BOOL CClientSocket::SendFile(CString strPath) { // 发送文件 // 1 打开文件,获取文件信息和数据 CFile file; file.Open(strPath,CFile::modeRead); HEADER header={0}; header.nLen=file.GetLength(); strcpy(header.szFile,file.GetFileName()); BYTE* pData=(BYTE*)malloc(header.nLen); file.Read(pData,header.nLen); file.Close(); //2 发送文件信息 if (!SendData((BYTE*)&header,sizeof(header))) { AfxMessageBox("发送文件信息失败!"); return FALSE; } //3 发送文件数据 if (!SendData(pData,header.nLen)) { AfxMessageBox("发送文件数据失败!"); return FALSE; } //4 释放内存,关闭套接字 free(pData); Close(); return TRUE; }
/********************************************************* 函数名称:OnBnClickedButtonSendFile 功能描述:发送传送文件请求 作者: 余志荣 创建时间:2016-08-29 参数说明: 返 回 值: *********************************************************/ void CChatDlg::OnBnClickedButtonSendFile() { // 构造打开文件对话框 CFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE); CString strFilePath; // 显示打开文件对话框 if (IDOK == fileDlg.DoModal()) { strFilePath = fileDlg.GetPathName();// 包含文件路径和文件名 } else { return; } CFile file; if(!file.Open(strFilePath, CFile::modeRead)) { MessageBox(L"选择文件有误!"); return; } CString strFileName; strFileName = file.GetFileName(); // 文件名 //strFilePath = file.GetFilePath(); // 文件路径 strFilePath = strFilePath.Left(strFilePath.GetLength() - strFileName.GetLength() - 1); MSG_FILE_REQUEST msg_file; memset(&msg_file, 0, sizeof(MSG_FILE_REQUEST)); // 结构体清空 // 构造文件发送请求结构体 msg_file.nType = MESSAGE_FILE_REQUEST; strcpy_s(msg_file.ToID, m_nID); // 对方ID CString strMyID = ((CMFCChatDlg*)theApp.m_pMainWnd)->m_csMyID; // 我的ID WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strMyID, strMyID.GetLength() + 1, msg_file.FromID, ID_MAX, NULL, NULL); msg_file.nFileID = ((CMFCChatDlg*)theApp.m_pMainWnd)->GetAvailFileID(); // 获得可用的文件ID //WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strFilePath, strFilePath.GetLength() + 1, msg_file.FileName, 512, NULL, NULL); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strFileName, strFileName.GetLength() + 1, msg_file.FileName, 512, NULL, NULL); // 文件名 msg_file.nFileSize = file.GetLength(); // 文件大小 ((CMFCChatDlg*)theApp.m_pMainWnd)->SendMsg(&msg_file, sizeof(MSG_FILE_REQUEST)); // 发送消息 // 本地记录构建 FILE_RECORD *pFile_record = new FILE_RECORD; memset(pFile_record, 0, sizeof(FILE_RECORD));// 结构体清空 pFile_record->bType = true; // 记录类型 设为 发送 strcpy_s(pFile_record->ToID, m_nID); // 对方ID strcpy_s(pFile_record->FromID, msg_file.FromID); // 我的ID WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strFilePath, strFilePath.GetLength() + 1, pFile_record->FilePath, 512, NULL, NULL);// 文件路径 WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, strFileName, strFileName.GetLength() + 1, pFile_record->FileName, 512, NULL, NULL);// 文件名 pFile_record->nFileID = msg_file.nFileID; // 文件ID pFile_record->nFileSize = file.GetLength(); // 文件大小 ((CMFCChatDlg*)theApp.m_pMainWnd)->m_FileRecordList.AddTail(pFile_record); // 将记录添加到链表中 file.Close(); // 关闭文件 }
