コード例 #1
// Draw wireframe sphere
void CClientColSphere::DebugRender ( const CVector& vecPosition, float fDrawRadius )
    SColorARGB color ( 64, 255, 0, 0 );
    float fLineWidth = 4.f + pow ( m_fRadius, 0.5f );
    CGraphicsInterface* pGraphics = g_pCore->GetGraphics ();

    uint iterations = Clamp ( 1, Round ( pow ( m_fRadius, 0.25f ) * 0.75f ), 4 );

    const SWireModel& model = GetSphereWireModel ( iterations );

    for ( uint i = 0 ; i < model.vertexList.size () ; i += 2 )
        const CVector& vecBegin = model.vertexList[ i ] * m_fRadius + m_vecPosition;
        const CVector& vecEnd = model.vertexList[ i + 1 ] * m_fRadius + m_vecPosition;
        pGraphics->DrawLine3DQueued ( vecBegin, vecEnd, fLineWidth, color, false );
コード例 #2
// Draw wireframe polygon
void CClientColPolygon::DebugRender ( const CVector& vecPosition, float fDrawRadius )
    const uint uiNumPoints = m_Points.size();

    SColorARGB color ( 128, 255, 255, 0 );
    float fLineWidth = 4.f + pow ( m_fRadius, 0.5f );
    CGraphicsInterface* pGraphics = g_pCore->GetGraphics ();

    // Don't draw a few end slices to show it goes on for ever
    int iSkipEndSlices = 4;

    // Calc required detail level
    uint uiNumSlices = std::max ( 2 + iSkipEndSlices * 2, Round ( sqrt ( fDrawRadius * 2.0f ) * 2.0f ) );

    // Draw Slices
        for ( uint s = iSkipEndSlices ; s < uiNumSlices - iSkipEndSlices ; s++ )
            float fZ = vecPosition.fZ - fDrawRadius + fDrawRadius * 2.0f * ( s / (float)( uiNumSlices - 1 ) );
            fZ += 4;    // Extra bit so a slice is on the same Z coord as the camera
            for ( uint i = 0 ; i < uiNumPoints ; i++ )
                const CVector2D& vecPointBegin = m_Points [ i ];
                const CVector2D& vecPointEnd = m_Points [ ( i + 1 ) % uiNumPoints ];

                CVector vecBegin ( vecPointBegin.fX, vecPointBegin.fY, fZ );
                CVector vecEnd ( vecPointEnd.fX, vecPointEnd.fY, fZ );
                pGraphics->DrawLine3DQueued ( vecBegin, vecEnd, fLineWidth, color, false );

    // Draw lines from bottom to top
        for ( uint i = 0 ; i < uiNumPoints ; i++ )
            const CVector2D& vecPoint = m_Points [ i ];

            CVector vecBegin ( vecPoint.fX, vecPoint.fY, vecPosition.fZ - fDrawRadius );
            CVector vecEnd ( vecPoint.fX, vecPoint.fY, vecPosition.fZ + fDrawRadius );
            pGraphics->DrawLine3DQueued ( vecBegin, vecEnd, fLineWidth, color, false );
コード例 #3
ファイル: CGraphStats.cpp プロジェクト: ntauthority/openvice
// CGraphStats::Draw
void CGraphStats::Draw ( void )
    if ( !m_bEnabled )

    CGraphicsInterface* pGraphics = g_pCore->GetGraphics();

    uint uiViewportHeight = pGraphics->GetViewportHeight();
    uint uiOriginX = 10;
    uint uiOriginY = Min < int > ( 500, uiViewportHeight - 10 );
    uint uiSizeY = 150;
    uint uiRangeY = 100;    // 100ms
    float fLineScale = 1/1000.f / uiRangeY * uiSizeY;

    // Backgrounf box
	pGraphics->DrawRectQueued( uiOriginX,  uiOriginY - uiSizeY,  uiSizeX, uiSizeY, SColorRGBA( 0, 0, 0, 128 ), true );

