b - root, 2 * a); s1 = FXSYS_Div(-b + root, 2 * a); } if (bDecreasing) { if (s1 >= 0 || bStartExtend) { s = s1; } else { s = s2; } } else { if (s2 <= 1.0f || bEndExtend) { s = s2; } else { s = s1; } } if ((start_r + s * (end_r - start_r)) < 0) { continue; } } int index = (int32_t)(s * (SHADING_STEPS - 1)); if (index < 0) { if (!bStartExtend) { continue; } index = 0; } if (index >= SHADING_STEPS) { if (!bEndExtend) { continue; } index = SHADING_STEPS - 1; } dib_buf[column] = rgb_array[index]; } } }
CFX_DIBitmap* CPDF_RenderStatus::LoadSMask(CPDF_Dictionary* pSMaskDict, FX_RECT* pClipRect, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix) { if (pSMaskDict == NULL) { return NULL; } CFX_DIBitmap* pMask = NULL; int width = pClipRect->right - pClipRect->left; int height = pClipRect->bottom - pClipRect->top; FX_BOOL bLuminosity = FALSE; bLuminosity = pSMaskDict->GetConstString(FX_BSTRC("S")) != FX_BSTRC("Alpha"); CPDF_Stream* pGroup = pSMaskDict->GetStream(FX_BSTRC("G")); if (pGroup == NULL) { return NULL; } CPDF_Function* pFunc = NULL; CPDF_Object* pFuncObj = pSMaskDict->GetElementValue(FX_BSTRC("TR")); if (pFuncObj && (pFuncObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_DICTIONARY || pFuncObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_STREAM)) { pFunc = CPDF_Function::Load(pFuncObj); } CFX_AffineMatrix matrix = *pMatrix; matrix.TranslateI(-pClipRect->left, -pClipRect->top); CPDF_Form form(m_pContext->m_pDocument, m_pContext->m_pPageResources, pGroup); form.ParseContent(NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); CFX_FxgeDevice bitmap_device; #if _FXM_PLATFORM_ == _FXM_PLATFORM_APPLE_ if (!bitmap_device.Create(width, height, bLuminosity ? FXDIB_Rgb32 : FXDIB_8bppMask)) { return NULL; } #else if (!bitmap_device.Create(width, height, bLuminosity ? FXDIB_Rgb : FXDIB_8bppMask)) { return NULL; } #endif CFX_DIBitmap& bitmap = *bitmap_device.GetBitmap(); CPDF_Object* pCSObj = NULL; CPDF_ColorSpace* pCS = NULL; if (bLuminosity) { CPDF_Array* pBC = pSMaskDict->GetArray(FX_BSTRC("BC")); FX_ARGB back_color = 0xff000000; if (pBC) { pCSObj = pGroup->GetDict()->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Group"))->GetElementValue(FX_BSTRC("CS")); pCS = m_pContext->m_pDocument->LoadColorSpace(pCSObj); if (pCS) { FX_FLOAT R, G, B; FX_DWORD num_floats = 8; if (pCS->CountComponents() > (FX_INT32)num_floats) { num_floats = (FX_DWORD)pCS->CountComponents(); } CFX_FixedBufGrow<FX_FLOAT, 8> float_array(num_floats); FX_FLOAT* pFloats = float_array; FXSYS_memset32(pFloats, 0, num_floats * sizeof(FX_FLOAT)); int count = pBC->GetCount() > 8 ? 8 : pBC->GetCount(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i ++) { pFloats[i] = pBC->GetNumber(i); } pCS->GetRGB(pFloats, R, G, B); back_color = 0xff000000 | ((FX_INT32)(R * 255) << 16) | ((FX_INT32)(G * 255) << 8) | (FX_INT32)(B * 255); m_pContext->m_pDocument->GetPageData()->ReleaseColorSpace(pCSObj); } } bitmap.Clear(back_color); } else { bitmap.Clear(0); } CPDF_Dictionary* pFormResource = NULL; if (form.m_pFormDict) { pFormResource = form.m_pFormDict->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Resources")); } CPDF_RenderOptions options; options.m_ColorMode = bLuminosity ? RENDER_COLOR_NORMAL : RENDER_COLOR_ALPHA; CPDF_RenderStatus status; status.Initialize(m_Level + 1, m_pContext, &bitmap_device, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &options, 0, m_bDropObjects, pFormResource, TRUE, NULL, 0, pCS ? pCS->GetFamily() : 0, bLuminosity); status.RenderObjectList(&form, &matrix); pMask = FX_NEW CFX_DIBitmap; if (!pMask->Create(width, height, FXDIB_8bppMask)) { delete pMask; return NULL; } FX_LPBYTE dest_buf = pMask->GetBuffer(); int dest_pitch = pMask->GetPitch(); FX_LPBYTE src_buf = bitmap.GetBuffer(); int src_pitch = bitmap.GetPitch(); FX_LPBYTE pTransfer = FX_Alloc(FX_BYTE, 256); if (pFunc) { CFX_FixedBufGrow<FX_FLOAT, 16> results(pFunc->CountOutputs()); for (int i = 0; i < 256; i ++) { FX_FLOAT input = (FX_FLOAT)i / 255.0f; int nresult; pFunc->Call(&input, 1, results, nresult); pTransfer[i] = FXSYS_round(results[0] * 255); } } else { for (int i = 0; i < 256; i ++) { pTransfer[i] = i; } } if (bLuminosity) { int Bpp = bitmap.GetBPP() / 8; for (int row = 0; row < height; row ++) { FX_LPBYTE dest_pos = dest_buf + row * dest_pitch; FX_LPBYTE src_pos = src_buf + row * src_pitch; for (int col = 0; col < width; col ++) { *dest_pos ++ = pTransfer[FXRGB2GRAY(src_pos[2], src_pos[1], *src_pos)]; src_pos += Bpp; } } } else if (pFunc) { int size = dest_pitch * height; for (int i = 0; i < size; i ++) { dest_buf[i] = pTransfer[src_buf[i]]; } } else { FXSYS_memcpy32(dest_buf, src_buf, dest_pitch * height); } if (pFunc) { delete pFunc; } FX_Free(pTransfer); return pMask; }
void CPDF_RenderStatus::DrawTilingPattern(CPDF_TilingPattern* pPattern, CPDF_PageObject* pPageObj, const CFX_AffineMatrix* pObj2Device, FX_BOOL bStroke) { if (!pPattern->Load()) { return; } m_pDevice->SaveState(); if (pPageObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_PATH) { if (!SelectClipPath((CPDF_PathObject*)pPageObj, pObj2Device, bStroke)) { m_pDevice->RestoreState(); return; } } else if (pPageObj->m_Type == PDFPAGE_IMAGE) { FX_RECT rect = pPageObj->GetBBox(pObj2Device); m_pDevice->SetClip_Rect(&rect); } else { return; } FX_RECT clip_box = m_pDevice->GetClipBox(); if (clip_box.IsEmpty()) { m_pDevice->RestoreState(); return; } CFX_Matrix dCTM = m_pDevice->GetCTM(); FX_FLOAT sa = FXSYS_fabs(dCTM.a); FX_FLOAT sd = FXSYS_fabs(dCTM.d); clip_box.right = clip_box.left + (int32_t)FXSYS_ceil(clip_box.Width() * sa); clip_box.bottom = clip_box.top + (int32_t)FXSYS_ceil(clip_box.Height() * sd); CFX_AffineMatrix mtPattern2Device = pPattern->m_Pattern2Form; mtPattern2Device.Concat(*pObj2Device); GetScaledMatrix(mtPattern2Device); FX_BOOL bAligned = FALSE; if (pPattern->m_BBox.left == 0 && pPattern->m_BBox.bottom == 0 && pPattern->m_BBox.right == pPattern->m_XStep && pPattern->m_BBox.top == pPattern->m_YStep && (mtPattern2Device.IsScaled() || mtPattern2Device.Is90Rotated())) { bAligned = TRUE; } CFX_FloatRect cell_bbox = pPattern->m_BBox; mtPattern2Device.TransformRect(cell_bbox); int width = (int)FXSYS_ceil(cell_bbox.Width()); int