///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // CDialConfigDec message handlers BOOL CDialConfigDec::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); CFile Test; BYTE compnbpar; if(Test.Open(NomFichPMC,CFile::modeRead)) { Test.Read(&NBclass,1); Test.Read(&NBpar,1); m_pmc.SetWindowText(Test.GetFileName()); ValidPMC=TRUE; Test.Close(); if(Test.Open(NomFichParam,CFile::modeRead)) { Test.Read(&compnbpar,1); if(compnbpar!=NBpar) { MessageBox("Fichier "+Test.GetFileName()+" incompatible!","Nombre de paramètres",MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP); Test.Close(); } else { m_param.SetWindowText(Test.GetFileName()); ValidPARAM=TRUE; Test.Close(); } } } m_ok.EnableWindow(ValidPMC&&ValidPARAM); m_param.EnableWindow(ValidPMC); m_edit1.EnableWindow(m_check); m_spin.EnableWindow(m_check); m_checkbox.EnableWindow(ValidPMC&&ValidPARAM); m_spin.SetRange(0,NBclass-1); m_spin.SetPos(m_classeaffect); return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
// Special handling of OnSetFocus and OnSize are required for a container // when an object is being edited in-place. void CGenEdView::OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd) { // inform var selection from doc change CMainFrame* pMainFrame = NULL; pMainFrame = dynamic_cast<CMainFrame* > (AfxGetMainWnd ()); if (pMainFrame == NULL) { return; } CPouVarSelWindow* pVarSelWin = pMainFrame->GetPouVarSel(false); if (pVarSelWin) { CPouVarSelCtrlWrapper* pVarSelWrapper = pVarSelWin->GetWrapper(); if (pVarSelWrapper) { CGenEdDoc* pDoc = GetDocument(); if (pDoc) { CString strPouName = pDoc->GetDocumentFile(); CFile file; file.SetFilePath(strPouName); strPouName = file.GetFileName(); CCEMAINApp* pApp = (CCEMAINApp*)AfxGetApp(); if(!pApp->IsOpeningProject()) { pVarSelWrapper->SetVarSelectionHint(strPouName, _T(""), _T("")); } } } } // if(m_pDocument) // { // COleClientItem* pActiveItem = GetDocument()->GetInPlaceActiveItem(this); // if (pActiveItem != NULL && // pActiveItem->GetItemState() == COleClientItem::activeUIState) // { // // need to set focus to this item if it is in the same view // CWnd* pWnd = pActiveItem->GetInPlaceWindow(); // if (pWnd != NULL) // { // SetFocusToServer (); // return; // } // } // } CView::OnSetFocus(pOldWnd); }
QString CTorrent::GetSubFilePath(int Index) { const QList<CTorrentInfo::SFileInfo>& Files = m_TorrentInfo->GetFiles(); if(Files.size() <= Index) return ""; CFile * pFile = GetFile(); QString Dir = pFile->GetFileDir(); Dir += pFile->GetFileName() + "/"; if(!Files[Index].FilePath.isEmpty()) Dir += Files[Index].FilePath.join("/") + "/"; return Dir; }
void CDialConfigDec::OnButton2() { CFile Fichier; // variable fichier BYTE compnbpar; CFileDialog * FileData = new CFileDialog (TRUE,"*.param",NomFichParam,OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_OVERWRITEPROMPT,"Paramètres (*.param)|*.param|",this); if (FileData->DoModal()==IDOK) { if(FileData->GetFileExt()!="param") { MessageBox("Le fichier selectionné n'est pas valide!","Erreur",MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP); m_pmc.SetWindowText("*.param"); ValidPARAM=FALSE; } else if (Fichier.Open(FileData->GetPathName(), CFile::modeRead)) { Fichier.Read(&compnbpar,1); if(compnbpar!=NBpar) { MessageBox("Fichier "+Fichier.GetFileName()+" incompatible!","Nombre de paramètres",MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP); m_param.SetWindowText("*.param"); ValidPARAM=FALSE; Fichier.Close(); } else { NomFichParam=FileData->GetPathName(); m_param.SetWindowText(FileData->GetFileName()); ValidPARAM=TRUE; Fichier.Close(); } } else { MessageBox("Le fichier "+FileData->GetFileName()+" n'existe pas!","Erreur",MB_OK|MB_ICONSTOP); ValidPARAM=FALSE; } } m_ok.EnableWindow(ValidPARAM&&ValidPMC); m_checkbox.EnableWindow(ValidPARAM&&ValidPMC); m_param.EnableWindow(ValidPMC); UpdateData(FALSE); delete FileData; }
