BOOL zstringEx::DelNotNullDir(char* DirName) { CFileFind tempFind; char tempFileFind[1024] ; sprintf(tempFileFind,"%s\\*.*",DirName); BOOL IsFinded = tempFind.FindFile(tempFileFind); while (IsFinded) { IsFinded = tempFind.FindNextFile(); if (!tempFind.IsDots()) { char foundFileName[1024]; strcpy(foundFileName,tempFind.GetFileName().GetBuffer(1024)); if (tempFind.IsDirectory()) { char tempDir[1024]; sprintf(tempDir,"%s\\%s",DirName,foundFileName); this->DelNotNullDir(tempDir); } else { char tempFileName[1024]; sprintf(tempFileName,"%s\\%s",DirName,foundFileName); DeleteFile(tempFileName); } } } tempFind.Close(); if(!RemoveDirectory(DirName)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
/****************************************************************************** * 作用: 在指定父节点下插入驱动盘下的所有子项 ******************************************************************************/ void CMainFrame::InsertDriveDir(HTREEITEM hParent) { HTREEITEM hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetChildItem(hParent); while(hChild) { CString strText = m_TreeCtrl.GetItemText(hChild); if(strText.Right(1) != L"\\") strText += L"\\"; strText += L"*.*"; CFileFind file; BOOL bContinue = file.FindFile(strText); while(bContinue) { bContinue = file.FindNextFile(); if(!file.IsDots()) m_TreeCtrl.InsertItem(file.GetFileName(), hChild); } InsertDriveDir(hChild); hChild = m_TreeCtrl.GetNextItem(hChild, TVGN_NEXT); file.Close(); } }
CReplayFrame::CReplayFrame(void) { __SEH_SET_EXCEPTION_HANDLER CTime time = 0, latest_time = 0; int last_frame_num = -1, frame_num = 0; CString path = "", filename = "", current_path = ""; CFileFind hFile; BOOL bFound = false; CSLock lock(m_critsec); // Find next replay frame number _next_replay_frame = -1; path.Format("%s\\replay\\session_%lu\\*.bmp", _startup_path, theApp._session_id); bFound = hFile.FindFile(path.GetString()); while (bFound) { bFound = hFile.FindNextFile(); if (!hFile.IsDots() && !hFile.IsDirectory()) { filename = hFile.GetFileName(); hFile.GetLastWriteTime(time); sscanf_s(filename.GetString(), "frame%d.bmp", &frame_num); if (time>latest_time) { last_frame_num = frame_num; latest_time = time; } } } _next_replay_frame = last_frame_num + 1; if (_next_replay_frame >= prefs.replay_max_frames()) _next_replay_frame = 0; }
bool CFileBackUp::FileCopyTo(CString source, CString destination, CString searchStr, BOOL cover) { CString strSourcePath = source; CString strDesPath = destination; CString strFileName = searchStr; CFileFind filefinder; CString strSearchPath = strSourcePath + _T("\\") + strFileName; CString filename; BOOL bfind = filefinder.FindFile(strSearchPath); CString SourcePath, DisPath; bool bRlt = true; while (bfind) { bfind = filefinder.FindNextFile(); filename = filefinder.GetFileName(); SourcePath = strSourcePath + _T("\\") + filename; DisPath = strDesPath + _T("\\") + filename; bRlt |= CopyFile(SourcePath.GetString(), DisPath.GetString(), cover); } filefinder.Close(); return bRlt; }
void CFileView::Refresh(char *dir) { // listview을 모두 지운다. CListCtrl& list = GetListCtrl(); // !!!!!!!!!!! list.DeleteAllItems(); SetCurrentDirectory( dir ); CFileFind f; BOOL b = f.FindFile("*.*"); while ( b ) { b = f.FindNextFile(); if ( ! f.IsDirectory() && ! f.IsHidden() ) { list.InsertItem(0, f.GetFileName(), 0); CString msg; msg.Format( "%d KB", (f.GetLength() / 1024) + 1 ); list.SetItemText(0, 1, msg ); } } }
void CDirectoryTreeCtrl::AddSubdirectories(HTREEITEM hRoot, CString strDir) { if (strDir.Right(1) != _T("\\")) strDir += _T("\\"); CFileFind finder; BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(strDir+_T("*.*")); while (bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); if (finder.IsDots()) continue; if (finder.IsSystem()) continue; if (!finder.IsDirectory()) continue; CString strFilename = finder.GetFileName(); if (strFilename.ReverseFind(_T('\\')) != -1) strFilename = strFilename.Mid(strFilename.ReverseFind(_T('\\')) + 1); AddChildItem(hRoot, strFilename); } finder.Close(); }
BOOL CDirTreeCtrl::AddSubDirAsItem(HTREEITEM hParent) { CString strPath,strFileName; HTREEITEM hChild; //---------------------去除该父项下所有的子项------------ // 因为有dummy项,并且有时子目录再次打开,或子目录会刷新等,因此必须去除。 while ( ItemHasChildren(hParent)) { hChild = GetChildItem(hParent); DeleteItem( hChild ); } //-----------------------装入该父项下所有子项-------------- strPath = GetFullPath(hParent); // 从本节点开始到根的路径 CString strSearchCmd = strPath; if( strSearchCmd.Right( 1 ) != _T( "\\" )) strSearchCmd += _T( "\\" ); strSearchCmd += _T( "*.*" ); CFileFind find; BOOL bContinue = find.FindFile( strSearchCmd ); while ( bContinue ) { bContinue = find.FindNextFile(); strFileName = find.GetFileName(); if ( !find.IsHidden() && ! find.IsDots() && find.IsDirectory() ) { hChild = AddItem( hParent, strFileName ); if ( FindSubDir( GetFullPath(hChild) )) AddSubDirAsItem1(hChild); } if ( !find.IsHidden() && ! find.IsDots() && !find.IsDirectory() ) { InsertItem( strFileName, 0, 0, hParent ); } } return TRUE; }
static void InitLanguages(const CString& rstrLangDir1, const CString& rstrLangDir2, bool bReInit = false) { static BOOL _bInitialized = FALSE; if (_bInitialized && !bReInit) return; _bInitialized = TRUE; CFileFind ff; bool bEnd = !ff.FindFile(rstrLangDir1 + _T("*.dll"), 0); bool bFirstDir = rstrLangDir1.CompareNoCase(rstrLangDir2) != 0; while (!bEnd) { bEnd = !ff.FindNextFile(); if (ff.IsDirectory()) continue; TCHAR szLandDLLFileName[MAX_PATH]; _tsplitpath(ff.GetFileName(), NULL, NULL, szLandDLLFileName, NULL); SLanguage* pLangs = _aLanguages; if (pLangs){ while (pLangs->lid){ if (_tcsicmp(pLangs->pszISOLocale, szLandDLLFileName) == 0){ pLangs->bSupported = TRUE; break; } pLangs++; } } if (bEnd && bFirstDir){ ff.Close(); bEnd = !ff.FindFile(rstrLangDir2 + _T("*.dll"), 0); bFirstDir = false; } } ff.Close(); }
DWORD CImageManager::EnumImage() { DWORD dwCount = 0; CString strFile = m_strImagePath + _T("\\*.*"); CFileFind fileFind; BOOL bFind = fileFind.FindFile(strFile); CString strName,strSize,strModifyTime,strExt; while (bFind) { bFind = fileFind.FindNextFile(); if (!fileFind.IsDirectory()) { strName = fileFind.GetFileName(); strExt = strName.Right(3); if (strExt.CompareNoCase(_T("IMG")) == 0 || strExt.CompareNoCase(_T("MTP")) == 0) { CFileStatus status; CFile::GetStatus(fileFind.GetFilePath(),status); strSize = CUtils::AdjustFileSize(status.m_size); strModifyTime = status.m_mtime.Format(_T("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")); m_ListImages.InsertItem(dwCount,strName); m_ListImages.SetItemText(dwCount,1,strSize); m_ListImages.SetItemText(dwCount,2,strModifyTime); dwCount++; } } } fileFind.Close(); return dwCount; }
BOOL CExportDialog::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // TODO: Add extra initialization here CFileFind finder; INXString fileName; int bWorking = finder.FindFile(workDir + USERDEFDIR + "*.prg"); // read in ini files and construct menu tree while (bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); fileName = finder.GetFileName(); // Remove .prg fileName.MakeReverse(); fileName.Delete(0,4); fileName.MakeReverse(); m_Library.AddString(fileName); } return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // EXCEPTION: OCX Property Pages should return FALSE }
CString VDEIODLL_EXPORT_API GetFileName(CString strPath,int& nCount) { CString strFileName; CFileFind cfFile; //执行本地文件查找 int i = 0; if (strPath.Right(1) != "\\") { strPath += _T("\\*.avi"); }else { strPath += _T("*.avi"); } BOOL bf = cfFile.FindFile(strPath); while (bf) { bf = cfFile.FindNextFile(); CString cstrFileName; cstrFileName = cfFile.GetFileName(); nCount++; } strFileName.Format(_T("视频%d"),nCount+1); return strFileName; }
BOOL CSetList::OnInitDialog() { CDialog::OnInitDialog(); // TODO: 여기에 추가 초기화 작업을 추가합니다. CRect dlgRect; GetClientRect(&dlgRect); m_lstSetting.MoveWindow(&dlgRect); // 파일 목록을 찾는다. CFileFind finder; CString strWildCard("*.set"); BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile( strWildCard ); while( bWorking ) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); if( finder.IsDots() || finder.IsDirectory() ) continue; else { CString filePath = finder.GetFileName(); filePath = filePath.Left(filePath.GetLength() - 4); // 뒤의 .set 을 지우기 위해서 m_lstSetting.AddString(filePath); } } finder.Close(); if(m_lstSetting.GetCount() == 0) { AfxMessageBox(STR_NO_SETTING_FILE); } return TRUE; // return TRUE unless you set the focus to a control // 예외: OCX 속성 페이지는 FALSE를 반환해야 합니다. }
void COutputTabView::FindCurrentDirFiles() { CString currentDir; GetCurrentDirectory( MAX_SIZE_PATH, currentDir.GetBufferSetLength(MAX_SIZE_PATH) ); //AfxMessageBox(currentDir); currentDir.ReleaseBuffer(); CFileFind finder; BOOL bContinue; CMainFrame* pMainFrame = (CMainFrame*)::AfxGetMainWnd(); if( bContinue = finder.FindFile(_T("*.*")) ) { while(bContinue) { bContinue = finder.FindNextFile(); CString strName = finder.GetFileName(); CString strPath = finder.GetFilePath(); pMainFrame->m_wndOutputTabView.AddMsg1(strName); } } }
