コード例 #1
ファイル: pHash.cpp プロジェクト: visionor/logo_detection
int ph_dct_imagehash(const char* file,ulong64 &hash){

    if (!file){
        return -1;
    CImg<uint8_t> src;
    try {
    } catch (CImgIOException ex){
        return -1;
    CImg<float> meanfilter(7,7,1,1,1);
    CImg<float> img;
    if (src.spectrum() == 3){
        img = src.RGBtoYCbCr().channel(0).get_convolve(meanfilter);
    } else if (src.spectrum() == 4){
        int width = img.width();
        int height = img.height();
        int depth = img.depth();
        img = src.crop(0,0,0,0,width-1,height-1,depth-1,2).RGBtoYCbCr().channel(0).get_convolve(meanfilter);
    } else {
        img = src.channel(0).get_convolve(meanfilter);

    CImg<float> *C  = ph_dct_matrix(32);
    CImg<float> Ctransp = C->get_transpose();

    CImg<float> dctImage = (*C)*img*Ctransp;

    CImg<float> subsec = dctImage.crop(1,1,8,8).unroll('x');;

    float median = subsec.median();
    ulong64 one = 0x0000000000000001;
    hash = 0x0000000000000000;
    for (int i=0;i< 64;i++){
        float current = subsec(i);
        if (current > median)
            hash |= one;
        one = one << 1;

    delete C;

    return 0;
コード例 #2
ファイル: pHash.cpp プロジェクト: visionor/logo_detection
int ph_bmb_imagehash(const char *file, uint8_t method, BinHash **ret_hash)
    CImg<uint8_t> img;
    const uint8_t *ptrsrc;  // source pointer (img)
    uint8_t *block;
    int pcol;  // "pointer" to pixel col (x)
    int prow;  // "pointer" to pixel row (y)
    int blockidx = 0;  //current idx of block begin processed.
    double median;  // median value of mean_vals
    const int preset_size_x=256;
    const int preset_size_y=256;
    const int blk_size_x=16;
    const int blk_size_y=16;
    int pixcolstep = blk_size_x;
    int pixrowstep = blk_size_y;

    int number_of_blocks;
    uint32_t bitsize;
    // number of bytes needed to store bitsize bits.
    uint32_t bytesize;

    if (!file || !ret_hash){
        return -1;
    try {
    } catch (CImgIOException ex){
        return -1;

    const int blk_size = blk_size_x * blk_size_y;
    block = (uint8_t*)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t) * blk_size);

        return -1;

    switch (img.spectrum()) {
    case 3: // from RGB
        *ret_hash = NULL;
        return -1;

    img.resize(preset_size_x, preset_size_y);

    // ~step b
    ptrsrc = img.data();  // set pointer to beginning of pixel buffer

    if(method == 2)
        pixcolstep /= 2;
        pixrowstep /= 2;

        number_of_blocks =
            ((preset_size_x / blk_size_x) * 2 - 1) *
            ((preset_size_y / blk_size_y) * 2 - 1);
    } else {
        number_of_blocks =
            preset_size_x / blk_size_x *
            preset_size_y / blk_size_y;

    bitsize= number_of_blocks;
    bytesize = bitsize / 8;

    double *mean_vals = new double[number_of_blocks];

    * pixel row < block < block row < image
    * The pixel rows of a block are copied consecutively
    * into the block buffer (using memcpy). When a block is
    * finished, the next block in the block row is processed.
    * After finishing a block row, the processing of the next
    * block row is started. An image consists of an arbitrary
    * number of block rows.

    /* image (multiple rows of blocks) */
    for(prow = 0;prow<=preset_size_y-blk_size_y;prow += pixrowstep)

        /* block row */
        for(pcol = 0;pcol<=preset_size_x-blk_size_x;pcol += pixcolstep)

            // idx for array holding one block.
            int blockpos = 0;

            /* block */

            // i is used to address the different
            // pixel rows of a block
            for(int i=0 ; i < blk_size_y; i++)
                ptrsrc = img.data(pcol, prow + i);
                memcpy(block + blockpos, ptrsrc, blk_size_x);
                blockpos += blk_size_x;

            mean_vals[blockidx] = CImg<uint8_t>(block,blk_size).mean();


    /* calculate the median */
    median = CImg<double>(mean_vals, number_of_blocks).median();

    /* step e */
    BinHash *hash = _ph_bmb_new(bytesize);

        *ret_hash = NULL;
        return -1;

    *ret_hash = hash;
    for(uint32_t i = 0; i < bitsize; i++)
        if(mean_vals[i] < median)
        } else {
    delete[] mean_vals;
    return 0;
コード例 #3
ファイル: colourspace.cpp プロジェクト: antoinececchi/imager
//' @export
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector RGBtoYCbCr(NumericVector im) {
    CImg<double> img = as<CImg<double> >(im);
    return wrap(img);