void CDPlusHandler::writeHeaderInt(IReflectorCallback* handler, CHeaderData& header, DIRECTION direction) { wxASSERT(handler != NULL); if (m_linkState != DPLUS_LINKED) return; if (direction != m_direction) return; // Already is use? if (m_dPlusId != 0x00U) return; switch (m_direction) { case DIR_OUTGOING: if (m_destination == handler) { header.setRepeaters(m_callsign, m_reflector); header.setDestination(m_yourAddress, m_yourPort); m_handler->writeHeader(header); m_rptrId = header.getId(); } break; case DIR_INCOMING: header.setDestination(m_yourAddress, m_yourPort); m_handler->writeHeader(header); break; } }
void CStarNetHandler::sendToRepeaters(CHeaderData& header) const { for (CStarNetRepeatersHashMap::const_iterator it = m_repeaters.begin(); it != m_repeaters.end(); ++it) { CStarNetRepeater* repeater = it->second; if (repeater != NULL) { header.setYourCall(repeater->m_destination); header.setDestination(repeater->m_address, G2_DV_PORT); header.setRepeaters(repeater->m_gateway, repeater->m_repeater); if (repeater->m_local != NULL) repeater->m_local->process(header, AS_G2); else m_g2Handler->writeHeader(header); } } }
void CXReflectorDPlusHandler::writeHeaderInt(CHeaderData& header) { if (!m_linked) return; // If there's an incoming data stream, don't send if (m_dPlusId != 0x00U) return; wxString rpt2 = m_dplusCallsign; wxChar band = header.getRptCall1().GetChar(LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U); rpt2.SetChar(LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U, band); wxString rpt1 = m_dplusCallsign; band = header.getRptCall2().GetChar(LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U); rpt1.SetChar(LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U, band); header.setRepeaters(rpt1, rpt2); header.setDestination(m_address, m_port); m_handler->writeHeader(header); }
void CDExtraHandler::writeHeaderInt(const wxString& callsign, CHeaderData& header, DIRECTION direction) { if (m_linkState != DEXTRA_LINKED) return; // Is it link in the right direction if (m_direction != direction) return; // Reject on invalid callsign if not a dongle link if (!m_repeater.IsEmpty()) { // Do the callsigns match? if (!callsign.IsSameAs(m_repeater)) return; } // Already in use? if (m_dExtraId != 0x00) return; header.setDestination(m_address, m_port); m_handler->writeHeader(header); m_rptrId = header.getId(); }
bool CTimeServerThread::send(const wxArrayString &words, unsigned int hour, unsigned int min) { unsigned int idA = CHeaderData::createId(); unsigned int idB = CHeaderData::createId(); unsigned int idC = CHeaderData::createId(); unsigned int idD = CHeaderData::createId(); CHeaderData header; header.setMyCall1(m_callsign); header.setRptCall1(m_callsignG); header.setRptCall2(m_callsign); // Just for the slow data header header.setYourCall(wxT("CQCQCQ ")); header.setDestination(m_address, G2_DV_PORT); wxString slowData; switch (m_language) { case LANG_DEUTSCH_1: case LANG_DEUTSCH_2: header.setMyCall2(wxT("ZEIT")); slowData.Printf(wxT("Es ist %02u:%02u Uhr"), hour, min); break; case LANG_FRANCAIS: header.setMyCall2(wxT("TIME")); slowData.Printf(wxT("Il est %02u:%02u"), hour, min); break; case LANG_NEDERLANDS: header.setMyCall2(wxT("TIJD")); slowData.Printf(wxT("Het is %02u:%02u"), hour, min); break; case LANG_SVENSKA: header.setMyCall2(wxT("TID ")); slowData.Printf(wxT("Klockan ar %02u:%02u"), hour, min); break; case LANG_ENGLISH_US_1: case LANG_ENGLISH_UK_1: header.setMyCall2(wxT("TIME")); if (hour == 0U) slowData.Printf(wxT("It is 12:%02u AM"), min); else if (hour == 12U) slowData.Printf(wxT("It is 12:%02u PM"), min); else if (hour > 12U) slowData.Printf(wxT("It is %02u:%02u PM"), hour - 12U, min); else slowData.Printf(wxT("It is %02u:%02u AM"), hour, min); break; default: header.setMyCall2(wxT("TIME")); slowData.Printf(wxT("It is %02u:%02u"), hour, min); break; } m_encoder.setHeaderData(header); m_encoder.setTextData(slowData); m_in = 0U; if (m_format != FORMAT_TEXT_TIME) { wxString text = words.Item(0U); for (unsigned int i = 1U; i < words.GetCount(); i++) { text.Append(wxT(" ")); text.Append(words.Item(i)); } text.Replace(wxT("_"), wxT(" ")); wxLogMessage(wxT("Sending voice \"%s\", sending text \"%s\""), text.c_str(), slowData.c_str()); m_seqNo = 0U; // Build the audio lookup(wxT(" ")); lookup(wxT(" ")); lookup(wxT(" ")); lookup(wxT(" ")); for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < words.GetCount(); i++) lookup(words.Item(i)); lookup(wxT(" ")); lookup(wxT(" ")); lookup(wxT(" ")); lookup(wxT(" ")); end(); } else { wxLogMessage(wxT("Sending text \"%s\""), slowData.c_str()); for (unsigned int