bool CJobList::DoIO(LPCTSTR Path, DWORD FileMode, DWORD ArchiveMode) { CFile fp; CFileException e; if (!fp.Open(Path, FileMode, &e)) { e.ReportError(); return(FALSE); } TRY { CArchive ar(&fp, ArchiveMode); ar.m_strFileName = fp.GetFileName(); Serialize(ar); } CATCH(CArchiveException, e) { e->ReportError(); return(FALSE); }
BOOL CShortcut::DeleteShortCut(const CString &LnkName, UINT SpecialFolder) { CFile cfFull; CString sExePath, sExe, sSpecialFolder; wchar_t *chTmp = sExePath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH); GetModuleFileName(NULL, chTmp, MAX_PATH); sExePath.ReleaseBuffer(); if (!GetSpecialFolder(SpecialFolder, sSpecialFolder)) return FALSE; // Work with the special folder's path (contained in szPath) cfFull.SetFilePath(sExePath); sExe = cfFull.GetFileName(); sExe.Delete(sExe.Find(L".") + 1, 3); sSpecialFolder += LnkName + L"." + L"lnk"; // DELETE THE LINK: SHFILEOPSTRUCT FIO = {0}; // FIO.pTo=NULL; // MUST be NULL FIO.wFunc = FO_DELETE; FIO.fFlags = FOF_NOERRORUI | FOF_NOCONFIRMATION; if (sSpecialFolder.Find(L'\0') != sSpecialFolder.GetLength()) { FIO.fFlags |= FOF_MULTIDESTFILES; } if (sSpecialFolder.Right(1)) { sSpecialFolder += L'\0'; } FIO.pFrom = &*sSpecialFolder; int bD = SHFileOperation(&FIO); if (!bD) { pws_os::Trace(L"Lnk Deleted!\n"); return TRUE; } else { pws_os::Trace(L"Lnk NOT Deleted! DeleteShortCut(...) FAILED!\n"); return FALSE; } }
BOOL EM_FILEINFO::AddFile(LPCTSTR lpszFileFullName, LPCTSTR lpszFileExt) { ASSERT(lpszFileFullName != NULL); CFile file; BOOL bResult = file.Open(lpszFileFullName, CFile::modeRead|CFile::shareDenyNone, NULL); if(!bResult) { EM_Error("EM_FILEINFO::AddFile could not open file.", GetLastError()); return FALSE; } dwSize = file.GetLength(); strcpy(szName, (LPCTSTR)file.GetFileName()); strcpy(szFullName, lpszFileFullName); strcpy(szExt, lpszFileExt); // 关闭文件 file.Close(); return bResult; }
// 초기화 버튼 클릭 void CRankDlg::OnBnClickedButtonDelall() { // 우선 리스트 컨트롤에 있는 값을 비우고, // 해당 리스트 컨트롤의 데이터가 있는 file의 이름을 얻은 다음 // 해당 파일을 초기화 한다. rankList.DeleteAllItems () ; FILE *fp; CFile file (rankName, CFile::shareDenyNone | CFile ::modeCreate | CFile ::modeNoTruncate | CFile ::modeRead) ; strLev = file.GetFileName(); // 파일 내용 초기화 if(strLev == _T("EasyRanking.txt")) fp = fopen("c:\\image\\EasyRanking.txt", "w"); else if(strLev == _T("NormalRanking.txt")) fp = fopen("c:\\image\\NormalRanking.txt", "w"); else fp = fopen("c:\\image\\HardRanking.txt", "w"); }