	// Draw data line.
    for ( std::map < SString, SGraphStatLine >::iterator iter = m_LineList.begin() ; iter != m_LineList.end() ; ++iter )
	    SGraphStatLine& line = iter->second;

		int iDataPos = line.iDataPos;
		int iDataPosPrev = iDataPos;
		if ( iDataPos == -1 )

        for ( int i = uiSizeX - 1 ; i > 0 ; i-- )
			float fY0 = line.dataHistory[ iDataPos ] * fLineScale;
			float fY1 = line.dataHistory[ iDataPosPrev ] * fLineScale;

			iDataPosPrev = iDataPos;
			if ( iDataPos == -1 )

			pGraphics->DrawLineQueued( uiOriginX + i - 1,  uiOriginY - fY0,  uiOriginX + i,  uiOriginY - fY1, 1, line.color, true );
コード例 #4
ファイル: CGraphStats.cpp プロジェクト: Audifire/mtasa-blue
// CGraphStats::Draw
void CGraphStats::Draw(void)
    if (!m_bEnabled)

    CGraphicsInterface* pGraphics = g_pCore->GetGraphics();

    uint  uiViewportHeight = pGraphics->GetViewportHeight();
    uint  uiOriginX = 10;
    uint  uiOriginY = std::min<int>(500, uiViewportHeight - 10);
    uint  uiSizeY = 150;
    uint  uiRangeY = 100;            // 100ms
    float fLineScale = 1 / 1000.f / uiRangeY * uiSizeY;
    float fHalfLineHeight = pGraphics->GetDXFontHeight() / 2;

    // Backgroung box
    pGraphics->DrawRectQueued(uiOriginX, uiOriginY - uiSizeY, uiSizeX, uiSizeY, SColorRGBA(0, 0, 0, 128), true);

    // Draw data line.
    for (const auto& dataLine : m_LineList)
        const SGraphStatLine& line = dataLine.second;
        int                   iDataPos = line.iDataPos;
        int                   iDataPosPrev = iDataPos;

        for (int i = uiSizeX - 1; i > 0; i--)
            float fY0 = line.dataHistory[iDataPos] * fLineScale;
            float fY1 = line.dataHistory[iDataPosPrev] * fLineScale;

            iDataPosPrev = iDataPos;
            if (iDataPos == -1)
                iDataPos = GRAPHSTAT_HISTORY_SIZE - 1;

            pGraphics->DrawLineQueued(uiOriginX + i - 1, uiOriginY - fY0, uiOriginX + i, uiOriginY - fY1, 1, line.color, true);

        float fX = uiOriginX + uiSizeX + 2;
        float fY = uiOriginY - line.dataHistory[line.iDataPos] * fLineScale - fHalfLineHeight;
        pGraphics->DrawStringQueued(fX, fY, fX, fY, line.color, line.strName.c_str(), 1.0f, 1.0f, DT_NOCLIP, nullptr, true);
コード例 #5
// Draw wireframe rectangle
void CClientColRectangle::DebugRender ( const CVector& vecPosition, float fDrawRadius )
    CVector vecBase ( m_vecPosition.fX, m_vecPosition.fY, vecPosition.fZ - fDrawRadius );
    CVector vecOrigin ( m_vecPosition.fX + m_vecSize.fX * 0.5f, m_vecPosition.fY + m_vecSize.fY * 0.5f, vecPosition.fZ );
    CVector vecSize ( m_vecSize.fX, m_vecSize.fY, fDrawRadius * 2.f );

    SColorARGB color ( 128, 255, 0, 255 );
    float fLineWidth = 4.f + pow ( Max ( m_vecSize.fX, m_vecSize.fY ) * 0.5f, 0.5f );
    CGraphicsInterface* pGraphics = g_pCore->GetGraphics ();

    // Don't draw a few end slices to show it goes on for ever
    int iSkipEndSlicesZ = 4;

