コード例 #1
void CServerBrowser::CreateTab ( ServerBrowserType type, const char* szName )
    CGUI *pManager = g_pCore->GetGUI ();

    m_pTab [ type ] = m_pTabs->CreateTab ( szName );

    // Create the serverlist
    m_pServerList [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUIGridList* > ( pManager->CreateGridList ( m_pTab [ type ] ) );
    m_pServerList [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.02f, 0.10f ), true );
    m_pServerList [ type ]->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 0.80f, 0.815f ), true );
    m_pServerListRevision [ type ] = 0;
    // Server player list label
    m_pServerPlayerListLabel [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUILabel* > ( pManager->CreateLabel ( m_pTab [ type ], "Player List:" ) );
    m_pServerPlayerListLabel [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.83f, 0.34f ), true );
    m_pServerPlayerListLabel [ type ]->AutoSize ( "Player List:" );

    // Server player list
    m_pServerPlayerList [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUIGridList* > ( pManager->CreateGridList ( m_pTab [ type ] ) );
    m_pServerPlayerList [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.83f, 0.38f ), true );
    m_pServerPlayerList [ type ]->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 0.15f, 0.585f ), true );
    m_pServerPlayerList [ type ]->SetIgnoreTextSpacer ( true );

    // Filters

    // Server search edit
    m_pEditServerSearch [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUIEdit* > ( pManager->CreateEdit ( m_pTab [ type ], "" ) );
    m_pEditServerSearch [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.02f, 0.04f ), true );
    m_pEditServerSearch [ type ]->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 0.19f, 0.05f ), true );
    m_pEditServerSearch [ type ]->SetTextChangedHandler( GUI_CALLBACK( &CServerBrowser::OnFilterChanged, this ) );

    // Server search icon
	m_pServerSearchIcon [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUIStaticImage* > ( pManager->CreateStaticImage ( m_pEditServerSearch [ type ] ) );
	m_pServerSearchIcon [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.85f, 0.15f ), true );
	m_pServerSearchIcon [ type ]->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 16, 14 ), false );
	m_pServerSearchIcon [ type ]->LoadFromFile ( "cgui\\images\\magnfglasssmall.png" );

    // Player search edit
    m_pEditPlayerSearch [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUIEdit* > ( pManager->CreateEdit ( m_pTab [ type ], "" ) );
    m_pEditPlayerSearch [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.83f, 0.28f ), true );
    m_pEditPlayerSearch [ type ]->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 0.15f, 0.05f ), true );
    m_pEditPlayerSearch [ type ]->SetTextChangedHandler( GUI_CALLBACK( &CServerBrowser::OnFilterChanged, this ) );

    // Player search icon
	m_pPlayerSearchIcon [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUIStaticImage* > ( pManager->CreateStaticImage ( m_pEditPlayerSearch [ type ] ) );
	m_pPlayerSearchIcon [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.8f, 0.15f ), true );
	m_pPlayerSearchIcon [ type ]->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 16, 14 ), false );
	m_pPlayerSearchIcon [ type ]->LoadFromFile ( "cgui\\images\\magnfglasssmall.png" );

    // Include checkboxes
    m_pIncludeEmpty [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUICheckBox* > ( pManager->CreateCheckBox ( m_pTab [ type ], "Include Empty", true ) );
    m_pIncludeEmpty [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.225f, 0.045f ), true );
    m_pIncludeEmpty [ type ]->SetClickHandler ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CServerBrowser::OnFilterChanged, this ) );

    m_pIncludeFull [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUICheckBox* > ( pManager->CreateCheckBox ( m_pTab [ type ], "Include Full", true ) );
    m_pIncludeFull [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.38f, 0.045f ), true );
    m_pIncludeFull [ type ]->SetClickHandler ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CServerBrowser::OnFilterChanged, this ) );

    m_pIncludeLocked [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUICheckBox* > ( pManager->CreateCheckBox ( m_pTab [ type ], "Include Locked", true ) );
    m_pIncludeLocked [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.515f, 0.045f ), true );
    m_pIncludeLocked [ type ]->SetClickHandler ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CServerBrowser::OnFilterChanged, this ) );

    if ( type != ServerBrowserType::INTERNET && type != ServerBrowserType::LAN )
        m_pIncludeOffline [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUICheckBox* > ( pManager->CreateCheckBox ( m_pTab [ type ], "Include Offline", true ) );
        m_pIncludeOffline [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.675f, 0.045f ), true );
        m_pIncludeOffline [ type ]->SetClickHandler ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CServerBrowser::OnFilterChanged, this ) );
        m_pIncludeOffline [ type ] = NULL;