void CFileCtrl::DoCopyFolderFile(CString csSourceFolder, CString csDestFolder, CString csSubFileName ) { CFileFind find; csSourceFolder.TrimLeft(); csSourceFolder.TrimRight(); csSourceFolder = csSourceFolder + "\\"; csDestFolder.TrimLeft(); csDestFolder.TrimLeft(); csDestFolder = csDestFolder + "\\"; // csSubFileName = "*" + csSubFileName; CString csFile = csSourceFolder; CString csFinalFile = _T(""); csFinalFile = csFile + csSubFileName; BOOL bResult = find.FindFile( csFinalFile ); CString file = _T(""); while(bResult) { bResult = find.FindNextFile(); file = find.GetFileName(); // Get File Name ::CopyFile( csSourceFolder + file, csDestFolder + file, FALSE ); } }
CString CDirstatApp::FindAuxiliaryFileByLangid(LPCTSTR prefix, LPCTSTR suffix, LANGID& langid, bool checkResource) { CString number; number.Format(_T("%04x"), langid); CString exactName; exactName.Format(_T("%s%s%s"), prefix, number, suffix); CString exactPath= GetAppFolder() + _T("\\") + exactName; if (FileExists(exactPath) && (!checkResource || IsCorrectResourceDll(exactPath))) return exactPath; CString search; search.Format(_T("%s*%s"), prefix, suffix); CFileFind finder; BOOL b= finder.FindFile(GetAppFolder() + _T("\\") + search); while (b) { b= finder.FindNextFile(); if (finder.IsDirectory()) continue; LANGID id; if (!ScanAuxiliaryFileName(prefix, suffix, finder.GetFileName(), id)) continue; if (PRIMARYLANGID(id) == PRIMARYLANGID(langid) && (!checkResource || IsCorrectResourceDll(finder.GetFilePath()))) { langid= id; return finder.GetFilePath(); } } return _T(""); }
//This function was added to CGrandDataFile to recursively retrieve a list of *.BID files in //a directory. It reads the file header to populate the CList of tFileRecords that is converted to //a safe array used by ImportManager. This was flagrantly stolen from Kelly Michel and modified to //search for and read in *.BID files. hn 6/8/2005 // 5-Jul-2005 SFK Removed dead code for readability // 11-Jul-2005 SFK Copied from GRAND Import and modified for binary void CBinaryDataFile::GetCompleteFileList(short FacilityID, CList<tFileRecord, tFileRecord> *pFileList, const CString& Directory, bool IncludeSubdirs) { //USES_CONVERSION; CFileFind Finder; BOOL bWorking; CString FileName; tFileRecord FileRecord; CString DirWithFileMask; DirWithFileMask.Format("%s\\*.*", Directory); bWorking = Finder.FindFile(DirWithFileMask); //If this is an "archive" directory, then skip it completely, and everything that may be underneath it. int StartSubDirName = Directory.ReverseFind('\\'); if(StartSubDirName != -1) { CString SubDirName = Directory.Mid(StartSubDirName + 1); if(SubDirName.CompareNoCase("Archive")) //If SubDirName is not Archive... { do { bWorking = Finder.FindNextFile(); if(!Finder.IsDots()) { if(Finder.IsDirectory() && IncludeSubdirs) { //Recurse. GetCompleteFileList(FacilityID, pFileList, Finder.GetFilePath(), IncludeSubdirs); } else //if(Finder.IsNormal()) { FileName = Finder.GetFileName(); CString Ext = FileName.Mid(FileName.GetLength() - 3, 3); if(!Ext.CompareNoCase("BNY")) { FileRecord.File.bstrVal = (Finder.GetFilePath()).AllocSysString(); //**************************************************************** //Open the file and get info on the data in the file. Load that //file data into the FileRecord structure. //**************************************************************** CString err; //If we are not able to read the *.BNY header, we fail CString cs(FileRecord.File.bstrVal); if (!ReadHeader (cs,&err)) //if (!ReadHeader (W2T(FileRecord.File.bstrVal),&err)) { if (mpFile) CloseDataFile(); } else //Otherwise, save the file date and station ID read. { SYSTEMTIME sysTime; COleDateTime fileDate = GetFileDate (); fileDate.GetAsSystemTime (sysTime); SystemTimeToVariantTime (&sysTime,&; FileRecord.StationID.lVal = (long) GetStationID (); pFileList->AddTail (FileRecord); CloseDataFile (); } } } } } while(bWorking != 0); } } }
void CLocalFolder::GetFileList( ) { m_Childs.Reset( ); if ( m_pParent ) { CString sPath; CreatePath( this, sPath ); sPath = sPath + "*.*"; CFileFind Finder; if ( !Finder.FindFile( sPath ) ) // Aucun fichier return; CLocalFileBase* pNew; CLocalFolder* pFolder; CLocalFile* pFile; bool bNext = Finder.FindNextFile( ) ? true : false; bool bOk = true; while ( bOk ) { pNew = NULL; if ( Finder.IsDirectory( ) ) { if ( !Finder.IsDots( ) ) { pFolder = new CLocalFolder; pNew = pFolder; } } else { pFile = new CLocalFile; pNew = pFile; pFile->SetFileSize( Finder.GetLength( ) ); } if ( pNew ) { pNew->SetItemName( Finder.GetFileName( ) ); pNew->SetParent( this ); m_Childs.Add( pNew ); } bOk = bNext; if ( bOk ) bNext = Finder.FindNextFile( ) ? true : false; } m_iChildCount = m_Childs.GetSize( ); m_Childs.Sort( ); } else { // Racine, on indique les répertoires DWORD dwSize = ::GetLogicalDriveStrings( 0, NULL ); if ( !dwSize ) // Erreur.... return; char* lpszDrives = new char[ dwSize + 1 ]; if ( dwSize < ::GetLogicalDriveStrings( dwSize, lpszDrives ) ) { delete [] lpszDrives; return; } char* lpszCurrent = lpszDrives; m_Childs.Reset( ); CLocalFolder* pNew; while ( strlen( lpszCurrent ) ) { pNew = new CLocalFolder; pNew->SetItemName( lpszCurrent ); lpszCurrent = lpszCurrent + strlen( lpszCurrent ) + 1; m_Childs.Add( pNew ); pNew->SetParent( this ); } delete [] lpszDrives; m_iChildCount = m_Childs.GetSize( ); } }
int CPartFileConvert::performConvertToeMule(CString folder) { BOOL bWorking; CString filepartindex,newfilename; CString buffer; UINT fileindex; CFileFind finder; CString partfile=folder; folder.Delete(folder.ReverseFind('\\'),folder.GetLength()); partfile=partfile.Mid(partfile.ReverseFind('\\')+1,partfile.GetLength()); UpdateGUI(0,GetResString(IDS_IMP_STEPREADPF),true); filepartindex=partfile.Left(partfile.Find('.')); //int pos=filepartindex.ReverseFind('\\'); //if (pos>-1) filepartindex=filepartindex.Mid(pos+1,filepartindex.GetLength()-pos); UpdateGUI(4,GetResString(IDS_IMP_STEPBASICINF)); CPartFile* file=new CPartFile(); EPartFileFormat eFormat = PMT_UNKNOWN; if (file->LoadPartFile(folder, partfile, &eFormat) == PLR_CHECKSUCCESS) { pfconverting->partmettype = (uint8_t)eFormat; switch (pfconverting->partmettype) { case PMT_UNKNOWN: case PMT_BADFORMAT: delete file; return CONV_BADFORMAT; break; } } else { delete file; return CONV_BADFORMAT; } CString oldfile=folder+_T("\\")+partfile.Left(partfile.GetLength()- ((pfconverting->partmettype==PMT_SHAREAZA)?3:4) ); pfconverting->size=file->GetFileSize(); pfconverting->filename=file->GetFileName(); pfconverting->filehash= EncodeBase16( file->GetFileHash() ,16); UpdateGUI(pfconverting); if (theApp.downloadqueue->GetFileByID(file->GetFileHash())!=0) { delete file; return CONV_ALREADYEXISTS; } if (pfconverting->partmettype==PMT_SPLITTED ) { try { CByteArray ba; ba.SetSize(PARTSIZE); CFile inputfile; int pos1,pos2; CString filename; // just count UINT maxindex=0; UINT partfilecount=0; bWorking = finder.FindFile(folder+_T("\\")+filepartindex+_T(".*.part")); while (bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); ++partfilecount; buffer=finder.GetFileName(); pos1=buffer.Find('.'); pos2=buffer.Find('.',pos1+1); fileindex=_tstoi(buffer.Mid(pos1+1,pos2-pos1) ); if (fileindex==0) continue; if (fileindex>maxindex) maxindex=fileindex; } float stepperpart; if (partfilecount>0) { stepperpart=(80.0f / partfilecount ); if ((uint64_t)maxindex*PARTSIZE<=pfconverting->size) pfconverting->spaceneeded=(uint64_t)maxindex*PARTSIZE; else pfconverting->spaceneeded=((uint64_t)(pfconverting->size / PARTSIZE) * PARTSIZE)+(pfconverting->size % PARTSIZE); } else { stepperpart=80.0f; pfconverting->spaceneeded=0; } UpdateGUI(pfconverting); if (GetFreeDiskSpaceX(thePrefs.GetTempDir()) < ((uint64_t)maxindex*PARTSIZE) ) { delete file; return CONV_OUTOFDISKSPACE; } // create new partmetfile, and remember the new name file->CreatePartFile(); newfilename=file->GetFullName(); UpdateGUI(8,GetResString(IDS_IMP_STEPCRDESTFILE)); file->m_hpartfile.SetLength( pfconverting->spaceneeded ); uint16_t curindex=0; bWorking = finder.FindFile(folder+_T("\\")+filepartindex+_T(".