bool CTorrent::MakeTorrent(uint64 uPieceLength, bool bMerkle, const QString& Name, bool bPrivate) { CFile* pFile = GetFile(); if(!pFile->IsComplete()) { LogLine(LOG_DEBUG | LOG_ERROR, tr("A torrent can not be made form an Incompelte file %1").arg(pFile->GetFileName())); return false; } if(uPieceLength < KB2B(16)) //if(!uPieceLength) { uPieceLength = pFile->GetFileSize() / (KB2B(40) / 20); // target hast set size 40 KB uint64 i = KB2B(16); for (; i < MB2B(32); i *= 2) { if (i >= uPieceLength) break; } uPieceLength = i; } m_TorrentInfo = new CTorrentInfo(this); m_TorrentInfo->SetTorrentName(Name.isEmpty() ? pFile->GetFileName() : Name); m_TorrentInfo->SetTotalLength(pFile->GetFileSize()); if(bPrivate) m_TorrentInfo->SetPrivate(); m_TorrentInfo->SetProperty("CreationTime", QDateTime::currentDateTime()); ASSERT(m_pHash.isNull()); if(bMerkle) m_pHash = CFileHashPtr(new CFileHashTree(HashTorrent, m_TorrentInfo->GetTotalLength(), uPieceLength)); else m_pHash = CFileHashPtr(new CFileHashSet(HashTorrent, m_TorrentInfo->GetTotalLength(), uPieceLength)); return true; }
BOOL CHttpUploadFileProc::UseHttpSendReqEx(HINTERNET hRequest, CFile &file) { // 生成form-data协议信息 <begin> CStringA straHeader; CStringA straContentHead; CStringA straContentTail; straHeader = GetHttpAppendHeader(); straContentHead = GetContentHead(file.GetFileName()); straContentTail = GetContentTail(); // 生成form-data协议信息 <end> ULONGLONG ullFileLength = file.GetLength(); DWORD dwContentLength = straContentHead.GetLength() + (DWORD) ullFileLength + straContentTail.GetLength(); INTERNET_BUFFERS BufferIn = {0}; BufferIn.dwStructSize = sizeof( INTERNET_BUFFERS ); // Must be set or error will occur BufferIn.Next = NULL; //BufferIn.lpcszHeader = NULL; //BufferIn.dwHeadersLength = 0; BufferIn.lpcszHeader = straHeader.LockBuffer(); straHeader.UnlockBuffer(); BufferIn.dwHeadersLength = (DWORD)straHeader.GetLength(); BufferIn.dwHeadersTotal = 0; BufferIn.lpvBuffer = NULL; BufferIn.dwBufferLength = 0; BufferIn.dwBufferTotal = dwContentLength; BufferIn.dwOffsetLow = 0; BufferIn.dwOffsetHigh = 0; if (IsTerminated()) return FALSE; NotifyReceiver(P_HUF_SENDING_FILE, 0); if(!HttpSendRequestEx( hRequest, &BufferIn, NULL, 0, 0)) return FALSE; UINT uProgressBegin = 10; UINT uProgressEnd = 90; UINT uProgressCur = 0; UINT uReadCountSum = 0; const UINT uBufSize = 1024; BYTE pBuffer[uBufSize]; UINT uReadCount; DWORD dwBytesWritten; BOOL bRet; float fSendPercent; UINT uProgressScale; // Write Head bRet = InternetWriteFile( hRequest, straContentHead.LockBuffer(), straContentHead.GetLength(), &dwBytesWritten); straContentHead.UnlockBuffer(); if(!bRet) { NotifyReceiver(E_HUF_SEND_FILE_FAILED, 0); return FALSE; } if (IsTerminated()) return FALSE; // Write file contents uReadCountSum = 0; bRet = TRUE; file.SeekToBegin(); do { if (IsTerminated()) return FALSE; uReadCount = file.Read(pBuffer, uBufSize); if (0 == uReadCount) break; if(! InternetWriteFile( hRequest, pBuffer, uReadCount, &dwBytesWritten)) { NotifyReceiver(E_HUF_SEND_FILE_FAILED, 0); return FALSE; } uReadCountSum += uReadCount; fSendPercent = (float)uReadCountSum / BufferIn.dwBufferTotal; uProgressScale = (UINT) ((uProgressEnd - uProgressBegin) * fSendPercent); uProgressCur = uProgressBegin + uProgressScale; NotifyReceiver(P_HUF_PROGRESS, uProgressCur); } while (uReadCount == uBufSize); if (IsTerminated()) return FALSE; // Write Tail bRet = InternetWriteFile( hRequest, straContentTail.LockBuffer(), straContentTail.GetLength(), &dwBytesWritten); straContentTail.UnlockBuffer(); if(!bRet) { NotifyReceiver(E_HUF_SEND_FILE_FAILED, 0); return FALSE; } NotifyReceiver(P_HUF_PROGRESS, uProgressEnd); if (IsTerminated()) return FALSE; NotifyReceiver(P_HUF_WAIT_RESPONSE, 0); if (!HttpEndRequest(hRequest, NULL, 0, 0)) { NotifyReceiver(E_HUF_WAIT_RESPONSE_FAILD, 0); bRet = FALSE; } return bRet; }