    // Buttons
    // Connect button
    m_pButtonConnect [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUIButton* > ( pManager->CreateButton ( m_pTab [ type ], "Connect" ) );
    m_pButtonConnect [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.83f, 0.05f ), true );
    m_pButtonConnect [ type ]->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 0.15f, 0.04f ), true );
    m_pButtonConnect [ type ]->SetAlwaysOnTop ( true );

    // Refresh button
    m_pButtonRefresh [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUIButton* > ( pManager->CreateButton ( m_pTab [ type ], "Refresh" ) );
    m_pButtonRefresh [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.83f, 0.11f ), true );
    m_pButtonRefresh [ type ]->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 0.15f, 0.04f ), true );

    // Add to Favourites button
    if ( type == ServerBrowserType::FAVOURITES )
        m_pButtonFavourites [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUIButton* > ( pManager->CreateButton ( m_pTab [ type ], "Remove from Favourites" ) );
        m_pButtonFavourites [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUIButton* > ( pManager->CreateButton ( m_pTab [ type ], "Add to Favourites" ) );    

    m_pButtonFavourites [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.02f, 0.93f ), true );
    m_pButtonFavourites [ type ]->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 0.25f, 0.04f ), true );

    // Password label
    m_pLabelPassword [ type ] = reinterpret_cast < CGUILabel* > ( pManager->CreateLabel ( m_pTab [ type ], "Password:"******"Password:"******"" ) );
    m_pEditPassword [ type ]->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.83f, 0.21f ), true ); 
    m_pEditPassword [ type ]->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 0.15f, 0.05f ), true );
    m_pEditPassword [ type ]->SetMasked ( true );
    m_pEditPassword [ type ]->SetTextAcceptedHandler( GUI_CALLBACK( &CServerBrowser::OnConnectClick, this ) );

    // Set up event handlers
    m_pButtonConnect [ type ]->SetClickHandler ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CServerBrowser::OnConnectClick, this ) );
    m_pButtonRefresh [ type ]->SetClickHandler ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CServerBrowser::OnRefreshClick, this ) );
    m_pButtonFavourites [ type ]->SetClickHandler ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CServerBrowser::OnFavouritesClick, this ) );

    // Server List Columns
    m_hSerial [ type ] = m_pServerList [ type ]->AddColumn ( "", 0.03f );
	m_hLocked [ type ] = m_pServerList [ type ]->AddColumn ( "", 0.03f );
    m_hName [ type ] = m_pServerList [ type ]->AddColumn ( "Name", 0.50f );
    m_hPlayers [ type ] = m_pServerList [ type ]->AddColumn ( "Players", 0.14f );
    m_hPing [ type ] = m_pServerList [ type ]->AddColumn ( "Ping", 0.10f );
    m_hGame [ type ] = m_pServerList [ type ]->AddColumn ( "Game", 0.25f );
    m_hMap [ type ] = m_pServerList [ type ]->AddColumn ( "Map", 0.25f );
    m_hHost [ type ] = m_pServerList [ type ]->AddColumn ( "Host", 0.25f );

    // Disable resizing of the first and second columns (Serial Auth & Locked)
    m_pServerList [ type ]->SetColumnSegmentSizingEnabled(0, false);
    m_pServerList [ type ]->SetColumnSegmentSizingEnabled(1, false);

    // Player List Columns
    m_hPlayerName [ type ] = m_pServerPlayerList [ type ]->AddColumn ( "Name", 0.75f );
コード例 #2
CServerBrowser::CServerBrowser ( void )
    CGUI *pManager = g_pCore->GetGUI ();

    // Initialize
    m_ulLastUpdateTime = 0;
    m_PrevServerBrowserType = INTERNET;