*.part")); while (bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); //stats ++curindex; buffer.Format(GetResString(IDS_IMP_LOADDATA),curindex,partfilecount); UpdateGUI( 10+(curindex*stepperpart) ,buffer); filename=finder.GetFileName(); pos1=filename.Find('.'); pos2=filename.Find('.',pos1+1); fileindex=_tstoi(filename.Mid(pos1+1,pos2-pos1) ); if (fileindex==0) continue; uint32_t chunkstart=(uint32_t)(fileindex-1) * PARTSIZE ; // open, read data of the part-part-file into buffer, close file inputfile.Open(finder.GetFilePath(),CFile::modeRead|CFile::shareDenyWrite); uint32_t readed=inputfile.Read( ba.GetData() ,PARTSIZE); inputfile.Close(); buffer.Format(GetResString(IDS_IMP_SAVEDATA),curindex,partfilecount); UpdateGUI( 10+(curindex*stepperpart) ,buffer); // write the buffered data file->m_hpartfile.Seek(chunkstart, CFile::begin ); file->m_hpartfile.Write(ba.GetData(),readed); } } catch(CFileException* error) { CString strError(GetResString(IDS_IMP_IOERROR)); TCHAR szError[MAX_CFEXP_ERRORMSG]; if (error->GetErrorMessage(szError, _countof(szError))){ strError += _T(" - "); strError += szError; } LogError(false, _T("%s"), strError); error->Delete(); delete file; return CONV_IOERROR; } file->m_hpartfile.Close(); } // import an external common format partdownload else //if (pfconverting->partmettype==PMT_DEFAULTOLD || pfconverting->partmettype==PMT_NEWOLD || Shareaza ) { if (!pfconverting->removeSource) pfconverting->spaceneeded = (UINT)GetDiskFileSize(oldfile); UpdateGUI(pfconverting); if (!pfconverting->removeSource && (GetFreeDiskSpaceX(thePrefs.GetTempDir()) < pfconverting->spaceneeded) ) { delete file; return CONV_OUTOFDISKSPACE; } file->CreatePartFile(); newfilename=file->GetFullName(); file->m_hpartfile.Close(); BOOL ret=FALSE; UpdateGUI( 92 ,GetResString(IDS_COPY)); DeleteFile(newfilename.Left(newfilename.GetLength()-4)); if (!PathFileExists(oldfile)) { // data file does not exist. well, then create a 0 byte big one HANDLE hFile = CreateFile( newfilename.Left(newfilename.GetLength()-4) , // file to open GENERIC_WRITE, // open for reading FILE_SHARE_READ, // share for reading NULL, // default security CREATE_NEW, // existing file only FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, // normal file NULL); // no attr. template ret= !(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) ; CloseHandle(hFile); } else if (pfconverting->removeSource) ret=MoveFile( oldfile, newfilename.Left(newfilename.GetLength()-4) ); else ret=CopyFile( oldfile, newfilename.Left(newfilename.GetLength()-4) ,false); if (!ret) { file->DeleteFile(); //delete file; return CONV_FAILED; } } UpdateGUI( 94 ,GetResString(IDS_IMP_GETPFINFO)); DeleteFile(newfilename); if (pfconverting->removeSource) MoveFile(folder+_T("\\")+partfile,newfilename); else CopyFile(folder+_T("\\")+partfile,newfilename,false); file->m_hasharray.release(); for ( GapList::iterator it = file->gaplist.begin(); it != file->gaplist.end(); ++it ) { delete *it; } file->gaplist.clear(); if (file->LoadPartFile(thePrefs.GetTempDir(), file->GetPartMetFileName()) != PLR_LOADSUCCESS) { //delete file; file->DeleteFile(); return CONV_BADFORMAT; } if (pfconverting->partmettype==PMT_NEWOLD || pfconverting->partmettype==PMT_SPLITTED ) { file->completedsize = file->m_uTransferred; file->m_uCompressionGain = 0; file->m_uCorruptionLoss = 0; } UpdateGUI( 100 ,GetResString(IDS_IMP_ADDDWL)); theApp.downloadqueue->AddDownload(file,thePrefs.AddNewFilesPaused()); file->SavePartFile(); if (file->GetStatus(true) == PS_READY) theApp.sharedfiles->SafeAddKFile(file); // part files are always shared files if (pfconverting->removeSource) { bWorking = finder.FindFile(folder+_T("\\")+filepartindex+_T(".*")); while (bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); VERIFY( _tunlink(finder.GetFilePath()) == 0 ); } if (pfconverting->partmettype==PMT_SPLITTED) RemoveDirectory(folder+_T("\\")); } return CONV_OK; }
BSTR CCMSUtils::doGetPathFiles(BSTR path_name) { USES_CONVERSION; Value root; FastWriter fw; string retStr; CString pattern(path_name); pattern+=L"\\*.*"; //CMSBOXW(pattern); Value images; int dir_index=0; int image_index=0; CString res; if(NULL!=path_name&&_file_exists(W2A(path_name))==0) { SetCurrentDirectory(path_name); CFileFind cff; BOOL found=cff.FindFile(pattern); while(found) { found=cff.FindNextFile(); //res+=L" "+cff.GetFilePath(); if(cff.IsDirectory()&&!cff.IsDots()){ CString full_path=cff.GetFilePath(); //full_path.Append(cff.GetFileName()); if(!full_path.IsEmpty()) { //res+=L"--"+full_path+L"--"; char *file=W2A(full_path.AllocSysString()); if(NULL!=file) { char buff[128]={0}; _itoa_s(dir_index++,buff,128,10); root[buff]=file; } } } if( cff.GetFileName().Find(L".jpg")>0|| cff.GetFileName().Find(L".gif")>0|| cff.GetFileName().Find(L".png")>0|| cff.GetFileName().Find(L".bmp")>0 ) { /* CMSBOX("image"); return NULL;*/ //CMSBOXW(cff.GetFilePath()); char l_buff[128]={0}; _itoa_s(image_index++,l_buff,128,10); images[l_buff]=W2A(cff.GetFilePath()); } } cff.Close(); } if(images.size()>=1) { root["images"]=images; } retStr=fw.write(root); //CMSBOXW(res); if(retStr.length()>0) { return SysAllocString(A2W(retStr.c_str())); } return CString("1").AllocSysString(); }
int SearchForFilesMFC::recursiveSearch(LPCTSTR path) { USES_CONVERSION; CString cstr_path = path; if (cstr_path.GetLength() == 0) return 0; int files_found = 0; #ifdef USE_LOW_LEVEL_DIRECTORY_SCANNING_METHOD HANDLE hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WIN32_FIND_DATA ffd; wstring spec = cstr_path; if (mThreadYielder != 0) mThreadYielder->peekAndPump(); hFind = FindFirstFile(spec.c_str(), &ffd); if (mThreadYielder != 0) mThreadYielder->peekAndPump(); if (hFind == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return 0; } cstr_path.Replace(_T("\\*.*"), _T("")); do { if (mThreadYielder != 0) mThreadYielder->peekAndPump(); // received a stop signal if (mbShouldStop == true) break; if (wcscmp(ffd.cFileName, L".") != 0 && wcscmp(ffd.cFileName, L"..") != 0) { if (ffd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (isRecursiveSearch()) { CString str = ffd.cFileName; // this folder, which exists on vista, makes the search routine crash if (str.Find(_T("winsxs")) != -1) continue; //this is the recycle bin, which should also not be searched (causes a crash) else if (str.Find(_T("recycler")) != -1) continue; else files_found += recursiveSearch(cstr_path + L"\\" + ffd.cFileName + _T("\\*.*")); } } else { std::string str_filename = T2A(ffd.cFileName); if (matchesSearchCriteria(str_filename) && !matchesSearchExclusionCriteria(str_filename)) { if (mThreadYielder != 0) mThreadYielder->peekAndPump(); files_found++; CString file_path = cstr_path + L"\\" + ffd.cFileName; std::string file_path_string = T2A(file_path); //we assume that the search returns local files ambulant::net::url file_path_url = ambulant::net::url::from_filename(file_path_string); addSearchResult(&file_path_url); } } } if (mThreadYielder != 0) mThreadYielder->peekAndPump(); } while (FindNextFile(hFind, &ffd) != 0); if (mThreadYielder != 0) mThreadYielder->peekAndPump(); if (GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES) { FindClose(hFind); return 0; } FindClose(hFind); hFind = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #else CFileFind finder; BOOL b_is_working = finder.FindFile(cstr_path); if (mThreadYielder != 0) mThreadYielder->peekAndPump(); while (b_is_working) { if (mThreadYielder != 0) mThreadYielder->peekAndPump(); b_is_working = finder.FindNextFile(); if (mThreadYielder != 0) mThreadYielder->peekAndPump(); // received a stop signal if (mbShouldStop == true) break; if (finder.IsDots()) continue; // if it's a directory, recursively search it if (finder.IsDirectory()) { if (isRecursiveSearch()) { CString str = finder.GetFilePath(); // this folder, which exists on vista, makes the search routine crash if (str.Find(_T("winsxs")) != -1) continue; //this is the recycle bin, which should also not be searched (causes a crash) else if (str.Find(_T("recycler")) != -1) continue; else files_found += recursiveSearch(str + _T("\\*.*")); } } else { CString filename; filename = finder.GetFileName(); std::string str_filename = T2A(filename); if (matchesSearchCriteria(str_filename) && !matchesSearchExclusionCriteria(str_filename)) { files_found++; //save the file path CString file_path = finder.GetFilePath(); std::string file_path_string = T2A(file_path); //we assume that the search returns local files ambulant::net::url file_path_url = ambulant::net::url::from_filename(file_path_string); addSearchResult(&file_path_url); } if (mThreadYielder != 0) mThreadYielder->peekAndPump(); } } #endif amis::UrlList* results = getSearchResults(); return results->size(); }
