コード例 #1
CIMGCodec::Encode( const CImage& inputImage       ,
                   CORE::CIOAccess& encodedOutput )

    if ( inputImage.HasFrames() )
        CORE::CDynamicBuffer inputBuffer( 102400, true );
        CORE::CDynamicBufferAccess bufferAccess( &inputBuffer, false );
        // Fill our header
        TImageInfo imageInfo;
        imageInfo.version = GUCEF_IMAGE_TIMAGEINFO_VERSION;
        imageInfo.nrOfFramesInImage = inputImage.GetFrameCount();

        // write header
        bufferAccess.Write( &imageInfo, sizeof( TImageInfo ), 1 );
        // Now we add each frame's info + mipmap info
        TImageFrameInfo frameInfo;
        TImageMipMapLevelInfo mipMapInfo;
        const CImage::TMipMapList* mipMapList = NULL;
        const TPixelMapPtr* pixelMap = NULL;
        for ( UInt32 frameNr=0; frameNr<imageInfo.nrOfFramesInImage; ++frameNr )
            mipMapList = &inputImage.GetFrame( frameNr );
            frameInfo.nrOfMipmapLevels = static_cast< UInt32 >( mipMapList->size() );
            bufferAccess.Write( &frameInfo, sizeof( TImageFrameInfo ), 1 );
            // Now we add the info for each mipmap level
            for ( UInt32 mipLvl=0; mipLvl<frameInfo.nrOfMipmapLevels; ++mipLvl )
                pixelMap = &(*mipMapList)[ mipLvl ];
                mipMapInfo.frameWidth = (*pixelMap)->GetWidthInPixels();
                mipMapInfo.frameHeight = (*pixelMap)->GetHeightInPixels();
                mipMapInfo.pixelStorageFormat = (*pixelMap)->GetPixelStorageFormat();
                mipMapInfo.pixelComponentDataType = (*pixelMap)->GetPixelComponentDataType();
                bufferAccess.Write( &mipMapInfo, sizeof( TImageMipMapLevelInfo ), 1 );
        // Now it is time to add the pixel data itself
        for ( UInt32 frameNr=0; frameNr<imageInfo.nrOfFramesInImage; ++frameNr )
            mipMapList = &inputImage.GetFrame( frameNr );
            for ( UInt32 mipLvl=0; mipLvl<mipMapList->size(); ++mipLvl )
                pixelMap = &(*mipMapList)[ mipLvl ];
                bufferAccess.Write( (*pixelMap)->GetDataPtr(), (*pixelMap)->GetTotalSizeInBytes(), 1 );
        // We have now merged all the image object data into a single buffer using the decoded 'ImageCodec' format
        // It is time to perform the actual Encode()   
        return Encode( bufferAccess  ,
                       encodedOutput );

    return false;