コード例 #1
ファイル: GameClientKeyboard.cpp プロジェクト: anaconda/xbmc
bool CGameClientKeyboard::OnKeyPress(const CKey& key)
  // Only allow activated input in fullscreen game
  if (!m_gameClient->AcceptsInput())
    CLog::Log(LOGDEBUG, "GAME: key press ignored, not in fullscreen game");
    return false;

  bool bHandled = false;

  game_input_event event;

  event.type            = GAME_INPUT_EVENT_KEY;
  event.port            = GAME_INPUT_PORT_KEYBOARD;
  event.controller_id   = ""; //! @todo
  event.feature_name    = ""; //! @todo
  event.key.pressed     = true;
  event.key.character   = static_cast<XBMCVKey>(key.GetButtonCode() & BUTTON_INDEX_MASK);
  event.key.modifiers   = CGameClientTranslator::GetModifiers(static_cast<CKey::Modifier>(key.GetModifiers()));

  if (event.key.character != 0)
      bHandled = m_dllStruct->InputEvent(&event);
    catch (...)
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "GAME: %s: exception caught in InputEvent()", m_gameClient->ID().c_str());

  return bHandled;
コード例 #2
ファイル: GameClientKeyboard.cpp プロジェクト: anaconda/xbmc
void CGameClientKeyboard::OnKeyRelease(const CKey& key)
  game_input_event event;

  event.type            = GAME_INPUT_EVENT_KEY;
  event.port            = GAME_INPUT_PORT_KEYBOARD;
  event.controller_id   = ""; //! @todo
  event.feature_name    = ""; //! @todo
  event.key.pressed     = false;
  event.key.character   = static_cast<XBMCVKey>(key.GetButtonCode() & BUTTON_INDEX_MASK);
  event.key.modifiers   = CGameClientTranslator::GetModifiers(static_cast<CKey::Modifier>(key.GetModifiers()));

  if (event.key.character != 0)
    catch (...)
      CLog::Log(LOGERROR, "GAME: %s: exception caught in InputEvent()", m_gameClient->ID().c_str());
コード例 #3
ファイル: InputManager.cpp プロジェクト: Razzeee/xbmc
bool CInputManager::OnKey(const CKey& key)
  for (std::vector<KEYBOARD::IKeyboardHandler*>::iterator it = m_keyboardHandlers.begin(); it != m_keyboardHandlers.end(); ++it)
    if ((*it)->OnKeyPress(key))
      return true;

  // Turn the mouse off, as we've just got a keypress from controller or remote

  // get the current active window
  int iWin = g_windowManager.GetActiveWindowID();

  // this will be checked for certain keycodes that need
  // special handling if the screensaver is active
  CAction action = m_buttonTranslator->GetAction(iWin, key);

  // a key has been pressed.
  // reset Idle Timer
  bool processKey = AlwaysProcess(action);

  if (StringUtils::StartsWithNoCase(action.GetName(), "CECToggleState") || StringUtils::StartsWithNoCase(action.GetName(), "CECStandby"))
    // do not wake up the screensaver right after switching off the playing device
    if (StringUtils::StartsWithNoCase(action.GetName(), "CECToggleState"))
      CLog::LogF(LOGDEBUG, "action %s [%d], toggling state of playing device", action.GetName().c_str(), action.GetID());
      bool result;
      CApplicationMessenger::GetInstance().SendMsg(TMSG_CECTOGGLESTATE, 0, 0, static_cast<void*>(&result));
      if (!result)
        return true;
      return true;


  // allow some keys to be processed while the screensaver is active
  if (g_application.WakeUpScreenSaverAndDPMS(processKey) && !processKey)
    CLog::LogF(LOGDEBUG, "%s pressed, screen saver/dpms woken up", m_Keyboard.GetKeyName((int)key.GetButtonCode()).c_str());
    return true;

    // current active window isnt the fullscreen window
    // just use corresponding section from keymap.xml
    // to map key->action