    // Create serverbrowser window
    m_pWindow = reinterpret_cast < CGUIWindow* > ( pManager->CreateWnd ( NULL, "SERVER BROWSER" ) );
    m_pWindow->SetCloseButtonEnabled ( false );
    m_pWindow->SetMovable ( true );
    m_pWindow->SetSizingEnabled ( true );
    CVector2D resolution = CCore::GetSingleton().GetGUI()->GetResolution();
    m_pWindow->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( resolution.fX / 2 - BROWSER_DEFAULTWIDTH / 2, resolution.fY / 2 - BROWSER_DEFAULTHEIGHT / 2  ), false );
    m_pWindow->SetAlwaysOnTop ( true );
    m_pWindow->SetMinimumSize ( CVector2D ( BROWSER_DEFAULTWIDTH, BROWSER_DEFAULTHEIGHT ) );

	// Create the serverlist tab panel and some tabs
	m_pTabs = reinterpret_cast < CGUITabPanel* > ( pManager->CreateTabPanel ( m_pWindow ) );
	m_pTabs->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.0f, 25.0f ) );
    // Back button
    m_pButtonBack = reinterpret_cast < CGUIButton* > ( pManager->CreateButton ( m_pWindow, "Back" ) );
    m_pButtonBack->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( BROWSER_DEFAULTWIDTH - 123.0f, BROWSER_DEFAULTHEIGHT - 32.0f ), false );
    m_pButtonBack->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 108.0f, 20.0f ), false );

    // Create the serverlist status label
    m_pServerListStatus = reinterpret_cast < CGUILabel* > ( pManager->CreateLabel ( m_pWindow, "Loading..." ) );
    m_pServerListStatus->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 14.0f, BROWSER_DEFAULTHEIGHT - 30.0f ) );
	m_pServerListStatus->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 0.40f, 0.40f ), true );
    //m_pServerListStatus->SetMinimumSize ( CVector2D ( 1.0f, 1.0f ) );
    //m_pServerListStatus->SetMaximumSize ( CVector2D ( 1.0f, 1.0f ) );

	// Create locked icon
	m_pLockedIcon = reinterpret_cast < CGUIStaticImage* > ( pManager->CreateStaticImage ( m_pWindow ) );
	m_pLockedIcon->SetVisible ( false );
	m_pLockedIcon->SetFrameEnabled ( false );
	m_pLockedIcon->LoadFromFile ( "cgui\\images\\locked.png" );

    // Serial verification icon
	m_pSerialIcon = reinterpret_cast < CGUIStaticImage* > ( pManager->CreateStaticImage ( m_pWindow ) );
	m_pSerialIcon->SetVisible ( false );
	m_pSerialIcon->SetFrameEnabled ( false );
	m_pSerialIcon->LoadFromFile ( "cgui\\images\\shield.png" );

    //Set necessary handlers
    m_pButtonBack->SetClickHandler ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CServerBrowser::OnBackClick, this ) );
    m_pWindow->SetSizedHandler ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CServerBrowser::OnWindowSize, this ) );

    // Create the tabs
    CreateTab ( ServerBrowserType::INTERNET, "Internet" );
	CreateTab ( ServerBrowserType::LAN, "Lan" );
    CreateTab ( ServerBrowserType::FAVOURITES, "Favourites" );
    CreateTab ( ServerBrowserType::RECENTLY_PLAYED, "Recently Played" );
    // Create the "Add to favourites by IP" button
    m_pButtonFavouritesByIP = reinterpret_cast < CGUIButton * > ( pManager->CreateButton ( m_pTab [ ServerBrowserType::FAVOURITES ], "Add by host/ip" ) );
    m_pButtonFavouritesByIP->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 0.30f, 0.93f ), true );
    m_pButtonFavouritesByIP->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 0.25f, 0.04f ), true );
    m_pButtonFavouritesByIP->SetClickHandler ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CServerBrowser::OnFavouritesByIPClick, this ) );

    // Create the "Add to favourites by IP" dialog
    m_pFavouritesAddByIP.SetCallback ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CServerBrowser::OnFavouritesByIPAddClick, this ) );

    // Login dialog
    m_pCommunityLogin.SetVisible ( false );
    m_pCommunityLogin.SetCallback ( &CServerBrowser::CompleteConnect );
コード例 #3
void CCommunityRegistration::CreateWindows ( void )
    CGUI *pManager = g_pCore->GetGUI ();
    CMainMenu *pMainMenu = CLocalGUI::GetSingleton ().GetMainMenu ();

    // Create the window
    m_pWindow = reinterpret_cast < CGUIWindow* > ( pManager->CreateWnd ( NULL, "Community Registration" ) );
    m_pWindow->SetCloseButtonEnabled ( false );

