コード例 #1
ファイル: CPose3DQuat.cpp プロジェクト: DYFeng/mrpt
/** Constructor from a 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix.
CPose3DQuat::CPose3DQuat(const CMatrixDouble44 &M) : m_quat(UNINITIALIZED_QUATERNION)
	m_coords[0] = M.get_unsafe(0,3);
	m_coords[1] = M.get_unsafe(1,3);
	m_coords[2] = M.get_unsafe(2,3);
	CPose3D p(M);
コード例 #2
ファイル: CPose3DQuat.cpp プロジェクト: DYFeng/mrpt
/** Returns the corresponding 4x4 homogeneous transformation matrix for the point(translation) or pose (translation+orientation).
  * \sa getInverseHomogeneousMatrix
void  CPose3DQuat::getHomogeneousMatrix(CMatrixDouble44 & out_HM ) const
	out_HM.get_unsafe(0,3) = m_coords[0];
	out_HM.get_unsafe(1,3) = m_coords[1];
	out_HM.get_unsafe(2,3) = m_coords[2];
	out_HM.get_unsafe(3,0) = out_HM.get_unsafe(3,1) = out_HM.get_unsafe(3,2) = 0;
	out_HM.get_unsafe(3,3) = 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: CPose2D.cpp プロジェクト: Insane-neal/mrpt
	Returns the corresponding 4x4 homogeneous
	  transformation matrix for the point(translation),
	  or pose (translation+orientation).
void  CPose2D::getHomogeneousMatrix(CMatrixDouble44& m) const

	m.set_unsafe(0,3, m_coords[0] );
	m.set_unsafe(1,3, m_coords[1] );


	m.get_unsafe(0,0) = m_cosphi;  m.get_unsafe(0,1)=-m_sinphi;
	m.get_unsafe(1,0) = m_sinphi;  m.get_unsafe(1,1)= m_cosphi;
コード例 #4
ファイル: opt_trans_3d.cpp プロジェクト: Aharobot/mrpt
double scanmatching::HornMethod(
	const vector_double		&inVector,
	vector_double			&outVector,				// The output vector
	bool forceScaleToUnity )

	vector_double input;
	input.resize( inVector.size() );
	input = inVector;
	outVector.resize( 7 );

	// Compute the centroids
	TPoint3D	cL(0,0,0), cR(0,0,0);

	const size_t nMatches = input.size()/6;
	ASSERT_EQUAL_(input.size()%6, 0)

	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nMatches; i++ )
		cL.x += input[i*6+3];
		cL.y += input[i*6+4];
		cL.z += input[i*6+5];

		cR.x += input[i*6+0];
		cR.y += input[i*6+1];
		cR.z += input[i*6+2];

	const double F = 1.0/nMatches;
	cL *= F;
	cR *= F;

	CMatrixDouble33 S; // S.zeros(); // Zeroed by default

	// Substract the centroid and compute the S matrix of cross products
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nMatches; i++ )
		input[i*6+3] -= cL.x;
		input[i*6+4] -= cL.y;
		input[i*6+5] -= cL.z;

		input[i*6+0] -= cR.x;
		input[i*6+1] -= cR.y;
		input[i*6+2] -= cR.z;

		S.get_unsafe(0,0) += input[i*6+3]*input[i*6+0];
		S.get_unsafe(0,1) += input[i*6+3]*input[i*6+1];
		S.get_unsafe(0,2) += input[i*6+3]*input[i*6+2];

		S.get_unsafe(1,0) += input[i*6+4]*input[i*6+0];
		S.get_unsafe(1,1) += input[i*6+4]*input[i*6+1];
		S.get_unsafe(1,2) += input[i*6+4]*input[i*6+2];

		S.get_unsafe(2,0) += input[i*6+5]*input[i*6+0];
		S.get_unsafe(2,1) += input[i*6+5]*input[i*6+1];
		S.get_unsafe(2,2) += input[i*6+5]*input[i*6+2];

	// Construct the N matrix
	CMatrixDouble44 N; // N.zeros(); // Zeroed by default

	N.set_unsafe( 0,0,S.get_unsafe(0,0) + S.get_unsafe(1,1) + S.get_unsafe(2,2) );
	N.set_unsafe( 0,1,S.get_unsafe(1,2) - S.get_unsafe(2,1) );
	N.set_unsafe( 0,2,S.get_unsafe(2,0) - S.get_unsafe(0,2) );
	N.set_unsafe( 0,3,S.get_unsafe(0,1) - S.get_unsafe(1,0) );