CXMLParser::CXMLParser(const std::string& fileStr) { #pragma region Create temp folder CString szFolder; LPITEMIDLIST pidl; LPMALLOC pShellMalloc; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; if(SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&pShellMalloc))) { if(SUCCEEDED(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(NULL, CSIDL_APPDATA,&pidl))) { SHGetPathFromIDList(pidl,szTemp); szFolder =szTemp; pShellMalloc->Free(pidl); } pShellMalloc->Release(); } szFolder.TrimRight(_T("\\")); szFolder += _T("\\TF3DXML"); MyDeleteFile(szFolder); CFileStatus fstatus; if (!CFile::GetStatus(szFolder,fstatus)) { ::CreateDirectory(szFolder,NULL); } #pragma endregion Create temp folder const size_t strsize=(szFolder.GetLength()+1)*2; // 宽字符的长度; char * qstr= new char[strsize]; //分配空间; size_t sz=0; wcstombs_s(&sz,qstr,strsize,szFolder,_TRUNCATE); cUnpackFile unpackTool; unpackTool.CreateDirFromZip(qstr,fileStr.c_str()); delete []qstr; //delete []filestr; CFileFind finder; LPCTSTR pstr = szFolder; CString strWildcard(pstr); strWildcard += _T("\\*.*"); CString m_ext_now; m_ext_now.Format(_T("%s"),_T("3DRep")); CString m_str_3dxml; //查找装配树的.3dxml文件 m_str_3dxml.Format(_T("%s"),_T("3dxml")); BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(strWildcard); while (bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); CString name = finder.GetFileName(); CString extend = name.Right(name.GetLength() - name.ReverseFind('.') - 1); if(!finder.IsDots()) { if (extend == m_ext_now)//m_ext_now为你要查找的文件扩展名 { CString str=finder.GetFilePath(); // 先得到要转换为字符的长度 const size_t strsize=(str.GetLength()+1)*2; // 宽字符的长度; char * pstr= new char[strsize]; //分配空间; size_t sz=0; wcstombs_s(&sz,pstr,strsize,str,_TRUNCATE); TiXmlDocument *myDocument = new TiXmlDocument(pstr); myDocument->LoadFile(); TiXmlElement *rootElement=myDocument->RootElement(); if(rootElement->FirstChildElement()->FirstChildElement()!=NULL && strcmp(rootElement->FirstChildElement()->FirstChildElement()->Value(),"Rep")==0) { m_pTempFile=new TF3DRepFile(); string filename; CT2A xx(name); filename = xx; m_pTempFile->SetFileName(filename); TraverseRep(rootElement->FirstChildElement()->FirstChildElement()); m_fileList.push_back(m_pTempFile); } delete myDocument; delete []pstr; } if(extend == m_str_3dxml) { CString str=finder.GetFilePath(); // 先得到要转换为字符的长度 const size_t strsize=(str.GetLength()+1)*2; // 宽字符的长度; char * pstr= new char[strsize]; //分配空间; size_t sz=0; wcstombs_s(&sz,pstr,strsize,str,_TRUNCATE); TiXmlDocument *myDocument = new TiXmlDocument(pstr); myDocument->LoadFile(); TiXmlElement *rootElement=myDocument->RootElement(); if(strcmp(rootElement->FirstChildElement()->NextSiblingElement()->Value(),"ProductStructure")==0) { rootElement=rootElement->FirstChildElement()->NextSiblingElement()->FirstChildElement(); m_root=new ReferenceTreeElement(); m_root->value=(char *)rootElement->FirstAttribute()->Next()->Next()->Value(); m_root->id=atoi(rootElement->FirstAttribute()->Next()->Value()); m_root->instancename=""; m_root->FirstChildElement=NULL; m_root->NextSimblingElement=NULL; while(rootElement!=NULL) { if(strcmp(rootElement->Value(),"Reference3D")==0) { AddReference3D(rootElement); } if(strcmp(rootElement->Value(),"Instance3D")==0) { AddInstance3D(rootElement); } rootElement=rootElement->NextSiblingElement(); } FindAllTreeNode(); ReferenceTreeElement *p=m_root; LinkTreeNode(p,NULL); } } } } finder.Close(); MyDeleteFile(szFolder); }
bool AttachmentTest(CSocket* socket,CDlgMain* dlg,char* buffer,CDlgSettings* dlg2) { bool filtering = false; dlg->console+=_T("\r\n*Starting Attachment filtering Test."); dlg->UpdateData(FALSE); ScrollToBottom(dlg); if(dlg2->auth_use) { if(!Auth(socket,dlg,buffer,dlg2->auth_use,dlg2->set_authuser,dlg2->set_authpass)) { dlg->result_attachm = _T("?"); dlg->MessageBox(_T("Couldn't test attachment filtering because provided authentication data are incorrect")); return false; } } else { Send(socket,dlg,"HELO mozilla"); Receive(socket,dlg,buffer); } CString temp, temp2; char* msg; temp = dlg2->set_attach_path; temp+= _T("/*.*"); char* path = StringToChar(temp); CFileFind Finder; BOOL found1 = Finder.FindFile(temp); DWORD Error1 = GetLastError(); DWORD Error2 = -1; BOOL found2 = TRUE; CString sName = _T("(not found)"); int check = 0; CString sEncoded; char* encoded; if(found1) { while(found2) { check++; found2 = Finder.FindNextFile(); Error2 = GetLastError(); if(!Finder.IsDirectory()) { sName = Finder.GetFileName(); FILE* pFile; long fSize; char* fbuffer; size_t fresult; temp = dlg2->set_attach_path; temp+= _T("/"); temp+=sName; msg = StringToChar(temp); pFile = fopen((const char*)msg,"rb"); if(!pFile) { dlg->result_attachm = _T("?"); dlg->UpdateData(FALSE); ScrollToBottom(dlg); dlg->MessageBox(_T("Attachment filtering test error: Unable to open file")); break; } else { fseek(pFile , 0 , SEEK_END); fSize = ftell(pFile); rewind(pFile); fbuffer = new char[fSize]; fresult = fread(fbuffer,1,fSize,pFile); fclose (pFile); sEncoded = Base64Encode((unsigned char*)fbuffer,fSize); free (fbuffer); Send(socket,dlg,"RSET"); Receive(socket,dlg,buffer); temp = _T("MAIL FROM:<"); temp+=dlg2->set_attach_from; temp+=_T(">"); msg = StringToChar(temp); Send(socket,dlg,msg); Receive(socket,dlg,buffer); if(strcmp((const char*)MidStr(buffer,0,3),"250")!=0) { dlg->result_attachm = _T("?"); dlg->UpdateData(FALSE); dlg->MessageBox(_T("Attachment filtering test error: Bad FROM field")); break; } else // [FROM] OK { temp = _T("RCPT TO:<"); temp+=dlg2->set_attach_to; temp+=_T(">"); msg = StringToChar(temp); Send(socket,dlg,msg); Receive(socket,dlg,buffer); if(strcmp((const char*)MidStr(buffer,0,3),"250")!=0) { dlg->result_attachm = _T("?"); dlg->UpdateData(FALSE); dlg->MessageBox(_T("Attachment filtering test error: Bad RCPT TO field")); break; } else // [TO] OK { Send(socket,dlg,"DATA"); Receive(socket,dlg,buffer); Send(socket,dlg,"MIME-Version: 1.0"); temp = _T("From: "); temp+=dlg2->set_attach_from; msg = StringToChar(temp); Send(socket,dlg,msg); temp = _T("To: "); temp+=dlg2->set_attach_to; msg = StringToChar(temp); Send(socket,dlg,msg); temp = _T("Subject: Check Nr "); temp2.Format(_T("%d"),check); temp+=temp2; temp+= _T(" with \""); temp+=sName; temp+= _T("\""); msg = StringToChar(temp); Send(socket,dlg,msg); Send(socket,dlg,"Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"xxxHELLOxWORLDxxx\""); Send(socket,dlg,""); Send(socket,dlg,"I am MIME message."); Send(socket,dlg,"--xxxHELLOxWORLDxxx"); Send(socket,dlg,"Content-type: text/plain;"); Send(socket,dlg,""); Send(socket,dlg,"SMTP Tool test."); Send(socket,dlg,"--xxxHELLOxWORLDxxx"); Send(socket,dlg,"Content-Type: application/octet-stream"); Send(socket,dlg,"Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64"); temp = _T("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\""); temp+=sName; temp+= _T("\""); msg = StringToChar(temp); Send(socket,dlg,msg); Send(socket,dlg,""); // data encoded = StringToChar(sEncoded); Send(socket,dlg,encoded); delete encoded; Send(socket,dlg,"--xxxHELLOxWORLDxxx--"); Send(socket,dlg,""); Send(socket,dlg,"."); Receive(socket,dlg,buffer); filtering = (strcmp((const char*)MidStr(buffer,0,3),"250")!=0); if(filtering) { //break; } if((dlg2->set_attach_delay!=_T(""))||(dlg2->set_attach_delay!=_T("0"))) { temp = _T("\r\nWaiting "); int ag = _wtoi(dlg2->set_attach_delay); temp2.Format(_T("%d"),ag); temp+=temp2; temp+= _T(" seconds..."); dlg->console+=temp; dlg->UpdateData(FALSE); ScrollToBottom(dlg); Sleep(ag*1000); } } } } } } } if(dlg->result_attachm!=_T("?")) dlg->result_attachm = filtering?_T("YES"):_T("NO"); Send(socket,dlg,"QUIT"); Receive(socket,dlg,buffer); return true; }
int CPlugins::Load( LPCTSTR lpstrPath) { CString csPath; int nPlugin = 0, nCount = 0; BOOL bFoundPlugins = FALSE, bValidPlugin; try { CFileFind cFinder; // plugin struct array initialization for (int i=0; i<MAX_PLUGINS; i++ ) { m_plugin[i].hDll = NULL; m_plugin[i].pInventory = NULL; m_plugin[i].pPrologResp = NULL; m_plugin[i].pPrologWrite= NULL; m_plugin[i].pStart = NULL; m_plugin[i].pEnd = NULL; m_plugin[i].pClean = NULL; } if ((lpstrPath == NULL) || (_tcslen( lpstrPath) == 0)) // Use standard install path csPath.Format( _T( "%s\\plugins"), getInstallFolder()); else // Use provided path to search for plugins csPath = lpstrPath; // Search for DLL into path m_pLogger->log( LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => Searching for Plug-in DLL(s) in folder <%s>"), csPath); csPath += _T( "\\*.dll"); bFoundPlugins = cFinder.FindFile( csPath); while (bFoundPlugins) { bValidPlugin = FALSE; // One DLL found, try to load it bFoundPlugins = cFinder.FindNextFile(); m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => Trying to validate DLL <%s> as a Plug-in"), cFinder.GetFileName()); if( (m_plugin[nPlugin].hDll = LoadLibrary( cFinder.GetFilePath())) == NULL ) { m_pLogger->log( LOG_PRIORITY_WARNING, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => Failed loading Plug-in DLL <%s>, %s"), cFinder.GetFileName(), LookupError( GetLastError())); continue; } // Get name m_plugin[nPlugin].csName = cFinder.GetFileTitle(); // Try to load each API entry if( (m_plugin[nPlugin].pEnd = (HOOK_END)GetProcAddress( m_plugin[nPlugin].hDll, "OCS_CALL_END_EXPORTED")) == NULL) { m_pLogger->log( LOG_PRIORITY_WARNING, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => No End hook for Plug-in <%s>, %s"), cFinder.GetFileTitle(), LookupError( GetLastError())); } else // Hook available, so valid plugin bValidPlugin = TRUE; if( (m_plugin[nPlugin].pStart = (HOOK_START)GetProcAddress( m_plugin[nPlugin].hDll, "OCS_CALL_START_EXPORTED")) == NULL) { m_pLogger->log( LOG_PRIORITY_WARNING, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => No Start hook for Plug-in <%s>, %s"), cFinder.GetFileTitle(), LookupError( GetLastError())); } else // Hook available, so valid plugin bValidPlugin = TRUE; if( (m_plugin[nPlugin].pClean = (HOOK_CLEAN)GetProcAddress( m_plugin[nPlugin].hDll, "OCS_CALL_CLEAN_EXPORTED")) == NULL) { m_pLogger->log( LOG_PRIORITY_WARNING, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => No Clean hook for Plug-in <%s>, %s"), cFinder.GetFileTitle(), LookupError( GetLastError())); } else // Hook available, so valid plugin bValidPlugin = TRUE; if( (m_plugin[nPlugin].pInventory = (HOOK_INVENTORY)GetProcAddress( m_plugin[nPlugin].hDll, "OCS_CALL_INVENTORY_EXPORTED")) == NULL) { m_pLogger->log( LOG_PRIORITY_WARNING, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => No Inventory hook for Plug-in <%s>, %s"), cFinder.GetFileTitle(), LookupError( GetLastError())); } else // Hook available, so valid plugin bValidPlugin = TRUE; if( (m_plugin[nPlugin].pPrologWrite = (HOOK_PROLOG_WRITE)GetProcAddress( m_plugin[nPlugin].hDll, "OCS_CALL_PROLOGWRITE_EXPORTED")) == NULL) { m_pLogger->log( LOG_PRIORITY_WARNING, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => No Prolog Read hook for Plug-in <%s>, %s"), cFinder.GetFileTitle(), LookupError( GetLastError())); } else // Hook available, so valid plugin bValidPlugin = TRUE; if( (m_plugin[nPlugin].pPrologResp = (HOOK_PROLOG_RESP)GetProcAddress( m_plugin[nPlugin].hDll, "OCS_CALL_PROLOGRESP_EXPORTED")) == NULL) { m_pLogger->log( LOG_PRIORITY_WARNING, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => No Prolog response hook for Plug-in <%s>, %s"), cFinder.GetFileTitle(), LookupError( GetLastError())); } else // Hook available, so valid plugin bValidPlugin = TRUE; if (bValidPlugin) { // At least one hook available and plugin valid m_pLogger->log( LOG_PRIORITY_NOTICE, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => Plug-in <%s> loaded"), m_plugin[nPlugin].csName); // Store and increase plugin number nPlugin++; } else { // Do not store DLL as a plugin m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => DLL <%s> is not a valid Plug-in"), cFinder.GetFileName()); FreeLibrary( m_plugin[nPlugin].hDll ); } nCount++; } cFinder.Close(); m_pLogger->log(LOG_PRIORITY_DEBUG, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => %d DLL Plug-in(s) succesfully loaded on %d DLL(s) found"), nPlugin, nCount); return nPlugin; } catch (CException *pEx) { m_pLogger->log( LOG_PRIORITY_WARNING, _T( "DLL PLUGIN => Error while parsing Plug-in directory <%s>"), LookupError( pEx)); pEx->Delete(); return -1; } }
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[]) { CFileFind finder; string img_dirPath; img_dirPath="C:/Users/Sayan/Dropbox/GSoC_2015_Implementation/data_to_segment/"; //Reading number of files in the directory int num_img=0; DIR *dir; struct dirent *ent; if ((dir = opendir ("C:\\Users\\Sayan\\Dropbox\\GSoC_2015_Implementation\\data_to_segment\\")) != NULL) { /* print all the files and directories within directory */ while ((ent = readdir (dir)) != NULL) { printf ("%s\n", ent->d_name); num_img=num_img+1; } closedir (dir); } else { /* could not open directory */ perror (""); return EXIT_FAILURE; } num_img=num_img-2;//First two entries are path //Uptohere CString dirPath_1,dirPathC,dirPathC1; CString cstr,cstrf; dirPathC1 = img_dirPath.c_str(); dirPathC = dirPathC1 + "\\*.bmp"; BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(dirPathC); while (bWorking) { //Read the registered image CString dirPathC2; dirPathC2="C:/Users/Sayan/Dropbox/GSoC_2015_Implementation/data_to_segment/"; bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); cstr = finder.GetFileName(); CStringA cstr1(cstr); CString finpath=dirPathC1+cstr; _tprintf_s(_T("%s\n"), (LPCTSTR) finpath); _tprintf_s(_T("%s\n"), (LPCTSTR) cstr); dirPathC2=dirPathC2+cstr; CT2CA pszConvertedAnsiString (dirPathC2); string image_name1(pszConvertedAnsiString); char *imagename=&image_name1[0]; cv::Mat imgGray;//Initialize a matrix to store the gray version of color image cv::Mat img = imread(imagename); //Load the registered Image cout<<depthToStr(img.depth())<<endl; Size s = img.size(); //define OD matrix; each column is associated with one stain (i.e. Hematoxylin, DAB, and red_marker) vector<vector<double>> stains; double blue[3] = {0.286, 0.731, 0.711}; vector<double> Blue(&blue[0], &blue[0]+3); double green[3] = {0.704, 0.570, 0.696}; vector<double> Green(&green[0], &green[0]+3); double red[3] = {0.650, 0.368, 0.103}; vector<double> Red(&red[0], &red[0]+3); stains.push_back(Blue); stains.push_back(Green); stains.push_back(Red); cv::Mat intensity1=Ocv_ColorDeconvolution( stains,img, s); vector<cv::Mat> Deconvolved(3); split(intensity1, Deconvolved); cv::Mat DAB=Deconvolved[1]; cv::Mat outIm=ocv_multiScaleFilter2D( DAB, s); //***Save outIm*** char *extn1=".P.yml"; string file11 = string(imagename2)+string(extn1); const char *file22=file11.c_str(); cv::FileStorage storage1(file22, cv::FileStorage::WRITE); storage1 << "P" << outIm; storage1.release(); //process lumens double G = 225; double eccThr = 1; vector <double> lumenAreaThr; double myints[] = {50,150000}; lumenAreaThr.assign(myints,myints+2); vector<cv::Mat> imgch(3); split(img, imgch); imgch[0].convertTo(imgch[0], CV_64FC1); cv::Mat mask1 = (imgch[0] >G); imgch[1].convertTo(imgch[1], CV_64FC1); cv::Mat mask2 = (imgch[1] >G); imgch[2].convertTo(imgch[2], CV_64FC1); cv::Mat mask3 = (imgch[2] >G); cv::Mat mask2inv = (mask2==0); cv::Mat mask3inv = (mask3==0); mask1.setTo(0,mask2inv); mask1.setTo(0,mask3inv); cv::Mat bwLumenMask(s,CV_64FC1); bwLumenMask.setTo(0); bwLumenMask.setTo(1,mask1); Size img_size(s.height/2,s.width/2);//50% redeuction size initialization cv::Mat img1; resize(bwLumenMask, img1, img_size);//50% redeuction in display to fit in display-view imshow("bwLumenMask", img1); waitKey(5); //imclearborder //Matlab //a matrix of same size with 1 cv::Mat im2(bwLumenMask.size(),CV_64FC1); im2.setTo(1); //copy make border with 0 copyMakeBorder(im2,im2,1,1,1,1,BORDER_CONSTANT,Scalar(0)); cv::Mat im21; erode(im2,im21,getStructuringElement(MORPH_RECT, Size (3,3))); //make a idx vector cv::Mat im22(bwLumenMask.size(),CV_64FC1); im21(Rect(1, 1, im21.cols-2,im21.rows-2)).copyTo(im22); //Morphological reconstruction cv::Mat imgBWcopy =bwLumenMask; vector<Vec4i> hierarchy; vector<vector<Point>> contours; cv::Mat img225; imgBWcopy.convertTo(img225,CV_8U); findContours(img225,contours,hierarchy,CV_RETR_LIST,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE); int imgRows=imgBWcopy.rows;int imgCols=imgBWcopy.cols;int radius1=650;int radius2=650; vector<int> contourList; // ID list of contours that touch the border // For each contour... for (int i = 0; i < contours.size(); i++ ) { //Get the i'th contour vector<Point> cnt=contours[i]; // Look at each point in the contour for (int j = 0; j < cnt.size(); j++) { bool check1,check2; check1=(cnt[j].x>=0 & cnt[j].x<radius1)|(cnt[j].x>=imgRows-1-radius1 & cnt[j].x<imgRows); check2=(cnt[j].y>=0 & cnt[j].y<radius2)|(cnt[j].y>=imgRows-1-radius2 & cnt[j].y<imgRows); if (check1|check2) { contourList.push_back(i); break; } } } cv::Mat imclrbrdr1(bwLumenMask.size(),CV_64FC1); imclrbrdr1.setTo(1); for (int i = 0; i < contourList.size(); i++ ) { //drawContours(imgBWcopy,contours,i,Scalar(0),CV_FILLED); drawContours(imclrbrdr1,contours,i,Scalar(0),CV_FILLED); } cv::Mat img21; resize(imclrbrdr1, img21, img_size);//50% redeuction in display to fit in display-view imshow("imclrbrdr1", img21); waitKey(5); cout<<depthToStr(bwLumenMask.depth())<<endl; cout<<depthToStr(imgBWcopy.depth())<<endl; cv::Mat imclrbrdr(bwLumenMask.size(),CV_64FC1); imclrbrdr= bwLumenMask - imclrbrdr1; cout<<depthToStr(imclrbrdr.depth())<<endl; cv::Mat img3; resize(imclrbrdr, img3, img_size);//50% redeuction in display to fit in display-view imshow("imclrbrdr", img3); waitKey(5); cv::Mat imclrbrdr2(bwLumenMask.size(),CV_64FC1); bwmorph_majority(imclrbrdr,imclrbrdr2); cv::Mat img4; resize(imclrbrdr2, img4, img_size);//50% redeuction in display to fit in display-view imshow("imclrbrdr2", img4); waitKey(5); vector<Vec4i> hierarchy1; vector<vector<Point>> contours1; cv::Mat img226; imclrbrdr2.convertTo(img226,CV_8U); findContours(img226,contours1,hierarchy1,CV_RETR_LIST,CV_CHAIN_APPROX_NONE); cv::Mat imclrbrdr3(bwLumenMask.size(),CV_64FC1); imclrbrdr3.setTo(0); for (int i = 0; i < contours1.size(); i++ ) { if ((contours1[i].size()>3)&(contourArea(contours1[i])>30))//add (contourArea(contours1[i])<150000) drawContours(imclrbrdr3,contours1,i,Scalar(1),CV_FILLED); } cv::Mat img5; resize(imclrbrdr3, img5, img_size);//50% redeuction in display to fit in display-view imshow("imclrbrdr2_fill", img5); waitKey(5); cv::Mat imclrbrdr4; morphologyEx(imclrbrdr3,imclrbrdr4,MORPH_CLOSE,getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE , Size (5,5))); cv::Mat img6; resize(imclrbrdr4, img6, img_size);//50% redeuction in display to fit in display-view imshow("imclrbrdr4", img6); waitKey(5); cv::Mat imclrbrdr5; dilate(imclrbrdr4,imclrbrdr5,getStructuringElement(MORPH_ELLIPSE , Size (9,9))); cv::Mat img7; resize(imclrbrdr5, img7, img_size);//50% redeuction in display to fit in display-view imshow("imclrbrdr5", img7); waitKey(5); cv::Mat ringBW(bwLumenMask.size(),CV_64FC1); ringBW=imclrbrdr5-imclrbrdr4; cv::Mat img8; resize(ringBW, img8, img_size);//50% redeuction in display to fit in display-view imshow("ringBW", img8); waitKey(5);//***Save ringBW*** CT2CA pszConvertedAnsiString1 (cstr); string image_name11(pszConvertedAnsiString1); char *imagename2=&image_name11[0]; char *extn=".phi0.yml"; string file1 = string(imagename2)+string(extn); const char *file2=file1.c_str(); cv::FileStorage storage(file2, cv::FileStorage::WRITE); storage << "ringBW" << ringBW; storage.release(); } return 0; }