void CTorrent::SetupPartMap() { ASSERT(!m_TorrentInfo->IsEmpty()); CFile* pFile = GetFile(); // Single File if(!m_TorrentInfo->IsMultiFile()) { if(!pFile->GetPartMap()) pFile->SetPartMap(CPartMapPtr(new CSynced<CPartMap>(m_TorrentInfo->GetTotalLength()))); return; } // Multi File: CJoinedPartMap* pParts = qobject_cast<CJoinedPartMap*>(pFile->GetPartMap()); if(pParts) { ASSERT(!pParts->GetLinks().isEmpty()); return; // is already set up } pParts = new CJoinedPartMap(pFile->GetFileSize()); pFile->GetInspector()->SetIndexSource(HashTorrent); CFileList* pList = pFile->GetList(); uint64 Offset = 0; foreach(const CTorrentInfo::SFileInfo& SubFile, m_TorrentInfo->GetFiles()) { if(SubFile.Length == 0) { LogLine(LOG_DEBUG | LOG_WARNING, tr("Ignoring empty file '%1' in torrent '%2'").arg(SubFile.FileName).arg(pFile->GetFileName())); continue; } CFile* pSubFile = new CFile(); if(pFile->GetProperty("Temp").toBool()) pSubFile->SetProperty("Temp", true); QString Dir = pFile->GetFileDir(); Dir += pFile->GetFileName() + "/"; if(!SubFile.FilePath.isEmpty()) Dir += SubFile.FilePath.join("/") + "/"; pSubFile->SetFileDir(Dir); pSubFile->AddEmpty(HashTorrent, SubFile.FileName, SubFile.Length, pFile->IsPending()); // Note: SubFile->MasterHash is set in MasterFile->Resume uint64 uBegin = Offset; uint64 uEnd = Offset + SubFile.Length; Offset += SubFile.Length; CSharedPartMap* pSubParts = new CSharedPartMap(uEnd - uBegin); pSubFile->SetPartMap(CPartMapPtr(pSubParts)); pParts->SetupLink(uBegin, uEnd, pSubFile->GetFileID()); pSubParts->SetupLink(uBegin, uEnd, pFile->GetFileID()); pList->AddFile(pSubFile); if(!pSubFile->IsPending()) pSubFile->Resume(); if(pFile->IsPaused(true)) pSubFile->Pause(); else if(pFile->IsStarted()) pSubFile->Start(); } pFile->SetPartMap(CPartMapPtr(pParts)); }
bool CTorrent::LoadTorrentFromFile(const QByteArray& InfoHash) { ASSERT(m_TorrentInfo == NULL); m_TorrentInfo = new CTorrentInfo(this); ASSERT(m_pHash.isNull()); m_pHash = CFileHashPtr(new CFileHash(HashTorrent)); m_pHash->SetHash(InfoHash); QString TorrentFile = QString(InfoHash.toHex()) + ".torrent"; if(m_TorrentInfo->LoadTorrentFile(theCore->m_TorrentManager->GetTorrentDir() + TorrentFile)) { if(m_TorrentInfo->GetInfoHash() == InfoHash) { CFile* pFile = GetFile(); if(pFile->GetFileSize() == 0) pFile->SetFileSize(m_TorrentInfo->GetTotalLength()); LoadPieceHashes(); if(m_TorrentInfo->IsMultiFile() && !pFile->IsMultiFile()) { CFileHashPtr pMasterHash = pFile->GetMasterHash(); if(!pMasterHash.isNull() && pMasterHash->GetHash() == InfoHash) { LogLine(LOG_DEBUG | LOG_ERROR, tr("The multi file %1 is missing its proper index, restoring form torrent").arg(pFile->GetFileName())); InstallMetadata(); } } if(!m_TorrentInfo->IsEmpty() && !pFile->IsComplete() && !pFile->GetPartMap()) SetupPartMap(); } else { LogLine(LOG_DEBUG | LOG_ERROR, tr("The torrent file %1 contains an invalid infohash").arg(TorrentFile)); delete m_TorrentInfo; m_TorrentInfo = new CTorrentInfo(this); m_TorrentInfo->SetInfoHash(InfoHash); } } else m_TorrentInfo->SetInfoHash(InfoHash); theCore->m_TorrentManager->RegisterInfoHash(m_TorrentInfo->GetInfoHash()); return true; // Note: that is always true even if we fail to load as we always wil be able to proceed one way or another }