    // first determine if we should use keyboard input directly
    bool useKeyboard = key.FromKeyboard() && (iWin == WINDOW_DIALOG_KEYBOARD || iWin == WINDOW_DIALOG_NUMERIC);
    CGUIWindow *window = g_windowManager.GetWindow(iWin);
    if (window)
      CGUIControl *control = window->GetFocusedControl();
      if (control)
        // If this is an edit control set usekeyboard to true. This causes the
        // keypress to be processed directly not through the key mappings.
        if (control->GetControlType() == CGUIControl::GUICONTROL_EDIT)
          useKeyboard = true;

        // If the key pressed is shift-A to shift-Z set usekeyboard to true.
        // This causes the keypress to be used for list navigation.
        if (control->IsContainer() && key.GetModifiers() == CKey::MODIFIER_SHIFT && key.GetVKey() >= XBMCVK_A && key.GetVKey() <= XBMCVK_Z)
          useKeyboard = true;
    if (useKeyboard)
      // use the virtualkeyboard section of the keymap, and send keyboard-specific or navigation
      // actions through if that's what they are
      CAction action = m_buttonTranslator->GetAction(WINDOW_DIALOG_KEYBOARD, key);
      if (!(action.GetID() == ACTION_MOVE_LEFT ||
        action.GetID() == ACTION_MOVE_RIGHT ||
        action.GetID() == ACTION_MOVE_UP ||
        action.GetID() == ACTION_MOVE_DOWN ||
        action.GetID() == ACTION_SELECT_ITEM ||
        action.GetID() == ACTION_ENTER ||
        action.GetID() == ACTION_PREVIOUS_MENU ||
        action.GetID() == ACTION_NAV_BACK ||
        action.GetID() == ACTION_VOICE_RECOGNIZE))
        // the action isn't plain navigation - check for a keyboard-specific keymap
        action = m_buttonTranslator->GetAction(WINDOW_DIALOG_KEYBOARD, key, false);
        if (!(action.GetID() >= REMOTE_0 && action.GetID() <= REMOTE_9) ||
            action.GetID() == ACTION_BACKSPACE ||
            action.GetID() == ACTION_SHIFT ||
            action.GetID() == ACTION_SYMBOLS ||
            action.GetID() == ACTION_CURSOR_LEFT ||
            action.GetID() == ACTION_CURSOR_RIGHT)
            action = CAction(0); // don't bother with this action
      // else pass the keys through directly
      if (!action.GetID())
        if (key.GetFromService())
          action = CAction(key.GetButtonCode() != KEY_INVALID ? key.GetButtonCode() : 0, key.GetUnicode());
          // Check for paste keypress
          // In Windows paste is ctrl-V
          if (key.GetVKey() == XBMCVK_V && key.GetModifiers() == CKey::MODIFIER_CTRL)
#elif defined(TARGET_LINUX)
          // In Linux paste is ctrl-V
          if (key.GetVKey() == XBMCVK_V && key.GetModifiers() == CKey::MODIFIER_CTRL)
#elif defined(TARGET_DARWIN_OSX)
          // In OSX paste is cmd-V
          if (key.GetVKey() == XBMCVK_V && key.GetModifiers() == CKey::MODIFIER_META)
          // Placeholder for other operating systems
          if (false)
            action = CAction(ACTION_PASTE);
          // If the unicode is non-zero the keypress is a non-printing character
          else if (key.GetUnicode())
            action = CAction(key.GetAscii() | KEY_ASCII, key.GetUnicode());
          // The keypress is a non-printing character
            action = CAction(key.GetVKey() | KEY_VKEY);

      CLog::LogF(LOGDEBUG, "%s pressed, trying keyboard action %x", m_Keyboard.GetKeyName((int)key.GetButtonCode()).c_str(), action.GetID());

      if (g_application.OnAction(action))
        return true;
      // failed to handle the keyboard action, drop down through to standard action
    if (key.GetFromService())
      if (key.GetButtonCode() != KEY_INVALID)
        action = m_buttonTranslator->GetAction(iWin, key);
      action = m_buttonTranslator->GetAction(iWin, key);
  if (!key.IsAnalogButton())
    CLog::LogF(LOGDEBUG, "%s pressed, action is %s", m_Keyboard.GetKeyName((int)key.GetButtonCode()).c_str(), action.GetName().c_str());

  return ExecuteInputAction(action);