void CKmlDlg::GetDataFiles(BOOL autoChecked) { CFileFind finder; CString sFilterName = sPath + "*.*"; int num = 0; BOOL bExist = finder.FindFile(sFilterName); m_fileList.ResetContent(); while (bExist) { bExist = finder.FindNextFile(); if(finder.IsDirectory()) { continue; } CString ext = Utility::GetFileExt(finder.GetFileName()); if(ext != "txt" && ext != "out") { continue; } FileName[num] = finder.GetFileName(); FilePath[num] = sPath + finder.GetFileName(); if(autoChecked == FALSE && num < NumOfCheckBox) { if(KML_USE_CHECKLISTBOX) { m_fileList.AddString(FileName[num]); m_fileList.SetCheck(num, BST_CHECKED); } else { m_check[num].SetWindowText(FileName[num]); m_check[num].ShowWindow(SW_SHOW); m_check[num].SetCheck(BST_CHECKED); } } ++num; } finder.Close(); NumOfFile = num + 1; if(!KML_USE_CHECKLISTBOX) { if(autoChecked) { CString msg, txt; msg.Format("Total (#%d) output files selected.\r\n\r\n", NumOfFile); for(int i = 0; i < NumOfFile; ++i) { int x = i%10; txt.Format("%s%s", FileName[i], (i != 0 && (i % 10) == 0) ? " \r\n" : " "); msg += txt; } m_alltxt.SetWindowText(msg); } else { for(int i = NumOfFile; i < NumOfCheckBox; ++i) { m_check[i].ShowWindow(SW_HIDE); } } } }
void COpenFileDlg::AddRecursiveFiles( const CUString& strDir,int nItem ) { CFileFind fileFind; CUString pathAndFileType = strDir + CUString( _W( "\\*.*" )); BOOL bStop=FALSE; CUStringConvert strCnv; // Iterate through the items in the listbox and populate the listconrol. if (fileFind.FindFile( strCnv.ToT( pathAndFileType ) ) ) { do { bStop=(fileFind.FindNextFile()==0); CUString strFileName = CUString( fileFind.GetFileName() ); CUString strFileRoot = CUString( fileFind.GetRoot() ); CUString strFileType; if ( TRUE == fileFind.IsDirectory() && FALSE == fileFind.IsDots() && TRUE == m_bRecursiveDir ) { AddRecursiveFiles( strDir + CUString( _W( "\\" ) ) + strFileName, nItem ); } if (fileFind.IsDirectory()==FALSE && fileFind.IsDots()==FALSE) { int nPos=strFileName.ReverseFind( _T( '.' ) ); if (nPos>0) { CUString strExt; strExt = strFileName.Right(strFileName.GetLength()-nPos-1); strFileType = strExt; strExt.MakeUpper(); if ( CompareExt( strExt ) == TRUE ) { CUString strFileSize; CUString strFileDate; CTime fileTime; // Get the data/time stamp of this file fileFind.GetLastWriteTime( fileTime ); // Format date time string strFileDate.Format( _W( "%4d/%02d/%02d %02d:%02d" ), fileTime.GetYear(), fileTime.GetMonth(), fileTime.GetDay(), fileTime.GetHour(), fileTime.GetMinute() ); strFileSize.Format( _W( "%10.2f" ), fileFind.GetLength() / ( 1024.0 * 1024.0 ) ); CUStringConvert strCnv; m_ctrlRequestedFiles.InsertItem( nItem, strCnv.ToT( strFileName )); m_ctrlRequestedFiles.SetItemText( nItem, FILE_OPEN_TYPE, strCnv.ToT( strFileType ) ); m_ctrlRequestedFiles.SetItemText( nItem, FILE_OPEN_DATE ,strCnv.ToT( strFileDate ) ); m_ctrlRequestedFiles.SetItemText( nItem, FILE_OPEN_PATH, strCnv.ToT( strFileRoot ) ); m_ctrlRequestedFiles.SetItemText( nItem, FILE_OPEN_SIZE, strCnv.ToT( strFileSize ) ); m_ctrlRequestedFiles.SetItemData( nItem, (DWORD)fileTime.GetTime() ); nItem++; } } } } while (bStop!=TRUE); } m_bSortAscending=TRUE; }
//把录像文件按时间逆序,然后反应到控件上 yjj 090304 void CAppealDlg::ProcessRecordFile(const CString& strUserName) { if (strUserName == "") { return; } GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_USERNAME)->SetWindowText(strUserName); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_PHONE_NUM)->SetWindowText(""); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_APPEAL_EMAIL)->SetWindowText(""); GetDlgItem(IDC_EDIT_APPEAL_CONTENT)->SetWindowText(""); CString strPath = CBcfFile::GetAppPath(); //得到当前的目录 strPath += "log"; strPath += "\\"; CString gamenamefile = strPath + "gamename.bcf"; DWORD dwHandle = cfgOpenFile(gamenamefile); if(dwHandle < 0x10) return; strPath += "log_"; strPath += strUserName; strPath += "\\"; CTime tCurTime = CTime::GetCurrentTime(); CString direct = tCurTime.Format("%Y-%m-%d"); CString strCurDir = strPath + direct; strCurDir += "\\"; CFileFind finder; strCurDir += _T("*.*"); int iFindFileCount = 0; m_fileList.clear(); //从当前,向前找6个目录 for (int i=0; i<6; i++) { BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(strCurDir); while (bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); if (finder.IsDots()) continue; //找到一个文件 //CString sFileName = finder.GetFileName(); //CString sFilePath = finder.GetFilePath(); RecordFileStruct recordfile; recordfile.strWholeName = finder.GetFilePath(); //得到完整名字 recordfile.strFileName = finder.GetFileName(); //得到文件名字 //wushuqun 2009.5.20 recordfile.strGamePath = finder.GetFilePath(); //if (recordfile.strFileName.Find(".zxh") == -1) //{ // continue; //} CString strNameId = GetFileNameID(recordfile.strFileName); recordfile.strGameName = GetGameName(dwHandle,strNameId); //得到游戏名字 if (recordfile.strGameName == "") { continue; } finder.GetCreationTime(recordfile.timeCreatTime); //得到创建文件时间 recordfile.strGameTime = recordfile.timeCreatTime.Format("%m-%d %H:%M "); m_fileList.push_back(recordfile); //把文件信息加入链表 iFindFileCount ++; } //找完整个目录 if (iFindFileCount >= 20) { break; } // CTimeSpan ts(1, 0, 0, 0); tCurTime -= ts; direct = tCurTime.Format("%Y-%m-%d"); strCurDir = strPath + direct; strCurDir += "\\"; strCurDir +=_T("*.*"); //找上一天的目录 } //按升序排列 m_fileList.sort(); m_FileListCtrl.DeleteAllItems(); list<RecordFileStruct>::iterator iter = m_fileList.begin(); int iCount = 0; for (; iter != m_fileList.end(); iter++) { RecordFileStruct recordfile = *iter; //RecordFileStruct* pRecordFile = iter; //iter ++; //CString strListNmae; //strListNmae.Format("%s %s",recordfile.strGameName,recordfile.strGameTime); int iItem = m_FileListCtrl.InsertItem(m_FileListCtrl.GetItemCount(),recordfile.strGameName); m_FileListCtrl.SetItemText(iItem,1,recordfile.strGameTime); //wushuqun 2009.5.20 //新增加一列“文件名称" m_FileListCtrl.SetItemText(iItem,2,recordfile.strFileName); //m_FileListCtrl.SetItemData(iItem,(DWORD)&iter); iCount++; //m_ListBox.AddString(strListNmae); //m_ListBox.InsertString(iCount++,strListNmae); if (iCount == 20) { break; } } cfgClose(dwHandle); finder.Close(); }
void CDBManageTrueDlg::OnBnClickedButtonOpendatapackageTrue() { // TODO: 在此添加控件通知处理程序代码 BROWSEINFO bi; char Buffer[MAX_PATH]; //CString m_DatasetFoldPath ;//将路径保存在一个CString对象里 bi.hwndOwner = this->m_hWnd; bi.pidlRoot =NULL;//初始化制定的root目录很不容易 bi.pszDisplayName =(LPWSTR)Buffer;//此参数如为NULL则不能显示对话框 bi.lpszTitle = L"选择光谱数据集文件夹路径"; bi.ulFlags =BIF_USENEWUI ; //BIF_EDITBOX;//带编辑框的风格 bi.lpfn = NULL; bi.lParam = 0; bi.iImage=IDR_MAINFRAME; //初始化入口参数bi结束 LPITEMIDLIST pIDList = SHBrowseForFolder(&bi);//调用显示选择对话框 if(pIDList==NULL) { return; } SHGetPathFromIDList(pIDList,(LPWSTR)Buffer); //取得文件夹路径到Buffer里 m_SpecDataFoldPath.Format(L"%s",Buffer); // free memory used IMalloc * imalloc = 0; if (SUCCEEDED(SHGetMalloc(&imalloc))) { imalloc->Free (pIDList); imalloc->Release(); } //从文件夹中导入光谱数据及相关信息 CString strDir=m_SpecDataFoldPath; strDir.Replace(L"\\",L"\\\\"); strDir += "\\*.*"; // 遍历得到所有子文件夹名 CFileFind finder; BOOL bWorking = finder.FindFile(strDir); /*m_ary_PicturesPath.RemoveAll(); m_ary_SpecFileName.RemoveAll(); m_ary_SpecFilePath.RemoveAll(); m_ListSpectrumToAdd.DeleteAllItems(); //m_ary_ProjectPathNew.RemoveAll();*/ while (bWorking) { bWorking = finder.FindNextFile(); CString str=finder.GetFileName(); if(str.Right(4)==L".CSV"||str.Right(4)==L".csv" &&L"." !=str &&L".." != str)//注意该句需要排除“.”“..” { CString filename; CString fileTitle; //CString str=finder.GetFileName(); m_ary_SpecFilePath.Add(finder.GetFilePath()); //获取文件名(不包含后缀) //采用CString的Left(int count)截取CString中从左往右数的count个字符 //fileName.GetLength()-4中的4表示".csv"四个字符 m_ary_SpecFileName.Add(finder.GetFileTitle());//将文件名(不包含后缀)添加到数组中 } if(str.Right(4)==L".jpg" ||str.Right(4)==L".bmp"||str.Right(4)==L".gif"&&L"." !=str &&L".." != str)m_ary_PicturesPath.Add(finder.GetFilePath()); if(str==L"数据说明.xls"||str==L"数据说明.xlsx"&&L"." !