    // Calc required detail level
    uint uiNumSlicesX = Max ( 2, Round ( sqrt ( vecSize.fX ) * 1.5f ) );
    uint uiNumSlicesY = Max ( 2, Round ( sqrt ( vecSize.fY ) * 1.5f ) );
    uint uiNumSlicesZ = Max ( 2 + iSkipEndSlicesZ * 2, Round ( sqrt ( vecSize.fZ ) * 2.0f ) );

    // Draw Slices Z
        static const CVector cornerPoints[] = { CVector( 0, 0, 1 ), CVector( 1, 0, 1 ), CVector( 1, 1, 1 ), CVector( 0, 1, 1 ) };

        CVector vecMult = vecSize;
        CVector vecAdd = vecBase + CVector ( 0, 0, 4 ); // Extra bit so a slice is on the same Z coord as the camera

        for ( uint s = iSkipEndSlicesZ ; s < uiNumSlicesZ - iSkipEndSlicesZ ; s++ )
            vecMult.fZ = vecSize.fZ * ( s / (float)( uiNumSlicesZ - 1 ) );
            for ( uint i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS( cornerPoints ) ; i++ )
                const CVector& vecBegin = cornerPoints [ i ] * vecMult + vecAdd;
                const CVector& vecEnd = cornerPoints [ ( i + 1 ) % 4 ] * vecMult + vecAdd;
                pGraphics->DrawLine3DQueued ( vecBegin, vecEnd, fLineWidth, color, false );

    // Draw Slices Y
        static const CVector cornerPoints[] = { CVector( 0, 1, 0 ), CVector( 1, 1, 0 ), CVector( 1, 1, 1 ), CVector( 0, 1, 1 ) };

        CVector vecMult = vecSize;
        CVector vecAdd = vecBase;

        for ( uint s = 0 ; s < uiNumSlicesY ; s++ )
            vecMult.fY = vecSize.fY * ( s / (float)( uiNumSlicesY - 1 ) );
            for ( uint i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS( cornerPoints ) ; i++ )
                if ( !(i & 1) )
                    continue;   // No end cap
                const CVector& vecBegin = cornerPoints [ i ] * vecMult + vecAdd;
                const CVector& vecEnd = cornerPoints [ ( i + 1 ) % 4 ] * vecMult + vecAdd;
                pGraphics->DrawLine3DQueued ( vecBegin, vecEnd, fLineWidth, color, false );

    // Draw Slices X
        static const CVector cornerPoints[] = { CVector( 1, 0, 0 ), CVector( 1, 1, 0 ), CVector( 1, 1, 1 ), CVector( 1, 0, 1 ) };

        CVector vecMult = vecSize;
        CVector vecAdd = vecBase;

        for ( uint s = 0 ; s < uiNumSlicesX ; s++ )
            vecMult.fX = vecSize.fX * ( s / (float)( uiNumSlicesX - 1 ) );
            for ( uint i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS( cornerPoints ) ; i++ )
                if ( !(i & 1) )
                    continue;   // No end cap
                const CVector& vecBegin = cornerPoints [ i ] * vecMult + vecAdd;
                const CVector& vecEnd = cornerPoints [ ( i + 1 ) % 4 ] * vecMult + vecAdd;
                pGraphics->DrawLine3DQueued ( vecBegin, vecEnd, fLineWidth, color, false );
コード例 #6
ファイル: CNametags.cpp プロジェクト: ccw808/mtasa-blue
void CNametags::DrawTagForPlayer(CClientPlayer* pPlayer, unsigned char ucAlpha)
    // If they aren't in the same dimension, dont draw
    if (pPlayer->GetDimension() != m_usDimension || !pPlayer->IsNametagShowing())

    // Grab the resolution width and height
    CGraphicsInterface* pGraphics = g_pCore->GetGraphics();
    static float        fResWidth = static_cast<float>(pGraphics->GetViewportWidth());
    static float        fResHeight = static_cast<float>(pGraphics->GetViewportHeight());