void CTorrent::OnFileHashed() { CFile* pFile = GetFile(); ASSERT(m_TorrentInfo); if(m_TorrentInfo->IsEmpty()) // are we making a torrent { QStringList Shared = theCore->Cfg()->GetStringList("Content/Shared"); Shared.append(theCore->GetIncomingDir()); Shared.append(theCore->GetTempDir()); QList<CTorrentInfo::SFileInfo> Files; if(CJoinedPartMap* pParts = qobject_cast<CJoinedPartMap*>(pFile->GetPartMap())) { QMap<uint64, SPartMapLink*> Links = pParts->GetJoints(); for(QMap<uint64, SPartMapLink*>::iterator I = Links.end(); I != Links.begin();) { SPartMapLink* pLink = *(--I); CFile* pSubFile = pFile->GetList()->GetFileByID(pLink->ID); if(!pSubFile) { LogLine(LOG_DEBUG | LOG_ERROR, tr("A sub file of %1 has been being removed befoure the torrent was created").arg(pFile->GetFileName())); pFile->TorrentHashed(this, false); return; } CTorrentInfo::SFileInfo File; QString Root; QStringList Path = GetRelativeSharedPath(pSubFile->GetFilePath(), Shared, Root).split("/", QString::SkipEmptyParts); if(!Path.isEmpty()) { if(Path.count() > 1) Path.removeFirst(); File.FileName = Path.takeLast(); File.FilePath = Path; } else File.FileName = "unknown"; File.Length = pSubFile->GetFileSize(); Files.append(File); } } if(CFileHashTree* pHashTree = qobject_cast<CFileHashTree*>( m_TorrentInfo->MakeMetadata(Files, pHashTree->GetPartSize(), QList<QByteArray>(), pHashTree->GetRootHash()); else if(CFileHashSet* pHashSet = qobject_cast<CFileHashSet*>( m_TorrentInfo->MakeMetadata(Files, pHashSet->GetPartSize(), pHashSet->GetHashSet()); else { ASSERT(0); } if(!pFile->IsPending()) SaveTorrentToFile(); m_pHash->SetHash(m_TorrentInfo->GetInfoHash()); theCore->m_TorrentManager->RegisterInfoHash(m_TorrentInfo->GetInfoHash()); pFile->TorrentHashed(this, true); } else // we are importing a torrent { bool bMatch = false; if(CFileHashTree* pHashTree = qobject_cast<CFileHashTree*>( bMatch = m_TorrentInfo->GetRootHash() == pHashTree->GetRootHash(); else if(CFileHashSet* pHashSet = qobject_cast<CFileHashSet*>( bMatch = m_TorrentInfo->GetPieceHashes() == pHashSet->GetHashSet(); else { ASSERT(0); } if(bMatch) { if(!pFile->IsPending()) SaveTorrentToFile(); m_pHash->SetHash(m_TorrentInfo->GetInfoHash()); theCore->m_TorrentManager->RegisterInfoHash(m_TorrentInfo->GetInfoHash()); } pFile->TorrentHashed(this, bMatch); } }