	N.set_unsafe( 1,0,N.get_unsafe(0,1) );
	N.set_unsafe( 1,1,S.get_unsafe(0,0) - S.get_unsafe(1,1) - S.get_unsafe(2,2) );
	N.set_unsafe( 1,2,S.get_unsafe(0,1) + S.get_unsafe(1,0) );
	N.set_unsafe( 1,3,S.get_unsafe(2,0) + S.get_unsafe(0,2) );

	N.set_unsafe( 2,0,N.get_unsafe(0,2) );
	N.set_unsafe( 2,1,N.get_unsafe(1,2) );
	N.set_unsafe( 2,2,-S.get_unsafe(0,0) + S.get_unsafe(1,1) - S.get_unsafe(2,2) );
	N.set_unsafe( 2,3,S.get_unsafe(1,2) + S.get_unsafe(2,1) );

	N.set_unsafe( 3,0,N.get_unsafe(0,3) );
	N.set_unsafe( 3,1,N.get_unsafe(1,3) );
	N.set_unsafe( 3,2,N.get_unsafe(2,3) );
	N.set_unsafe( 3,3,-S.get_unsafe(0,0) - S.get_unsafe(1,1) + S.get_unsafe(2,2) );

	// q is the quaternion correspondent to the greatest eigenvector of the N matrix (last column in Z)
	CMatrixDouble44 Z, D;
	vector_double v;

	N.eigenVectors( Z, D );
	Z.extractCol( Z.getColCount()-1, v );

	ASSERTDEB_( fabs( sqrt( v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2] + v[3]*v[3] ) - 1.0 ) < 0.1 );

	// Make q_r > 0
	if( v[0] < 0 ){ v[0] *= -1;	v[1] *= -1;	v[2] *= -1;	v[3] *= -1;	}

	CPose3DQuat q;		// Create a pose rotation with the quaternion
	for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )			// insert the quaternion part
		outVector[i+3] = q[i+3] = v[i];

	// Compute scale
	double	num = 0.0;
	double	den = 0.0;
	for( unsigned int i = 0; i < nMatches; i++ )
		num += square( input[i*6+0] ) + square( input[i*6+1] ) + square( input[i*6+2] );
		den += square( input[i*6+3] ) + square( input[i*6+4] ) + square( input[i*6+5] );
	} // end-for

	// The scale:
	double s = std::sqrt( num/den );

	// Enforce scale to be 1
	if( forceScaleToUnity )
		s = 1.0;

	TPoint3D pp;
	q.composePoint( cL.x, cL.y, cL.z, pp.x, pp.y, pp.z );

	outVector[0] = cR.x - pp.x;	// X
	outVector[1] = cR.y - pp.y;	// Y
	outVector[2] = cR.z - pp.z;	// Z

	return s; // return scale
コード例 #5
void CDifodoDatasets::loadConfiguration(unsigned int &i_rows, unsigned int &i_cols,
                                        vector<CPose3D> &v_poses,
                                        const string &rawlogFileName,
                                        vector<unsigned int> &cameras_order,
                                        bool visualizeResults )
    visualize_results = visualizeResults;

	fovh = M_PI*62.5/180.0;	//Larger FOV because depth is registered with color
	fovv = M_PI*48.5/180.0;

    rows = i_rows;
    cols = i_cols;

    cam_mode = 2;

	fast_pyramid = false;

    downsample = 1; // 1 - 640x480, 2 - 320x240, 4 - 160x120

    ctf_levels = 5;

    fast_pyramid = true;

    //				Load cameras' extrinsic calibrations

    cams_oder = cameras_order;

    for ( int c = 0; c < NC; c++ )
        cam_pose[c] = v_poses[c];
        CMatrixDouble44 homoMatrix;
        calib_mat[c] = (CMatrixFloat44)homoMatrix.inverse();

	//						Open Rawlog File
    if (!dataset.loadFromRawLogFile(rawlogFileName))
		throw std::runtime_error("\nCouldn't open rawlog dataset file for input...");

	rawlog_count = 0;

	// Set external images directory:
    const string imgsPath = CRawlog::detectImagesDirectory(rawlogFileName);
	CImage::IMAGES_PATH_BASE = imgsPath;

	//			Resize matrices and adjust parameters
	width = 640/(cam_mode*downsample);
	height = 480/(cam_mode*downsample);
	repr_level = utils::round(log(float(width/cols))/log(2.f));