    // Get the position
    CVector vecPosition;
    pPlayer->GetBonePosition(BONE_PELVIS, vecPosition);

    // Calculate where the player is on our screen
    CVector vecScreenPosition;
    vecPosition.fZ += 0.3f;
    pGraphics->CalcScreenCoors(&vecPosition, &vecScreenPosition);

    // Grab health and max health
    float fMaxHealth = pPlayer->GetMaxHealth();
    float fHealth = pPlayer->GetHealth();
    float fArmor = pPlayer->GetArmor();

    // Recalculate that to be within 0-100
    fHealth = fHealth / fMaxHealth * 100;
    if (fHealth > 100.0f)
        fHealth = 100.0f;

    // Some multiplier heh...
    fHealth *= 7.52f;

    // Allow up to 50 pixels off screen to avoid nametags suddenly disappearing
    if (fHealth > 0 && vecScreenPosition.fX > -50.0f && vecScreenPosition.fX < fResWidth + 50.f && vecScreenPosition.fY > -50.0f &&
        vecScreenPosition.fY < fResHeight + 50.f && vecScreenPosition.fZ > 0.1f)
        // Grab the nick to show
        const char* szNick = pPlayer->GetNametagText();
        if (!szNick || !szNick[0])
            szNick = pPlayer->GetNick();

        // Draw his name
        unsigned char ucR, ucG, ucB;
        pPlayer->GetNametagColor(ucR, ucG, ucB);
        // Draw shadow first
        int iScreenPosX = static_cast<int>(vecScreenPosition.fX);
        int iScreenPosY = static_cast<int>(vecScreenPosition.fY);
        pGraphics->DrawString(iScreenPosX + 1, iScreenPosY + 1, iScreenPosX + 1, iScreenPosY + 1, COLOR_ARGB(255, 0, 0, 0), szNick, 1.0f, 1.0f,
                              DT_NOCLIP | DT_CENTER);
        pGraphics->DrawString(iScreenPosX, iScreenPosY, iScreenPosX, iScreenPosY, COLOR_ARGB(255, ucR, ucG, ucB), szNick, 1.0f, 1.0f, DT_NOCLIP | DT_CENTER);

        // We need to draw health tags?
        if (m_bDrawHealth)
            fHealth = fHealth / (750.0f / 510.0f);
            long lRed = 0;
            long lGreen = 0;
            if (fHealth > 255)
                lRed = static_cast<long>(512.0f - fHealth);
                if (lRed > 255)
                    lRed = 255;
                lGreen = 255;
            else if (fHealth <= 255)
                lRed = 255;
                lGreen = static_cast<long>(fHealth);

            long lRedBlack = static_cast<long>(lRed * 0.33f);
            long lGreenBlack = static_cast<long>(lGreen * 0.33f);

            // TR - TL - BR - BL
            float fHeight = fResHeight * 0.011f;
            float fWidth = fResWidth * 0.060f;
            float fTopOffset = fResHeight * 0.025f;
            float fSizeIncreaseBorder = fResWidth * 0.003f;
            float fRemovedWidth = fWidth - (fHealth / 512.0f * fWidth);
            float fTopArmorOffset = fTopOffset + fHeight - 0.01f * fResWidth;
            float fMaxArmor = 100.0f;
            float fArmorAlpha = (fArmor / fMaxArmor) * (ucAlpha / 255.0f);            // 0->1

            unsigned char ucArmorAlpha = (unsigned char)(255.0f * fArmorAlpha);

            #define ARMOR_BORDER_COLOR COLOR_ABGR(ucArmorAlpha,167,177,179)

            // Base rectangle
            CVector vecTopLeftBase(vecScreenPosition.fX - fWidth * 0.5f, vecScreenPosition.fY + fTopOffset, 0);
            CVector vecBotRightBase(vecScreenPosition.fX + fWidth * 0.5f, vecScreenPosition.fY + fTopOffset + fHeight, 0);

