コード例 #1
// Purpose: notifies the keyframe that it has been cloned
//			inserts the clone into the correct place in the keyframe list
// Input  : *pClone - 
void CMapKeyFrame::OnClone( CMapClass *pClone, CMapWorld *pWorld, const CMapObjectList &OriginalList, CMapObjectList &NewList )
	CMapClass::OnClone( pClone, pWorld, OriginalList, NewList );

	CMapKeyFrame *pNewKey = dynamic_cast<CMapKeyFrame*>( pClone );
	Assert( pNewKey != NULL );
	if ( !pNewKey )

	CMapEntity *pEntity = dynamic_cast<CMapEntity*>( m_pParent );
	CMapEntity *pNewEntity = dynamic_cast<CMapEntity*>( pClone->GetParent() );

	// insert the newly created keyframe into the sequence

	// point the clone's next at what we were pointing at
	const char *nextKey = pEntity->GetKeyValue( "NextKey" );
	if ( nextKey )
		pNewEntity->SetKeyValue( "NextKey", nextKey );

	// create a new targetname for the clone
	char newName[128];
	const char *oldName = pEntity->GetKeyValue( "targetname" );
	if ( !oldName || oldName[0] == 0 )
		oldName = "keyframe";

	pWorld->GenerateNewTargetname( oldName, newName, sizeof( newName ), true, NULL );
	pNewEntity->SetKeyValue( "targetname", newName );

	// point the current keyframe at the clone
	pEntity->SetKeyValue( "NextKey", newName );
コード例 #2
// Purpose: 
// Input  : dwNodeID - 
// Output : CMapEntity *
CMapEntity *CMapPath::CreateEntityForNode(DWORD dwNodeID)
	int iIndex;
	CMapPathNode *pNode = NodeForID(dwNodeID, &iIndex);
	if (pNode == NULL)
		return NULL;	// no node, no entity!

	CMapEntity *pEntity = new CMapEntity;

	for (int k = pNode->kv.GetFirst(); k != pNode->kv.GetInvalidIndex(); k=pNode->kv.GetNext( k ) )
		pEntity->SetKeyValue(pNode->kv.GetKey(k), pNode->kv.GetValue(k));
	// store target/targetname properties:
	CString str;
	str.Format("%s%02d", m_szName, iIndex);
	pEntity->SetKeyValue("targetname", str);

	int iNext = iIndex + 1;
	if(iNext != -1)
		str.Format("%s%02d", m_szName, iNext);
		pEntity->SetKeyValue("target", str);


	return pEntity;
コード例 #3
// Purpose: Called when an object that we depend on has changed.
void CMapKeyFrame::OnNotifyDependent(CMapClass *pObject, Notify_Dependent_t eNotifyType)
	CMapClass::OnNotifyDependent(pObject, eNotifyType);

	if ((pObject == m_pAnimator) && (eNotifyType == Notify_Removed))

	// If our next keyframe was deleted, try to link to the one after it.
	if ((pObject == m_pNextKeyFrame) && (eNotifyType == Notify_Removed))
		CMapEntity *pNextParent = m_pNextKeyFrame->GetParentEntity();
		CMapEntity *pParent = GetParentEntity();

		if ( pNextParent && pParent )
			const char *szNext = pNextParent->GetKeyValue("NextKey");
			pParent->SetKeyValue("NextKey", szNext);

	m_bRebuildPath = true;
コード例 #4
// Purpose: creates a new keyframe at the specified time
// Input  : time - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
CMapEntity *CMapAnimator::CreateNewKeyFrame( float time )
	// work out where we are in the animation
	CMapKeyFrame *key;
	CMapKeyFrame *pPrevKey;
	float partialTime = GetKeyFramesAtTime( time, key, pPrevKey );

	CMapEntity *pCurrentEnt = dynamic_cast<CMapEntity*>( key->Parent );

	// check to see if we're direction on a key frame
	Vector posOffset( 0, 0, 0 );
	if ( partialTime == 0 )
		// create this new key frame slightly after the current one, and offset
		posOffset[0] = 64;

	// get our orientation and position at this time
	Vector vOrigin;
	QAngle angles;
	Quaternion qAngles;
	GetAnimationAtTime( key, pPrevKey, partialTime, vOrigin, qAngles, m_iPositionInterpolator, m_iRotationInterpolator );
	QuaternionAngles( qAngles, angles );

	// create the new map entity
	CMapDoc *pDoc = CMapDoc::GetActiveMapDoc();
	CMapWorld *pWorld = pDoc->GetMapWorld();

	CMapEntity *pNewEntity = new CMapEntity;

	Vector newPos;
	VectorAdd( vOrigin, posOffset, newPos );
	pNewEntity->SetPlaceholder( TRUE );
	pNewEntity->SetOrigin( newPos );
	pNewEntity->SetClass( "keyframe_track" );

	char buf[128];
	sprintf( buf, "%f %f %f", angles[0], angles[1], angles[2] );
	pNewEntity->SetKeyValue( "angles", buf );

	// link it into the keyframe list

	// take over this existing next keyframe pointer
	const char *nextKeyName = pCurrentEnt->GetKeyValue( "NextKey" );
	if ( nextKeyName )
		pNewEntity->SetKeyValue( "NextKey", nextKeyName );
	// create a new unique name for this ent
	char newName[128];
	const char *oldName = pCurrentEnt->GetKeyValue( "targetname" );
	if ( !oldName || oldName[0] == 0 )
		oldName = "keyframe";

	CMapEntity::GenerateNewTargetname( oldName, newName, 127 );
	pNewEntity->SetKeyValue( "targetname", newName );

	// point the current entity at the newly created one
	pCurrentEnt->SetKeyValue( "NextKey", newName );

	// copy any relevant values
	const char *keyValue = pCurrentEnt->GetKeyValue( "parentname" );
	if ( keyValue )
		pNewEntity->SetKeyValue( "parentname", keyValue );

	keyValue = pCurrentEnt->GetKeyValue( "MoveSpeed" );
	if ( keyValue )
		pNewEntity->SetKeyValue( "MoveSpeed", keyValue );
