void CModelFormItem::DrawField(CPaintDC & dc) { CRect rectItem; GetClientRect(rectItem); int eff = m_param.GetEndFirstField(); int bsf = m_param.GetBeginSecondField(); dc.MoveTo(eff, rectItem.top + 2); dc.LineTo(eff, rectItem.bottom - 2); dc.MoveTo(bsf, rectItem.top + 2); dc.LineTo(bsf, rectItem.bottom - 2); }
void CSeparator::DrawLine(CPaintDC &dc, CRect &clientRect) { HPEN hp = dc.SelectPen(Globals::Instance().sep.pen); dc.MoveTo(clientRect.left, (clientRect.top + clientRect.bottom) / 2-1); dc.LineTo(clientRect.right, (clientRect.top + clientRect.bottom) / 2-1); dc.SelectPen(hp); }
void CAfficheMesPol::AxeGraph(CPaintDC &dc) { dc.FillSolidRect(PosGrX(0),PosGrY(255),PosGrX(255)-20,PosGrY(0)-40,RGB(255,255,255)); CPen PenAxe(PS_SOLID,1,RGB(0,0,0)); dc.SelectObject(&PenAxe); dc.MoveTo(PosGrX(0),PosGrY(0)); dc.LineTo(PosGrX(0),PosGrY(255)); dc.MoveTo(PosGrX(0),PosGrY(0)); dc.LineTo(PosGrX(255),PosGrY(0)); for(int i=5;i<255;i+=5) { dc.MoveTo(PosGrX(0),PosGrY(i)); dc.LineTo(PosGrX(3),PosGrY(i)); dc.MoveTo(PosGrX(i),PosGrY(0)); dc.LineTo(PosGrX(i),PosGrY(3)); } DeleteObject(&PenAxe); }
// CFileOpenDlg::DoPaint // // Paints the splitter if it is displayed // void CFileOpenDlg::DoPaint(CPaintDC& dc) { if(m_nState == vsStandard) { CRect rcClient; int y; GetClientRect(&rcClient); y = m_ySplit; dc.MoveTo(0, y); dc.LineTo(rcClient.right, y); y += 6; // This is the splitter height dc.MoveTo(0, y); dc.LineTo(rcClient.right, y); } }
void CMainWindow::OnPaint () { CPaintDC dc (this); // // Initialize the device context. // dc.SetMapMode (MM_LOENGLISH); dc.SetTextAlign (TA_CENTER | TA_BOTTOM); dc.SetBkMode (TRANSPARENT); // // Draw the body of the ruler. // CBrush brush (RGB (255, 255, 0)); CBrush* pOldBrush = dc.SelectObject (&brush); dc.Rectangle (100, -100, 1300, -200); dc.SelectObject (pOldBrush); // // Draw the tick marks and labels. // for (int i=125; i<1300; i+=25) { dc.MoveTo (i, -192); dc.LineTo (i, -200); } for (i=150; i<1300; i+=50) { dc.MoveTo (i, -184); dc.LineTo (i, -200); } for (i=200; i<1300; i+=100) { dc.MoveTo (i, -175); dc.LineTo (i, -200); CString string; string.Format (_T ("%d"), (i / 100) - 1); dc.TextOut (i, -175, string); } }
void CIperfView::PaintItems(CPaintDC &dc, CIperfViewItem *pa) { POSITION pos; INT_PTR count; INT_PTR idx = 0; double x0 = 0, x1 = 0, y = 0; double t0, t1; double xstep, ystep; double speed; int fast = 0; CRect rect; count = pa->m_List.GetCount(); GetClientRect(&rect); xstep = rect.Width() / 60.0; ystep = rect.Height() / HEIGHT; CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 1, pa->m_color); CPen* pOldPen = dc.SelectObject(&pen); for ( pos = pa->m_List.GetHeadPosition(); pos != NULL; pa->m_List.GetNext( pos ) ) { t0 = pa->m_List.GetAt( pos ).t0; t1 = pa->m_List.GetAt( pos ).t1; if(pa->m_List.GetAt( pos ).speed) { speed = 10*log10(pa->m_List.GetAt( pos ).speed); } else { speed = 0; } // x0 = t0 * xstep; x1 = t1 * xstep; y = rect.Height() - speed * ystep; // point set CRect rect0( (int)x0-2, (int)y-2, (int)x0+2, (int)y+2); CRect rect1( (int)x1-2, (int)y-2, (int)x1+2, (int)y+2); //dc.Ellipse(rect0); dc.Ellipse(rect1); if(fast++ == 0) dc.MoveTo(CPoint((int)x0,(int)y)); dc.LineTo(CPoint((int)x1,(int)y)); } dc.SelectObject(pOldPen); }
void CIperfView::PaintXMaps(CPaintDC &dc) { CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); double x, xstep; xstep = rect.Width() / 60.0 * 2; for(x =0.0; x < rect.Width() ; x += xstep) { CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(240,240,240)); CPen* pOldPen = dc.SelectObject(&pen); dc.MoveTo(CPoint( (int)x, 1)); dc.LineTo(CPoint( (int)x, (int)rect.Height() - 1)); dc.SelectObject(pOldPen); } }
void CDepartmentEstimationDialog::DrawDepartment(CPaintDC &dc, std::vector<SPosition> Coordinates, std::string DerpartmentName /*= ""*/) { // First, Draw Contour // ------------------- if (Coordinates.size() == 0) return; CBrush brush(3, RGB(255,255,255)); dc.SelectObject(&brush); dc.MoveTo(ConvertPhysicalCoordinateToCanvas(Coordinates[0])); for (unsigned int i = 1; i < Coordinates.size(); i++) { dc.LineTo(ConvertPhysicalCoordinateToCanvas(Coordinates[i])); } dc.LineTo(ConvertPhysicalCoordinateToCanvas(Coordinates[0])); brush.DeleteObject(); if (DerpartmentName == "") return; // this is the establishment itself and does not require name printing // Then, Print Title // ----------------- CRectReal RectReal = GetEncapsulatingRect(Coordinates); SPosition DepartmentNamePosition; DepartmentNamePosition.x = (RectReal.left + RectReal.right) / 2; DepartmentNamePosition.y = (RectReal.top + RectReal.bottom) / 2; POINT DepartmentNamePositionOnCanvas = ConvertPhysicalCoordinateToCanvas(DepartmentNamePosition); DrawText(dc, DerpartmentName.c_str(), RGB(255,255,255), DepartmentNamePositionOnCanvas.x - HALF_TEXT_WIDTH, DepartmentNamePositionOnCanvas.y - HALF_TEXT_HEIGHT, DepartmentNamePositionOnCanvas.x + HALF_TEXT_WIDTH, DepartmentNamePositionOnCanvas.y + HALF_TEXT_HEIGHT); }
void CIperfView::PaintYMaps(CPaintDC &dc) { CRect rect; GetClientRect(&rect); double y, ystep, k, j; ystep = rect.Height() / HEIGHT; for(j = 1; j < 10000000000; j*=10) { for(k = 1; k < 10; k++) { y = rect.Height() - 10*log10(k*j) * ystep; if(y < 0) goto over; CPen pen(PS_SOLID, 1, ((k != 1) ? RGB(240,240,240) : RGB(120,120,120)) ); CPen* pOldPen = dc.SelectObject(&pen); dc.MoveTo(CPoint( 1, (int)y)); dc.LineTo(CPoint( (int)rect.Width() -1, (int)y)); dc.SelectObject(pOldPen); } } over: return; }