            // background
            CVector vecTopLeft = vecTopLeftBase + CVector(-fSizeIncreaseBorder, -fSizeIncreaseBorder, 0);
            CVector vecBotRight = vecBotRightBase + CVector(+fSizeIncreaseBorder, +fSizeIncreaseBorder, 0);
            pGraphics->DrawRectangle(vecTopLeft.fX, vecTopLeft.fY, vecBotRight.fX - vecTopLeft.fX, vecBotRight.fY - vecTopLeft.fY, COLOR_ABGR(ucAlpha, 0, 0, 0),

            if (fArmor > 0.0f)
                // Left side of armor indicator
                vecTopLeft = vecTopLeftBase + CVector(-fSizeIncreaseBorder, -fSizeIncreaseBorder, 0);
                vecBotRight = vecBotRightBase + CVector(-fWidth, +fSizeIncreaseBorder, 0);
                pGraphics->DrawRectangle(vecTopLeft.fX, vecTopLeft.fY, vecBotRight.fX - vecTopLeft.fX, vecBotRight.fY - vecTopLeft.fY, ARMOR_BORDER_COLOR,

                // Right side of armor indicator
                vecTopLeft = vecTopLeftBase + CVector(+fWidth, -fSizeIncreaseBorder, 0);
                vecBotRight = vecBotRightBase + CVector(+fSizeIncreaseBorder, +fSizeIncreaseBorder, 0);
                pGraphics->DrawRectangle(vecTopLeft.fX, vecTopLeft.fY, vecBotRight.fX - vecTopLeft.fX, vecBotRight.fY - vecTopLeft.fY, ARMOR_BORDER_COLOR,

                // Top armor indicator
                vecTopLeft = vecTopLeftBase + CVector(+0, -fSizeIncreaseBorder, 0);
                vecBotRight = vecBotRightBase + CVector(+0, -fHeight, 0);
                pGraphics->DrawRectangle(vecTopLeft.fX, vecTopLeft.fY, vecBotRight.fX - vecTopLeft.fX, vecBotRight.fY - vecTopLeft.fY, ARMOR_BORDER_COLOR,

                // Bottom armor indicator
                vecTopLeft = vecTopLeftBase + CVector(+0, +fHeight, 0);
                vecBotRight = vecBotRightBase + CVector(+0, +fSizeIncreaseBorder, 0);
                pGraphics->DrawRectangle(vecTopLeft.fX, vecTopLeft.fY, vecBotRight.fX - vecTopLeft.fX, vecBotRight.fY - vecTopLeft.fY, ARMOR_BORDER_COLOR,

            // the colored bit
            vecTopLeft = vecTopLeftBase + CVector(+0, +0, 0);
            vecBotRight = vecBotRightBase + CVector(-fRemovedWidth, +0, 0);
            pGraphics->DrawRectangle(vecTopLeft.fX, vecTopLeft.fY, vecBotRight.fX - vecTopLeft.fX, vecBotRight.fY - vecTopLeft.fY,
                                     COLOR_ABGR(ucAlpha, 0, static_cast<unsigned char>(lGreen), static_cast<unsigned char>(lRed)), true);

            // the black bit
            vecTopLeft = vecTopLeftBase + CVector(+fWidth - fRemovedWidth, +0, 0);
            vecBotRight = vecBotRightBase + CVector(+0, +0, 0);
            pGraphics->DrawRectangle(vecTopLeft.fX, vecTopLeft.fY, vecBotRight.fX - vecTopLeft.fX, vecBotRight.fY - vecTopLeft.fY,
                                     COLOR_ABGR(ucAlpha, 0, static_cast<unsigned char>(lGreenBlack), static_cast<unsigned char>(lRedBlack)), true);

            // Draw the player status icon
            if (pPlayer->HasConnectionTrouble())
                pGraphics->DrawTexture(m_pConnectionTroubleIcon, vecScreenPosition.fX - 20, vecScreenPosition.fY + 20);
コード例 #7
// Draw wireframe cuboid
void CClientColCuboid::DebugRender ( const CVector& vecPosition, float fDrawRadius )
    CVector vecBase = m_vecPosition;
    CVector vecOrigin = m_vecPosition + m_vecSize * 0.5f;
    CVector vecSize = m_vecSize;