	//Resize pyramid
    const unsigned int pyr_levels = round(log(float(width/cols))/log(2.f)) + ctf_levels;

	for (unsigned int c=0; c<NC; c++)
		for (unsigned int i = 0; i<pyr_levels; i++)
			unsigned int s = pow(2.f,int(i));
			cols_i = width/s; rows_i = height/s;
			depth[c][i].resize(rows_i, cols_i);
			depth_inter[c][i].resize(rows_i, cols_i);
			depth_old[c][i].resize(rows_i, cols_i);
			xx[c][i].resize(rows_i, cols_i);
			xx_inter[c][i].resize(rows_i, cols_i);
			xx_old[c][i].resize(rows_i, cols_i);
			yy[c][i].resize(rows_i, cols_i);
			yy_inter[c][i].resize(rows_i, cols_i);
			yy_old[c][i].resize(rows_i, cols_i);
			zz_global[c][i].resize(rows_i, cols_i);
			xx_global[c][i].resize(rows_i, cols_i);
			yy_global[c][i].resize(rows_i, cols_i);

			if (cols_i <= cols)

		//Resize matrix that store the original depth image

	//Resize the transformation matrices
	for (unsigned int l = 0; l<pyr_levels; l++)

	for (unsigned int c=0; c<NC; c++)	
		for (unsigned int l = 0; l<pyr_levels; l++)
コード例 #6
ファイル: se3_l2.cpp プロジェクト: astoeckel/mrpt
                    se3_l2  (old "HornMethod()")
bool se3_l2_internal(
    std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D> & points_this,   // IN/OUT: It gets modified!
    std::vector<mrpt::math::TPoint3D> & points_other,  // IN/OUT: It gets modified!
    mrpt::poses::CPose3DQuat    & out_transform,
    double                     & out_scale,
    bool                         forceScaleToUnity)


    // Compute the centroids
    TPoint3D	ct_others(0,0,0), ct_this(0,0,0);
    const size_t nMatches = points_this.size();

    if (nMatches<3)
        return false; // Nothing we can estimate without 3 points!!

    for(size_t i = 0; i < nMatches; i++ )
        ct_others += points_other[i];
        ct_this += points_this [i];

    const double F = 1.0/nMatches;
    ct_others *= F;
    ct_this *= F;

    CMatrixDouble33 S; // Zeroed by default

    // Substract the centroid and compute the S matrix of cross products
    for(size_t i = 0; i < nMatches; i++ )
        points_this[i]  -= ct_this;
        points_other[i] -= ct_others;

        S.get_unsafe(0,0) += points_other[i].x * points_this[i].x;
        S.get_unsafe(0,1) += points_other[i].x * points_this[i].y;
        S.get_unsafe(0,2) += points_other[i].x * points_this[i].z;

        S.get_unsafe(1,0) += points_other[i].y * points_this[i].x;
        S.get_unsafe(1,1) += points_other[i].y * points_this[i].y;
        S.get_unsafe(1,2) += points_other[i].y * points_this[i].z;

        S.get_unsafe(2,0) += points_other[i].z * points_this[i].x;
        S.get_unsafe(2,1) += points_other[i].z * points_this[i].y;
        S.get_unsafe(2,2) += points_other[i].z * points_this[i].z;

    // Construct the N matrix
    CMatrixDouble44 N; // Zeroed by default

    N.set_unsafe( 0,0,S.get_unsafe(0,0) + S.get_unsafe(1,1) + S.get_unsafe(2,2) );
    N.set_unsafe( 0,1,S.get_unsafe(1,2) - S.get_unsafe(2,1) );
    N.set_unsafe( 0,2,S.get_unsafe(2,0) - S.get_unsafe(0,2) );
    N.set_unsafe( 0,3,S.get_unsafe(0,1) - S.get_unsafe(1,0) );

    N.set_unsafe( 1,0,N.get_unsafe(0,1) );
    N.set_unsafe( 1,1,S.get_unsafe(0,0) - S.get_unsafe(1,1) - S.get_unsafe(2,2) );
    N.set_unsafe( 1,2,S.get_unsafe(0,1) + S.get_unsafe(1,0) );
    N.set_unsafe( 1,3,S.get_unsafe(2,0) + S.get_unsafe(0,2) );