i = 0U; i < 21U; i++) { CAMBEData* dataOut = new CAMBEData; dataOut->setDestination(m_address, G2_DV_PORT); dataOut->setSeq(i); unsigned char buffer[DV_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES]; ::memcpy(buffer + 0U, NULL_AMBE_DATA_BYTES, VOICE_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES); // Insert sync bytes when the sequence number is zero, slow data otherwise if (i == 0U) { ::memcpy(buffer + VOICE_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES, DATA_SYNC_BYTES, DATA_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES); m_encoder.sync(); } else { m_encoder.getTextData(buffer + VOICE_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES); } dataOut->setData(buffer, DV_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES); m_data[m_in] = dataOut; m_in++; } CAMBEData* dataOut = new CAMBEData; dataOut->setData(END_PATTERN_BYTES, DV_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES); dataOut->setDestination(m_address, G2_DV_PORT); dataOut->setSeq(0U); dataOut->setEnd(true); m_data[m_in] = dataOut; m_in++; } if (m_in == 0U) { wxLogWarning(wxT("Not sending, no audio files loaded")); return false; } if (!m_callsignA.IsEmpty()) { header.setRptCall2(m_callsignA); header.setId(idA); sendHeader(header); } if (!m_callsignB.IsEmpty()) { header.setRptCall2(m_callsignB); header.setId(idB); sendHeader(header); } if (!m_callsignC.IsEmpty()) { header.setRptCall2(m_callsignC); header.setId(idC); sendHeader(header); } if (!m_callsignD.IsEmpty()) { header.setRptCall2(m_callsignD); header.setId(idD); sendHeader(header); } unsigned int out = 0U; wxStopWatch timer; timer.Start(); for (;;) { unsigned int needed = timer.Time() / DSTAR_FRAME_TIME_MS; while (out < needed) { CAMBEData* data = m_data[out]; m_data[out] = NULL; out++; if (!m_callsignA.IsEmpty()) { data->setId(idA); sendData(*data); } if (!m_callsignB.IsEmpty()) { data->setId(idB); sendData(*data); } if (!m_callsignC.IsEmpty()) { data->setId(idC); sendData(*data); } if (!m_callsignD.IsEmpty()) { data->setId(idD); sendData(*data); } delete data; if (m_in == out) return true; } ::wxMilliSleep(10UL); } }
bool CAPRSTransmit::run() { //First see if the packet is Icom supported... CAPRSPacket aprsPacket; if(!CAPRSParser::Parse(m_text, aprsPacket)){ wxLogWarning(wxT("Unsupported APRS Format, ignoring => ") + m_text.Trim(true)); return false; } wxString textWithCRC(aprsPacket.Raw()); wxLogMessage(wxT("Supported APRS Format => ") + textWithCRC.Trim(true)); //add nececessary stuff to text, but keep it the original textWithCRC.Replace(wxT("\n"), wxEmptyString); if(!textWithCRC.EndsWith(wxT("\r"))) textWithCRC.Append(wxT("\r")); wxString crc = wxString::Format(wxT("$$CRC%04X,"), calcCRC(textWithCRC)); textWithCRC.Prepend(crc); bool opened = m_socket.open(); if (!opened) return false; in_addr address = CUDPReaderWriter::lookup(wxT("")); unsigned int id = CHeaderData::createId(); wxString callsignG = m_repeaterCallsign.Left(LONG_CALLSIGN_LENGTH - 1U); callsignG.Append(wxT("G")); CHeaderData header; header.setId(id); header.setMyCall1(m_APRSCallsign); header.setMyCall2(wxT("APRS")); header.setRptCall1(callsignG); header.setRptCall2(m_repeaterCallsign); header.setYourCall(wxT("CQCQCQ ")); header.setDestination(address, G2_DV_PORT); sendHeader(header); CSlowDataEncoder encoder; encoder.setHeaderData(header); encoder.setGPSData(textWithCRC); encoder.setTextData(wxT("APRS to DPRS")); CAMBEData data; data.setDestination(address, G2_DV_PORT); data.setId(id); wxStopWatch timer; timer.Start(); unsigned int out = 0U; unsigned int dataOut = 0U; unsigned int needed = (encoder.getInterleavedDataLength() / (DATA_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES)) * 2U; while (dataOut < needed) { data.setSeq(out); unsigned char buffer[DV_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES]; ::memcpy(buffer + 0U, NULL_AMBE_DATA_BYTES, VOICE_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES); // Insert sync bytes when the sequence number is zero, slow data otherwise if (out == 0U) { ::memcpy(buffer + VOICE_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES, DATA_SYNC_BYTES, DATA_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES); } else { encoder.getInterleavedData(buffer + VOICE_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES); dataOut++; } data.setData(buffer, DV_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES); sendData(data); out++; if (out == 21U) out = 0U; } data.setData(END_PATTERN_BYTES, DV_FRAME_LENGTH_BYTES); data.setSeq(out >= 21U ? 0U : out); data.setEnd(true); sendData(data); m_socket.close(); return true; }