=str &&L".." != str)m_ExcelInfoPath=finder.GetFilePath(); } finder.Close(); if(m_ary_SpecFileName.GetCount()==0) { MessageBox(L"该文件夹中没有规定格式的光谱数据,请重新选择!",L"警告",MB_ICONWARNING); return; } if(m_ary_SpecFileName.GetCount()<30) { MessageBox(L"光谱数量太少",L"警告",MB_ICONWARNING); } m_PicIndex=0; CString Winename; CString Wineinfo=L""; CString Comfrom; CString ReceiveDate; CString Wineinfotemp; if(m_ExcelInfoPath.IsEmpty()) { if(IDOK==MessageBox(L"数据包中缺少必要的光谱说明文件,是否自行填写?",L"信息缺失",MB_OKCANCEL|MB_ICONQUESTION)) { CInputSpecDatasetInfoDlg InputSpecDatasetInfoDlg; if(IDOK==InputSpecDatasetInfoDlg.DoModal()) { m_WineName=InputSpecDatasetInfoDlg.m_WineName; m_AlcoholContent=InputSpecDatasetInfoDlg.m_AlcoholContent; Wineinfo=m_AlcoholContent+L"度,"; m_Flavour=InputSpecDatasetInfoDlg.m_Flavour; Wineinfo+=m_Flavour; Wineinfo+=L","; m_Brand=InputSpecDatasetInfoDlg.m_Brand; Wineinfo+=m_Brand; m_Comfrom=L"管理员"; SYSTEMTIME tm; GetDirTime(m_SpecDataFoldPath,tm); ReceiveDate.Format(L"%d-%d-%d",tm.wYear,tm.wMonth,tm.wDay); } else { m_ary_SpecFilePath.RemoveAll(); m_ary_SpecFileName.RemoveAll(); m_ary_PicturesPath.RemoveAll(); return; } } else { m_ary_SpecFilePath.RemoveAll(); m_ary_SpecFileName.RemoveAll(); m_ary_PicturesPath.RemoveAll(); return; } } else { CString strDirExcel=m_ExcelInfoPath; //strDirExcel.Replace(L"\\",L"\\\\"); CExcelOperator ExcelOperator; ExcelOperator.LoadExcel(strDirExcel); ExcelOperator.GetItem(1,1,L"String",m_WineName); ExcelOperator.GetItem(2,1,L"int",m_AlcoholContent); Wineinfo+=m_AlcoholContent; Wineinfo+=L"度,"; ExcelOperator.GetItem(3,1,L"String",m_Flavour); Wineinfo+=m_Flavour; Wineinfo+=L","; ExcelOperator.GetItem(4,1,L"String",m_Brand); Wineinfo+=m_Brand; ExcelOperator.GetItem(5,1,L"Date",m_ProductionDate); //Wineinfo+=Wineinfotemp; ExcelOperator.GetItem(6,1,L"String",m_BatchNo); //Wineinfo+=Wineinfotemp; ExcelOperator.GetItem(7,1,L"String",m_Comfrom); ExcelOperator.GetItem(8,1,L"Date",ReceiveDate); ExcelOperator.ReleaseExcel(); } SortCArrayByFirst(m_ary_SpecFileName,m_ary_SpecFilePath); for(int i=0;i<m_ary_SpecFileName.GetCount();i++) { //CString Current=m_ary_SpecFilePath[i]; m_ListSpectrumToAdd.InsertItem(i,m_ary_SpecFileName[i]); m_ListSpectrumToAdd.SetItemText(i,1,m_WineName); m_ListSpectrumToAdd.SetItemText(i,2,Wineinfo); m_ListSpectrumToAdd.SetItemText(i,3,m_ProductionDate); m_ListSpectrumToAdd.SetItemText(i,4,m_BatchNo); m_ListSpectrumToAdd.SetItemText(i,5,m_Comfrom); m_ListSpectrumToAdd.SetItemText(i,6,ReceiveDate); } }
LRESULT CIMoteTerminal::OnReceiveSerialData(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { //following couple of lines allow us to debug a raw datastream char *rxstring = (char *)lParam; DWORD numBytesReceived = (DWORD) wParam; BufferAppend(rxstring, numBytesReceived); delete []rxstring; return TRUE; #if 0 DWORD i,offset; //TRACE("Rx...Buffer = %#X\tNumBytesReceived = %d\n",rxstring,numBytesReceived); /***** data format for the accelerometer data looks something like: 0{2 bit addr}{5 data bits} {1}{7 data bits} ******/ for(offset=0; offset<numBytesReceived; offset++) { //find the correct first bytes if((rxstring[offset] & 0xE0) == 0) { break; } } //offset current points to the correct first element for us to look at //start reconstructing the 16 bit numbers and doing the divide for(i=offset;(i+6)<numBytesReceived; i+=6) { static bool init = false; POINT point; DWORD B,C,D,Tx, Ty,T; int Rx, Ry; B = ((rxstring[i] & 0x1F)<<7) | (rxstring[i+1] & 0x7F); C = ((rxstring[i+2] & 0x1F)<<7) | (rxstring[i+3] & 0x7F); D = ((rxstring[i+4] & 0x1F)<<7) | (rxstring[i+5] & 0x7F); Tx = B; Ty = D-C; T = C/2 + D/2 - B/2; Rx = ((Tx << 16) / T) - (65536/2); Ry = ((Ty << 16) / T) - (65536/2); //point.x =(LONG)( (rxstring[byte_index]<<8) + rxstring[byte_index+1]) -(65536/2); //point.x = (LONG)( (rxstring[byte_index]<<8) + rxstring[byte_index+1]); //TRACE("%d %d = %d\n",rxstring[i], rxstring[i+1], point.x); //TRACE("Found T, index %d \n", byte_index); //TRACE("Tx = %d, Ty = %d, T = %d, Rx = %d, Ry = %d\n",Tx, Ty, T, Rx, Ry); point.x = (LONG) Rx; point.y = (LONG) Ry; if(!init) { CIMoteCartesianPlot *pFrame=CreateNewView(0,0xDEADBEEF,0); pFrame->SetMappingFunction(-2,2); init = true; } AddPoint(point, 0); } delete rxstring; return TRUE; //#endif; POINT point; static bool bGotBeef = 0; static bool bFirstTime = true; static unsigned short NumDataBytes; static unsigned short NumBytesProcessed; //static int MoteIDs[NUMCHANNELS]; static unsigned short SensorID; static unsigned int MoteID; static unsigned int SensorType; static unsigned int ExtraInfo; static unsigned int TimeID; static unsigned int ChannelID; static unsigned char HeaderIndex; static unsigned char Header[16]; unsigned short *short_ptr; unsigned int *int_ptr; DWORD byte_index; static unsigned char LastByte = 0; // unsigned int ProblemIndex; unsigned int EmptyChannel; static unsigned int NumProblems = 0; CString logentry; static bool bPrintheader=true; CTime time; static int Tx, Ty, T, Rx, Ry, Tb, Tc, Td, b0, b1; static int CurrentCounter, CurrentByte; // Hack, for now statically allocate static unsigned char *CameraBuffer; static unsigned int CurrentCameraID; static unsigned int CameraBufferIndex; static unsigned int SegmentIndex; static bool PictureInProgress; static unsigned int LastPicID; #define MAX_PIC_SIZE 80000 #define INVALID_SENSOR 0 #define PH_SENSOR 1 #define PRESSURE_SENSOR 2 #define ACCELEROMETER_SENSOR 3 #define CAMERA_SENSOR 4 #define FIRST_SEGMENT 0x1111 #define MID_SEGMENT 0 #define END_OF_PIC 0xffff for(int channel = 0; (channel < NUMCHANNELS) && bFirstTime; channel++) { MoteIDs[channel] = 0; HeaderIndex = 0; CurrentCameraID = 0; CameraBuffer = NULL; CameraBufferIndex = 0; PictureInProgress = false; } if (bFirstTime) { // Figure out the start of the file names CFileFind finder; CString TempName; unsigned int TempID; LastPicID = 0; BOOL bResult = finder.FindFile("c:\\icam\\*.jpg"); while (bResult) { bResult = finder.FindNextFile(); TempName = finder.GetFileName(); if (sscanf((LPCSTR)TempName, "%d.jpg", &TempID) == 1) { // valid pic id if (LastPicID < TempID) { LastPicID = TempID; } } } LastPicID++; } bFirstTime = false; TRACE("Rx...Buffer = %#X\tNumBytesReceived = %d\n",rxstring,numBytesReceived); byte_index = 0; while(byte_index < numBytesReceived) { // Look for DEADBEEF, get all header info for(; (byte_index < numBytesReceived) && !bGotBeef; byte_index++) { switch (HeaderIndex) { case 0: if (rxstring[byte_index] == 0xEF) { HeaderIndex = 1; } break; case 1: if (rxstring[byte_index] == 0xBE) { HeaderIndex = 2; } else { HeaderIndex = 0; } break; case 2: if (rxstring[byte_index] == 0xAD) { HeaderIndex = 3; } else { HeaderIndex = 0; } break; case 3: if (rxstring[byte_index] == 0xDE) { HeaderIndex = 4; } else { HeaderIndex = 0; } break; case 13: // Done with header CurrentCounter = 0; CurrentByte = 0; bGotBeef = 1; Header[HeaderIndex] = rxstring[byte_index]; /* * Header : * DEADBEEF (4B) * MOTE ID (4B) * Sensor TYPE (2B) * LENGTH (2B) * Extra Info (2B) * */ int_ptr = (unsigned int *) &(Header[4]); MoteID = *int_ptr; short_ptr = (unsigned short *) &(Header[8]); SensorType = *short_ptr; short_ptr++; NumDataBytes = *short_ptr; short_ptr++; ExtraInfo = *short_ptr; NumBytesProcessed = 0; ChannelID = NUMCHANNELS; EmptyChannel = NUMCHANNELS; if (SensorType == CAMERA_SENSOR) { // check with segment TRACE("Camera seg %x, buf Index %d, NumDataBytes %d\r\n", ExtraInfo, CameraBufferIndex, NumDataBytes); if (ExtraInfo == FIRST_SEGMENT) { // first segment CurrentCameraID = MoteID; CameraBufferIndex = 0; if (!PictureInProgress) { // create buffer CameraBuffer = new unsigned char[MAX_PIC_SIZE]; PictureInProgress = true; } } SegmentIndex = 0; // Per segment index break; // don't process the channel stuff } // Find mote channel, for(int channel = 0; channel < NUMCHANNELS; channel++) { if (MoteIDs[channel] == MoteID) { ChannelID = channel; break; } else { if (MoteIDs[channel] == 0) { EmptyChannel = channel; } } } if (ChannelID == NUMCHANNELS) { // Didn't find a channel if (EmptyChannel < NUMCHANNELS) { // assign the mote id to this channel MoteIDs[EmptyChannel] = MoteID; ChannelID = EmptyChannel; CIMoteCartesianPlot *pFrame=CreateNewView(ChannelID,MoteID,SensorID); /* Note to LAMA: below is an example of how to use the setmapping function pFrame->SetMappingFunction(slope, offset, minrange, maxrange */ switch(SensorType) { case PH_SENSOR: pFrame->SetMappingFunction(0,14); rawdata = false; break; case PRESSURE_SENSOR: pFrame->SetMappingFunction(0,20.684); //pFrame->SetMappingFunction(0,300); rawdata = false; break; case ACCELEROMETER_SENSOR: pFrame->SetMappingFunction(-2,2); rawdata = false; break; default : //pFrame->SetMappingFunction(1,1,0,14); pFrame->SetMappingFunction(-32768,32768); } //UpdateAllViews(NULL); } /* * NOTE: if ChannelID is not assigned, * the processing will remain the same, but the data won't * be displayed. * TODO : handle later */ } //log transaction info to file here: if(bPrintheader) { logentry.Format("Timestamp, iMoteID, # of Bytes\r\n"); //logfile<<logentry<<endl; SaveLogEntry(&logentry); bPrintheader=false; } time=time.GetCurrentTime(); //logfile<<time.Format("%c"); SaveLogEntry(&time.Format("%c")); logentry.Format(", %#X, %d\r\n",MoteID, NumDataBytes); //logfile<<logentry<<endl; SaveLogEntry(&logentry); break; default: Header[HeaderIndex] = rxstring[byte_index]; HeaderIndex++; break; } } if (!bGotBeef) { delete []rxstring; return TRUE; } // Got DEADBEEF, process data for(; byte_index <numBytesReceived; byte_index++,NumBytesProcessed ++) { if (NumBytesProcessed >= NumDataBytes) { // go back to start, look for DEADBEEF again bGotBeef = false; HeaderIndex = 0; TRACE("Mote ID %lx, NumBytes %ld, byte index %d \n", MoteID, NumDataBytes, byte_index); //MoteID = 0; //NumDataBytes = 0; break; } if (rawdata) { //RAW_BYTES mode, no processing // Assume data is 2 bytes long, and back to back if (CurrentByte == 0) { b0 = rxstring[byte_index]; CurrentByte = 1; } else { b1 = rxstring[byte_index]; CurrentByte = 0; int