コード例 #1
ファイル: readwrite_dlgs.cpp プロジェクト: jerkey/kicad
void CVPCB_MAINFRAME::SetNewPkg( const wxString& aFootprintName )
    COMPONENT* component;
    bool       hasFootprint = false;
    int        componentIndex;
    wxString   description;

    if( m_netlist.IsEmpty() )

    // If no component is selected, select the first one
    if( m_ListCmp->GetFirstSelected() < 0 )
        componentIndex = 0;
        m_ListCmp->SetSelection( componentIndex, true );

    // iterate over the selection
    while( m_ListCmp->GetFirstSelected() != -1 )
        // Get the component for the current iteration
        componentIndex = m_ListCmp->GetFirstSelected();
        component = m_netlist.GetComponent( componentIndex );

        if( component == NULL )

        // Check to see if the component has already a footprint set.
        hasFootprint = !component->GetFPID().empty();

        FPID fpid;

        if( !aFootprintName.IsEmpty() )
            wxCHECK_RET( fpid.Parse( aFootprintName ) < 0,
                         wxString::Format( wxT( "<%s> is not a valid FPID." ),
                                           GetChars( aFootprintName ) ) );

        component->SetFPID( fpid );

        // create the new component description
        description.Printf( CMP_FORMAT, componentIndex + 1,
                            GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                            GetChars( component->GetValue() ),
                            GetChars( FROM_UTF8( component->GetFPID().Format().c_str() ) ) );

        // If the component hasn't had a footprint associated with it
        // it now has, so we decrement the count of components without
        // a footprint assigned.
        if( !hasFootprint )
            hasFootprint = true;
            m_undefinedComponentCnt -= 1;

        // Set the new description and deselect the processed component
        m_ListCmp->SetString( componentIndex, description );
        m_ListCmp->SetSelection( componentIndex, false );

    // Mark this "session" as modified
    m_modified = true;

    // select the next component, if there is one
    if( componentIndex < (m_ListCmp->GetCount() - 1) )

    m_ListCmp->SetSelection( componentIndex, true );

    // update the statusbar
コード例 #2
ファイル: netlist_reader.cpp プロジェクト: cpavlina/kicad
bool CMP_READER::Load( NETLIST* aNetlist )
    wxCHECK_MSG( aNetlist != NULL,true, wxT( "No netlist passed to CMP_READER::Load()" ) );

    wxString reference;    // Stores value read from line like Reference = BUS1;
    wxString timestamp;    // Stores value read from line like TimeStamp = /32307DE2/AA450F67;
    wxString footprint;    // Stores value read from line like IdModule  = CP6;
    wxString buffer;
    wxString value;

    bool ok = true;

    while( m_lineReader->ReadLine() )
        buffer = FROM_UTF8( m_lineReader->Line() );

        if( !buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "BeginCmp" ) ) )

        // Begin component description.

        while( m_lineReader->ReadLine() )
            buffer = FROM_UTF8( m_lineReader->Line() );

            if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "EndCmp" ) ) )

            // store string value, stored between '=' and ';' delimiters.
            value = buffer.AfterFirst( '=' );
            value = value.BeforeLast( ';' );
            value.Trim( true );
            value.Trim( false );

            if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "Reference" ) ) )
                reference = value;

            if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "IdModule  =" ) ) )
                footprint = value;

            if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "TimeStamp =" ) ) )
                timestamp = value;

        // Find the corresponding item in component list:
        COMPONENT* component = aNetlist->GetComponentByReference( reference );

        // The corresponding component could no longer existing in the netlist.  This
        // can happen when it is removed from schematic and still exists in footprint
        // assignment list.  This is an usual case during the life of a design.
        if( component )
            LIB_ID fpid;

            if( !footprint.IsEmpty() && fpid.Parse( footprint ) >= 0 )
                wxString error;
                error.Printf( _( "invalid footprint ID in\nfile: \"%s\"\nline: %d" ),
                              GetChars( m_lineReader->GetSource() ),
                              m_lineReader->LineNumber() );

                THROW_IO_ERROR( error );

            // For checking purpose, store the existing LIB_ID (if any) in the alternate fpid copy
            // if this existing LIB_ID differs from the LIB_ID read from the .cmp file.
            // CvPcb can ask for user to chose the right LIB_ID.
            // It happens if the LIB_ID was modified outside CvPcb.
            if( fpid != component->GetFPID() && !component->GetFPID().empty() )
                component->SetAltFPID( component->GetFPID() );

            component->SetFPID( fpid );
            ok = false;     // can be used to display a warning in Pcbnew.

    return ok;
コード例 #3
ファイル: readwrite_dlgs.cpp プロジェクト: jerkey/kicad
bool CVPCB_MAINFRAME::ReadNetListAndLinkFiles()
    COMPONENT* component;
    wxString   msg;
    bool       isLegacy = true;


    if( m_ListCmp == NULL )
        return false;

    LoadProjectFile( m_NetlistFileName.GetFullPath() );

    m_undefinedComponentCnt = 0;

    if( m_netlist.AnyFootprintsLinked() )
        for( unsigned i = 0;  i < m_netlist.GetCount();  i++ )
            component = m_netlist.GetComponent( i );

            if( component->GetFPID().empty() )

            if( isLegacy )
                if( !component->GetFPID().IsLegacy() )
                    isLegacy = false;
        isLegacy = false;  // None of the components have footprints assigned.

    wxString missingLibs;