height = (int)FXSYS_ceil(cell_bbox.Height()); if (width == 0) { width = 1; } if (height == 0) { height = 1; } int min_col, max_col, min_row, max_row; CFX_AffineMatrix mtDevice2Pattern; mtDevice2Pattern.SetReverse(mtPattern2Device); CFX_FloatRect clip_box_p(clip_box); clip_box_p.Transform(&mtDevice2Pattern); min_col = (int)FXSYS_ceil( FXSYS_Div(clip_box_p.left - pPattern->m_BBox.right, pPattern->m_XStep)); max_col = (int)FXSYS_floor( FXSYS_Div(clip_box_p.right - pPattern->m_BBox.left, pPattern->m_XStep)); min_row = (int)FXSYS_ceil( FXSYS_Div(clip_box_p.bottom - pPattern->m_BBox.top, pPattern->m_YStep)); max_row = (int)FXSYS_floor( FXSYS_Div(clip_box_p.top - pPattern->m_BBox.bottom, pPattern->m_YStep)); if (width > clip_box.Width() || height > clip_box.Height() || width * height > clip_box.Width() * clip_box.Height()) { CPDF_GraphicStates* pStates = NULL; if (!pPattern->m_bColored) { pStates = CloneObjStates(pPageObj, bStroke); } CPDF_Dictionary* pFormResource = NULL; if (pPattern->m_pForm->m_pFormDict) { pFormResource = pPattern->m_pForm->m_pFormDict->GetDict(FX_BSTRC("Resources")); } for (int col = min_col; col <= max_col; col++) for (int row = min_row; row <= max_row; row++) { FX_FLOAT orig_x, orig_y; orig_x = col * pPattern->m_XStep; orig_y = row * pPattern->m_YStep; mtPattern2Device.Transform(orig_x, orig_y); CFX_AffineMatrix matrix = *pObj2Device; matrix.Translate(orig_x - mtPattern2Device.e, orig_y - mtPattern2Device.f); m_pDevice->SaveState(); CPDF_RenderStatus status; status.Initialize(m_pContext, m_pDevice, NULL, NULL, this, pStates, &m_Options, pPattern->m_pForm->m_Transparency, m_bDropObjects, pFormResource); status.RenderObjectList(pPattern->m_pForm, &matrix); m_pDevice->RestoreState(); } m_pDevice->RestoreState(); delete pStates; return; } if (bAligned) { int orig_x = FXSYS_round(mtPattern2Device.e); int orig_y = FXSYS_round(mtPattern2Device.f); min_col = (clip_box.left - orig_x) / width; if (clip_box.left < orig_x) { min_col--; } max_col = (clip_box.right - orig_x) / width; if (clip_box.right <= orig_x) { max_col--; } min_row = (clip_box.top - orig_y) / height; if (clip_box.top < orig_y) { min_row--; } max_row = (clip_box.bottom - orig_y) / height; if (clip_box.bottom <= orig_y) { max_row--; } } FX_FLOAT left_offset = cell_bbox.left - mtPattern2Device.e; FX_FLOAT top_offset = cell_bbox.bottom - mtPattern2Device.f; CFX_DIBitmap* pPatternBitmap = NULL; if (width * height < 16) { CFX_DIBitmap* pEnlargedBitmap = DrawPatternBitmap(m_pContext->m_pDocument, m_pContext->m_pPageCache, pPattern, pObj2Device, 8, 8, m_Options.m_Flags); pPatternBitmap = pEnlargedBitmap->StretchTo(width, height); delete pEnlargedBitmap; } else { pPatternBitmap = DrawPatternBitmap( m_pContext->m_pDocument, m_pContext->m_pPageCache, pPattern, pObj2Device, width, height, m_Options.m_Flags); } if (pPatternBitmap == NULL) { m_pDevice->RestoreState(); return; } if (m_Options.m_ColorMode == RENDER_COLOR_GRAY) { pPatternBitmap->ConvertColorScale(m_Options.m_ForeColor, m_Options.m_BackColor); } FX_ARGB fill_argb = GetFillArgb(pPageObj); int clip_width = clip_box.right - clip_box.left; int clip_height = clip_box.bottom - clip_box.top; CFX_DIBitmap screen; if (!screen.Create(clip_width, clip_height, FXDIB_Argb)) { return; } screen.Clear(0); FX_DWORD* src_buf = (FX_DWORD*)pPatternBitmap->GetBuffer(); for (int col = min_col; col <= max_col; col++) { for (int row = min_row; row <= max_row; row++) { int start_x, start_y; if (bAligned) { start_x = FXSYS_round(mtPattern2Device.e) + col * width - clip_box.left; start_y = FXSYS_round(mtPattern2Device.f) + row * height - clip_box.top; } else { FX_FLOAT orig_x = col * pPattern->m_XStep; FX_FLOAT orig_y = row * pPattern->m_YStep; mtPattern2Device.Transform(orig_x, orig_y); start_x = FXSYS_round(orig_x + left_offset) - clip_box.left; start_y = FXSYS_round(orig_y + top_offset) - clip_box.top; } if (width == 1 && height == 1) { if (start_x < 0 || start_x >= clip_box.Width() || start_y < 0 || start_y >= clip_box.Height()) { continue; } FX_DWORD* dest_buf = (FX_DWORD*)(screen.GetBuffer() + screen.GetPitch() * start_y + start_x * 4); if (pPattern->m_bColored) { *dest_buf = *src_buf; } else { *dest_buf = (*(uint8_t*)src_buf << 24) | (fill_argb & 0xffffff); } } else { if (pPattern->m_bColored) { screen.CompositeBitmap(start_x, start_y, width, height, pPatternBitmap, 0, 0); } else { screen.CompositeMask(start_x, start_y, width, height, pPatternBitmap, fill_argb, 0, 0); } } } } CompositeDIBitmap(&screen, clip_box.left, clip_box.top, 0, 255, FXDIB_BLEND_NORMAL, FALSE); m_pDevice->RestoreState(); delete pPatternBitmap; }
void CPDF_RenderStatus::DrawShading(CPDF_ShadingPattern* pPattern, CFX_AffineMatrix* pMatrix, FX_RECT& clip_rect, int alpha, FX_BOOL bAlphaMode) { CPDF_Function** pFuncs = pPattern->m_pFunctions; int nFuncs = pPattern->m_nFuncs; CPDF_Dictionary* pDict = pPattern->m_pShadingObj->GetDict(); CPDF_ColorSpace* pColorSpace = pPattern->m_pCS; if (pColorSpace == NULL) { return; } FX_ARGB background = 0; if (!pPattern->m_bShadingObj && pPattern->m_pShadingObj->GetDict()->KeyExist(FX_BSTRC("Background"))) { CPDF_Array* pBackColor = pPattern->m_pShadingObj->GetDict()->GetArray(FX_BSTRC("Background")); if (pBackColor && pBackColor->GetCount() >= (FX_DWORD)pColorSpace->CountComponents()) { CFX_FixedBufGrow<FX_FLOAT, 16> comps(pColorSpace->CountComponents()); for (int i = 0; i < pColorSpace->CountComponents(); i++) { comps[i] = pBackColor->GetNumber(i); } FX_FLOAT R = 0.0f, G = 0.0f, B = 0.0f; pColorSpace->GetRGB(comps, R, G, B); background = ArgbEncode(255, (int32_t)(R * 255), (int32_t)(G * 255), (int32_t)(B * 255)); } } if (pDict->KeyExist(FX_BSTRC("BBox"))) { CFX_FloatRect rect = pDict->GetRect(FX_BSTRC("BBox")); rect.Transform(pMatrix); clip_rect.Intersect(rect.GetOutterRect()); } CPDF_DeviceBuffer buffer; buffer.Initialize(m_pContext, m_pDevice, &clip_rect, m_pCurObj, 150); CFX_AffineMatrix FinalMatrix = *pMatrix; FinalMatrix.Concat(*buffer.GetMatrix()); CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap = buffer.GetBitmap(); if (pBitmap->GetBuffer() == NULL) { return; } pBitmap->Clear(background); int fill_mode = m_Options.m_Flags; switch (pPattern->m_ShadingType) { case