    N.set_unsafe( 2,0,N.get_unsafe(0,2) );
    N.set_unsafe( 2,1,N.get_unsafe(1,2) );
    N.set_unsafe( 2,2,-S.get_unsafe(0,0) + S.get_unsafe(1,1) - S.get_unsafe(2,2) );
    N.set_unsafe( 2,3,S.get_unsafe(1,2) + S.get_unsafe(2,1) );

    N.set_unsafe( 3,0,N.get_unsafe(0,3) );
    N.set_unsafe( 3,1,N.get_unsafe(1,3) );
    N.set_unsafe( 3,2,N.get_unsafe(2,3) );
    N.set_unsafe( 3,3,-S.get_unsafe(0,0) - S.get_unsafe(1,1) + S.get_unsafe(2,2) );

    // q is the quaternion correspondent to the greatest eigenvector of the N matrix (last column in Z)
    CMatrixDouble44 Z, D;
    vector<double> v;

    N.eigenVectors( Z, D );
    Z.extractCol( Z.getColCount()-1, v );

    ASSERTDEB_( fabs( sqrt( v[0]*v[0] + v[1]*v[1] + v[2]*v[2] + v[3]*v[3] ) - 1.0 ) < 0.1 );

    // Make q_r > 0
    if( v[0] < 0 ) {
        v[0] *= -1;
        v[1] *= -1;
        v[2] *= -1;
        v[3] *= -1;

    // out_transform: Create a pose rotation with the quaternion
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < 4; i++ )			// insert the quaternion part
        out_transform[i+3] = v[i];

    // Compute scale
    double s;
    if( forceScaleToUnity )
        s = 1.0; // Enforce scale to be 1
        double	num = 0.0;
        double	den = 0.0;
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nMatches; i++ )
            num += square( points_other[i].x ) + square( points_other[i].y ) + square( points_other[i].z );
            den += square( points_this[i].x )  + square( points_this[i].y )  + square( points_this[i].z );
        } // end-for

        // The scale:
        s = std::sqrt( num/den );

    TPoint3D pp;
    out_transform.composePoint( ct_others.x, ct_others.y, ct_others.z, pp.x, pp.y, pp.z );

    out_transform[0] = ct_this.x - pp.x;	// X
    out_transform[1] = ct_this.y - pp.y;	// Y
    out_transform[2] = ct_this.z - pp.z;	// Z

    out_scale=s; // return scale
    return true;

} // end se3_l2_internal()
コード例 #7
/* -------------------------------------------------------
   ------------------------------------------------------- */
bool mrpt::vision::checkerBoardCameraCalibration(
	TCalibrationImageList &images,
	unsigned int  check_size_x,
	unsigned int  check_size_y,
	double        check_squares_length_X_meters,
	double        check_squares_length_Y_meters,
	mrpt::utils::TCamera    &out_camera_params,
	bool					normalize_image,
	double            *out_MSE,
	bool               skipDrawDetectedImgs,
	bool			   useScaramuzzaAlternativeDetector

		if (images.size()<1)
			std::cout << "ERROR: No input images." << std::endl;
			return false;

		const unsigned CORNERS_COUNT = check_size_x * check_size_y;
		const CvSize check_size = cvSize(check_size_x, check_size_y);

		// Fill the pattern of expected pattern points only once out of the loop:
		vector<cv::Point3f> pattern_obj_points(CORNERS_COUNT);
			unsigned int y,k;
			for( y = 0, k = 0; y < check_size_y; y++ )
				for( unsigned int x = 0; x < check_size_x; x++, k++ )
					pattern_obj_points[k].x =-check_squares_length_X_meters * x;  // The "-" is for convenience, so the camera poses appear with Z>0
					pattern_obj_points[k].y = check_squares_length_Y_meters * y;
					pattern_obj_points[k].z = 0;

		// First: Assure all images are loaded:
		// -------------------------------------------
		TCalibrationImageList::iterator it;
		for (it=images.begin();it!=images.end();++it)
			TImageCalibData	&dat = it->second;

			dat.projectedPoints_distorted.clear();  // Clear reprojected points.