void CNtMagickView::OnFileOpen() { CString szFolder; CString szFilter; szFilter += NTMAGICK_JPEG; szFilter += NTMAGICK_BMP; szFilter += NTMAGICK_GIF; szFilter += NTMAGICK_TIF; szFilter += NTMAGICK_ICON; szFilter += NTMAGICK_ALL; szFilter += "|"; szFolder = AfxGetApp()->GetProfileString(L"Image",L"Path",L""); CFileDialog fileDlg(TRUE,NULL,NULL,NULL,szFilter,NULL); fileDlg.m_ofn.Flags|=OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_EXPLORER | OFN_READONLY; fileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrTitle=L"Choose the image to view"; fileDlg.m_ofn.lpstrInitialDir= szFolder; if (fileDlg.DoModal()== IDOK) { m_szFile = fileDlg.GetPathName(); if (DoReadImage()) { DoDisplayImage(); CFile fileImage; fileImage.SetFilePath(m_szFile); szFolder = m_szFile; szFolder.TrimRight(fileImage.GetFileName()); szFolder.TrimRight(L"\\"); AfxGetApp()->WriteProfileString(L"Image",L"Path", szFolder); } } }
BOOL CShortcut::CreateShortCut(const CString &LnkTarget, const CString &LnkName, UINT SpecialFolder, const CString &LnkDescription, const CString &IconLocation, UINT IconIndex) { CFile cfFull; CString sExePath, sExe, sSpecialFolder; wchar_t *chTmp = sExePath.GetBuffer(MAX_PATH); GetModuleFileName(NULL, chTmp, MAX_PATH); sExePath.ReleaseBuffer(); // Find the Special Folder: if (!GetSpecialFolder(SpecialFolder, sSpecialFolder)) return FALSE; sSpecialFolder += LnkName + L"." + L"lnk"; if (LnkTarget == L"_this") { cfFull.SetFilePath(sExePath); sExe = cfFull.GetFileName(); sExe.Delete(sExe.Find(L".") + 1, 3); } else { sExePath = LnkTarget; } // Create the ShortCut: CoInitialize(NULL); BOOL bRet = FALSE; IShellLink* psl; if (SUCCEEDED(CoCreateInstance(CLSID_ShellLink, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IShellLink, (LPVOID*) &psl))) { IPersistFile* ppf; psl->SetPath(sExePath); psl->SetDescription(LnkDescription); if (!m_sCmdArg.IsEmpty()) psl->SetArguments(m_sCmdArg); if (SUCCEEDED(psl->QueryInterface(IID_IPersistFile, (LPVOID *)&ppf))) { /* Call IShellLink::SetIconLocation with the file containing the icon and the index of the icon */ if (!IconLocation.IsEmpty()) { HRESULT hr = psl->SetIconLocation(IconLocation, IconIndex); #ifdef _DEBUG if (FAILED(hr)) pws_os::Trace(L"IconLocation not changed!\n"); #endif } if (SUCCEEDED(ppf->Save(sSpecialFolder, TRUE))) { bRet = TRUE; } ppf->Release(); } psl->Release(); } pws_os::Trace(bRet ? L"Lnk Written!\n" : L"Lnk NOT Written! CreateShortCut(...) failed!\n"); return bRet; }
FileState SendFile(SOCKET socket, HWND hWrapperWnd, LPCTSTR strFilePathName, ULONGLONG llStartAt) { //gl_SenderStop = false; gl_mapSenderStop[hWrapperWnd] = false; PostMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_FILE_OPERATE_BEGIN, 1, 0); FileState MyFileState = S_FileOK, YouFileState = S_FileOK; //check dir CString strFileName = strFilePathName; CDestFolderHelper folderHelper; if (!folderHelper.IsDestFileExist(strFileName)) MyFileState = S_FileNotExits; //open file CFile LocalFile; if(!LocalFile.Open(strFileName, CFile::modeRead | CFile::typeBinary)) { if(MyFileState == S_FileOK) MyFileState = S_OpenFileFailed; } if (MyFileState != S_OpenFileFailed) { ULONGLONG uSeeked = LocalFile.Seek(llStartAt, CFile::begin); if (uSeeked != llStartAt) { MyFileState = S_CreateFileFailed; } } //get file time FILETIME fileTime; if(!GetFileTime(LocalFile.m_hFile, NULL, NULL, &fileTime)) { if(MyFileState == S_FileOK) MyFileState = S_GetFileInfoFailed; } //send my file operate state if(!SendData(socket, (char*)&MyFileState, sizeof(FileState))) { if(MyFileState != S_FileNotExits && MyFileState != S_OpenFileFailed) LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } //receive