// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CMissionQueueManager::saveToFile() { H_AUTO(CMissionQueueManagerSaveToFile); if( _InitOk ) { string sFilename = MissionQueueFile.get(); // save file via Backup Service (BS) try { static CPersistentDataRecordRyzomStore pdr; pdr.clear(); store(pdr); CBackupMsgSaveFile msg( sFilename, CBackupMsgSaveFile::SaveFile, Bsi ); { std::string s; pdr.toString(s); msg.DataMsg.serialBuffer((uint8*)&s[0], (uint)s.size()); } Bsi.sendFile( msg ); } catch(const Exception &) { nlwarning("(EGS)<CMissionQueueManager::saveToFile> : Can't serial file %s (connection with BS service down ?)",sFilename.c_str()); return; } } }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CDynamicItems::save(uint subIndex) { H_AUTO(CDynamicItems_save); static CPersistentDataRecordRyzomStore pdr; pdr.clear(); store(pdr, subIndex); string fileName; makeFileName(subIndex, fileName); CBackupMsgSaveFile msg( fileName, CBackupMsgSaveFile::SaveFile, Bsi ); if (XMLSave) { string s; pdr.toString(s); msg.DataMsg.serialBuffer((uint8*)&s[0], (uint)s.size()); } else { uint size = pdr.totalDataSize(); vector<char> buffer(size); pdr.toBuffer(&buffer[0], size); msg.DataMsg.serialBuffer((uint8*)&buffer[0], size); } Bsi.sendFile( msg ); }
void CTotemBase::totemFileCallback(const CFileDescription& fileDescription, NLMISC::IStream& dataStream) { static CPersistentDataRecordRyzomStore pdr; pdr.clear(); pdr.fromBuffer(dataStream); // pdr.readFromFile( sFilePath.c_str() ); apply( pdr ); }
bool CTotemBase::tickUpdate() { if ( _IsBuildingFinished == true ) return false; NLMISC::TGameCycle currentCycle = CTickEventHandler::getGameCycle(); _TotemCurrentHP += ( currentCycle - _LastTickUpdate ) * _BuildHpGain; if ( _TotemCurrentHP > _TotemMaxHP ) _TotemCurrentHP = _TotemMaxHP; if ( _BotObject ) { _BotObject->getScores()._PhysicalScores[SCORES::hit_points].Current = (sint32)_TotemCurrentHP; nlinfo( "Totem %d HP : %d", _RegionAlias, _BotObject->currentHp() ); } if ( currentCycle - _BuildingStartTime >= TotemBuildTime ) { // the totem has finished building _IsBuildingFinished = true; CPVPFactionHOF::getInstance()->writeStatInHOFDatabase( 0, _OwnerFaction, CPVPFactionHOF::builded_spire, 1 ); } // save updates every 10 seconds if ( ( currentCycle % 100 ) == 0 ) { string sFilePath = toString( "totems/totems_%d.bin", _RegionAlias ); static CPersistentDataRecordRyzomStore pdr; pdr.clear(); store( pdr ); CBackupMsgSaveFile msg( sFilePath, CBackupMsgSaveFile::SaveFile, Bsi ); uint32 bufSize= pdr.totalDataSize(); vector<char> buffer; buffer.resize( bufSize ); pdr.toBuffer( &buffer[0], bufSize ); msg.DataMsg.serialBuffer( (uint8*)&buffer[0], bufSize ); Bsi.sendFile( msg ); } _LastTickUpdate = currentCycle; return true; }
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- void COutpostManager::saveOutpost(NLMISC::CSmartPtr<COutpost> outpost) { nlassert(_OutpostSaveFilesLoaded); if (outpost == NULL) return; H_AUTO(COutpostManager_saveOutpost); static CPersistentDataRecordRyzomStore pdr; pdr.clear(); { H_AUTO(COutpostManagerSTORE) outpost->store(pdr); } string fileName = NLMISC::toString("outposts/outpost_%u.%s", outpost->getAlias(), (XMLSave)? "xml" : "bin" ); if( UseBS ) { try { CBackupMsgSaveFile msg( fileName, CBackupMsgSaveFile::SaveFile, Bsi ); if (XMLSave) { H_AUTO(COutpostSerialXML); std::string s; pdr.toString(s); msg.DataMsg.serialBuffer((uint8*)&s[0], (uint)s.size()); } else { H_AUTO(COutpostSerialBin); uint32 bufSize= pdr.totalDataSize(); vector<char> buffer; buffer.resize(bufSize); pdr.toBuffer(&buffer[0],bufSize); msg.DataMsg.serialBuffer((uint8*)&buffer[0], bufSize); } Bsi.sendFile( msg ); } catch( Exception& ) { OUTPOST_WRN("Can't serial file %s",fileName.c_str()); return; } } else { H_AUTO( COutpostManagerSTORE_NO_BS ) pdr.writeToBinFile((Bsi.getLocalPath() + fileName).c_str()); } }