    // Check if footprint links were generated before the footprint library table was implemented.
    if( isLegacy )
        if( m_footprintLibTable->MissingLegacyLibs( m_ModuleLibNames, &missingLibs ) )
            msg = wxT( "The following legacy libraries are defined in the project file "
                       "were not found in the footprint library table:\n\n" ) + missingLibs;
            msg += wxT( "\nDo you want to update the footprint library table before "
                        "attempting to update the assigned footprints?" );

            if( IsOK( this, msg ) )
                wxCommandEvent cmd;

                OnEditFootprintLibraryTable( cmd );

        msg = wxT( "Some or all of the assigned footprints contain legacy entries.  Would you "
                   "like CvPcb to attempt to convert them to the new footprint library table "
                   "format?" );

        if( IsOK( this, msg ) )
            WX_STRING_REPORTER reporter( &msg );

            if( !m_footprintLibTable->ConvertFromLegacy( m_netlist, m_ModuleLibNames, &reporter ) )
                HTML_MESSAGE_BOX dlg( this, wxEmptyString );

                dlg.MessageSet( wxT( "The following errors occurred attempt to convert the "
                                     "footprint assignments:\n\n" ) );
                dlg.ListSet( msg );
                dlg.MessageSet( wxT( "\nYou will need to reassign them manually if you want them "
                                     "to be updated correctly the next time you import the "
                                     "netlist in Pcbnew." ) );

            m_modified = true;
            // Clear the legacy footprint assignments.
            for( unsigned i = 0;  i < m_netlist.GetCount();  i++ )
                FPID emptyFPID;
                component = m_netlist.GetComponent( i );
                component->SetFPID( emptyFPID );
                m_modified = true;

    for( unsigned i = 0;  i < m_netlist.GetCount();  i++ )
        component = m_netlist.GetComponent( i );

        msg.Printf( CMP_FORMAT, m_ListCmp->GetCount() + 1,
                    GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                    GetChars( component->GetValue() ),
                    GetChars( FROM_UTF8( component->GetFPID().Format().c_str() ) ) );

        m_ListCmp->AppendLine( msg );

        if( component->GetFPID().empty() )
            m_undefinedComponentCnt += 1;

    if( !m_netlist.IsEmpty() )
        m_ListCmp->SetSelection( 0, true );



    UpdateFileHistory( m_NetlistFileName.GetFullPath() );

    return true;
コード例 #4
 * Function convertFromLegacy
 * converts the footprint names in \a aNetList from the legacy format to the #FPID format.
 * @param aNetList is the #NETLIST object to convert.
 * @param aLibNames is the list of legacy footprint library names from the currently loaded
 *                  project.
 * @param aReporter is the #REPORTER object to dump messages into.
 * @return true if all footprint names were successfully converted to a valid FPID.
static bool convertFromLegacy( FP_LIB_TABLE* aTbl, SEARCH_STACK& aSStack, NETLIST& aNetList,
        const wxArrayString& aLibNames, REPORTER* aReporter = NULL ) throw( IO_ERROR )
    wxString   msg;
    FPID       lastFPID;
    COMPONENT* component;
    MODULE*    module = 0;
    bool       retv = true;

    if( aNetList.IsEmpty() )
        return true;


    wxString   libPath;

    PLUGIN::RELEASER pi( IO_MGR::PluginFind( IO_MGR::LEGACY ) );

    for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aNetList.GetCount(); ii++ )
        component = aNetList.GetComponent( ii );

        // The footprint hasn't been assigned yet so ignore it.
        if( component->GetFPID().empty() )

        if( component->GetFPID() != lastFPID )
            module = NULL;

            for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < aLibNames.GetCount(); ii++ )
                wxFileName fn( wxEmptyString, aLibNames[ii], LegacyFootprintLibPathExtension );

                libPath = aSStack.FindValidPath( fn.GetFullPath() );

                if( !libPath )
                    if( aReporter )
                        msg.Printf( _( "Cannot find footprint library file '%s' in any of the "
                                       "KiCad legacy library search paths.\n" ),
                                    GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
                        aReporter->Report( msg );

                    retv = false;

                module = pi->FootprintLoad( libPath, component->GetFPID().GetFootprintName() );

                if( module )
                    lastFPID = component->GetFPID();

        if( !module )
            if( aReporter )
                msg.Printf( _( "Component '%s' footprint '%s' was not found in any legacy "
                               "library.\n" ),
                            GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                            GetChars( component->GetFPID().Format() ) );
                aReporter->Report( msg );

            // Clear the footprint assignment since the old library lookup method is no
            // longer valid.
            FPID emptyFPID;

            component->SetFPID( emptyFPID );
            retv = false;
            wxString    libNickname;

            const FP_LIB_TABLE::ROW* row;

            if( ( row = aTbl->FindRowByURI( libPath ) ) != NULL )
                libNickname = row->GetNickName();

            if( libNickname.IsEmpty() )
                if( aReporter )
                    msg.Printf( _( "Component '%s' with footprint '%s' and legacy library path '%s' "
                                   "was not found in the footprint library table.\n" ),
                                GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                                GetChars( component->GetFPID().Format() ),
                                GetChars( libPath )
                    aReporter->Report( msg );

                retv = false;
                FPID newFPID = lastFPID;
                newFPID.SetLibNickname( libNickname );

                if( !newFPID.IsValid() )
                    if( aReporter )
                        msg.Printf( _( "Component '%s' FPID '%s' is not valid.\n" ),
                                    GetChars( component->GetReference() ),
                                    GetChars( newFPID.Format() ) );
                        aReporter->Report( msg );

                    retv = false;
                    // The footprint name should already be set.
                    component->SetFPID( newFPID );

    return retv;