    SColorARGB color ( 128, 0, 255, 0 );
    float fLineWidth = 4.f + pow ( Max ( Max ( m_vecSize.fX, m_vecSize.fY ), m_vecSize.fZ ) * 0.5f, 0.5f );
    CGraphicsInterface* pGraphics = g_pCore->GetGraphics ();

    // Calc required detail level
    uint uiNumSlicesX = Max ( 2, Round ( sqrt ( vecSize.fX ) * 1.5f ) );
    uint uiNumSlicesY = Max ( 2, Round ( sqrt ( vecSize.fY ) * 1.5f ) );
    uint uiNumSlicesZ = Max ( 2, Round ( sqrt ( vecSize.fZ ) * 2.0f ) );

    // Draw Slices Z
        static const CVector cornerPoints[] = { CVector( 0, 0, 1 ), CVector( 1, 0, 1 ), CVector( 1, 1, 1 ), CVector( 0, 1, 1 ) };

        CVector vecMult ( vecSize.fX, vecSize.fY, vecSize.fZ );
        CVector vecAdd ( vecBase.fX, vecBase.fY, vecBase.fZ );

        for ( uint s = 0 ; s < uiNumSlicesZ ; s++ )
            vecMult.fZ = vecSize.fZ * ( s / (float)( uiNumSlicesZ - 1 ) );
            for ( uint i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS( cornerPoints ) ; i++ )
                const CVector& vecBegin = cornerPoints [ i ] * vecMult + vecAdd;
                const CVector& vecEnd = cornerPoints [ ( i + 1 ) % 4 ] * vecMult + vecAdd;
                pGraphics->DrawLine3DQueued ( vecBegin, vecEnd, fLineWidth, color, false );

    // Draw Slices Y
        static const CVector cornerPoints[] = { CVector( 0, 1, 0 ), CVector( 1, 1, 0 ), CVector( 1, 1, 1 ), CVector( 0, 1, 1 ) };

        CVector vecMult ( vecSize.fX, vecSize.fY, vecSize.fZ );
        CVector vecAdd ( vecBase.fX, vecBase.fY, vecBase.fZ );

        for ( uint s = 0 ; s < uiNumSlicesY ; s++ )
            vecMult.fY = vecSize.fY * ( s / (float)( uiNumSlicesY - 1 ) );
            for ( uint i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS( cornerPoints ) ; i++ )
                const CVector& vecBegin = cornerPoints [ i ] * vecMult + vecAdd;
                const CVector& vecEnd = cornerPoints [ ( i + 1 ) % 4 ] * vecMult + vecAdd;
                pGraphics->DrawLine3DQueued ( vecBegin, vecEnd, fLineWidth, color, false );

    // Draw Slices X
        static const CVector cornerPoints[] = { CVector( 1, 0, 0 ), CVector( 1, 1, 0 ), CVector( 1, 1, 1 ), CVector( 1, 0, 1 ) };

        CVector vecMult ( vecSize.fX, vecSize.fY, vecSize.fZ );
        CVector vecAdd ( vecBase.fX, vecBase.fY, vecBase.fZ );

        for ( uint s = 0 ; s < uiNumSlicesX ; s++ )
            vecMult.fX = vecSize.fX * ( s / (float)( uiNumSlicesX - 1 ) );
            for ( uint i = 0 ; i < NUMELMS( cornerPoints ) ; i++ )
                const CVector& vecBegin = cornerPoints [ i ] * vecMult + vecAdd;
                const CVector& vecEnd = cornerPoints [ ( i + 1 ) % 4 ] * vecMult + vecAdd;
                pGraphics->DrawLine3DQueued ( vecBegin, vecEnd, fLineWidth, color, false );