kInvalidShading: case kMaxShading: return; case kFunctionBasedShading: DrawFuncShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix, pDict, pFuncs, nFuncs, pColorSpace, alpha); break; case kAxialShading: DrawAxialShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix, pDict, pFuncs, nFuncs, pColorSpace, alpha); break; case kRadialShading: DrawRadialShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix, pDict, pFuncs, nFuncs, pColorSpace, alpha); break; case kFreeFormGouraudTriangleMeshShading: { DrawFreeGouraudShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix, ToStream(pPattern->m_pShadingObj), pFuncs, nFuncs, pColorSpace, alpha); } break; case kLatticeFormGouraudTriangleMeshShading: { DrawLatticeGouraudShading(pBitmap, &FinalMatrix, ToStream(pPattern->m_pShadingObj), pFuncs, nFuncs, pColorSpace, alpha); } break; case kCoonsPatchMeshShading: case kTensorProductPatchMeshShading: { DrawCoonPatchMeshes( pPattern->m_ShadingType == kTensorProductPatchMeshShading, pBitmap, &FinalMatrix, ToStream(pPattern->m_pShadingObj), pFuncs, nFuncs, pColorSpace, fill_mode, alpha); } break; } if (bAlphaMode) { pBitmap->LoadChannel(FXDIB_Red, pBitmap, FXDIB_Alpha); } if (m_Options.m_ColorMode == RENDER_COLOR_GRAY) { pBitmap->ConvertColorScale(m_Options.m_ForeColor, m_Options.m_BackColor); } buffer.OutputToDevice(); }
static void DrawAxialShading(CFX_DIBitmap* pBitmap, CFX_AffineMatrix* pObject2Bitmap, CPDF_Dictionary* pDict, CPDF_Function** pFuncs, int nFuncs, CPDF_ColorSpace* pCS, int alpha) { ASSERT(pBitmap->GetFormat() == FXDIB_Argb); CPDF_Array* pCoords = pDict->GetArray(FX_BSTRC("Coords")); if (pCoords == NULL) { return; } FX_FLOAT start_x = pCoords->GetNumber(0); FX_FLOAT start_y = pCoords->GetNumber(1); FX_FLOAT end_x = pCoords->GetNumber(2); FX_FLOAT end_y = pCoords->GetNumber(3); FX_FLOAT t_min = 0, t_max = 1.0f; CPDF_Array* pArray = pDict->GetArray(FX_BSTRC("Domain")); if (pArray) { t_min = pArray->GetNumber(0); t_max = pArray->GetNumber(1); } FX_BOOL bStartExtend = FALSE, bEndExtend = FALSE; pArray = pDict->GetArray(FX_BSTRC("Extend")); if (pArray) { bStartExtend = pArray->GetInteger(0); bEndExtend = pArray->GetInteger(1); } int width = pBitmap->GetWidth(); int height = pBitmap->GetHeight(); FX_FLOAT x_span = end_x - start_x; FX_FLOAT y_span = end_y - start_y; FX_FLOAT axis_len_square = FXSYS_Mul(x_span, x_span) + FXSYS_Mul(y_span, y_span); CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; matrix.SetReverse(*pObject2Bitmap); int total_results = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nFuncs; j++) { if (pFuncs[j]) { total_results += pFuncs[j]->CountOutputs(); } } if (pCS->CountComponents() > total_results) { total_results = pCS->CountComponents(); } CFX_FixedBufGrow<FX_FLOAT, 16> result_array(total_results); FX_FLOAT* pResults = result_array; FXSYS_memset(pResults, 0, total_results * sizeof(FX_FLOAT)); FX_DWORD rgb_array[SHADING_STEPS]; for (int i = 0; i < SHADING_STEPS; i++) { FX_FLOAT input = (t_max - t_min) * i / SHADING_STEPS + t_min; int offset = 0; for (int j = 0; j < nFuncs; j++) { if (pFuncs[j]) { int nresults = 0; if (pFuncs[j]->Call(&input, 1, pResults + offset, nresults)) { offset += nresults; } } } FX_FLOAT R = 0.0f, G = 0.0f, B = 0.0f; pCS->GetRGB(pResults, R, G, B); rgb_array[i] = FXARGB_TODIB(FXARGB_MAKE(alpha, FXSYS_round(R * 255), FXSYS_round(G * 255), FXSYS_round(B * 255))); } int pitch = pBitmap->GetPitch(); for (int row = 0; row < height; row++) { FX_DWORD* dib_buf = (FX_DWORD*)(pBitmap->GetBuffer() + row * pitch); for (int column = 0; column < width; column++) { FX_FLOAT x = (FX_FLOAT)column, y = (FX_FLOAT)row; matrix.Transform(x, y); FX_FLOAT scale = FXSYS_Div( FXSYS_Mul(x - start_x, x_span) + FXSYS_Mul(y - start_y, y_span), axis_len_square); int index = (int32_t)(scale * (SHADING_STEPS - 1)); if (index < 0) { if (!bStartExtend) { continue; } index = 0; } else if (index >= SHADING_STEPS) { if (!bEndExtend) { continue; } index = SHADING_STEPS - 1; } dib_buf[column] = rgb_array[index]; } } }
static void renderPageBitmap(FPDF_BITMAP bitmap, FPDF_PAGE page, int destLeft, int destTop, int destRight, int destBottom, SkMatrix* transform, int flags) { // Note: this code ignores the currently unused RENDER_NO_NATIVETEXT, // FPDF_RENDER_LIMITEDIMAGECACHE, FPDF_RENDER_FORCEHALFTONE, FPDF_GRAYSCALE, // and FPDF_ANNOT flags. To add support for that refer to FPDF_RenderPage_Retail // in fpdfview.cpp CRenderContext* pContext = FX_NEW CRenderContext; CPDF_Page* pPage = (CPDF_Page*) page; pPage->SetPrivateData((void*) 1, pContext, DropContext); CFX_FxgeDevice* fxgeDevice = FX_NEW CFX_FxgeDevice; pContext->m_pDevice = fxgeDevice; // Reverse the bytes (last argument TRUE) since the Android // format is ARGB while the renderer uses BGRA internally. fxgeDevice->Attach((CFX_DIBitmap*) bitmap, 0, TRUE); CPDF_RenderOptions* renderOptions = pContext->m_pOptions; if (!renderOptions) { renderOptions = FX_NEW CPDF_RenderOptions; pContext->m_pOptions = renderOptions; } if (flags & FPDF_LCD_TEXT) { renderOptions->m_Flags |= RENDER_CLEARTYPE; } else { renderOptions->m_Flags &= ~RENDER_CLEARTYPE; } const CPDF_OCContext::UsageType usage = (flags & FPDF_PRINTING) ? CPDF_OCContext::Print : CPDF_OCContext::View; renderOptions->m_AddFlags = flags >> 8; renderOptions->m_pOCContext = new CPDF_OCContext(pPage->m_pDocument, usage); fxgeDevice->SaveState(); FX_RECT clip; clip.left = destLeft; clip.right = destRight; clip.top = destTop; clip.bottom = destBottom; fxgeDevice->SetClip_Rect(&clip); CPDF_RenderContext* pageContext = FX_NEW CPDF_RenderContext; pContext->m_pContext = pageContext; pageContext->Create(pPage); CFX_AffineMatrix matrix; if (!transform) { pPage->GetDisplayMatrix(matrix, destLeft, destTop, destRight - destLeft, destBottom - destTop, 0); } else { // PDF's coordinate system origin is left-bottom while // in graphics it is the top-left, so remap the origin. matrix.Set(1, 0, 0, -1, 0, pPage->GetPageHeight()); SkScalar transformValues[6]; transform->asAffine(transformValues); matrix.Concat(transformValues[SkMatrix::kAScaleX], transformValues[SkMatrix::kASkewY], transformValues[SkMatrix::kASkewX], transformValues[SkMatrix::kAScaleY], transformValues[SkMatrix::kATransX], transformValues[SkMatrix::kATransY]); } pageContext->AppendObjectList(pPage, &matrix); pContext->m_pRenderer = FX_NEW CPDF_ProgressiveRenderer; pContext->m_pRenderer->Start(pageContext, fxgeDevice, renderOptions, NULL); fxgeDevice->RestoreState(); pPage->RemovePrivateData((void*) 1); delete pContext; }