you file operate state if(!ReceiveData(socket, (char*)&YouFileState, sizeof(FileState))) { LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } if(MyFileState != S_FileOK) return MyFileState; if(YouFileState != S_FileOK) return YouFileState; //init basicFileInfo BasicFileInfo basicFileInfo; basicFileInfo.CreationTime = fileTime; char* pFileName = (LPSTR)(LPCTSTR)(LocalFile.GetFileName()); memset(&(basicFileInfo.FileName), 0, MAX_PATH); CopyMemory(&(basicFileInfo.FileName), pFileName, LocalFile.GetFileName().GetLength()); basicFileInfo.Size = LocalFile.GetLength(); //send file info if (!SendData(socket, (char*)(&basicFileInfo), sizeof(basicFileInfo))) { LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } ULONGLONG nDes = LocalFile.GetLength() > 1024 * 1024 * 1024 ? 1024 * 1024 : 1024; //file's size larger than 1G. PostMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_FILE_SETRANGE_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)(LocalFile.GetLength() / nDes), (LPARAM)0); ULONGLONG nRead = llStartAt; ULONGLONG nResCount = 0; ULONGLONG nFileLength = LocalFile.GetLength(); FileDataEx fileData; PostMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_FILE_SENDFILETOSERVER_PROGRESS_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)(nRead / nDes), 0); if (gl_pLogger) gl_pLogger->log_info("SendFile Begin to send: %s", strFilePathName); bool *pbstatus = NULL; SendMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_GETSENDSTATE, 0, (LPARAM)&pbstatus); //send loop while(1) { int nCount = 0; try{ nCount= LocalFile.Read(, FILEDATASIZE); } catch(...){ fileData.state = S_ReadFileFailed; } = nCount; nRead += nCount; fileData.state = (*pbstatus) ? S_FileContinue : S_IStop; if(nRead == nFileLength) fileData.state = S_Finished; //if(gl_SenderStop) if (gl_mapSenderStop.find(hWrapperWnd) != gl_mapSenderStop.end() && gl_mapSenderStop[hWrapperWnd] == true) { fileData.state = S_IStop; } if (!SendData(socket, (char*)(&fileData), sizeof(fileData))) { LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } if ( == 0) break; if(fileData.state == S_IStop)// || fileData.state == S_ReadFileFailed { LocalFile.Close(); return fileData.state; } if(fileData.state == S_Finished)// || fileData.state == S_ReadFileFailed { LocalFile.Close(); return fileData.state; } nResCount++; if(nResCount % READWRITESTATUS == 0) { Sleep(3); nResCount = 0; FileState MyState,YouState; if(fileData.state == S_ReadFileFailed) MyState = S_ReadFileFailed; else MyState = (*pbstatus) ? S_FileContinue : S_IStop; if(!SendData(socket, (char*)&MyState, sizeof(FileState))) { LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } if(!ReceiveData(socket, (char*)&YouState, sizeof(FileState))) { LocalFile.Close(); return S_SocketError; } if(YouState == S_WriteFileFailed || YouState == S_IStop) { LocalFile.Close(); if (YouState == S_IStop) return S_OtherSideStop; return YouState; } if(MyState == S_ReadFileFailed || MyState == S_IStop) { LocalFile.Close(); if (MyState == S_IStop) return S_IStop; return MyState; } } PostMessage(hWrapperWnd, WM_FILE_SENDFILETOSERVER_PROGRESS_MESSAGE, (WPARAM)(nRead / nDes), 0); } return S_Finished; }