sample_data; sample_data = (b1 <<8) + b0; //sample_data -= 0x2000; //sample_data = sample_data << 2; point.x = (LONG) sample_data; point.y = 0; //TRACE("sample is %d\r\n", sample_data); if (ChannelID < NUMCHANNELS) { // valid channel AddPoint(point, ChannelID); } } } else { if (CurrentByte == 0) { b0 = rxstring[byte_index]; CurrentByte = 1; if (SensorType == CAMERA_SENSOR) { // just copy data CameraBuffer[CameraBufferIndex] = b0; SegmentIndex++; CameraBufferIndex++; } } else { b1 = rxstring[byte_index]; CurrentByte = 0; switch(SensorType) { case PH_SENSOR: /* * A/D maps 0-5V range to 0-32 K * pH = -7.752 * V + 16.237 * V = raw_data * 5 / 32768 * The plot output expects the 0 - 14 range to be represented in -32 - 32 K * point.x = (-7.752 * (raw_data * 5/32768) + 16.237) * 64K / 14 - 32K */ double ph_data; ph_data = (b1 <<8) + b0; ph_data = -7.752 * (ph_data/ 32768) * 5 + 16.237; ph_data = (ph_data * 65536 / 14) - 32768; point.x = (LONG) ph_data; point.y = 0; if (ChannelID < NUMCHANNELS) { // valid channel AddPoint(point, ChannelID); } break; case PRESSURE_SENSOR: /* * A/D maps 0-5V range to 0-32 K * The plot output expects the 0 - 20.684 range to be represented in -32 - 32 K * point.x = (raw_data * 5/32768) * 64K / 20.684 - 32K */ int pressure_data; pressure_data = (b1 <<8) + b0; pressure_data = pressure_data * 2 - 32768; point.x = (LONG) pressure_data; point.y = 0; if (ChannelID < NUMCHANNELS) { // valid channel AddPoint(point, ChannelID); } break; case ACCELEROMETER_SENSOR: // TRACE("CurrentCounter %d, ByteIndex %d \n", CurrentCounter, byte_index); switch (CurrentCounter) { case 0: Tx = (b0 <<8) + b1;; CurrentCounter = 1; //TRACE("Found Tx, index %d \n", byte_index); break; case 1: Ty = (b0 <<8) + b1; CurrentCounter = 2; //TRACE("Found Ty, index %d \n", byte_index); break; case 2: T = (b0 <<8) + b1; Rx = ((Tx << 16) / T) - (65536/2); Ry = ((Ty << 16) / T) - (65536/2); //point.x =(LONG)( (rxstring[byte_index]<<8) + rxstring[byte_index+1]) -(65536/2); //point.x = (LONG)( (rxstring[byte_index]<<8) + rxstring[byte_index+1]); //TRACE("%d %d = %d\n",rxstring[i], rxstring[i+1], point.x); //TRACE("Found T, index %d \n", byte_index); //TRACE("Tx = %d, Ty = %d, T = %d, Rx = %d, Ry = %d\n",Tx, Ty, T, Rx, Ry); point.x = (LONG) Rx; point.y = (LONG) Ry; if (ChannelID < NUMCHANNELS) { // valid channel AddPoint(point, ChannelID); } CurrentCounter = 0; break; default: break; } break; case CAMERA_SENSOR: // just copy data CameraBuffer[CameraBufferIndex] = b1; SegmentIndex++; CameraBufferIndex++; break; } } //for now, just save the point in the x field of the structure } //NumBytesProcessed += 2; } TRACE("NumBytesProcessed %d, NumDataBytes %d\r\n", NumBytesProcessed, NumDataBytes); // Check if we reached the end of a picture, write it to file if ((SensorType == CAMERA_SENSOR) && (NumBytesProcessed == NumDataBytes) && (ExtraInfo == END_OF_PIC)) { // Create output buffer , assume header < 1000 unsigned char *JpgImage; int JpgImageLen; JpgImage = new unsigned char[CameraBufferIndex+1000]; // build jpeg image BuildJPG(CameraBuffer, CameraBufferIndex, JpgImage, &JpgImageLen); // write to file char pszFileName[200]; CFile PictureFile; CFileException fileException; sprintf(pszFileName, "c:\\icam\\%d.jpg", LastPicID); LastPicID++; if ( !PictureFile.Open( pszFileName, CFile::modeCreate | CFile::modeWrite | CFile::typeBinary, &fileException ) ) { TRACE( "Can't open file %s, error = %u\n", pszFileName, fileException.m_cause ); } //PictureFile.Write(CameraBuffer, CameraBufferIndex); PictureFile.Write(JpgImage, JpgImageLen); PictureFile.Close(); TRACE("Wrote Jpeg image raw %d\r\n", CameraBufferIndex); delete []CameraBuffer; delete []JpgImage; PictureInProgress = false; } } delete []rxstring; return TRUE; #endif; }
BOOL CPPgDirectories::OnApply() { bool testtempdirchanged=false; CString testincdirchanged = thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_INCOMINGDIR); CString strIncomingDir; GetDlgItemText(IDC_INCFILES, strIncomingDir); MakeFoldername(strIncomingDir); if (strIncomingDir.IsEmpty()){ strIncomingDir = thePrefs.GetDefaultDirectory(EMULE_INCOMINGDIR, true); // will create the directory here if it doesnt exists SetDlgItemText(IDC_INCFILES, strIncomingDir); } else if (thePrefs.IsInstallationDirectory(strIncomingDir)){ AfxMessageBox(GetResString(IDS_WRN_INCFILE_RESERVED)); return FALSE; } else if (strIncomingDir.CompareNoCase(testincdirchanged) != 0 && strIncomingDir.CompareNoCase(thePrefs.GetDefaultDirectory(EMULE_INCOMINGDIR, false)) != 0){ // if the user chooses a non-default directory which already contains files, inform him that all those files // will be shared CFileFind ff; CString strSearchPath; strSearchPath.Format(_T("%s\\*"),strIncomingDir); bool bEnd = !ff.FindFile(strSearchPath, 0); bool bExistingFile = false; while (!bEnd) { bEnd = !ff.FindNextFile(); if (ff.IsDirectory() || ff.IsDots() || ff.IsSystem() || ff.IsTemporary() || ff.GetLength()==0 || ff.GetLength()>MAX_EMULE_FILE_SIZE) continue; // ignore real LNK files TCHAR szExt[_MAX_EXT]; _tsplitpath(ff.GetFileName(), NULL, NULL, NULL, szExt); if (_tcsicmp(szExt, _T(".lnk")) == 0){ SHFILEINFO info; if (SHGetFileInfo(ff.GetFilePath(), 0, &info, sizeof(info), SHGFI_ATTRIBUTES) && (info.dwAttributes & SFGAO_LINK)){ if (!thePrefs.GetResolveSharedShellLinks()) continue; } } // ignore real THUMBS.DB files -- seems that lot of ppl have 'thumbs.db' files without the 'System' file attribute if (ff.GetFileName().CompareNoCase(_T("thumbs.db")) == 0) continue; bExistingFile = true; break; } if (bExistingFile && AfxMessageBox(GetResString(IDS_WRN_INCFILE_EXISTS), MB_OKCANCEL | MB_ICONINFORMATION) == IDCANCEL) { return FALSE; } } // checking specified tempdir(s) CString strTempDir; GetDlgItemText(IDC_TEMPFILES, strTempDir); if (strTempDir.IsEmpty()){ strTempDir = thePrefs.GetDefaultDirectory(EMULE_TEMPDIR, true); // will create the directory here if it doesnt exists SetDlgItemText(IDC_TEMPFILES, strTempDir); } int curPos=0; CStringArray temptempfolders; CString atmp=strTempDir.Tokenize(_T("|"), curPos); while (!atmp.IsEmpty()) { atmp.Trim(); if (!atmp.IsEmpty()) { if (CompareDirectories(strIncomingDir, atmp)==0){ AfxMessageBox(GetResString(IDS_WRN_INCTEMP_SAME)); return FALSE; } if (thePrefs.IsInstallationDirectory(atmp)){ AfxMessageBox(GetResString(IDS_WRN_TEMPFILES_RESERVED)); return FALSE; } bool doubled=false; for (int i=0;i<temptempfolders.GetCount();i++) // avoid double tempdirs if (temptempfolders.GetAt(i).CompareNoCase(atmp)==0) { doubled=true; break; } if (!doubled) { temptempfolders.Add(atmp); if (thePrefs.tempdir.GetCount()>=temptempfolders.GetCount()) { if( atmp.CompareNoCase(thePrefs.GetTempDir(temptempfolders.GetCount()-1))!=0 ) testtempdirchanged=true; } else testtempdirchanged=true; } } atmp = strTempDir.Tokenize(_T("|"), curPos); } if (temptempfolders.IsEmpty()) temptempfolders.Add(strTempDir = thePrefs.GetDefaultDirectory(EMULE_TEMPDIR, true)); if (temptempfolders.GetCount()!=thePrefs.tempdir.GetCount()) testtempdirchanged=true; // applying tempdirs if (testtempdirchanged) { thePrefs.tempdir.RemoveAll(); for (int i=0;i<temptempfolders.GetCount();i++) { CString toadd=temptempfolders.GetAt(i); MakeFoldername(toadd); if (!PathFileExists(toadd)) CreateDirectory(toadd,NULL); if (PathFileExists(toadd)) thePrefs.tempdir.Add(toadd); } } if (thePrefs.tempdir.IsEmpty()) thePrefs.tempdir.Add(thePrefs.GetDefaultDirectory(EMULE_TEMPDIR, true)); thePrefs.m_strIncomingDir = strIncomingDir; MakeFoldername(thePrefs.m_strIncomingDir); thePrefs.GetCategory(0)->strIncomingPath = thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_INCOMINGDIR); thePrefs.shareddir_list.RemoveAll(); m_ShareSelector.GetSharedDirectories(&thePrefs.shareddir_list); for (int i = 0; i < m_ctlUncPaths.GetItemCount(); i++) thePrefs.shareddir_list.AddTail(m_ctlUncPaths.GetItemText(i, 0)); // check shared directories for reserved folder names POSITION pos = thePrefs.shareddir_list.GetHeadPosition(); while (pos){ POSITION posLast = pos; const CString& rstrDir = thePrefs.shareddir_list.GetNext(pos); if (!thePrefs.IsShareableDirectory(rstrDir)) thePrefs.shareddir_list.RemoveAt(posLast); } if (testtempdirchanged) AfxMessageBox(GetResString(IDS_SETTINGCHANGED_RESTART)); // on changing incoming dir, update incoming dirs of category of the same path if (testincdirchanged.CompareNoCase(thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_INCOMINGDIR)) != 0) { CString oldpath; bool dontaskagain=false; for (int cat=1; cat<=thePrefs.GetCatCount()-1;cat++){ oldpath=CString(thePrefs.GetCatPath(cat)); if (oldpath.Left(testincdirchanged.GetLength()).CompareNoCase(testincdirchanged)==0) { if (!dontaskagain) { dontaskagain=true; if (AfxMessageBox(GetResString(IDS_UPDATECATINCOMINGDIRS),MB_YESNO)==IDNO) break; } thePrefs.GetCategory(cat)->strIncomingPath = thePrefs.GetMuleDirectory(EMULE_INCOMINGDIR) + oldpath.Mid(testincdirchanged.GetLength()); } } } theApp.emuledlg->sharedfileswnd->Reload(); SetModified(0); return CPropertyPage::OnApply(); }