    CVector2D resolution = CCore::GetSingleton().GetGUI()->GetResolution();
    m_pWindow->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( resolution.fX / 2 - 300.0f / 2, resolution.fY / 2 - 300.0f / 2  ), false );
    m_pWindow->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 300.0f, 300.0f ), false );
    m_pWindow->SetSizingEnabled ( false );
    m_pWindow->SetAlwaysOnTop ( true );

    m_pLabelUsername = reinterpret_cast < CGUILabel* > ( pManager->CreateLabel ( m_pWindow, "Username:"******"Username:"******"Email:" ) );
    m_pLabelEmail->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 15.0f, 85.0f ), false );
    m_pLabelEmail->AutoSize ( "Email:" );

    m_pLabelPassword = reinterpret_cast < CGUILabel* > ( pManager->CreateLabel ( m_pWindow, "Password:"******"Password:"******"Confirm:" ) );
    m_pLabelConfirm->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 15.0f, 145.0f ), false );
    m_pLabelConfirm->AutoSize ( "Confirm:" );

    m_pLabelCode = reinterpret_cast < CGUILabel* > ( pManager->CreateLabel ( m_pWindow, "Validation code:" ) );
    m_pLabelCode->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 15.0f, 180.0f ), false );
    m_pLabelCode->AutoSize ( "Validation code:" );

    m_pEditUsername = reinterpret_cast < CGUIEdit* > ( pManager->CreateEdit ( m_pWindow ) );
    m_pEditUsername->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 90.0f, 59.0f ), false );
    m_pEditUsername->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 180.0f, 22.0f ), false );
    m_pEditUsername->SetMaxLength ( 32 );

    m_pEditEmail = reinterpret_cast < CGUIEdit* > ( pManager->CreateEdit ( m_pWindow ) );
    m_pEditEmail->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 90.0f, 84.0f ), false );
    m_pEditEmail->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 180.0f, 22.0f ), false );

    m_pEditPassword = reinterpret_cast < CGUIEdit* > ( pManager->CreateEdit ( m_pWindow ) );
    m_pEditPassword->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 90.0f, 119.0f ), false );
    m_pEditPassword->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 180.0f, 22.0f ), false );
    m_pEditPassword->SetMasked ( true );
    m_pEditPassword->SetMaxLength ( 32 );

    m_pEditConfirm = reinterpret_cast < CGUIEdit* > ( pManager->CreateEdit ( m_pWindow ) );
    m_pEditConfirm->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 90.0f, 144.0f ), false );
    m_pEditConfirm->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 180.0f, 22.0f ), false );
    m_pEditConfirm->SetMasked ( true );
    m_pEditConfirm->SetMaxLength ( 32 );

    m_pEditCode = reinterpret_cast < CGUIEdit* > ( pManager->CreateEdit ( m_pWindow ) );
    m_pEditCode->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 110.0f, 179.0f ), false );
    m_pEditCode->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 85.0f, 22.0f ), false );
    m_pEditCode->SetMaxLength ( 6 );

    m_pImageCode = reinterpret_cast < CGUIStaticImage* > ( pManager->CreateStaticImage ( m_pWindow ) );
    m_pImageCode->SetFrameEnabled ( false );
    m_pImageCode->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 205.0f, 180.0f ), false );

    m_pButtonRegister = reinterpret_cast < CGUIButton* > ( pManager->CreateButton ( m_pWindow, "Register" ) );
    m_pButtonRegister->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 100.0f, 270.0f ), false );
    m_pButtonRegister->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 90.0f, 20.0f ), false );
    m_pButtonRegister->SetZOrderingEnabled ( false );

    m_pButtonCancel = reinterpret_cast < CGUIButton* > ( pManager->CreateButton ( m_pWindow, "Cancel" ) );
    m_pButtonCancel->SetPosition ( CVector2D ( 200.0f, 270.0f ), false );
    m_pButtonCancel->SetSize ( CVector2D ( 70.0f, 20.0f ), false );
    m_pButtonRegister->SetZOrderingEnabled ( false );

    m_pButtonRegister->SetClickHandler ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CCommunityRegistration::OnButtonRegisterClick, this ) );
    m_pButtonCancel->SetClickHandler ( GUI_CALLBACK ( &CCommunityRegistration::OnButtonCancelClick, this ) );

    m_pWindow->SetAlpha ( 0.9f );