			// Skip if images are marked as "externalStorage":
			if (!dat.img_original.isExternallyStored() && !mrpt::system::extractFileExtension(it->first).empty()  )
				if (!dat.img_original.loadFromFile(it->first))
					THROW_EXCEPTION_CUSTOM_MSG1("Error reading image: %s",it->first.c_str());

				dat.img_checkboard = dat.img_original;
				dat.img_rectified  = dat.img_original;

		// For each image, find checkerboard corners:
		// -----------------------------------------------
		vector<vector<cv::Point3f> > objectPoints;  // final container for detected stuff
		vector<vector<cv::Point2f> > imagePoints;   // final container for detected stuff

		unsigned int  valid_detected_imgs = 0;
		vector<string>   pointsIdx2imageFile;
		cv::Size imgSize(0,0);

		unsigned int i;
		for (i=0,it=images.begin();it!=images.end();it++,i++)
			TImageCalibData	&dat = it->second;

			// Make grayscale version:
			const CImage img_gray( dat.img_original, FAST_REF_OR_CONVERT_TO_GRAY );

			if (!i)
				imgSize = cv::Size(img_gray.getWidth(),img_gray.getHeight() );
				out_camera_params.ncols = imgSize.width;
				out_camera_params.nrows = imgSize.height;
				if (imgSize.height != (int)img_gray.getHeight() || imgSize.width != (int)img_gray.getWidth())
					std::cout << "ERROR: All the images must have the same size" << std::endl;
					return false;

			// Try with expanded versions of the image if it fails to detect the checkerboard:
			unsigned corners_count;
			bool corners_found=false;

			corners_count = CORNERS_COUNT;

			vector<cv::Point2f> this_img_pts(CORNERS_COUNT);  // Temporary buffer for points, to be added if the points pass the checks.


			// Do detection (this includes the "refine corners" with cvFindCornerSubPix):
			vector<TPixelCoordf> detectedCoords;
			corners_found = mrpt::vision::findChessboardCorners(
				normalize_image, // normalize_image

			corners_count = detectedCoords.size();

			// Copy the data into the overall array of coords:
			for (size_t p=0;p<detectedCoords.size();p++)
				this_img_pts[p].x = detectedCoords[p].x;
				this_img_pts[p].y = detectedCoords[p].y;

			if (corners_found && corners_count!=CORNERS_COUNT)
				corners_found = false;

			cout << format("Img %s: %s\n", mrpt::system::extractFileName(it->first).c_str() , corners_found ? "DETECTED" : "NOT DETECTED" );

			if( corners_found )
				// save the corners in the data structure:
				int x, y;
				unsigned int k;
				for( y = 0, k = 0; y < check_size.height; y++ )
					for( x = 0; x < check_size.width; x++, k++ )
						dat.detected_corners.push_back( mrpt::utils::TPixelCoordf( this_img_pts[k].x, this_img_pts[k].y ) );

				// Draw the checkerboard in the corresponding image:
				// ----------------------------------------------------
				if ( !dat.img_original.isExternallyStored() )
					const int r = 4;
					CvPoint prev_pt= cvPoint(0, 0);
					const int line_max = 8;
					CvScalar line_colors[8];

					line_colors[0] = CV_RGB(255,0,0);
					line_colors[1] = CV_RGB(255,128,0);
					line_colors[2] = CV_RGB(255,128,0);
					line_colors[3] = CV_RGB(200,200,0);
					line_colors[4] = CV_RGB(0,255,0);
					line_colors[5] = CV_RGB(0,200,200);
					line_colors[6] = CV_RGB(0,0,255);
					line_colors[7] = CV_RGB(255,0,255);

					// Checkboad as color image:
					dat.img_original.colorImage( dat.img_checkboard );

					void *rgb_img = dat.img_checkboard.getAs<IplImage>();

					for( y = 0, k = 0; y < check_size.height; y++ )
						CvScalar color = line_colors[y % line_max];
						for( x = 0; x < check_size.width; x++, k++ )
							CvPoint pt;
							pt.x = cvRound(this_img_pts[k].x);
							pt.y = cvRound(this_img_pts[k].y);

							if( k != 0 ) cvLine( rgb_img, prev_pt, pt, color );

							cvLine( rgb_img,
									  cvPoint( pt.x - r, pt.y - r ),
									  cvPoint( pt.x + r, pt.y + r ), color );
							cvLine( rgb_img,
									  cvPoint( pt.x - r, pt.y + r),
									  cvPoint( pt.x + r, pt.y - r), color );
							cvCircle( rgb_img, pt, r+1, color );
							prev_pt = pt;

				// Accept this image as good:
				pointsIdx2imageFile.push_back( it->first );
				imagePoints.push_back( this_img_pts );
				objectPoints.push_back( pattern_obj_points );


		} // end find corners

		std::cout << valid_detected_imgs << " valid images." << std::endl;
		if (!valid_detected_imgs)
			std::cout << "ERROR: No valid images. Perhaps the checkerboard size is incorrect?" << std::endl;
			return false;