DLLEXPORT int STDCALL FPDFPage_Flatten( FPDF_PAGE page, int nFlag) { if (!page) { return FLATTEN_FAIL; } CPDF_Page * pPage = (CPDF_Page*)( page ); CPDF_Document * pDocument = pPage->m_pDocument; CPDF_Dictionary * pPageDict = pPage->m_pFormDict; if ( !pDocument || !pPageDict ) { return FLATTEN_FAIL; } CPDF_ObjectArray ObjectArray; CPDF_RectArray RectArray; int iRet = FLATTEN_FAIL; iRet = ParserAnnots( pDocument, pPageDict, &RectArray, &ObjectArray, nFlag); if (iRet == FLATTEN_NOTINGTODO) { return FLATTEN_NOTINGTODO; }else if (iRet == FLATTEN_FAIL) { return FLATTEN_FAIL; } CPDF_Rect rcOriginalCB; CPDF_Rect rcMerger = CalculateRect( &RectArray ); CPDF_Rect rcOriginalMB = pPageDict->GetRect("MediaBox"); if (pPageDict->KeyExist("CropBox")) rcOriginalMB = pPageDict->GetRect("CropBox"); if (rcOriginalMB.IsEmpty()) { rcOriginalMB = CPDF_Rect(0.0f, 0.0f, 612.0f, 792.0f); } rcMerger.left = rcMerger.left < rcOriginalMB.left? rcOriginalMB.left : rcMerger.left; rcMerger.right = rcMerger.right > rcOriginalMB.right? rcOriginalMB.right : rcMerger.right; rcMerger.top = rcMerger.top > rcOriginalMB.top? rcOriginalMB.top : rcMerger.top; rcMerger.bottom = rcMerger.bottom < rcOriginalMB.bottom? rcOriginalMB.bottom : rcMerger.bottom; if (pPageDict->KeyExist("ArtBox")) rcOriginalCB = pPageDict->GetRect("ArtBox"); else rcOriginalCB = rcOriginalMB; if (!rcOriginalMB.IsEmpty()) { CPDF_Array* pMediaBox = FX_NEW CPDF_Array(); pMediaBox->Add(FX_NEW CPDF_Number(rcOriginalMB.left)); pMediaBox->Add(FX_NEW CPDF_Number(rcOriginalMB.bottom)); pMediaBox->Add(FX_NEW CPDF_Number(rcOriginalMB.right)); pMediaBox->Add(FX_NEW CPDF_Number(rcOriginalMB.top)); pPageDict->SetAt("MediaBox",pMediaBox); } if (!rcOriginalCB.IsEmpty()) { CPDF_Array* pCropBox = FX_NEW CPDF_Array(); pCropBox->Add(FX_NEW CPDF_Number(rcOriginalCB.left)); pCropBox->Add(FX_NEW CPDF_Number(rcOriginalCB.bottom)); pCropBox->Add(FX_NEW CPDF_Number(rcOriginalCB.right)); pCropBox->Add(FX_NEW CPDF_Number(rcOriginalCB.top)); pPageDict->SetAt("ArtBox", pCropBox); } CPDF_Dictionary* pRes = NULL; pRes = pPageDict->GetDict("Resources"); if (!pRes) { pRes = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary; pPageDict->SetAt( "Resources", pRes ); } CPDF_Stream* pNewXObject = FX_NEW CPDF_Stream(NULL, 0, FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary); FX_DWORD dwObjNum = pDocument->AddIndirectObject(pNewXObject); CPDF_Dictionary* pPageXObject = pRes->GetDict("XObject"); if (!pPageXObject) { pPageXObject = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary; pRes->SetAt("XObject", pPageXObject); } CFX_ByteString key = ""; int nStreams = ObjectArray.GetSize(); if (nStreams > 0) { for (int iKey = 0; /*iKey < 100*/; iKey++) { char sExtend[5] = {0}; FXSYS_itoa(iKey, sExtend, 10); key = CFX_ByteString("FFT") + CFX_ByteString(sExtend); if (!pPageXObject->KeyExist(key)) break; } } SetPageContents(key, pPageDict, pDocument); CPDF_Dictionary* pNewXORes = NULL; if (!key.IsEmpty()) { pPageXObject->SetAtReference(key, pDocument, dwObjNum); CPDF_Dictionary* pNewOXbjectDic = pNewXObject->GetDict(); pNewXORes = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary; pNewOXbjectDic->SetAt("Resources", pNewXORes); pNewOXbjectDic->SetAtName("Type", "XObject"); pNewOXbjectDic->SetAtName("Subtype", "Form"); pNewOXbjectDic->SetAtInteger("FormType", 1); pNewOXbjectDic->SetAtName("Name", "FRM"); CPDF_Rect rcBBox = pPageDict->GetRect("ArtBox"); pNewOXbjectDic->SetAtRect("BBox", rcBBox); } for (int i = 0; i < nStreams; i++) { CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotDic = ObjectArray.GetAt(i); if (!pAnnotDic)continue; CPDF_Rect rcAnnot = pAnnotDic->GetRect("Rect"); rcAnnot.Normalize(); CFX_ByteString sAnnotState = pAnnotDic->GetString("AS"); CPDF_Dictionary* pAnnotAP = pAnnotDic->GetDict("AP"); if (!pAnnotAP)continue; CPDF_Stream* pAPStream = pAnnotAP->GetStream("N"); if (!pAPStream) { CPDF_Dictionary* pAPDic = pAnnotAP->GetDict("N"); if (!pAPDic)continue; if (!sAnnotState.IsEmpty()) { pAPStream = pAPDic->GetStream(sAnnotState); } else { FX_POSITION pos = pAPDic->GetStartPos(); if (pos) { CFX_ByteString sKey; CPDF_Object* pFirstObj = pAPDic->GetNextElement(pos, sKey); if (pFirstObj) { if (pFirstObj->GetType() == PDFOBJ_REFERENCE) pFirstObj = pFirstObj->GetDirect(); if (pFirstObj->GetType() != PDFOBJ_STREAM) continue; pAPStream = (CPDF_Stream*)pFirstObj; } } } } if (!pAPStream)continue; CPDF_Dictionary* pAPDic = pAPStream->GetDict(); CFX_AffineMatrix matrix = pAPDic->GetMatrix("Matrix"); CPDF_Rect rcStream; if (pAPDic->KeyExist("Rect")) rcStream = pAPDic->GetRect("Rect"); else if (pAPDic->KeyExist("BBox")) rcStream = pAPDic->GetRect("BBox"); if (rcStream.IsEmpty())continue; CPDF_Object* pObj = pAPStream; if (pObj) { CPDF_Dictionary* pObjDic = pObj->GetDict(); if (pObjDic) { pObjDic->SetAtName("Type", "XObject"); pObjDic->SetAtName("Subtype", "Form"); } } CPDF_Dictionary* pXObject = pNewXORes->GetDict("XObject"); if (!pXObject) { pXObject = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary; pNewXORes->SetAt("XObject", pXObject); } CFX_ByteString sFormName; sFormName.Format("F%d", i); FX_DWORD dwObjNum = pDocument->AddIndirectObject(pObj); pXObject->SetAtReference(sFormName, pDocument, dwObjNum); CPDF_StreamAcc acc; acc.LoadAllData(pNewXObject); FX_LPCBYTE pData = acc.GetData(); CFX_ByteString sStream(pData, acc.GetSize()); CFX_ByteString sTemp; if (matrix.IsIdentity()) { matrix.a = 1.0f; matrix.b = 0.0f; matrix.c = 0.0f; matrix.d = 1.0f; matrix.e = 0.0f; matrix.f = 0.0f; } CFX_AffineMatrix m = GetMatrix(rcAnnot, rcStream, matrix); sTemp.Format("q %f 0 0 %f %f %f cm /%s Do Q\n", m.a, m.d, m.e, m.f, sFormName.c_str()); sStream += sTemp; pNewXObject->SetData((FX_LPCBYTE)sStream, sStream.GetLength(), FALSE, FALSE); } pPageDict->RemoveAt( "Annots" ); ObjectArray.RemoveAll(); RectArray.RemoveAll(); return FLATTEN_SUCCESS; }