		// ---------------------------------------------
		// Calculate the camera parameters
		// ---------------------------------------------
		// Calibrate camera
		cv::Mat cameraMatrix, distCoeffs(1,5,CV_64F,cv::Scalar::all(0));
		vector<cv::Mat> rvecs, tvecs;

		const double cv_calib_err = 
			cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, rvecs, tvecs,
			0 /*flags*/ );

		// Load matrix:
		out_camera_params.intrinsicParams = CMatrixDouble33( cameraMatrix.ptr<double>() );

		for (int i=0;i<5;i++)
			out_camera_params.dist[i] = distCoeffs.ptr<double>()[i];

		// Load camera poses:
		for (i=0;i<valid_detected_imgs;i++)
			CMatrixDouble44 HM;

				// Convert rotation vectors -> rot matrices:
				cv::Mat cv_rot;

				Eigen::Matrix3d rot;
				cv::my_cv2eigen(cv_rot, rot );
				HM.block<3,3>(0,0) = rot;

				Eigen::Matrix<double,3,1> trans;
				cv::my_cv2eigen(tvecs[i], trans );
				HM.block<3,1>(0,3) = trans;

			CPose3D p = CPose3D(0,0,0) - CPose3D(HM);

			images[ pointsIdx2imageFile[i] ].reconstructed_camera_pose = p;

			std::cout << "Img: " <<  mrpt::system::extractFileName(pointsIdx2imageFile[i])  << ": " << p << std::endl;

			CConfigFileMemory cfg;
			std::cout << cfg.getContent() << std::endl;

		// ----------------------------------------
		// Undistort images:
		// ----------------------------------------
		for (it=images.begin();it!=images.end();++it)
			TImageCalibData	&dat = it->second;
			if (!dat.img_original.isExternallyStored())
				dat.img_original.rectifyImage( dat.img_rectified, out_camera_params);
		} // end undistort

		// -----------------------------------------------
		// Reproject points to measure the fit sqr error
		// -----------------------------------------------
		double sqrErr = 0;

		for (i=0;i<valid_detected_imgs;i++)
			TImageCalibData  & dat = images[ pointsIdx2imageFile[i] ];
			if (dat.detected_corners.size()!=CORNERS_COUNT) continue;

			// Reproject all the points into pixel coordinates:
			// -----------------------------------------------------
			vector<TPoint3D>  lstPatternPoints(CORNERS_COUNT);	// Points as seen from the camera:
			for (unsigned int p=0;p<CORNERS_COUNT;p++)
				lstPatternPoints[p] = TPoint3D(pattern_obj_points[p].x,pattern_obj_points[p].y,pattern_obj_points[p].z);

			vector<TPixelCoordf>	&projectedPoints = dat.projectedPoints_undistorted;
			vector<TPixelCoordf>	&projectedPoints_distorted = dat.projectedPoints_distorted;

				lstPatternPoints, // Input points
				out_camera_params.intrinsicParams, // calib matrix
				projectedPoints  // Output points in pixels

				lstPatternPoints, // Input points
				out_camera_params.intrinsicParams, // calib matrix
				projectedPoints_distorted// Output points in pixels


			for (unsigned int p=0;p<CORNERS_COUNT;p++)
				const double px = projectedPoints[p].x;
				const double py = projectedPoints[p].y;

				const double px_d = projectedPoints_distorted[p].x;
				const double py_d = projectedPoints_distorted[p].y;

				// Only draw if the img is NOT external:
				if (!dat.img_original.isExternallyStored())
					if( px >= 0 && px < imgSize.width && py >= 0 && py < imgSize.height )
						cvCircle( dat.img_rectified.getAs<IplImage>(), cvPoint(px,py), 4, CV_RGB(0,0,255) );

				// Accumulate error:
				sqrErr+=square(px_d-dat.detected_corners[p].x)+square(py_d-dat.detected_corners[p].y); // Error relative to the original (distorted) image.

		if (valid_detected_imgs)
			sqrErr /= CORNERS_COUNT*valid_detected_imgs;
			std::cout << "Average err. of reprojection: " << sqrt(sqrErr) << " pixels (OpenCV error=" << cv_calib_err << ")\n";
		if(out_MSE) *out_MSE = sqrt(sqrErr);

		return true;
	catch(std::exception &e)
		std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
		return false;
	THROW_EXCEPTION("Function not available: MRPT was compiled without OpenCV")